—— — sora: ZEPPELIN yi, NO. 211. — eS —— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, PRINCE RUPERT, B, G,, 1915 ———————=== = PRICE FIVE CENTS = RUSSIANS CAPTURE 8,000 MEN AND 30 GUNS — = AGAIN RAID THE ENGLISH COAST — VIOLENT FIGHTING IN ARGONNE RUSSIANS CAPTURE EIGHT THOUSAND MEN AND 30 GUNS SEVERE DEFEAT INFLICTED ON GERMANS EAST OF LEMBERG VON HINDENBURG STILL HELD UP ON DVINA—THE ARTILLERY STRUGGLE ON WESTERN FRONT STILL CONTINUES (Special to The Dally Newe.) AWE BRUTALLY MURDERED (Special to The Dally News.) New York, Sept. 9.—The mur- der of Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols, a weallby widow, and the theft of halfa million in jewels has caus- Fed a great sensation. The maid and house boy told how three ed en bound and gaggei them and foreed an entrance into Mrs. Nichols’ room. The body was f{ vith the face cut, the clothing | and a twisted towel 1 nd the neek, The house boy, O lalls, has made a con- fe f guilt. PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES Mr. Str Th al Mr. ( ( wifi M and w { says rhe ttenhouse, Miss Galbraith, morman, Mr, nd wife, Miss Kennedy, Nelson, Mr. Davis, Mrs. Mr. Harbert, Mr. Avery The Russians the Puesday near Tarno- Sept. 9. , severe defeat on ty miles east of Lem- rhey captured thirty guns, and 8,000 men and Von to foree a passage of Hindenberg is Artillery Struggle. An official Sant 9, re- strug- Arras artillery jing on around of Hoye, betweot the Aisne, in Cham- ALTHY WIDOW lowing were amongst ass passengers on the rege this morning. Sordeate, Miss Corkhill, ton and wife, Mr. Allan, land and family, Miss Mr. Stenstrom, Mr. Mac- Mr. Hoskins, Miss Wes- th, Mrs. G., A, MeNicholl ly, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Dye, ine, Mr. Sloane, Jr., Mrs. Mr. Levell, Mrs. J. Ritchie, Barrett and Ferguson and wife, Mr. i, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Por- Brown, Mr, A, Davidson, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Davidson, T F oor CHARLES BALAGNO ormer pupil of F. @. Strong. TERMS MODERATE MUSIC Mianoist at Westholme) EACHER OF PIANOFORTE PHONE 408 Fau LONDONCAFE 1 Hart Bik, And Grill Itless Service of Fault- ess Food Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADiEs pagne and in the western part of Argonne. “The after bombardment with shells contain- Germans intense ing suffocating gases, which were extensively employed, delivered an attack. two divisions they were atlacked. The attempt against Led by violently our positions ecountel failed in their front “Following the bombardment of Germans to break our line. Nancy by German aeroplanes, a French squadron threw shells up- on the military establishments at Freseatisablons station and Wetz. MEMBERS OF SEA LION COMMISSION ARRIVE Dr. Newcombe, of Victoria, and rr. Fraser, of Nanaimo, members of the fhe Biological Department to in- commission appointed by vestigate how far the ravages of interfere with fishing arrived on the Mal- afternoon. The tour of sea lions on the coast, aspino yesterday Malaspino is making a the northern coast in order to give the commissioners an op- portunity of studying conditions. COMEDY AND DRAMA AT MAJESTIC THEATRE The Majestic good program for Theatre has a real tonight. ‘The two- the rescue of a life crooks and the placing the shelter of a fact that her brother is one of the crooks leads to com- plications, but courage triumph in the long run. “In the Latin thrilling Fortunes of Mariana’ is a reel drama which depicts girl from a amongst of her in good home. The innocence and Quarter” is a of Bo- in which the two-reel story hemian life in Paris, jealousy of an artist’s wife leads to tragedy, ““Raskey’s Road Show” is the funniest ‘Ham’ comedy seen for a long time. Ham, as a property man, deals out mis- haps and general destruction in the most happy-go-lucky fashion. One thousand feet of clever cari- cature completes a very fine pro- gram. FOR OLD COUNTRY ——S Mr. Kendall, a brother of Mrs. Hal Peck, and late professor of chemistry in McGill College, Van- couver, left for the old country ‘this morning, where he will offer his services to the Empire in the manufacture of munitions. ———— —_— SALE OF COOKING There will be a sale of home cooking for the Red Cross Society on Friday at the store of Mrs Frizzell, Third Ave. and Fifth St. Mrs. Henning and Mrs. Morrow All ladies are home-made will be in charge. requested to bring } cooking. eS ae TRUST SECRETARY | ARRESTED FOR THEFT (Special to The Daily News.) 9.—John Vancouver, B.C., Sept. Heaps, Columbia been arrested on theft. It is alleged $10,000 to pay clients, The and its subsidiary The American in- secretary, of the Trust Co., has a charge of that he Insurance received premiums of which is unaccounted for. Columbia Trust companies are in liquidation. charges are laid by surance companies. THE PRINCE ALBERT RETURNS TO VANCOUVER The Prince Albert, which has been trading between San Fran- cisco and Mexican ports during the summer, returned to Vancou- Captain Nicholson the the tions were unsatisfactory. ver yesterday. refused to extend vessel's southern charter, as condi- PACIFIC MINING NOTES Mr. Geo. B, Gerau, the mining expert, is at the Nicholl Hotel. He is here to complete arrangements forthedevelopment of the “Brant- ford Group” on Fiddler mountain, and also looking over other prop- erties on behalf of eastern finan- cers. Whitmore and Mack Orr Kar] are at present in town from Le- gate Creek, They have been pros- pecting their steel galena prop- erty more fully and find four parallel veins of high grade cop- per ore running the full length of two claims and then merging into one lead. On sinking, the veins broaden out and everything idicates an extensive body of min- eral. present Legate are Bud and Scottie Reid, of Ru- McKinnon, of Hazel- Young are also up Amongst others at prospecting on Corley perti Frank ton, and Capt. the creek looking over the variou3 properties. The placer working on both Lorne and Fiddler creeks are suf- fering through lack of water but otherwise the outlook is guuod. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL Northwestern League. Spokane, 2. Tacoma, 3; Vancouver-Seattle game post- poned on account of rain. National League. Chicago, 0; St. Louis, 2. New York, 3; Philadelphia, 4. Boston, 12-4; Brooklyn, 1-1. American League. Detroit, 9; Chicago, 10. St. Louis, 5; Cleveland, 7 Washington, 1; New York, 0. Philadelphia, 1-2; Bosten,0- 43, Coast League. Vernon, 3;Salt Lake, 4. Portland, 4; Oakland, 4. San Francisco, 4; Los Angeles, Fellow the crowd to Self’s Cafe. There is a reason,. Next Majestic Theatre. 102th. MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE AGAINST MINE INSPECTOR (Special to The Dally News.) Sept. Bowser Victoria, 8.—Aitorney- has ordered the H. Tonkin, Western General prosecution of J. of the Fuel Com- and chief provincial inspector of mines, on This re- man- ager pany Thomas Graham, charges of manslaughter. course has been taken as a sult of the report brought down by Mr. Justice Murphy, who in- quired into the disaster at South Mine, in the loss of nineteen lives. Wellington which resulted SAVE YOUR CHANGE FOR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 is the Red day in Prince Rupert. Tomorrow (Friday? Cross sale Mrs. Frizzell’s store, which has been kindly lent for the occasion, hands of Mrs. Hen. ning and Mrs. Morrow for the day. will be in the Bachelors, old and young, and vl the ladies will be there to help along the sale. Cigars and cigarettes have been donated and Mr. Arthur Noble, Prince Rupert's first returned soldier, will be there from 2 p. m. until 6 to sell them. He will ex- plain about the great work the Red Cross Society is doing on the battlefields for the wounded boys Don’t forget Friday, September 10th is the day;* Mrs. Frizzell's store, Third Avenue, is the place, and everybody is invited. FIFTY-THREE STALWART RECRUITS LEFT TODAY A body of 53 stalwart recruits from the interior last night and left for the south on the Prince George to join the 67th Battalion at Victoria. They are the command of Lieut. W. of Prince George. The was commissioned to raise men for the Western Battalion of Pioneers, over haif of arrived under F. Cook, latter a hundred Scottish and has, therefore, them with him, follow in the course of a week. The party left today looked just the stuff to put up a fight, and in three months should make one of the finest companies in the Canadian army. They brought with them two grizzly cubs, in splendid con- the remainder to which stubborn dition, These were the property of W. Hedges, who captured them in the spring about 400 miles north of Prince George when he shot the mother. He has handed them the battalion as mascots, " over to PERMISSION TO USE SEWER PLANS GRANTED At the council Tuesday night permission was granted to Mr, Tobey, of the G. T. P., to use the city sewer plans in order to make blue prints of them, the plans to be returned to the city hall each evening. Pipes, Chimneys, Ranges and Furnaces cleaned and put in or- der. Have it done before the bad weather sets in, Fritz, phone 583. TEPPELINS MAKE (Special to The Dally News.) London, Sept. 9.—Twenty were killed and eighty-six injurtd in a Zeppelim raid on the east coast This is the third German air raid on Eng- in three days. Ferocious Fighting. Paris, Sept. 9.—There is violent the Argonne district. of England last night. land fighting in A ferocious German attack has been repulsed. Passports Cancelled. Washington, Sept. 9.—Secre- ANOTHER RAID ON COAST OF ENGLAND TWENTY KILLED AND EIGHTY-SIX INJURED—VERY VIOLENT FIGHTING IN ARGONNE —. —...cIOUS GERMAN ATTACK REPULSED—AN AMERICAN CORRESPONDENT ARRESTED passports of Jas. F. Archibald, an American correspondent upon whom the British Secret Service men found communications from Dr. Duma, the Austrian ambas- sador, to the Austrian Foreign Office, regarding a campaign of strikes in munition plants. Arehi- bald is now in Rotterdam, CARD OF THANKS The of the late Robert Allison thank all so kindly expressed sympathy in family desire to who tary Lansing has cancelled the their bereavement. “PADDY” SULLIVAN HAS BIG SENDOFF “Paddy” Sullivan, one of Prince Rupert’s real old timers, had a great send-off this morning when he jeft on the Prince George for Vancouver, en route for the front Paddy is not so young in years as the majority of our recruits, but he is as fit as any, and, with his past experience in the army, should be a very useful man. Many of his old friends were at the wharf to wish him luck. The Prince George drew away LATE ROBERT ALLISON CAME WEST IN 1882 The late Robert Allison, whose remains were taken to Victoria on the Prince George this morn- ing, was one of the early pioneers of the west, having left Ontario 1882. Coming to the coast in 1909, Mr. for Moose Jaw, Sask., in Allison arrived in Prinee Rupert a year later. Deceased was a member of the LO. O. BF, 1883, instituted the Valley Lodge No. 1 at Moose acting as and on Dectember 28, Jaw, from the wharf to the strains of Tipperary, taken up enthusiastic - ally by the recruits from the in- terior, amongst whom the stal- wart Paddy will be most popular before the boat reaches Vanecou- ver, “THE SIGN OF THE CROSS” AT WESTHOLME THEATRE The Westhoime was packed last night and every member of the large audience must have been delighted with the four-part Famous production of “The Sign of the Cross.’ Wilson Barrett's world-famous drama is still one of the most popular on the stage, the sereen it stands out as of the most marvellous works of the film, Players and on one The scenes of ancient Rome and the court of the Emperor Nero are wonderfully realistic, while the contrast between the barbaric splendor of Roman so0- ciety and the simplicity of the early Christians is strikingly por- trayed. The staging of the piece is most elaborate, the Bacchana- lian feast scene and the arena on a Roman holiday, with its gladia- ‘tors, being particularly fine. As Marcus Superbus, the Prefect of Rome, William Farnum is most impressive, and is ably supported by an all-star company. Two real good comedies com- plete a program which is offered at 15 cents, but is well worth more, The music at the West- holme is always a special feature, but last night the orchestra ex- celled itself in “The Pilgrim's Chorus” from Tannhauser, and in “Orpheus.” Grand Sire, and he became the first N. G. of that lodge. As a young man he joined the L. O. L. of the death, local was still a member at the time of his affiliated the and order having with lodge, He leaves a family of five sons daughters. They are Mrs, A. Douglas, Prince Rupert, and Mrs, M. Ross, Binseorth, Man. and Messrs. W. H, Allison and A, L.. Allison, Royal Oak, Vietoria, B. G., H. J. Allison, Pasqua, Sask., W. G. Allison, Dew Drop; and A, H. Allison, of this city. Wreaths were contributed by L. O. L. No, 2340, Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Kerr, a cross by Mrs. M. A. Thomas, and flowers by Mr| and Mrs. Phil Macdonald, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens, Dr. and Mrs. Kergin, Mr. and Mrs, 'T, R. Strang, and Mrs. T. V. Reid. The Oddfel- lows have ordered a wreath to be placed on the coffin in Victoria. WESTHOLME a OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE Te TONIGHT AND TOMORROW WILLIAM FARNUM supported by an all-star cast in “THE SIGN OF THE CROSS" Hundreds of people, beautiful setnes , exciting and emotional—the only film of this standard ever shown in Prince Rupert. “SETH'S SWEATHEART” Comedy. “TAKEN BY STORM” Comedy. POPULAR CRG 16 200% See: Next Friday and es PATHE GAZETTE, cneatig and two all the Latest War | ares ee