FHE DAILY NLWS Bhursday, September 9, yyye There’s a Wealth of Goodness. ANOTHER coPPEn WEA a ———— e's a PROPERTY BONDED ose oor Your King and Country] = = SK termed ¢ Messrs. Fetter and Carleton, of Need You Prince George, have closed a dea! with Dennis Comeau for a year’s bond on Comeau’s copper proper- ec wre igo eg Ble oes ty on Rocher de Boule mountain eee to the Rocher de Boule mine ! tramway. J. J. Hibbard acted for RECRUITS WANTED FON cana 62nd OVERSEAS aartall the purchasers and he had no CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIAL Gover NM OFFICE NOW OPEN. pe sooner signed the papers than he wired to Prince George for an outfit to be sent by the first train ‘which will enable him to start Perfectly preserved in tis a Aluminium package —keeps_ the goodness in, and the contamination out. - ——— In view of the recruiting which is in progr ‘ ul TO8e throughout the Province, it is apropos to answ: en : : . r a few of _ operations, the questions which are considered by those wy) R RENT Local News Notes : rhe new owners will establish plate entering the Service. The following js a iN oe F0 ‘ia camp near the tram line just § nent queries, together with he information which oa, h ne J. V. Rittenhouse arrived on the/back of Carnaby, and a few miles ‘THE FAIR 1915 QUESTIONS ANSWERED. aed George today. west of New Hazelton, and it will i.—How long am I to serve? Unt! the end of the war HOUSE ON SIXTH AVE., Pe be ready by the time the steel, ARE YOU A U A MEMBER? and six months after if required. ba M. J. Hobin left for the interior}drills, etc., arrive from the east. ———- oo 2.—-What pay shall I receive? Your pay as a p ivate SECTION SIX this morning. Mr. Hibbard will be in charge of It costs $1 and no more to join be $1.00 per day and 10 cents field allowance ‘ iii wat east ince the work, At the beginning four]the N. B. C. Agr, Ass'n., payable, you will be clothed, equipped and subsisted by th aa a 00 PER MONTH A special fish express went east|or five men will be employed untillat any time before the ist of ment. : vern. $8. = rela eee more room is made. October nee 3.—What will my wife receive during my absence? Kver ; Ae Oe The Herald has been informed! Membership” spells strength. month there will be paid her a separation a|| ce of as aa ete F. G. Dawson left for the in-|{hat the first work will be a short|The government base the Fair (also part of your pay) and if this be not enouch 1, a PATTULLO & RADFORD §/'°"'°" 0" & Busimess trip. today. Jeross-cut to tap the vein. This}grant each year on membership|§ fortably maintain your famfly, the Canadian Patriotic Pun xy ie ing tunnel has already been run sene|roll. 450 was the roll for 1914; will further assist them. a 2ND AVE Mrs. G. A. MeNicholl and family}twenty feet, but from thirty to]$500 the government grant, and 4.—What will happen if I am wounded or sick? You wij ' returned from San Francisco this seventy feet more will be required]1,000 is the number wanted for be cared for by the Government and your pay continued eT et a ies aed MOP Re, to cut the vein. Then about fifty/1915. Your $$ meany a better until you are discharged. [f you are permanently disabled i a ee Oe |feet of drift will be run on the/and larger fair. allowance will be paid you, varying according to the extent of A. E. WRIGHT The Knights of Pythias will vein, making in all in the neigh-{ Your dollar means more dollars your injury or disability. Provincial and Dominion hold a dance in the K. of P. Hall lborhood of a hundred feet of|in September next will be spent in 5.—What will be done for my wife and children if 1 ge Land Surveyor Friday night. work for the first month. your city. while on Active Service? The Government wil! provide di Surveying and Engineering wet a Comeau’s property is located on Your dollar is aiding develop- adequate pension, that will enable the family | ve com A. R. Barrow, the old time sur | the railway side of the mountain|ment, and helping to make pay- fortably until the childhen are old enough to look afte, thai P. 0. ra seer ™ one wens south | nd is exceptionally well situated. aware) ere on profit. ee selves. The widowed mother of a single man, if the son be : He has two claims and the show- Send in your name to the sec- her sole support, is treated in the same way as a wife A. H. Allison left for Victoria on the George, to attend the inter- ings on them have long interested|retary, Northern B. C. Agricultur- mining men, and it is the opinion|al and Industrial Ass’n., Box 1657, of those who know the ground |City. tf. THE IMPERIAL ment of his father. “A Dollar InTime odes te NT A ER eS Ga oe Cs) git se (Enea ANI team SC RO SUR RCE ne choles fore another copper mine is ship-], OOOO 8208 CODD | ° ” ER COIL Albert Davidson, general agent} WATER HEAT. C ple ‘ : ping from Tramville-—Omineca APERHANGING eet el 0 ° 3 Saves Nine FOR RANGES AND STOVES of the G. T. P., returned from nf ¥ ~ Is made hago girhigr for the south on the Prince George. |" °T!'™ KALSOMINING Now is the time to have a, aa aan oa ta ate skate a a i$ your roofs repaired, eve- ritish North America 3 amide tam beer wee . m TRUANCY PAINTING troughs and skylights seen : Mrs. Claney and Mrs. Tremayne poaninnene to, and heating plant put in for the purpose of WARNING! left for Toronto, Hamilton and The police have instructions to F. G. ROBERTS sae 13 good shape for the winter. | depositing part of your Purchasers of any in- other eastern points on today’s|take the name of any child seen bod daha oe een ¥, ©. Bon In such Cases : | earnings, becomes a pleasant fringing Stove Coil lay feats ant atrente kare aneees o~ soccroe Consult a Practical Man if You 3) snd profitable habit, when ome Sahin sunita wae ie ren hours | Want Results | you have acquired it. x re y Ba i C i ra po. of ER Ae n > re eee or There will be * special council| ———_— —— ——- 7 I served a regular appren- $| The dollar you use to open meeting at 8 o'clock sonizht to ; BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC Ree tee ene an account in the Savings cscs fo eee: ain te: eet he consider the redecking of road- , LUMP lar Sheet Metal Shop Not in 3! Department in turn savet best in Hot Water Heating Appli- —J| ways. \$ AJam Factory. | others, as the habit of saving “co 38h set COAL gro pe cue boolean: trkee The regular monthly meeting! a | C 0 ROWE | cio BANK OF Your Money Back If It Dont Suit. of St. Andrew’s Society will be| $9.50 per Ton — Cash on | . VU. As I own and control the above, ‘ 5 cin i Delivery The Practical Sheet Metal Man no one can put same in. shall-vie- J§)he\d tomorrow evening at St. An-| Money Back If Not Satis- $|$ PHONE 340 p.o. sox acy 3) MYitish 1North erica orously prosecute any Infringements. drew’s Hall. All members are re- i oney : . | factory Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. HARRY HANSON quested to attend. | 322 SECOND AVENUE | CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 17,9046 7 * j | } ‘, Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 ae %, . | Stand - Hotel Rupert r UNION TRANSFER CO Estimates Furnished to Can- 3. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH i he American schooner Leister/3| : 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 $3 tractors and others Free brought in her halibut cateh to-|roe co o o o dass P. MARGETTS, Manager. day. She is a Seattle boat and ist —_—=—=—= Os ____ — _ _ + —— iain FROZEN BAIT tos sas nn wiles ni the later three of nich tel | READ OUR | STORE CLOSED READ OUR HAND HAND | | CIRCULARS CIRCULARS: The Acme will be Closed IC E ing the latter three of which he has worked for Lynch Bros., left To arrange Stock and Mark Prices for the Greatest Stock Sale Ever Offered to the Public Sale Starts Friday Morning $25.00 per ton. A new German blow pipe uses For Sale by ® mixture of air and vapor from : KINCOLITH PACKIIG CO benzol, petroleum or. alcohol. LIMITED MILL BAY. B. C. For further particulars BAYVIEW HOTEL apply to THOR JOHNSON OPENS SEPTEMBER 5. Central Hotel. ‘ RRR Wore Homelike and Comfy _ Than Ever. FRESH, AIRY ROOMS AUTO DELIVERY §)} camry ome cooxina EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE ; Walker,s Music Store Removed to Werner’s Old Stand Phone --- 35 | a PLAYZR PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. Pioneer Laundry i eee Third Avenue East | Phone 118 f 5 We Use the Most Modern a Laundry Machinery Built. ec eee et ee se ate ‘wate aa pe ae b Jome In Any Tuesday or z Wednesday and See How a We Do It e < me = n V e ii Absolute Satisfaction Is mS Guaranteed Steen Se