. : op 10, 1915. Friday, September 4 z THR DAILY NEWS. = = — —___ wae ee ; : ' s hi] 4 uFruit-a-tives” Now Known as woman's Best Medicine wcmailidiad ails aaa. upRUIT-A-TI VES,’’ the famous a bey hsepighas ebay Solas adie. fr the of wo ven because ofa ZZ = wy) ne § the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to oT eae and its pleasant taste. UT THE “Ue” te purest of Cane Sugar. “Inset a a fle THAT Fo MIPORE 8 Every step tn the producing and manufac- 1 ” ic adaches, Pain ! f eee ge Prive eo “2 Cohen! | IN P turing of the delicious dam contributes to the oy Dio Cle Prosperity of B. C. It will satisfy the most is the only m¢ dicine pecs ni ws y gen aii such troubles and restore the sullerer | rweones mn fa aa ae BASKET, SIR, LAST NIGHT SOLD BY ALL GROCERS to ¢ ‘ > Pr ci) | ; , As a tonic, “Fruit-a-tives” is inva- tei th Ui ae dee ee Juable to purify and enrich the blood | ad lo eee) ee a 25 THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CC., LTD. ‘ Kc, a box, 6 10r p2., 81ze@ £00. At nak rs or sent postpaid by Fruit- i Vancouver, B. C. a-tives Limited, Ottawa. | LAND NOTICES E mpress Jams ‘2 skeena Land District. | p » Charlotte Islands Land District Graham Island. ~ | TAKE NOTICE that I, @rant Thorburn, | of Prince Rupert, hotel man, intend tw ypply to the Chief Commissioner of lands for the Provinee of British Columbia for a license to prospect for coal and pe- troleum Starting at a post planted two miles west of the northwest cerper of Bec- tion 6, Township 9; thence east 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; thence north 80 chains to point ef commencement; containing 640 acres, “MY Pope LIL PLANTS !!! ‘OY INSECTS ARE EATIN’'EM ALIVE ‘SINCE HENRY QUIT SMOHIN’ |” SPR more or less | Dated the 16th day of March, 10915, at) the northwest corner, GRANT THORBURN. 419-14 Samuel Horner, Agent. ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ ——— Skeena Land District. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District— Graham Island. Circulation Guaranteed TAKE NOTICE that I, Samuel Horner, of Vancouver, prospector, intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for i the Provinee of British Columbia for a H- the Largest = Northern conse to prospect for coal and petroleum: } : British Columbia :: Starting at a post planted two miles west | f the southwest corner of Section 7 Gs F Township 9; thenee east 80 chatns; thence es ae Se WHEN A FELLOW TRIES TO CUT OUT SMOKING mencement; containing 640 acres, more or | Cartoon by Harry Moyer. less Dated the 16th day of March, 1915, at 1 Siem chy hay he eee ae = the southwest corner. ~ 442-140 SAMUEL HORNER. (7 )) ° . Whether Sterling Marine Motors For Yourself Gan be pivekases Mi tones A Largest Circula- 3 THERE } Three quarters or asa Motor that will give you en- ‘ e Gift to your Friend tire satisfaction. Bullt for $| tion means the § |§ § ot the local Ad- hard work. Guaranteed. Ad ee 2° ° d I f ; —HEAVY DUTY— Best vertising A vertising Is done ‘i | oe .