Saturday, Sep THE DAILY NEWS tember 44, i945 3 TRAINS WEEKLy SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY WHEN BUYING YEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE —______—_— MAA (Yyvyyyrrrss ST LIGHIE | THE Daw.y NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Ciroulation 10:30 a, mM. TQ EDMONTON, SASKATOON REGINA, WINNIPEG, 8T. PAUL CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA AND UNITED STATES 3 BOATS WEEKLY HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. — CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. irritation of the already in- TH ONO STEAMSHIP 00, OF B.C, LimmTeD {| PRINCE RUPERT BRaNcu SS.VENTORE “czcc,to ot vom ere Somat mucnous membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others. a Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly stops Cink ancr soon, thanks ‘itS tonic properties, effects - @ pertpanent cure. ——S=S=—_—_————— DAILY EDITION ax Saturday, Sept. 11, 1915. TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 10 A sy eee : TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; san ranean REVELATIONS promoters, who find their oc- SAN DIEGO EXPOSiTions Roblin's troubles are not yet} cupation gone since the bubble a CHARACTER SERVICE over, in fact they have only just} of alleged prosperity burst. A Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished hae DECLINE SUBSTITUTES A. DAVIDSON, General A begun. The Norris government work showing what can be done . gent. has set out to conduct a thor- in railroad construction with-|— FAIR NOTES - en ough enquiry into purchases out capital and without risk, if nck T, HOLLOWAY oon ae oe Cee, en terres Or ee The.FUE, Pe ee voted Seibel metallurgist who DE N TISTRY CANADIAN PACIFIC by the Manitoba bosses and ince are selected, with an in-|per js a newsy sheet and gives full has been appointed chairman of —_—— ———_= RAILWAY there are liable to be more in-} troduction by MacKenzie and particulgrs of the various fea-|,,. New Ontario Nickel Commis- CROWN = pay WORK f teresting disclosures. The Rob- Mann, would be almost certain tures ofthe Prince Rupert’ Fair. | sion. pe dé. F. BROWN Lowest rates to all Eastern Points lin-Rogers gang controlled that to become a classic, while a : s . | is lie via Steamer to Vancouver ang ty a . {It is of interest to all exhibitors DENTIST CANADIAN Pacific province for a number of years, volume on “Pockets and Poli- 5: Mex M. Manson, B.A. iis: Qinten tect Tele Avenue os tans « RAIL Way and there is no doubt that they tics,” written in collaboration)@"4 is a novel method of adver- W. EB. Williams, B.A., L.L.B Phone 454 PclUdOd OF steamee did not worry about the price} with Sir Rodmond Roblin,|tising the Prince Rupert Fair. WILLIAMS & MANSON - or SourH@ouNp paid for that control. It is} would be certain to run to The Baby Show. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. , iiisidione ieiacs a reported that over-payments many editions. As a crowning} Aj} arrangements have been ‘ rte aero Phone Pitman ano net E*- SUNDAY, 6 P, __eune on buildings alone will amount] effort in his literary career he} made for the 1915 baby show.|gegerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C. —#0 4. @. MONAB, General to over $4,000,000. It is clear} might be permitted to write a/Quite a few newcomers will enter - SMITH | & | MALLETT Sermon Powren Street and Tot ty that the Roblin government had} history of the military career|tne field judging from the birth | Ce Commer 2nd Street and Bra Avenue Vaifouver, | Crane Valves and Fit- indi —_ a long lease of life, not be-} of Sir Sam Hughes, but we are] potices of the papers this year. PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED Third Ave. Seed $f Sectna Street CN OE eae é cause it held the trust of the] afraid that Sam would much!, few may have left the city, but] (successors to Pacific Transfer Co.) | ' af q people, but because it held the} prefer to do this himself. the younger stock is coming Genera! Cartage —— 35--PHONE-35 | yi purse of the province. eee along fast. gt ak ll { i British Columbia is the one|NEWSPAPER CHANGES illustrated Lectures. a Prince Rupert Dairy F remaining stronghold of bess IN LONDON, ENGLAND Illustrated lectures on farming TAXI ' 4 rule and the chief boast of the poultry raising and care of stock|¢ SEEDS! SEEDS! Has cut the price of Milk ' si i heelers of the McBride-Bowser| London, Sept. 10.—The Observ-|. ij} pe a feature of the Fair this K RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS in half ‘ f ie gang is that their bosses havejer announces that Mr. J. L. Gar-|year, Mr. Upton, the govern- WE HANDLE. PURE FRESH MILK — ; at been able to hold office fur so/vin has arranged to retire very|ment expert on poultry, will de- S mennie’s Ferry’s, Steele's, - Seolhiaidh Ga’ aaa “oh: Sas. hee t ' many years. In due course a/shortly from the Pall Mall Ga-|jiver an important address on Brigg’s etek as eee sta pe ALF HALLIGAN ; thorough investigation will be|zette. poultry raising, ete. An_ effort Garden and Field Seeds telelalalelelelelelelelelelehiidiic.. made in this province and| Reynolds’ newspaper states/wij) also be made to form a poul- Also Fertilizers Phone Green 2 52 Po ——ae many interesting facts will be|that the Pall Mall Gazette has try breeders association for the We Take Orders for Nursery OO Oe ean brought to light. The full de-/been purchased by a syndicate, of} ,orth. Stock aa FOR A T tails of the Canadian Northern/which Davison Dalziel, M. P., is} ———— - “= |$ Hay, Grain, and Feed at | AX] Railroad compact will probably|the moving spirit. J. L. Garvin's H Will Y P Vancouver Prices JAMES GILMORE — take some digging up, but they|successor, it is understood, will ow ou rotect Chicken Feed a Specialty Architect will be laid bare, as will the/be D. M. Sutherland, late editor Your Wife Hae Srnere eremennt: aareee on 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street 75--PHONE-75 history of the $45,000 whichjof the Evening Standard. A syn- : P . D F d Co , nlisishihctingiestaaiessias Matson has not yet accounted|dicate, with which Sir Alexander| and the children should you rince *upert ree ° hone 554 P.0.Box 60/| * for in the Songhees Reserve|Henderson is connected has pur- ae Ph oe oa ee abahesesse se oe § PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 00 ai deal, and numerous other little}chased the Standard. W. A. Wood-| the Bank to tide the family APERHANGING GAIN In InIS SIN oink inninhen itt oe items. ward will be the new editor. over until you are “on your AINTING eS aes Since Sir Dick is not wanted ake feet” again P a a ; OLISHING AND We in Ottawa, and his room is pre- THE DELHI Every msrried man should fg aie a) B C UNDERTAKER ' e ferred to his company in Lon- open an account in our (fxg ee WALL TINTING — om i don Canadian circles, and Brit- The steamer Delhi is gradually Savings Department and put | High grade aterur de Amante eT em # ; ! tie ; : se by a part of his earnings every corating « Specialty BALMERS = ish Columbia will very soon|being brought into position for] week or month. id ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND a ‘ conduct its affairs without his|docking. She rests now almost Such a sum, earning interest, will be “Martin Swanson BENET coeron, posed Director ‘ assistance, he might devote/on an even keel. The vessel is| ® welcome protection for the family. Second Avenue, near McBride , Pe 3 : x A Savings Account may be opened ae himself to a political literaryjresting in slings attached to] with one dollar. a = ae career. A “Guide to Beginners|scows on either side of her, fore if . in Politics” from his pen wouldjand aft, and very shortly it is THE BANK OF Coughing scatters germs 7 ; 4 be sure to prove useful to real|expected she will be in shape to British North Ameriea —Stop it ° a { estate sharks and company] float into the dock. 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS, Coughing increases the 4 Galle for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tucedays at 8 p. m. wonderful popularity | ; ‘a i: S$. CAM Salle for PORT SIMPSON, GRANBY, STEWART, of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar ae le Theredays at midnight, August 108th, Sep- | tl as Oilis specially iat tember Sad, 16th end 30th. mei to its great. value as a 4h Selle for WEPURE BAY, SKIDEGATE, JEDWAY, and MEDA 02 Satur- POSRDESS. HME, SOR" tee Gaye at minight Acgest S101, September 4th and 18th. Sold = lt lar 4 Salle for WAGCETT Tuvedays, August 24th, September Tih and 2tet. bottles. me Salle for SURF 1 INLET, WAMU, RIVERS INLET and VANCOUVER at The: everd-pursesé-cces & ts MAYRERU Co. Poses 10 p. m. Wednesdays August 5th and September Sth and 22nd. Sherbrooke, P.Q. where healtli is a prime consideration For the toilet and the bath Lifebuoy Soap is unexcelled. Its velvety lather soothes and cleanses while its mild carbolic solution is a wonder- ful health-preserving agent. The slight carbolic odor vanishes quickly after use. FRED STORK’S HARDW 710 SECOND AVE Oaspentere’ Tools Bultdere’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Oabie Stwe! Blooke Fietting Taokte LAs oy, xh ’ — tren Pipe Pipe Fietinges Rifles and Shotguns - Berne . - Rape Vatves Ammunition Baby’s soft skin is the pest of £ =, RES, 5S te : BABY’S OWN SOAP— ___ FF - ey “ Coveugated tren = { and its constant use in thousands of nurseries A “WE SELL. NOTHING BUT THE BEST” is satisfactory proof that its fragrant lather A helps and whitens the most delicate ore A rf No imitation has all the merit of OWN SOAP. Prat] ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, E FRED STORK’S HARDWARE III MONTREAL. = os ENMPR 0. PRINCE RUPERT, ©