THE DatLy NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch HEAD OFFICE Oaily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 Oontract rates on application. * DAILY EDITION ae are Tuesday, Sept. 14, 1945. PRODUCTION — produced increasingly in order THE DAILY NEWS Eee 7° == 0 —— — oa: ee ee Leet Wht aay was hanged at Ant who Tirpitz, werp three years ago. vads of fish left Two full traink the G. T. P. yards this morning for eastern points. As practically all the deep sea fishing of the Germany has one great ad- to help pay for imported mu- vantage over her opponents in nitions. The call today is not the present struggle in that her| “Business as Usual,” but “Pro- duction! Production!! Produc- people have had to make fewer changes in their ordinary n.ode of living than the people of tne LOOKING FORWARD Allied countries have. Figira- tively speaking, Germany las There were twenty-six Ameri- been at war for forty years, andjcan schooners discharging fish at in that time the people have|{the various wharves along the gradually become used to hav.j|waterfront this morning. ing to pay for the upkeep otf Perea eaamtenerse Too a colossal army, whereas t' > The congestion of trafilic at | of Third and McBride! is becoming a serious menace and | people of Britain particulurly|the corner are just beginning to realise that the occasion calls for con- tinual sacrifices on the part of a special meeting of the council | called to consider the mat- will be every inhabitant of the kr... jter. i pire. Economists are poizt- Bite Mae eile ing out that the cry of “Busi- Petitions are being circulated ness as Usual” was a huge|throughout the province of Man- itoba praying for the release of {members of a former government mistake, and that business can not be conducted as usual; that more of the necessities of life must be produced at home and imported from abroad, in order that the debit balance of trade against Brit- ain may be kept as low as pos-jed sible. some of Britain is carrying the finaa- cial responsibilities of the Al-| lies on and, | though her resources are much | weeks is having a baneful effect greater than those of any other |on the products of the nation, those resources must|the surroundipg district, be hushanded. It has been/as brought home clearly to the people of Britain that the mest/are stringent must be} The farmers have suggest- practiced, re- ed that the asked gard to purchases of imported |to make a special plea to Provi-|} goods; that every cent kept at idence, home added capital to be ap-|for relief from the fighting the differ in who are serving long terms for robbing the public treasury. of this interest in the movement The} much less people province have a peculiar as similar methods may be adopt-| effect the distinguished here to release of! our own prisoners. The dry weather of the past few her shoulders, field in} as well! causing much anxiety to su- burban residents, whose homes! threatened by spreading bush economy fires. particularly in city clergy be drought. . * * - * * plied in enemy. their | Late advices from §&St. Helena views as to conditions after the | that the mental condition | war, but all are agreed that lor William Hohenzollern, the outcome of the struggle de- is German Emperor, is not : | ; pends largely on Britain being} proving Economists indicate a fore im- any, although he rational enough at times to real- that he ed. Goods for export must bhi ‘of his ee SES able to buy munitions in enor-| mous quantities until it is end-/| ize may yet meet the fate s | crime, Von} partner in = oe| THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED | SS VTE Te or est Sails for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. S. S. CAMOS Sails for PORT SIMPSON, GRANBY, STEWART, | Thursdays at midnight, August 19th, Sep- tember 2nd, 16th and 30th. Salis for REFUGE BAY, SKIDEGATE, JEDWAY, and IKEDA on 8Batur- days at midnight August 21st, September 4th and 18th. Salis for MASGETT Tuesdays, Auguet 24th, September 7th and 21st. Sails for SURF INLET, NAMU, RIVERS INLET and VANCOUVER at 10 p. m. Wednesdays August 25th and September 8th and 22nd. a Ss EMPE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR = a = oo —S STORK’S HARDWARE | reenter 710 SECOND AVE ‘ ‘ Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Steel Blocks Fishing Tackto Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron * FRED © SRS aaa Carpenters’ Too!s Wire Cable fron Pipe Rope Vaives Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE SEST” — FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ee] {man fully able to |Swedes, it ;much. }deals inationalities, and |tend to deal with that. German. In fact, most of the Scandinavian people look upon |Germany as our enemy, and fur- | jwhen, at next Sunday’s services, |. istatement Pacific northwest is centred at Prince Rupert, the G. T. P. is, al times, pressed for rolling stock to meet the ever-increasing de- mand, but now that the car shops at the ut refrigerator cars is looked for of Sept local drydock are turning regularly, 1ortage Daily no further s} From the News, 10, 1920. ‘THE SCANDINAVIAN- CANADIAN SENTIMENT (Continued From Page One.) |Englebloom's first letterpublished in The Province, but as we con- sider the above mentioned gentle- answer for the matter so that Scandinavian foremost certainly in- may not As for the other part, with other with the Norwegians, we First of all, absolutely not permit us to state that we are pro- thermore as an enemy to civiliza- tion—even to liberty, and _ the iwhole world knows us as liberty- loving people. Some of us try SEEDS! SEEDS! to be neutral, but very few suc- F RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS ceed. Germany herself has madef WE HANDLE. most of us stop trying to do so, Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele's, ? ; by her brutal and barbarous Brigg’s methods. How can we help it, Garden and Field Seeds as in the case of sinking the iS. S. Swein Jarl, the German jmariners killed, withoul warning, of course, thirteen of our noble ind innocent sailors that were trying to supply our homes away up in the cold north with coal for That is many fuel during the winter? only one of Germany's murder deeds. As to the to discuss it because Mr. Lusitania we decline Roberts’ that, “he knows that lg Hay, | was unanimous in declaring that | justified inj} the Germans were sinking the Lusitania because she ed munitions of war.” It is absurd. Of the fifteen or sixteen Scandinavian - American papers | that come to our office every week, | we have been unable at any time] find any such declaration; but what most of them say is, that it | was brutal murder, and all of} them agree that the act was ab-j solutely barbarian and We do not ; werts gets his second-hand in-| inhuman. | know where Mr.} mation. and, therefore, cannot. the lie, but no right-think- man or woman would make themselves a medium of spread- such slander without knowing about the facts than Mr t erts does. about British. | He furthermore writes ywwards the falsehood. If Mr. would stop asking infor- mation from some T. W. W. about the ur dislike te Just one more Roberts Scan- Scandinavian study the more care- dinavians and a little would not get American Daily Pr« fully, he (Cotinued on Page Three.) press vince so badly Adex M. Manson, B.A. W. E. Willams, B.A., L.L.B WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. GC. Office corner 2nd Street and $rd Avenue PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED ‘suecessors to Pacific Transfer Co Genera! Cortage LADYSMITH COAL 83 -Phone—C3 Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Mal orders promptly attended to Priace Rupert Feed Co. weer re - en Coughing scatters germs: the Scandinavian-American press | How Will You Protect Your Wife and the children should you fall ill or lose your employ- ment P Have you money in the Bank to tide the family over until you are “on your feet’’ again P Every married man _ should open an account in our Savings Department and put by a part of his earnings every week or month. Such a sum, earning interest, will be a welcome protection for the family. A Savings Account may be opened with one dollar, THE BANK OF || British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, ) Manager. —Sioo it ° Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flanied mucnous membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others. Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly stops coughing, quik book, thanks » its tonic properties, effects a The wond cure, he wonderful popularity of Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and @od Liver Oilis specially due to its great value as a permanent Inng and bron- chial healer. Sold everywhere, 35c large bottles. 4. L. MATEIEU CO., Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Sn «. ¥*. G DAWG6ON ot | | | i MONDAY CHICAGO, TUESDAY THURSDAY UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT T Re a nee 3 TRAINS WEEKLy SATURDAY THURSDAY TO EDMONTON, REGINA, WINNIPEG, sr. PAUL EASTERN CANADA AND UNITED states 3 BOATS WEEKLY SATURDAY TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; SAN DIEGO EXPOSITIONS CHARACTER Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished A. DAVIDSON, Genera! Agent. uesd; lar lesday, September 10:30 a. SASKATOON, 10 A. Mm. SAN FRANCISCO, SERVICE ihineaaa > Corer —_ ncaa ‘ -r- ‘ ’ ho ai 1 DENTISTRY :!! canapian PACIFIC | CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY DR. J. F. BROWN DENTIST Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 OmMce: Phone 174. : oe FOR PLUMBING AND MEAT SMITH & MALLETT Lanzest stock of Pipe worth of Varftouver, Crane Valves and Fit- tings, Pipes cut to order. Third Ave., Head of Second Street Prince Rupert t Prince Rupert Dairy Has cut the price of Milk in half PURE FRESH MILK Delivered in city at 10c per quart and 5c per pint Phone Green 2 52 2nd oe JAMES GILMORE Architect McRride Stree Avenue, near hone 554 P.0.Box 60 for APERHANGING AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING High grade nteror de corating a Specialty -Martin Swanson Seeand Ave: , hear Meliride ee ee Lowest rates to ali Eastern Points via Steamer to Vanc Meals and berth PRINCESS MAQUINA viii RAILWAY UVOr @nd the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAiLWay included on Sleamer PRINCESS SOPHIA ao SATURDAY, 6 Pp. SUNDAY, 6 P. m, 4. @. MONAB, Generai Agent Corner Fourth Street and Thire Ave ir ; : ft ¥ t it ' * } | a $e aanaanneaennr eee ttth 35. PHONE. TAXI ALF HALLIGAN ,. FRRAIIOISIDIOI ICIS OO Hin SORE EE ERE EE EH OR OO ——— ss nnn ra seaase: i FOR A TAXI | ' 75~-PHONE-15: PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 00 RARER A RE ETAT B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND E- BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR ANTEED——OPEN DAY AND MIGHT 117 2ND STREET—-PHONE “ OWN SOAP. Baby’s soft skin is the test of BABY’S OWN SOAP— and its constant use in thousands of nu: is satisfactory proof that its fragrant helps and whitens the most delicate ski No imitation has all the merit of . ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Mamuiosteress, rice ither BABY'S MONTRE! AL RESS COFFEE PRINCE RUPERT, ®