—_— eral yi. NO. 217. —S—E—— THURSDAY, PRINCE RUPERT, B. CG., —- SEPTEMBER 16, 1915. if & 4 PRICE FIVE CENTS iRUSS ANS CRUMPLE UP GERMAN RIGHT WING PETRC) RAD . RAILROAD AD HELD BY RUSSIANS AGAIN — TURKEY IN SORE DISTRESS eee SS —— (Special to The Dally News.) London, Sept. 16.—The mass- ing of Austrian and German arm- ic Roumanian frontier has ted in Roumania pre- paring for eventualities. The army mobilized and all reser- yists have been called home. fhe steadfast refusal by Rou- ania to allow the transportation ref military supplies thr that country to Turkey ha sed bitter animosity. Balkan League. Negotiations are under way for the formation of a new Balkan League comprising Boumanis, GAMBLING Complaints have been made to the pol about the amount of gambling going on in the city, and, at the police commission vesterday, Chief Vickers icled to notify all cigar ial dice-shaking must be meeting s ty solicitor pointed out inbling is only illegal when cari 1 for gain. The wording of the act place kept is “a house, room or by any person for gain the | which persons resort for pose of playing any game WESTHOLME THEATRE ountry Boy,” nt the rhe ( Paramo fey lem of a four-reel | the Westholme program feature, star | is tonight. Florence Dagmar nd Marshal Nielan, | and girl, 'y is of a country boy who New as the coun- are splendid, make his way in id falls a victim to the at- s of a chorus girl, and is The piece is very fine, New York life be- How he back ‘vor is beautifully depicted. ‘athe ssive lely left down and. out. Sta of the enes of id and realistic. home and climbs Gazette shows a very picture of Australian in the army is a ps holding worship amongst other “His Taking Ways” ‘ery funny Keystone comedy. McClymont Mrs, returned last from an extended visit in the east hight SS Prrrooe, The Diamond From the Sky $800, 000 Photoplay — A — All-star Cast BIG TERRIFIC SCENES that hold you aghast one moment enchant the next, 8 A Coasoless Cataract of Action. STARTS AT THE Westholme Opera House NEXT _ MONDAY Tomorrow and Saturday — Charile Chaplin in “WORK.” Next Wed- needay and Thursday—Mary Pick- ford In “FANCHON the CRICKET” Pron a ito 3 Rupert, NEW BALKAN LEAGUE FORMING ROUMANIA PREPARING FOR WAR GERMANS MASSING ON ROUMANIAN FRONTIER — ROUMANIA STANDS FIRM—RESERVISTS CALLED HOME—CON- STANTINOPLE CANNOT HOLD OUT AFTER SEPTEMBER 25 The press announces the likelihood of the the Serbia and Greece. Berlin early entry of Roumania into war. Turkish Distress The German Constantinople that, city commander in Berlin supplies arrive, the hold after Sept. informs unless cannot out 25th. The bank business has been transferred to the interior of Minor. All the Turkish artillery under control of the for fear of Turkish insurrection. LAUNCH PARTY ARE SHIPWRECKED Word has just reached the city that the 42- bound Ottoman and other Asia is Germans a foot launch Nonade Wash.,, to Alaska, put into Banks Is- The captain and one of the men set to the island a man from Blaine, Hardy, land on Tuesday disabled. out in a canoe supplies, and and a lady and her three get leaving at his son, daughters. The party left behind was picked up boat Lewis by a passing and faken Larsen Harbor, Istana, ‘xen care of by ‘Lhe inh where they were Jonn Wanner at his ranch, Northern there Cross, which pvt furnished a the company on to man, Monday, party search for captair and and in with 420) of has been covered about far, their Wanner but, men or Mr. miles, no treee the found, so canoe —_— MAJESTIC THEATRE Pathe program at the Ma- Theatre by jestic was. greatly ap- large audience of Wrath,” is the story preciated a last “Rods a three-reel drama, of a dream, in which a sea captain the habit of son cruelly, is night. been in his little of the It human interest, who has treating warned conse- possible a of great while it also pro- vides several thrilling scenes. “Wiff_es Wins the Winsome” a Parisian comedy fuil of reffned humor, “Amateur Night” laughter provoking, without be- ing of the rough and tumble type. The Pathe Gazette is up-to-date and interesting. tt CC: Ae is story quences, is while 1s H. Molson Macpherson, J. FE, Dalrymple and Captain GC, H. Nicholson left for Vancouver this morning. Biers ad sic iag ea Follow the crowd to Self's Cafe. Phere is a reason.. Next 102th. Majestic Theatre, requested to the Fair , Prince Exhibitors are send all to the secretary, before the in entries for box 1657 19th inst. DUKE OF CONNAUGHT IS IN VANCOUVER (Special to The Dally News.) | Vancouver, Sept. 16.—H. R. H. | the Duke of Connaught has ar- pe d here from Vernon, where he linspected the troops at the con- The primary of to the coast was to visit the soldiers at Ver- He stated that he been privileged to review a fiver centration camp. object his visit non. had not body of men, and he was certain that they required of them. would do all that was Today, he will inspect the 72nd overseas regi- ment, which is encamped at Hastings Park, B.C. MANUFACTURERS TO PUBLICLY PROTEST (Special to The Daily News.) Sept. 16.—The B. C. Association » Vancouver, Manufacturers has to meeting to failure of the government at Ot- British Columbia a contracts. decided hold a public mass protest against the tawa to give share of the war ~ |COLONEL CURRIE, M. P. ARRIVED LAST NIGHT Col. Currie, M. P., commanding the 48th Highlanders of Toronto, arrived on last night’s train, ac- companied by Mrs. Currie and thdir daughter. Col. Currie is home on leave from the front, where he has been with the Can- adian Scottish. He says the Canadians have made good and are deservedly popular. Col. paper Currie, who is an ex-news- man and not a stranger to British Columbia, turn to the front shortly. conduct expects to re- He will in The on the recruiting meetings and party left for Prince Rupert. SUBMARINE ENQUIRY WILL OPEN MONDAY (Special to The Dally News.) Vancouver, Sept. 16.—The Lib- eral executive retains 8. 8. Vancouver. the Vietoria south Tay- lor, who will appear to cross-ex- at the opens amine Sir Richard McBride submarine enquiry, which at Victoria on Monday. DELEGATES T0 A. M. RIGG, M. P. P., Trades and Labor Council Rupert held a very suc- The of Prince cessful meeting in the Empress Theatre last night, when address- es were delivered by E. W. A. ‘O'Dell, representing the Boot and Shoe Workers Union, and A. M. Rigg, M. P. P., of Winnipeg. 8. D. Macdonald, who presided, inti- mated @hat Mr. Rigg had con- tracted a severe cold on the train, and Mr. O'Dell had kindly con- sented to assist. Mr. O'Dell, after expressing great pleasure in being privileged to address a Prince Rupert audi- dealt with the importance of ence, the Trades and Labor Congress, which meets shortly in Vancou- ver, describing it as ‘Labor's Parliament.’ After showing what labdr had been able to perform in the way of bringing about leg- to the working workman's islation favorable a Compensation Act, he went on to point out that many to believe that labor organisers are out to create trouble between em- ployer, and employee. In his wide experience of the labor movement, he was satisfied that organized labor had proved in the long run beneficial to both parties. He showed how the badge of labor on had been an classes, such as seemed Union-made goods assistance in the selling of these goods, as it was proof that the goods had been made under prop- er working conditions. ~In con- clusion he congratulated the la- bor men of Prince Rupert on the strength of their organization, which would prove a benefit to the community and to the Do- minion at large, Mr. Rigg congratulated the of Trades and Labor Council SPEECHES BY TRADES UNION LABOR CONGRESS OF WINNIPEG, AND E. W. A. O’DELL, CF HAMILTON, ONT., ADDRESSED MEETING IN EM- PRESS THEATRE LAST NIGHT—LOCAL LA- BOR MEN ARE CONGRATULATED Rupert on having organ- early Prince ized for stage of He pointed out that, by delaying organization Winnipeg until the forces of capital had become they had found the strug- hard business at this the city’s development. in strong, for He had fought for provincial and Dominion seat for gle recognition a one. a municipal, years and had been regularly de- feated until recently. In dealing with the industrial aspect of the labor question, said that the start of the duction of machinery had pletely away with the dividual as a foree. Over a cen- tury ago, in Britain, men had been imprisoned, trans- ported as criminals because they advocated the cause of labor. To- men were beginning to real- that, in order to do efficient they must be banded to- gether. In the world of finance, the death of such an individual as J. Pierpont Morgan did not upset things in the least, because the financial the individual had given place to a machine, line is now a necessity. In speaking to the non-union he pointed out that organ- ised labor had not only done a great deal for itself, but had also accomplished much for the men outside, but who ought to be in- side, “In the contraet for the Manitoba parliament buildings, one of the most interestng build- ings in the world today, on ac- count of its history, though he had been told that if the search- light were turned on British Co- lumbia, that history would begin to look a little more respectable, he intro- com- done in- lashed and day, ize work, simply in world Organization in every men, 20,000 GERMANS KILLED AND (Special to The Daily News.) Sept. 16.—The Rus. sians have made a great coup by Petrograd, a double flanking movement, un- der General Ivanoff, against the Teuton right wing in Poland, re- 20,000 being killed and and 13,000 being taken There is great rejoic - sulting in wounded, prisoners. ing in Petrograd. The Teuton right wing is in re- treat towards the with the Cossacks in pursuit. Strypa river, The battle is raging along a 220 mile front from the Pripot marshes to GREAT COUP BY TEUTON RIGHT WING CRUMPL ARE TAKEN—GERMANS RETREATING — COSSACKS PURSUING — GREAT REJOICING IN PETROGRAD IN. IVANOFF WOUNDED, 13,000 PRISONERS the Dneister The Petrograd rail- road is again in the hands of the Russians, Prize Cargoes. 16.—A British condemned the London, Sept. prize court has cargoes of four steamers carry- ing American products to Ger- many. The cargoes are valued at several million dollars. Dan MeLeod ar- Mr. and Mrs. rived last night from Hazelton. They leave for the south Satur- day morning. LIVELY BIDDING AT THE CITY TAX SALE The tax sale, which concluded on Tuesday, showed that there is still firm confidenee in the future value of city property. The sale realized the sum of $418,385.13. Including the G. T. P. guarantee, the total is $25,165.53, WONDERFUL PICTURE GOMING TO WESTHOLME The $800,000 photoplay which the about, whole country is talking the novel which will win you because. picturized romantic of its wonderful beauty of story, will be sereened at the Westholme next Monday. The management is The following summary shows and those taken over by the ctiy. Of the 43 lots taken over by the city, 16 are owned by citizens who are serving at the front. These will revert to their soldier owners. Section 1. EE 504 a awe © ee Soa $6,607.56 Private Owners ...... 2,216.81 Section 5. Cee ee eae RA aie 379.27 Private Owners ....... 981.50 Section 6. EF cis is hid. eS ae 8 88 8 381.85 Private Owners ....... 2,920.10 Section 7. LO) gee er Thr ee eg gy 209.06 Private Owners ....... 2,054.94 Section 8. OO st ala eas 5 a ae 3844.18 Private Owners .......- 2,292.86 The following are some of the sales recorded: Sec. Blk. Lot Amount 6 7 39 $358.78 6 13 9 {38.89 6 13 10 117.89 i 9 25 253.73 1 7 26 176,53 6 9 15 175.36 1 26 12 317.07 1 26 43 304,22 7 a 9 202.71 1 17 43 189.80 6 47 1 178.84 a wage Clause was inserted pro- viding that carpenters be paid 55 cents an hour, and non-union and union men alike received that wage. Yet in Winnipeg you will find carpenters ready to work for 25 cents an hour, who will also be ready to ask for union wages just so soon as things pick up again,” he said. He went on to show that the wage earner who is not a member of a union, but who accepts what the union procures the amounts realized per section, ley 1e to be complimented on bringing such a serial to Prinee Rupert. re are big, terrific scenes which hold you aghast one mo- ment, and enchant you the nevxt. An all-star cast is being pre- sented, including Lottie Pick ‘ord, William Russel, Irving Cummi and Charlotte Burton. There a prize of $10,000 offered for the or BD is hest sequel to this great photo- play. The management preseuts for tomorrow and Saturday Char- lie Chaplin in ‘‘Work” and on Wednesday and Thursday next Mary Pickford in ‘“Fanehon the Cricket.” The Ladies Auxiliary of the St. Andrew's hold their first whist drive and dance of the the Vriday evening. Society will season in society rooms on when frequenters of these happy social gatherings should make it a point of being be refresh- The will be present. There will ments and good music. tickets this 50c each person and the proceeds on oeeasion zo to aid the Red Cross work of the along and help a good cause. MUSIC CHARI.ES BALAGNO (Planist at Westholme) TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE Former pupil of F. @. Strong. Helping hands, Come TERMS MODERATE, Phone Blue 408 LONDON CAFE And Grill Faultless Service of Fault- less Food Hart Bik. Third Ave. for him is a parasite and an ex- (Continued on Page 4) BOXES FOR LADIES