_THE DAILY N EWS SSS ee ets ve SSS —— ae = ———— yOL. VI. NO. 220. Gata PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS ——— , ee Se —=_— —_— = = oe . = ———_— —=— = ae = aon ™ i —— Tm — = = SYNDICATE FORMED TO HANDLE ALLIED L LOAN —- VON HINDENBURG ADVANCING RUSSIAN RETREAT iS Orv... —GERMANS LOSING TWO MEN TO RUSSIANS’ ONE—FRENCH DESTROY GERMAN AM- MUNITION—SWISS FACTOHIES ARE | MAKING MUNITIONS (Special to The Dally Newe.) watch factories have now started | se 20. e “é pats London, Sept, Petrograd to manufacture ammunition. admits that Vilna is now in the . ; ; Greek Steamer Afire. hands of the Germans. Von Hin- denbers advancing on a 200- Halifax, Sept. 20.—The Greek mileed ( after his encircling | Steamer Athinai caught fire and movement. The Russians are re-| was abandoned as a total loss in tiring in good order. The move-|the same position as the Santa ibles the retreat from|Anna, 600 passengers and the Warsaw crew were rescued by the Tus- fhe Germans are losing twojcana. The only loss was one pas- re Russian. senger who jumped overboard tige Ng Western Front. through fright. : CANADIAN OFFICER PRISONERS LOOK HA Phe ontinuous heavy ar- TRADES CONGRESS Ae ° " ee tl astern Vv r, Sept. 20.—The Car Mr. C. Fessenden, of Peterboro, Ont., received the picture from tills ghting on ie fesver ancouver, sept. 2v. e Uan- ; : s son, Lieut. C. V. Fessenden, of the 15th Battalion, who, with his front. The French have blown up|adian Trades and Labor Congress ts ce ; : ; ‘ =i os ; oe ‘ 3 . Te “oO anions, were Captured.a Ol. Julien, whe elr platoons were the ¢ ammunition supply] opened its sessions today. Presi- on : ee ye - af ee . x. tent J. C. Watt iS. D. Ma cut off and they found themselves defending 150 yards of trenches ert ont J.C. Watters and S. D. Mac- ; = Swi A iti " td 'P ; Hisnkel. Wad in a sea of Germans. From left to right: Lieut. F. H. Macdonald, ‘ ald, o ‘ince er ‘e fs : : oe ae i ee Nea er: : son of Col. W. C. Masada Lie ut. Ryler, of the Buffs; Lieut. G. iene Sept. 2¢ 1e Swiss sent. . Yon eras Pree V. Fessenden, and F. J. Smith, of the 15th Battalion. "Twe DimonD From THE |PORT ARTHUR VISITORS SKY” AT THE WESTHOLME PASS THROUGH CITY oe ae MAJORGENERALSIRSAM the greatest serial ever screened, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Burke, Of | Seecccccoocccreeres sree reece tet eter ee Pe eee EOD ODOPEEOOODOP EDO OOOL ED starts at the Westholme tonight, | Port Arthur, Ont., passed through Ottawa, Sept. 18.—Friends of}Europe with a full bosom—a rhis wonder phObehian: wae Wad this morning on their way home Majorgeneralsirsambughes, and|treasure of adventure and experi- ae from San Francisco Exposition. their name is legion, were much/ence and he does not lay hands ee , us cos ) 36 ‘ . »snatches . The o ; a i (rannn ia cr “ hia iS CO ' Mr. Burke is one of the real old army q at the despatches fromjon it. The obvious inf renec i is full of excitement pioneers of New Ontario, having New York which indicated: that|that he must be saving it for a ad tl s. In one episode, Irv-jpeen in port Arthur for over the reporters found a conflict of|great occasion. R. B. has learned Ing ( ings actually shoots his|forty years. He was manager orogeny: going aire pueee want ee Pe Be Oe ot oe auto t of a speeding train.|the first bank established at the | Minister of Militia and R. B. BPR awh saving his steam. To say r head of the great lakes, In the|2e M. P., of Calgary. Each|the right things, that is good—to st is ¢ all-star . 3 i ’ eres é 8. : in allogrer one, in ee ie as : eeee ; vied with the other in telling as|say it at the right time, that is ( Lottie Piokfor i early railroad construction days | ; , 7 ickford, Irving in that district he was a very ac- | little about himself as possible | better. For example, R. B.'s fa- ss, Wilting) Busse; ane tive man, and has a wonderful | thus displaying a new virtue in|mous oration on the C, N. R. was me Chia Burton, $10,000 will be ease ahi iehaacihe of that | both. splendidly timed. It put him in five to the person who submits | time. As Bob Edwards aptly puts it,/the line of cabinet succession and the acceptable suggestion Mr. and Mrs. Burke were de- Sam Hughes always pe cne when: with -— anc e dain ; : one as having been composed by}ment he failed to follow it up, it for a sequel to the photoplay. |lighted with the trip along the : ; ; } Wd : ? coast and were loud in their Gilbert and Sullivan. His know-|only confirmed his bright pros- of a : ee sthiee of the service on the G. T ledge, his versatility, his many/pects. It’s a safe guess that R. 1 Be: a thea p eras as conipared with | Charming qualities, all vouched|B. has another magnificent out- mn to the serial, there|*- Steamers, &: MARION DN et Pees PRE ox og te 3 . ; . a eas a ae Wi own a beautiful two-act|tue American boats further south. for by himself recall that well |burst up his sleeve. Uy he doe nt 7 ie : : . : Mr Burke. «who is one. of the known character in ‘‘The Pirates talk about the war right now, it’s zett t} an “7. coer shawatinsl Re i oa in the coun-|°! Penzance,” who was “* in all}/not modesty that prevents him, is : ey wre oe ce was greatly struck with the things animal, vegetable, minera!,| Majorgeneralsirsam’s bashful- ° spent a aera of Prince Rupert in the the very latest model of & model|ness is harder to explain. He is rh catest serial ever, starts |Short time he had to look around, | ™4Jor general, Blushes from|not usually afflicted that WAS He " ere Re 7 vadiet epany|Such a paragon are indeed a sur-jwas not afflicted that way in Eng- { at the Westholme and was not slow to predict great lea a things for the future in the G, T prise, land, where appreciation of Sam +ereroneconosooooooooooooooe: ||) terminal. On the way east Neither does R. B. Bennett hate|Hughes came trippingly off his they will stop off at Jasper Park himself. Young, rich, talented,|tongue, His telegram to General | MMESTIC » TIC :: THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow 8TH EPISODE OF “THE BROKEN COIN” In Two Parta, ANIMATED WEEKLY WOKLD AND WAR NEWS. “The Man Who Came Back” \ STIARING DRAMA, “CRUEL CRUEL WORLD” \ CORKING COMEDY. ADMISSION 10 and 15 cents. . onrernantiaiie aati cs ri i Coupon Nights Monday Wed- eae “ay and Friday, oe OOOO ++ apes MUSIC cuentas CHARLES BALAGNO (Planist at Westholme) TEACHER oF PIANOFORTE Former Pupil of F. @, Strong. TE M8 MODERATE, Phone Blue 408 The old couple have two sons and a son-in-law in the hands of the Germans, OWN YOUR OWN ELECTRIC PLANT and the country the chance of a lifetime, ful lake in Good boating railroad, (Churches Only $8 an acre, live in year round, A 320 acres on a beauti- the Bulkley and fishing, Valley. near and stores soon). $2 down, balance over ten years at 7 per cent. Buy the war is over, as farm land will surely i 219-24, A. CG. LITTLE. ee See ‘The from Sky” at the Westholme. now, before advance, Diamond the P. R. Tent 224. Everything at cost. & Awning Co., 3rd Ave. FoHew the Self’s Next crowd to Recon eererorooconeonoocoooooooooos Gafe. There is a reason. 102th. Minister, it is formed a almost a Cabinet not like R, B. to low opinion of his own abilities. have No one ever knew him to be over- come with stage fright It couldn’t have been that afraid of the that way before. he was reporters, Botha is a case in point. The allude to the Canadian contingents in the field man who would as ‘‘my soldiers’ is no shrinking violet. To many people it looked as if Majorgeneralsirsam had done the wrong thing—like broil- home in} holds when he is at Calgary or Ottawa he because leveu of it couldn’t have been that he had | for R. B. has plenty to say and mighty well, that he substituted a solid parliamentary style for the Chinook wind that he originally brought to Ottawa. The Chinook wind is one form of nothing to say, always says it now has hot air which does not assimilate with the House of Commons. That a master of words like R. B. Bennett to say to a listening Canada, should have nothing via the New York newspaper report- ers, isn’t necessarily a sign that he isn’t going to say something later on. He comes back from Majestic Theatre. alkne »w him it was a perfectly char- reporters every day. And] ac teristic Sam Hughes utterance. ing the pie—-but to those who Sam has a way of identifying him- self with his part. Personally he army just as was the state. But it he can be ac- on that When such delusions of grandeur Canadian XIV is hard to see how is the Louis modesty cused of score, occur in an average citizen it is commonly spoken of as “swelled head.”’ Without say that going so far to Majorgeneralsirsam’'s tight for his friends admit that he has an cocked hat is too him, opinion of his Another from adequate own merits, remark of his, cabled England, goes to show that modesty is not one of (Special to The Daily News.) York, 20.—The gest underwriting syndicate on New Sept. lar- float The bearing five formed to the $800,000,000 allied loan. has been issue will be at par, per cent interest. The bonds are for five and ten years. No securities have been put up the entire British Em- | | | ' e cord | | jas collateral, bonds being } | | pire and France and her colonies. backed by the | Pro-German bankers have offered | their assistance, if it is agreed | that the pose of | Hill vital to loan is not for the pur- munitions. J. J. the prosperity of buying that more the the yaa. * States than it is to the ENGINEER OF PRINCE RUPERT IS SCALDED Alex.MeW hirter, the says loan is an engineer on Prince Rupert, was admitted to the general hospital this morn- ing, suffering from scalded ank- les. The injured man was over- hauling the condenser on the way north and a jet of hot water sprayed on his ankles. It is ex- the trip south at the end of week. POT OF MONEY The lucky winner of the jar of money put up by George Frizzell with ticket contained was David No. 163. $100.04, Thompson, The jar donated absolutely by Mr. The tickets 451.50, which all went Frizzell, sale of brought in to the Red Cross Society funds. his outstanding faults. From a previous visit to England, as ev- erybody will remember, he came back with a certificate of genius from Lord Roberts, who told him that night at dinner—-heroes are form at dinner— Driving Roberts confirm ilways in good that he was the greatest Lord chance to Force in history. never had a this because he was dead at the time but it. Besides Sam produced the evidence, doubts that he said being a grand old man and a great popular idol and nobody a most successful Field Marshal, Lord Roberts and when he handed out a com- pliment he did it good and plenty, Well, with was an Irishman the Major General comes Eng- empty die and Sam is just the man to eat ‘em up. He is a fair hog for glory. The tribute this as duly chronicled in the London and cabled at five cents a word the came back another tribute. land never sends’ him away. Kind words never time, press blue ocean to Arthur Bal- or Lord Gurzon or Kitehen- across deep Canada, from four, events from er, at all somebody (Continued on Page Two.) HUGE SYNDICATE FORMED TO UNDERWRITE ALLIED LOAN BONDS AT PAR, BEARING 5 PER CENT—LOAN BACKED BY THE BRITISH EMPIRE AND FRANCE—J. J. HILL SAYS LOAN 1S MORE VITAL TO STATES THAN TO THE ALLIES—TURKS LOSE 5,000 success of the Allies, as the Al- lies can buy elsewhere on credit. Dardanelles. 20.—In details to hand of the Dardanelles fighting, that the Turks lost 5,000 men when the Freuch cap- Hill 60. Paris, Sept. it is stated tured THE CRADLE *» and Mrs. Fred. G. Roberts, Dyer Apts., a daughter al the General Hospital yesterday. js A. N. American Ingalls, owner of the fishing schooner Chi- cago, arrived from the south do- day. “THE BROKEN COIN” AT THE MAJESTIC THEATRE Tonight and tomorrow, the eighth episode of “The Broken presented at the This wonderful story of intrigue and Coin” will be Majestic Theatre. most pected that he will be fit to make} the | lattraction, the adventure continues to hold the interest of all patrons of the Ma- and this episode is just as lenthralling as its predecessors. In addition to the great serial, will be shown a stirring “The Man Who jestic, | there ) drama entitled Back.” Cruel World” is a com- the most laughable de- scription. The Animated Weekly is up-to-date and interesting in Though is the great rest of the pro- gram is of a high order. | Came “Cruel, edy of war and world’s “The news. Broken Coin” “The Diamond at Westholme. Don’t forget from the Sky” W;..J. won the hibition gold medal for shovoting, Joe. Jack won Greer has ex-, with a score of 87. medal. WESTHOLME aS OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW “A HERITAGE OF HATE” ist Episode of the $800,000 Serial “THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY" In 8 great acts, Come and get a postcard of one of the leading stars. the silver “PATHE GAZETTE” — Showing all ..the latest World’s news. “THE BRIDGE ACROSS".—A_ Fine Southern Drama of the better class, Don’t Miss the 1st Episode of the Great Serial. You are Offered $10,000 For A Suggestion POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 16 ots. SPPROR LONDON CAFE And Grill Faultiess Service of Fault- less Food Hart Bik. Third Ave, BOXES FOR LADIES eg