Monday, September, : % ’ THE DAILY NEWS 20, 1045 { 3 TRAINS WEEK SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY | THE DAY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly | LY 10:30 a, mM Guaranteed Largest Circulation TO EDMONTON, SASKATOON, | REGINA, WINNIPEG, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA AND UNITED states 3 BOATS WEEKLY TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.€. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. DAILY EDITION GGSIGHO Monday, Sept. 20, 1915 10 A, ie . . TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE: say ranean MORE BOWSERISM of the provinces of the Doniin- SAN (DIEGO EXPOSITIONS " Another flagrant case of ion, especially at a time like UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SERVICE Full Particulars Cheerfuily Furnished A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. Bowserism was brought to! this) when our efforts should light Saturday, when two sal- be mutual in sustaining the mon fishermen were charged with fishing with a gill net credit of the country, and by eer ¢ 3 i y eac ar . at | ct, without having first paid the aaa each other for aise “4H eee, provincial tax of $5.00. Under tat } the Dominion Act, a fisherman Mr. Lambert's articles dealt, D E N TIST RY CANADIAN PACIFIC is permitted to fish for salmon with official figures showing | crown Awe BmDeR Wont RAIL Way with a gill net, on payment of how the lands. of this province A SPECIALTY 8 ’ arr hil Lowest rates to all Eastern po} a license fee of $5.00. How- had been handed over to th DR. J. F. BROWN |{ via Steamer to Vancouver alg ever, in order that the Mc- speculator, and_ that writer | DENTIST CANADIAN PACIFIC Ray Bride-Bowser government may went to the trouble to procure! OMos: OT ae ca Avenue Meals and berth Included on steamgs have a share of anything that the facts at first hand. Sir “ a an PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND Richard McBride and his fol- crsseceniacetsemetneatnntsshnencenhniitentetnaiettimmsin SATURDAY, 6 P. m, is going, the attorney-general passed the Fisheries Tax Act of British Columbia in 1944, name of British Columbia” which calls for a payment of with the reputation of the Con- $5.00 from each man working} Se?vative party of the province. in a boat using a gill net. Inj] The McBride- Bowser gang other words, the payment of have shattered the credit of the Dominion license fee does the province, and to ask the Charlotte Bo in_ the $800,000 “Flying A" Photoplay E DIAMOND FROM THE SKY —— not permit a salmon fisherman| Globe or any other reputable STARTING» AT THE WESTHOLME THEATRE | MONDAY | NIGHT | « to fish, until a tax of $10.00 paper to refrain from stating} ————-—————— ‘ ’ . 4 | P _- e e per boat has been paid in ad- the fact is not going to help which has been looted of all |Sir Sam saw to it that they got Prince Rupert Dairy : lowers keep confusing the ‘fair PRINCESS MAQUINA soUTHBOUND Mm. Phone 174. 74. FOR PLUMBING AND néatine SUNDAY, © P. SMITH & MALLETT Lawvest stock of ipe orth of Veritouver, Crane Valves and Fit- tings, Pipes eut to order. Third Ave., Head of Gecond Street Prince Rupert 4. G. MoNAB, General Agent Corner Fourth tree and Third Avy sere ——— i, hndacheevannseseniiial 39~-PHONE-3) TAXI matters in the slightest. The its reserves, remains perfectly] their wish. He did not for a min-} so long as the fact is ati attempt to conceal his iden- Has cut the price of Milk Following |/tity. Indeed, supporte#as he was in half dition. The Fisheries Tax Act was “fair name of British Coium- sound to become operative by an or- bia’ must be cleared, and that not made public. der of the Lieutenant-Gover- can only be accomplished by the same line of argument, the}on one flank by R. B. Bennett, on PURE FRESH MILK ed iri council, but there has been allowing fresh air 4nd the light Germans are not responsible | the other flank by Sir Max Aitken, Delivered in city at 10c per b ALF HALLIGAN no such order published. All of day to play around the af- for the horrors committed in| the Eye Witness, and his rear quar? and Sc per pint z that has been issued was an fairs of the province. Sir Belgium, as the whole fault|guarded by Colonel J. J. Carrick, FISIIIOIOIIIII IIIS III Hinton lies with the British press for|his visit has a touch of Xerxes, Phone Green 252 | . - ~ | UO UUUUO order from the attorney-gener- Richard raised the same old al from the fisheries depart- whine when the Dominion making the facts public. Cover-|both splendid and picturesque. | deece ‘ ment, so that these fishermen Trust corruption was shown ae Te ee ee Canes Pe ee | SUF. BOLT Eny Om eats DO ee Rn =| FOR Ay \_ TAXI were’ charged under an act up. According to our premier, Censervatism, but it is deplor-|take about his being a great man JAMES GILMORE ss » deal which has never become opera- the fault lies, not in the com- ably immoral. and a great soldier, lackeyed as : . : issi oT i Da he was by three honorary colonels Architect tive. Many fishermen paid the mission of the wrong, but in AS DS « ] tax tite “beason: vather than the discovery of it. MAJOR-GENERAL SIR SAM Colonel Sir Max Aitken jotting|ynd Avenue, near McBride Street t 15--PHONE~75 fight the matter out, but a Doubtless the Cosiservatives a eee down the diamond sparkles from : ter et Ba large number have had the would be perfectly satisfied (Continued From Page One. (Cotinued on Page Three.) hone 554 P.0.Box 60! * he’? in authority, and it was to the cbr to ey i. * PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 00 courage to resist the imposi- that the “fair name’’ of the . oe . — - t , ti rovince would be fairer had effect that Sir Sam ought to be|Atex M. Manson, B.A. APERHANGING FAO IDISIOIOIOISI OE jini tint oun Pp de ee W. E. Williams, B.a., L.L.B AINTING alr he Tea tate Sasi the Dominion Trust scandal|Very proud of his new K. ©, Bs WILLIAMS & MANSON a SIR DICK’S PROTEST been covered up and kept from because it was the first decoration miiebaiaia ebsloleaie. We OLISHING AND 1 , 7 © or . Jelso a ’ ’ ° Sir Richard McBride has! the public gaze. It is evident|WO'™ by that hero Lord Nelson. a a ta WALL TINTING B. C. UNDERTAKERS ly 3 age dic ajorgeneralsir- written to the Toronto Globe that Sir Richard considers nus again did Majorgeneralsil Box 1535 siiah, “iia ‘dbeees do Tn senna protesting against the publica- that land-grabbing is perfectly |S@'"'5 "eputation have an Oppor-|Helgerson Block Prince Wupert, B. © corating a lpecialty BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR ; : : ; ; tunity to snuggle up to the great F ANTEEBD—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT tion of certain articles on con- just, so long as nobody but the ° I — a se 4, o ° ditions in British Columbia speculator knows about it, This |4ead- The greater and deader |oftice corner 2nd Street and $ra_ Avenny ‘Martin Swanson 117 2ND STREET—PHONE"M . ; ‘ ae ide : Second Avenue, near MeBride contributed by Mr. Norman is typical of the attitude of they are the more Majorgeneral- PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITE al Lambert. Sir Richard expresses the Conservative party in this|S!"sa™m snuggles up to hein. |” maenessore. to: Peciiie. Transter’ Co great surprise that the Globe province towards the welfare Dead men tell no tales. Neither @enoral Cartage should “go out of its way to of the country. It is just as Lord Roberts nor Lord Nelson ca LADYSMITH COAL malign the fair name of one}| logical to argue that a bank,|@e¢"Y What Sam = imputates to en cee — — ——= eeeee/them. They wouldn't if thes could—they must recognize thal TRE UNION STEAMSHIP 60., OF B.C., LIMITED 3 /Se™ is in their class. Prince Rupert Fe Feed Co. . indications Seana Majorgeneralsirsam visited the rs aed is for GRANBY, NAAG, and PORT SIMPSON, firing line. Not sognito, be- S.S. VENTURE 9 “*"ncnsaye at 11 a.m. a lo ge apo: aengaela HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS nause tha ay the effect of his Salle for VANCOUWER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tueedays at 8 p. m. ‘ait id t r ' det oT AND FERTILIZERS . V1si woul ave wee os e Balls for PORT SIMPSON, GRANBY, STEWART, wre " ’ - § § CAMOS Thuredays at midnight, Auguet 19th, Sep- soldiers have a right to ki tember 2nd, 16th and 30th. when their darling is in camp and WE HANDLE Salle for REFUQE BAY, SKIDEGATE, JEOWAY, and IKEDA on Satur- a _ Bulbs, and Take Orders for days at midnight August 21st, September 4th and 18th. . 7 N Salle for MASGEITT Tuesdays, August 24th, September 7th and 21et. “Safety First” 1s the i ere Stook. Salis for SURF INLET, NAMU, RIVERS INLET and VANCOUVER at . ” 10 p. m. Wednesdays August 25th and September 8th and aand. Slogan of Business Chicken Feed A Speolaity. b V E R 75 years of Mail Orders action-crmdle Attended To. eta ple guess ae Banking i in Canada, os er has demonstrated P. 0. Box 333. 908 Third Ave. 9 the strength, security, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. FRED STORK’S HARDWARE || sod service cine Li. ae Bank of British North hr rrr America. The history of i oak Maene aeeeiien this bank f rer three- quarters of a century has OLD WATGH FREE, been one of progress and {enstorwart’ ovnerons 710 SEOOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Bulldere’ Hardware Ship Chandlery pee fo®one of our lashionable a Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fisting Tackte d | frm. ‘Woraie cate et Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns evelopment, and of ence teen to Rope Vaivee Ammunition Seen ad sont in the civmtuament, Now eee ; ——— Pumpe Hose Paint e usiness obtaln cna. Write | world, Bom caning After the bath with BABY’S OWN SOAP the i i Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron 7 “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” ekin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales the aroma of freshly cut flowers. Guarda, Genta’ aren ent THE BANK OF : yo British North America