eS — ee a ——————— — PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., TU ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1915. HUNDREDS OF ENGL SH MINERS ENTOM —— nr em — _— PRICE FIVE CENTS ee = RUSSIANS E EVADE GERMAN CAVALRY ATTACKS — SPIES SENTENCED IN LONDON (Special to The Daily News.) eat Eng., Sept. 24.—The Several ry is afire. ers are entombed in g The jers rescue work dif- ig end destruction of fwenty bodies have been the erew of rescuers. Spies Sentenced. Sept. 24. es have Several been sen- man has been or- nda woman has been ten years imprison- tlempting to commu- vements of the Brit- BsssTROUS COLLIERY FIRE SEVERAL HUNDREDS ENTOMBED. ° WENTY BODIES BROUGHT TO SURFACE-—-GERMAN SPIES ARE SENTENCED IN ENGLAND—ONE MAN SHOT, WOMAN GETS TEN YEARS—GERMAN AVIATOR DROPS TO EARTH ish fleet. The with- held. names are Aviator Killed. A member of the crew of a Zep- pelin was blown out of, or fell from, the car of his airship over The mangled beyond recognition, but it that of Dr. r, famous for his researches death been announced in Germany. Steamer Torpedoed. The British has been torpedoed. 4,000 London. body is is be- lieved to be Joseph Sticke in aeronautics, whose has steamer Linkmoor She was a The crew vessel] of tons. was saved. HE COUNCIL AND THE G. T. P. AGREEMENT ity couneil last night, idge, seconded by Ald. {gomery, moved that the city ind city solicitor draft a the G. T. P. regarding between the city with a view to agreement mpany, of the work, shed, undertaken this and that the letter be sub- the council. everidge made it clear, in “ that such work as the p of Seventh St., might part £ ‘ 1e taken, that he did not that the city should in seek to antagonise the n any way. His sole aim provide some employment. said he rea- iat a great deal could not lontgomery be expected under present con- dil but he felt that the mat-| fer should be taken up. The mo- 7 ried unanimously. civic HOLIDAYS \t the request of the N. B, C. ie -\ tural and Industrial Asso- B Ciat the council has been p | to declare the afternoons -2nd and 24th September half-holidays, of which all requested to take no- f£overn pi are tice a and themselves ac- ( lingly, MANEST A. WOODS, Clerk. ibihion. of ladies’ suits for week only at Wallace's. ( POC + ROO a LONDON CAFE And Grill Faultless Service of Fault- less Food Hart Bik, Third Ave, BOXES FOR LADIES Morrone PPP De. MUSIC CKARI.ES BALAGNO (Pianist at Wertholme) TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE Former pupil of F. @. 8trong. T ERMS MODERATE, Phone Blue 408 4 ihim iwith his trade in cigars, “reeteceeccsecesooocooooooooooes |& Awning GCo., 3rd Ave. PROTEST AGAINST THE EARLY CLOSING BYI.AW Judge Carss appeared before the city council last night on be- half of certain grocers who stated that their signatures had been ob- tained to the early closing bylaw by misrepresentation of the facts. He presented declarations from Alex. Ferguson and S. Mussallem to this effect. Mr. jed he at first refused to sign the Ferguson stat- but ultimately did so on being would not petition, representations made to that it interfere tobacco, etc. Mr. Carss also pointed out that had two stores, one who had signed the petition twice, and grocer, as the signature required was purely that of an individual, dual signing was entirely out of order. He pointed out that great care should be exercised by the coun- cil in assuring itself that the sig- natures to the petition are all in order before finally passing the bylaw. Ald. Montgomery said he would like to opinion of the have the city solicitor on the matter. Mr. Peters stated that the signed the petition did so of their own accord and knew exactly what they were doing. With regard to the dual signature, he held that where two licenses were paid, two men who signatures were perfectly in or- der. He'said that the council had no option but to proceed with the passing of the bylaw requested in the petition. The early closing bylaw passed its final reading. OWN YOUR OWN ELECTRIC PLANT live in the country the year round, A chance of a lifetime. 320 acres on a beauti- ful lake in the Bulkley Valley. Good boating and fishing, near railroad, (Churches soen). Only $8 an acre, balance. over ten years at 7 per before the war and and stores $2 down, eent. Buy now, is over, as farm land will surely 219-24. o, LITTLE, EES BSS Everything at cost. P. R. Tent 224, advance, IRISH FUSILIERS | GET GREAT SEND-OFF of the echoes around Irish i uSiliers woke the the harbor this morning when the gathered at the take farewell of boys wharf to 38 of their num- ber who left on the for the froiit. Prince Rupert route for the south, en As the boat drew away from the dock, to the ary”, cheers strains of *Tipper- and counter cheers ~ Thapor CONGRESS FAVORS GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP ~~ (Special to The Dally Rews.) Sept. 21.—The voted in Vancouver, La- bor Congress yesterday favor of railroads of government and a non-partisan civil service and the enforcement of the in an address of welcome, fair wage clause. Bowser, the congress to nominate a Brit-| rang from wharf to boat and back again, and the utmost enthusiasm prevailed amongst soldiers and civilians alike. “THE BROKEN COIN” AT THE MAJESTIC THEATRE There was the usual crowded house at the Majestic last night to witness the the “Broken Coin.” episode, weekly hunt for In the eighth the coin never comes to view, but there is plenty of action. Last week Kitty and her colleague palace, and in this installment, they both were left prisoners in the effect an escape. Grace Cunard’s kept the audience in a ripple of amusement, partic- quaint acting ularly in the throne room scene, armored guardians. in the ribs they forced ascends the and dons the crown, which when she pokes the until are to smile: throne, is a comically poor fit. There is fun as well as plenty of excite- ment in her escape. “The Man Who Came Back” is the Cruel a western drama well above average, while “Cruel, World” is an unique comedy, The Animated Weekly item is not the least interesting in a real good show. ‘The to be all that its sponsors claimed for it. Broken Coin” is proving YESTERDAY’S BASEBALL National League. Brooklyn, 0; Pittsbury, 4. Boston, 1; Cincinnati, 4. All other account of rain. games postponed on American League. New York, 3. Philadelphia, Chicago, 2; Cleveland, 4-5; §.3. St. Louis, 0; Washington, 6. Detroit, 4; Boston, 3. HOUSE BARGAIN. You can buy a nice two-room house very cheap, also some lum- ber at $5.00 per M. at the Ocean Falls First and Me- Bride St., if you come before the office, cor. other fellow gets it. Phone 25. EE = ish Columbia delegate for a com- |} mission, which will start a tour in October to investigate work-1 men’s compens sation. CANADIAN EXPRESS CO. AND FISH TRAFFIC Mr. John Pullen, the and Mr. F. Norman, the of the Company, who of officials of the G. T. P. last Express president superin- tendent, Canadian Express accompanied the party to Prince Rupert week, ex- that the pany handles all the merchandise plained Com- which are carried trains of the Grand been and valuables on passenger Trunk designated as the express agents of the National Railway. In connection with the System, and have Transcontinental latter, a new and valuable route has been opened up between east- ern and western Canada, reducing considerably the time in transit. its business was hand- led through the United States. Now it is carried over its all Can- in charge of trained Formerly adian route, and experienced messengers on every train. The pany has already proven to be a (Cotinued on Page Three.) Canadian Express Com- FAIR NOTES All exhibitors should have their Exhibition Build- afternoon at the exhibits at the ing on Tuesday latest. Atlin have sent down a display for the Fair. Vegetables and minerals, The Exhibition will be opened on Wednesday at 14 Prudhomme to the public p. m. by President and Mayor Newton. Stewart has sent in an exhibit of new ores to the Fair. There will be six districts rep- resented in the District Exhibit Class, for which the $100 Dewar Challenge Cup is offered. The Third Annual meeting of the Northern B, C, Ag- ricultural and Industrial Assn. will be held at the Gity Hall at General 2 ————— — = PRINCE RUPERT EXHIBITION i915 Exhibition will be declared Wednesday, All exhibits must be in place WEDNESDAY CHILDREN’S DAY J. Prudhomme and His Worship, the Mayor, GRAND PARADE AT 12 NOON FROM CITY HALL Massed Bands, Children’s sports start at 10 a, m. sharp, Granby vs. Rupert at 1:30 p. m. 4 CIVIC HALF-HOLIDAY open by the President, Mr. A. at 1 p. m. on before 8 a. m. Wednesday. invited | RUSSIANS EVADE | ARMY RETREATING FROM ViLN ownership COILS — VON MACKENZE SCATTERED—GER ARE SEN (Special to The Daily News.) London, Sept. 24.—The Russian army of 300,000 retiring ifrom Vilna, has escaped from the 4coils of Von Hindenburg, men, evading brilliant German cavalry raids on both flanks. Von link up his scattered forces after Meckenzen is unable to the march from Pripet Marshes. German Submarine Sunk. Odessa, Sept. 24.— Russian ships have sunk a German sub- marine which the Black Sea. Hun Sinks Hun. 21.—A was operating in Stavanger, Sept. Ger- |‘ drydock are gone, shape that repairs are practically BRILETANT MOVEMENT BY VON HINDENBURG A ESCAPES FROM THE GERMAN N’S FORCES ARE STILL MAN SUBMARINES T BELOW man submarine, off Stavanger, has torpedoed and destroyed an- other submarine. The crew of the latter went down with their ship. German DELHI IN DOCK The Delhi was floated into the When the water was pumped out and the hulk exposed to view there was disappointment for those concerned in her. Her engines and the hull is in such yesterday. great vut of the question. “THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY” AT THE WESTHOLME Last night was a red “The Diamond was screened. This first installment of from the Sky” great feature had been looked for- with safe to say that no one was dis- ward to interest and it is There is the usual in- of the as well as a picture appointed. troduction famous actors in the play, of the producer reviewing the 19,864 scenarios presented. The story opens with a mag- nificeent Indian scene in Virginia in 41632, dropped from the sky in a meteor, the event saving Sir Arthur Stan- ley from death at the stake. The England in when the “Diamond” is next scene is laid in 1882, Lord Stanley his secretary to Virginia to his next of kin. are two branches when sends find In Virginia there of the family, which are bitterly opposed to each other. The story of the birth of an heir to Gol. Stanley is depicted, and when the heir turns out to plot begins to boy of a in as a be an heiress, the The infant gipsy woman is and the left wondering what is to happen The full of in- trigue and a continuous battle of wits, with Lord tary providing through. “The Bridge develop. brought changling, audience is next. serial is secre- way Stanley’s fun all the Across” is a most heautiful southern drama, while “Si's Wonderful Mineral Spring” is extremely funny, and the Pathe Gazette is as good as usual. 8 o'clock o nthe evening of the 23rd inst. All members are eligi- ble to vote, provided dues for 1915 are paid up. The business will be the election of officers for 1915 and reception of interim reports from the president and secretary, and general discussion of policy. Exhibition of ladies’ suits——no two alike—no duplieates will be sold—-Wallace’s. $$$ FoHow the crowd to Self's Gafe. There is a reason. Next Majestic 'Pheatre, 102tf. letter | city LICENSE TRANSFER J. McAlleenan applied to the council last night for per- night at the Westholme, when the|mission to open a stand for the sale of refreshments etc., at Re- creation Park during the Fair, under a license which he had paid for and never used, or, that the license fee be refunded. The matter of selling goods at the grounds was referred to the Agricultural Association secre- tary, and the matter of license re- fund to the license committee. POWER RATES On motion of Ald. Kerr, it was decided at the’ council last night to advertise the city’s light and power as they were lower than obtainable in other cities, the idea being to attract busi- rates, ness. The body of Ed. Musgrave, the Indian whose canoe was found floating bottom-up in the Skeena, has been found alongside the wharf at Balmoral Cannery, Port Essington. ae a The captain and passenger from the launch Nomad, who have been missing for a few days, were town yesterday by Christian from brought to Game Warden M. Lewis Island. Venezuela has formally adopted the metric system and made it compulsory in its courts and pub- lic offices. WESTHOLME el OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW “A HERITAGE OF HATE” ist Episode of the $800,000 Sertal “THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY” In 3 great acts, Come and get & postcard of one of the leading stars. “PATHE GAZETTE” — Showing al ante latest World’s news, ss"-A Fine Southern Drama of the better class. “S'S WONDERFUL MINERAL 6PR- ING’—A great Comedy. meneame maga $10,000 For A lon POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 16 ote.