THE DAILY NEWS ~ ————-— ay a a r De or es ee en a. —— vol. yj, NO. 223. PRINCE RUPERT, , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS Library ——_—— eee ee eee “GERMAN SUBMARINES ARE CAPTURED a SUBMé INE CREWS IN PANIC --- TERRIBLE DESTRUCTION OF OF ¢ GERMAN POSITIONS —_—— BRITAIN SWEEPING GERMAN . SUBMARINES FROM THE SEA os ¢7 SUBMARINES CAPTURED SINCE MAY 5th—CAUGHT IN STEEL MESH NETS—CONSTANTINOPLE IN MISERY — GER- MAN PRISONERS DESCRIBE DESTRUCTION AS BEING TERRIBLE _— + (Speolal to The Dally Nese) providence, N. J., Sept. 23.— The Journal states today on ab- that Germany lost 67 submarines since May ing of the latest type. jute authority has 5th, 27 be Her utmost building month capacity is The submarine of fear crews are in @& panic ow- to the mysterious disappear- The the system by pairs of fast veighted which of their comrades. | describes destroyers, feet adrift ahead of the are rid- ng the seas of these craft. The entangled, carrying fifteen mesh nets are cut submarines, submarines become turn turtle and sink. Turkey’s Troubles. Sept. 23.—A returned Geneva Swiss from Constantinople says that life is intolerable in the Turkish capital. There is no gas nor electricity. Two thousand MONTREAL THEATRE PARTIALLY DESTROYED (Special t> Fhe Dally Newe.) Montreal, Sept. 23.—Princess Theatre on St. Catherine St. has been partially destroyed by fire. lhe lamage is estimated at $100,000 and the building will re- to be reconstructed. The ( was caused by the fus- ing of the electric wiring. OWN YOUR OWN ELECTRIC PLANT and live in the country the year round, A chance of a letime, 320 aeres on a beauti- la n the Bulkley Valley. (i iting and fishing, near all Churches and. stores uM Only $8 an acre, $2 down, Hala over ten years at 7 per fent. Buy now, before the war 4s farm land will surely advance ; A 219-24. CG. LITTLE. WESTHOLMR ea TT OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT MATINEE AT 8:90 } Mary Pickford In the FI ve-act PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION “FANCHON THE CRICKET” , A splendid Supporting cast, in- ¢ lt ollie and Jack Pickford, rig a “BILLY REEVES" bead amous English Music Hall fan in a Come dy Entitled “A SA FE INVESTM ENT” Next Friday and & Saturda a PATHE Gaz urday Splendid , POPULAR PRICES, 40 and 46 ote. PO * tonne MUSIC CHKARI.ES BALAGNO (Planist at Weostholme) TEACHER oF PIANOFORTE Former Pupil of F. @, Strong. TERMS MODERATE, Phone Blue 408 eecrcocccesestissiitiigtiiin 8 was torpedoed yesterday, workmen from Krupps are owing to lack of materials. Terrible Destruction. Havre, Sept. 23. brought of the tions as terrible. German pris- the German posi- oners here describe destruction Aerial raids by the French continue to play havoc with the enemy's positions. Violent Fighting. Sept. 23.—The artillery fighting of the past three Paris, violent weeks continues. It is especially severe in the vicinity of Rochelin- court and to the north and south of the river Avre. Steamer Capsized. London, Sept. 23.—The Dutch steamer Koningen Emma, which capsized and sank in the Thames while un- der tow to London. PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES The the first-class passengers on the following were amongst George today: Mrs. ard Ford, H. O. Rev. Kelly, Miss Braden, Mrs. Roberts KF. Parker Mrs. Dunn, N. Wolfe, |Mr. Meher, Mr. Holte and wife, Mrs. Soner, Miss Sunberg, Mr. Foster, Rev. McGrath, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Chipman, J. C. Sabin, Mr. Goyne, J. L. MeIntosh, Mr. Harvey, H. Upton, C. A. R. Duff- in, Mr. and Mrs. Page, Mrs. Live- say, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Downe, Mrs. 8. Killing, Pte. Burns, FAIR NOTES H. BE, Upton, poultry judge at the Fair, will deliver a lecture in tomorrow Exhibition Building night at 8 p.m. He will endeavor to form a poultry breeders asso- ciation. The Grand Band Contest wil! be held tonight at 8 p.m. The baby show is taking place this afternoon. A. H. Tomlinson will lecture on “Marketing and Exhibiting Pro- duce” this afternoon, YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL National League. Brooklyn, 4-1; Pittsburg, 2-2. New York, 3: Chicago, 1. American League. St. Louis, 4-3; New York, 2-1. Cleveland, 2-1; Boston, 3-7. Detroit, 13; Philadelphia, 4. Chicago, 0; Washington, a: Coast League. San Francisco, 2; Portland, 3. Los Angeles, 19; Oakland, 3. Salt Lake, 4; Vernon, 4. SOLOMON MUSSALLEM is con- ducting the Mussallem Co., Ltd., at 423 5th Ave., East, and is of- fering the highest grade groceries at the lowest prices in town. Phone 123. 222-5, idle, BALKAN STATES TO BE STRICTLY NEUTRAL (Special to The ‘Daily News.) Sept. 23.—Radostavoff, } London, the nounced the premier of Bulgaria, has an- signing of a conven- the armed tion with for future maintenance of an Turkey neu- trality on the part of Bulgaria: Other States Neutral. Sept. 23. Rad- 8 upport- Sofia, Premier ostavoff has assured his ers that Roumania and Greece will remain neutral. This than the is welcome to is much more reassuring yesterday, and Allies, as the unable to news of the will now be Turkey. Germans reinforce SIR WILFRID NOW STEADILY IMPROVES Sir Wilfrid improving in Street Ottawa, Sept. 20. steadily the Water pital, and is gaining strength af- ter Today he sat up in bea and read most of the Laurier is health at Hos- his operation. afternoon. He also went over his pondence with his secretary of letters. corres and dictated a number CORRECTION It was inadvertently reported that Terrace was one of the dis- tricts competing for the Dewar Cup. This should have read Kitsumkalum and Lakelse valleys. A SPLENDID PROGRAM showing the huge liner leaving New York on her last voy- age; the the the disaster in Liverpool and the aster, receipt of news of crowd of anxious relatives around the Cunard offices, and finally the digging of a huge grave in which to bury the victims. = 2 SS eee! THE LABOR CONGRESS (Special to The Daily News.) Vancouver, Sept. 23.—The La- bor Congress, after a debate whieh lasted for two hours, voted down an amendment to the ex- ecutive report stating that the labor movement opposed war and inilitarism entirely, and went on record that, under existing con- ditions, it is the duty of the labor world to lend every assistance to Great Britain and her allies in the fight for fregdom and democ- racy. SALVATION ARMY HARVEST FESTIVAL The Army its Harvest hold Thanksgiving Festival Salvation will 25th, 30th. Any help which friends can ren- from Saturday, September until Tuesday, September der, either in cash, saleable goods, fruits and vegetables, etc., will be gratefully received. The pro- ceeds will be devoted to helping to meet the ever increasing demands the throughout Canada. upon army, locally and All friends who have promised to send goods for the sale on Monday, ed to kindly If information send them along on Saturday. sired, it will be by L. M. HODGE, ing throughout is just what one|Georges Lundquist, 1st; ° Laura expects from the Famous Players’| Frizzell, 2nd; Marguerite Casey, Company. Both from an artistic |3rd. and dramatic standpoint the pic- Boys’ race, 7 and 8 years: ture is one of the finest ever]Alfred Slocum, 1st; Paul Syro- screened. “A Safe Investment,’’}/tuck, 2nd; Fred Kergin, 3rd. a comedy featuring Billy Reeves, Girls’ race, 6 years and under: coneludes the prograin. Julian CGaldrone, ist: Francis DISCUSSES MILITARISM September 27th, are ask- is de- cheerfully given AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION AN UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITS MORE THAN DOUBLE THOSE OF LAST YEAR—FROM BOTH FINANCIAL AND SHOW STAND- POINTS IT HAS FAR EXCEEDED EXPECTATIONS Prince Third tural Exhibition is already an as- and the heartiest all concerned in the management of it. President A. J. must be gratified indeed that, in Rupert's Agricul- sured success, congratulations are due _ to Prudhomme which conditions have the should have topped all previous a year in been particularly hard, fair records. 5 individual exhib- ainst 1414 last and exhibits have been sent of 1,500 and The much There are 27 itors this year as ag year, in from an area miles north and south, 750 miles |} east and west. Association has not had so money to dispose of as on former occa- the city donate anything, as against $5,- last the gave $400, as against $3,- still the exhibitors in every an sions, being unable to 000 vear, while govern- men 000 last year, came along loyally and the qualified success. Children’s Sports. children’s way Fair is already un- The day morning were in the capable hands of J. R. Beatty, Chief Vick- ers and George Frizzell. The fol- sports yester- ALL the game was evenly contested. the ond the lack of training began to tell and several goals were got rather easily. It enjoyable game, and Towards was a clean, was well conducted by “Doc” Clapperton. Goals were scored by, Brighton, 3; Hardy, 2; Mur- 1; Kinghorn, 1; Hunter, 4. Concert. In the evening an excellent con- given, under the man- agement of J. E. Davey. The fol- took part:—Miss_ King, Mrs. F. 8S. Wright, Davies, and Clapp- quartette. Pte. Lawrence rendered a cornet solo, and Principal Brady gave a read- ing. Special mention must be made of the Metlakatle Band, rendered splendid musice the afternoon and ray, cert was lowing solo: Meth Jones, violin solo: solo, Messrs. Lancaster, erton and Davey, which throughout evening. BURRARD LIBERAL FEDERAL CONVENTION (Special to The Dally News.) | Vancouver, Sept. 2 jerals of Burrard, era new Vancou- will call a fed- for ver constituency, jeral nominating convention j October 21st. ALBERTA’S FIRST LADY BARRISTER Sept. 21.—The fall the court the court house this with Mr. Justice Ives Edmonton, sittings of supreme opened at morning presiding. The first business of the court calling to the Alberta bar More than or- attaches to this ceremony by of the fact was the of two members. dinary interest reason AT MAJESTIC THEATRE Commanding Officer. lowing were the prizewinners: Boys, race, 15 and 16 years: The Majestic tonight has a|«—FANCHON THE CRICKET” AT Jack Naden, ist; John Currie, great Pathe comedy drama in 3 THE WESTHOLME THEATRE |20d; Geo. Shaw, 3rd. parts, entitled ““Nick Winter and} aie Aa Girls’ race, 13 and 14 years: the Masked Thieves.” Itis a stir- | The Westholme was packed!Hilda Halvorson, ist; Dorothy To- ring detective story, and Nick has|last night when “Fanchon the|vey, 2nd. all the old favorites in that line|Cricket’” was produced. The nov- Boys’ race, ‘13 and 14 years: looking like novices. His work|/elist might have written the story|Jack Naden, 1st; Sidney Jones, is as neat and polished as it is|specially for dainty little Mary|2nd; A. Grant, 3rd. effective. Pickford. Her brother and sister, Girls’ race, 11 and 12 years: “Ima Simp on the Job” is lu-|along with an all-star cast, figure}Anna Bloomquist, ist: Lorna Tite, dicrously funny, while ‘“Whiffles/in the piece, but Mary is the one]2nd; Grace Carroll, 3rd. Goes Two Ways” is a French|bright particular star, and she Boys’ race, 14 and 12 years: comedy rich in most laughable |plays brilliantly throughout. The|]Geo. Roberts, 1st; Archie Grant, situations. story of the despised little ragged|2nd; W. Rogers, 3rd. The Pathe Gazette is an out-|maid of the woods, who ultimately Girls’ race, 9 and 10 years: standing feature in a real good attains to her heart’s desire, is a|Marjory Roberts, 1st; Florence program, proyiding the finest pic-|beautifully dramatic one, and,| Williams, 2nd; Marguerite Lind- tures of British soldiers maneu-|with Mary Pickford in the title|say, 3rd. vering seen for a long time, and;role it is played to perfection. Boys’ race, 9 and 40 years: also views of field cooking opera- The village scenes, with their]Aubrey Sweet, 1st; Willie Martin, tions. A most impressive series|Maypole dances, are charming in}2nd; John Fotos, 3rd. is the story of the Lusitania dis-|their fresh beauty, while the stag- Girls’ race, 7 and 8 years: Hauk, 2nd; Marjory Meuse, 3rd. 8 a. m. Exhibition opens. 1:30 p. m. Baseball, 1! 2p. m., 3 p.m, Lecture on Marketing Football, . Grand Band Contest. 3:30 p.m, 8 p. m Bands, & Industrial 14:30 p, m., Association PRINCE RUPERT EXHIBITION 1915. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd. azelton vs, Baby A. H. Tomlinson, Wark Kitimat, Annual General Meeting of the N, B, C, atthe Gity Hall, Exhibition closes. 410 a. m. Indian baseball Prince Rupert. Show, and Exhibiting of Produce, by Cup, Kitimat vs. Aiyansh Aiyansh and Metlakatla Agricultural SAVE THE “GODS KING" 6 years and under: ist; John Martin, Thomas, 3rd. Football. In the football game yesterday Granby the local boys won The game was not nearly so one-sided as the The Granby Boys’ race, Geo, Mussallem, 2nd; Roy afternoon between and Prince Rupert, by 8 goals to 4. score would indicate, boys put up a real good brand of football, with a little more would the Rupert victory, and, training, give team a hard run for The boys from the north seored first and throughout the first half that for the first time in the his- tory of the Alberta bar a woman was sworn in as a member. The lady to receive this distinction is Miss Lillian Ruby Clements, of Vegreville. Arthur George Brown, of Edmonton, was the other mem- They were introduced K. C, ber sworn, by O. M. Biggar, Everything at cost. P. R. Tent & Awning Co., 3rd Ave. 224. LONDON CAFE And Grill Faultiess Service of Fault- less Food Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES Follow the crowd to Cafe. There is a reason, Majestic Theatre,