fae DAMLY NLWS ——————————E—————————_—_— LIST OF FAIR PRIZE den| THE onapLe Y 7 There is nothing like a “Tea Pot”) °° 7" "™ ce eu ul OPC } BORN test at your own table to prove its (Continued From Page One. | paterson, Seal Gove, a daughter, Best animal picture:—M. M sterling worth ! Ithis morning at the general hos- Stephens, ist; Mrs. 8. J. Bey, 2nd hs ‘tal Best enlargement:—ist, R. H | sais : , Shockley; 2nd, M. M. Stephens OMISSION | We regret that the names of | Best collection of not more Bebra Frizeell, GW. wietGreon than twenty-five photos :—Ist, Ms oo. and Smith & Killas were POLISHES ry M. Stephens; 2nd, Mrs. F. Button | omitted by accident from the list YSVv VDDleeeooo!.: f TEA “Always and Easily the Best’’ Photography, Professional. lof firms who helped to make the BLACK, GREEN, or MIXED. Sealed Airtight Packages Only Best collection of portrait pho- | Exhibition Hall attractive by thetr 04 | = tographs:—1st, T. J. Davidson, | bright displays. —_—_—_——_———— _ =_—— — —_——— nen Best collection of photos other OR a a a ae > POO PPPOO CO Dna a4, ; than portraits:--W. W. Wrathall FIRE ALARM SYSTEM e “The Daily News” j}{ Local News Notes Paintings, Ete. me + our | er BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC be cared for by the Government and your | tinned urnished the spectators wi ots|ton; 2nd, Mrs. . D. Vance. fo Surveying and Engineering f : oe mt “ , A : LUMP until you are discharged. If you are permanently disabled an is of excitement. The loca! team, Table cover in white work:— i nt id , ; aS ‘ . ; ° é wi “eo wi @ pald you, varying according to the exten P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 3/with Fortin pitching and Manse» /tst, Mrs. James Hampton; 2nd, C OA . igre ret di ‘ nie ee. , ; | your 7 isa y. ‘ Fourth Street behind the bat, put up a high|/Mrs. P. W. Anderson. OUT gUry, OF da : eee ; : $9.50 per Ton — Cash on 5.-—What will be done for my wife and children if I die 4 grade of ball. Centrepiece in silk embroidery: , i een . ; Se ieee vii: ibdel Me Bawah genie ene Delivery while on Active Service? The Government wil! provide an : a —ist, I s. be é > ~ ’ Mone Back If Not Satis- ‘ ‘ m ansi Q rill ens y » family t a n- e FOOTBALL iia SAS. Watic, oney idequate pension, that will enable the fan I i ; ‘ factory fortably until the childhen are old enough to look after them- Sheet Metal Work ! ce Cariegpleos: Th wiles wRch ee Fak RAE ABee VFacslagle men, KC the 108 | ; 4 } selves. > Ww ’ “ of a single man, if the son be eS oe eee In the Wark Cup game yester-|4 ee ee coe’ ~ 7 . Ps amen >) This man Smith---do you know him? Are YOU Smith? wt FOR TAXI |} BAYVIEW HOTEL |} auto DELIVERY OPENS SEPTEMBER 5. —— DAINTY HOME COOKING eo e bd Tt If you are doing 5 local business talk over your advertising problems’ with the Adver ' P hone 99 Wore Homelike and Comfy EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE ) tising Departmen®of this newspaper. 34 Than Ever. If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for you to have i j si lnemneins j Te the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these) will be fur- i _-—— FRESH, AIRY ROOMS ‘ | nished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press ; Association, Stand - Hotel Rupert _———— Phone -— 2s w 35 Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. i A