September 28, 1915. Tuesday, THE DAILY NBWS. " = ‘ =" — — —=- ——— = a — 8 OEE — f ca a — = — IPED py WESiERN CANADA'S if v 7 , } j ya =~ 7 RIVE LARGE FISH EXPORIS | For Indigestion and Biliousness | |||. mr aig z re a pur M AT SN Notable developments are ta) out foes of comfort and well-being, there is one 4 f Ve i i ' ing place this fall in the fisher: contestive ante ee ae see oe he the a 4 e S ams : les 0 tive erang conditions of the organs o ' T i fof western Ganada. The an digestion. Present suffering is _ relieved promptly, sunday Schaal Supt. SOM Nik oes bist ln ‘ehede ie. a a worse sickness prevented by timely use of “ont iyae) ow “Eryit-a-fyes” RONAVED |b. auinorities that white ‘isi ’ [ [ how FI a" te 6 OUll ial white fish HAM S Pl Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right f . & . m Toxonto, Ont., Oct. Ist, 1918, now heise shipped in ear jot delicious, fresh picked, sun ri adi nguiuie ae a sa , , sun ripened fruits o “T ? ed oa ee from Lesser Slave Lake in north one baer og, remedy tone your stomach, stimulate the Fraser Valley and miideseas Island, to fie 1 am we N ‘ ve i ; Rheumatism, especially jern “Aiberta to Chicago you ill "| a4 a * ee oar ee oe " I nt a lot of money me A few i ow tes fae a i ae hese pac ee SPOR The construction of the Ka oy oses will prove to you why, for the E | result, I eavetaieen. | common an P i } ss v very step In the producing and manufac. en ae Ea SE Bekkecen’ kaa Bei d minor ailments of life, Beecham’s Pills tavinnot tae Genaial icious Jam contributes to the tell you that Zam well, |, , s s ement hes Rot Jel aay Columbia Railway northward ré t é Right First Aid ' prosperity of B.C. It will satisfy the most : haps never will, but the {from the main line of the G,. 4 Prepared only by Thomas Beecham elens, Lancashire exacting. : one and I can do any ; , Sold overgniinr’ in Canada and U: SF aacoe ia coax Woman I have gained 35 pounds Pp. has made this lake accessibl SOLD BY ALL GROCERS ln ynths.’’ and in its waters are great num In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins R.A.WAUGH. | enn op Oe, a x, 6 a = eee 25e. vers Of fish. wo companies have| with 2.106.400 pounds landed at} ge ” THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING co., LTP. 1 r direc ‘rui j ’ Atalldea direct from Fruit-a-tives |been formed to carry on the fish-| tis port rhe salmon pack for | : : Vancouver, B. © J i ¢ o ’ . le li i. 2d —fing in the lake and the Canadian the month represented 12,999,700 | Sterling Marine Motors Salvation Army. itxiiréee Conifiany ié Deing called } pounds lish, representing, at van be purchased In town. A : com Se dest valuation, well on for | otor that will give you en- ) to s ply specis "e ger: i i publ meetings, Tuesday, | ; “ cs a yi z ss . s ; three-quarters of a million dol- tire satisfaction. Built for Em 0 ‘ars » take 1e ~ 0 a. | i Vhursday and Saturday at 8 p. m.! ' sihek ia jlars Of the salmon catch, 4.060 nerd work. Guaranteed, ess ams Sundays at 7:30 p. m. ete, ee eres tines | hundred weight was used fresh 3 yg groin eae , lias = — o Chicago. : ; a PERS RT ~ ADVERTISE IN A great distributing jor shipped fresh. There was about FISHERMAN’S ENGINE = 4 A great distributing point for|553 hundred weight that waelg 2 OMS %2 im by 7 In, 12-48 cee Suman THE DAILY NEWS fresh fish, the Chicago market) mijq eyred. whil vf a srerse Tower. vee , ‘ a i : jinia cured, while the remainder 4 Cyl.—6 1-2 in. by 8 in., 25-35 ion rong states that it can take all the | was canned. In the canning pro- Horse Power. - white fish that can be sent from Ges, 149.527. cnaes. were take Do your remodeling with a first- western Canada and the trans-| gare.ot during «At ' i mt class engine. F . ve ) ‘Ing August, ‘here wa rtatio «0 ¢ 1s s ix. p “4 e companies, it i8 @X-| wore 44 000 pounds of cod taken For Further Information e Read pected, will have to enlarge their | and used fresh and flounders Apply to - arrangements next year to meet]... ‘nted W. E. Williscroft, Phone ; si ailieitiin dihisena represented 1,000 pounds. $ Blue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- ; g g tr ‘ = ‘ trician, Phone 383. P Chicago is also taking from| + pie Thiele tees! eeoees é 9 Canada large quantities of fresh erve Energy and! Co Prince Rupert halibut and the - asse | ughing scatters erms fishing industry is very brisk at} Eyegl Ss. St i § ° the new Pacific coast port. Over | ie op t fifteen million nounds of fish Coughing increases the | irritation of the already in- ST eT er handled in the month of August! flamed nitietions: membranes : * r Ree mee us Ask iactanies aaa Go Circulation Guaranteed of Cloth P was Prince Rupert's record. While disease co Ate h : fe oAwe the salmon end of the industry! ¢ eonstant dropping wears cottatitien's Syrup of Tar and the Largest in Northern ssn ote ec 7 iver Oi : Briti int ee een Oe Teena was the largest part of the busi- ‘awavastone. A slight ootghineg, bn anon, than 8 :: British Columbia :: rated i shiawat ; : 2 peak fer j to-its toni perties, eff ————————— Bpere. Aalul, “showed up” well. evestrain injures the health 3 apermanatoae. i | because it is constant. The of Metaleehe Bene . : ‘ o i <== J Strain which first manifests and God Liver Ollis specially ( : itself asa slight discomfort | one fe vr cant ae a soroerorocooocooooooonrs PP OOLCIITS OCOOOOD ROOD ODS > : permane ron- MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A | should be remedied at once, Chial healer. LR a ar —— : Bi Ill d C l ‘glasses. Consultation free. | ; a a i : Ha irks’ Illustrated Catalogue |, Beisys'ae dangerous,” 9 * armen ore -—- Largest Circula- § THERE $ Three quarters D 19 Nd OEE £LOMe LUNE | Look for L tion means th IS t the local Ad Bee | oop ea e or the a As a@ medium through which you may select gifts eultable for every OPTICIAN Best Advertising A vertising is done occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. ‘ ° . s sicty’, oni Hai tRic cite tad alas at saa ide ieci-tan ‘oven (| {000 SUT Phone Black 69 : Medium :: 3 REASON? iatheDailyNews Department and our Sllustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead- ig Ing to @ selection from our immense stocks. | ——— ae ee | meme we ee ee ee —_—_—_—_—_—_—— Albert Rooms SSSSS== ===> WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. 2nd Avenue——— ™ , ee yore teat crys ried ie | Close to the Westholme Theatre Fa . . . i He B oS S - d | CENTRALLY LOCATED Henry Birks ons, Limited ||jj corms soorreo ch JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS | RENTS REASONABLE ! Prince Ru ert’s Granville end Georgia Streete Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement ° P Geo, E. Trore: o ee |i E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C J | UNDER NEW ° MANAGEMENT Leading Paper ! The purity and fragrance of Se in —— —_———— — — = — Baby’s Own Soap have made it ¢ : a universal favorite. Its use is ULAUAAVEOAOEUAUOUNAEEAHALGUAORUGEOEGGAUAOLUGHOERHEEUGUUAGERSUEELAUUAUUOUOUUEUGGGOGGEUUOUEOUOUEOGEEUAUALUAUUUNGLSUNILEE |} meres esa SS R Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal. - ee ° ead ° Hee ees = The Housekeeper is Right Sometimes a housekeeper requires a quick leaven- ing agent, and finds she has no baking powder. What does she do? She raises her biscuit by a mixture of cream of tartar and soda, or soda and sour milk. She may not get the propor- tions quite right, but she knows her food is safe. But does she ever use a mixture of alum and soda? Was there ever a housekeeper who bought alum and soda to make a home made baking powder? Intuitively she feels it would be unsafe, Then why use baking powder made from alum or the same mixture that the housekeeper would not dare to n.ix and use in her food? Alum is alum, whether bought in the drug store cr in baking powder, Dr PRICES BAKING POWDER is made from pure cream of tartar and contains no alum, lime or phosphate. ‘There is absolute safety in its use. - A tonic as well as a cough eurer Lasge bottle 35c. Sold @ owhare, MATHIEU'S SYRUP Or TAR & COO LIVER O'FL FARRAR IIIAIIIIIIIN 5. ssVUOOUOOAUUOUUAUOUUTOOUOOONOOONONNGOOOQOGOGNGQ008VUOUOQOQOOOQOQOQOQOQONOOQOGOOOGSS0N80000000000000008000900000UUCUONUOUOOUUUUUUOGOQOOOOQOQOGNOGUOOOOOOOOULE THE DAILY NEWS’ . = a - eye. OAR AOR OR AR A CAA I aR Og Ramsay's Empire Cream Sodas we ee ve reragrerreerrorerrrerrre oe in 2-Ib. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda Biscuits. They are made in B. ©. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by. RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. Se HS ICG IKI ICICI ICICI A I A I Ab