ATTERING GERMAN SECOND LINE CLASHING WITH SERBIANS -- BERLIN'S RIDICULOUS PEACE TERMS R. W. CAMERON IS IN HOSPITAL IN FRANCE Mrs. R. W. Cameron, who has yRYDOCK FINAL TEST THIS AFTERNOON at the drydock, This forenoon, |. Pillsbury had his staff busy ‘tal in V HT} | just left the hospital in Vancouver ting the various sections of the | after undergoing an operation for ck together, preparatory to the | appendicitis, has written to a bilicial test which will take place friend in the city stating that Mr. “ peat Ie that’ 30? Whoa Cameron, who left here with the j ‘he desjieriei iain aaaanaal first contingent, has been badly } Bsa rracy, of New York, cut up by shrapnel, and is in the ) nd the other officials who are hospital in France. Bob’s chief | ore for the test, will go south injury is a broken leg. He is re- the Prince George tomorrow covering and hopes to go back to the trenches again. DICE THROWING IN CITY CIGAR STORES morning NG SEATTLE FIRM COMING TO RUPERT The Pacific Net and Twine Co., ; : ; ( the teraeat deat At the police court this morn- Seattle eof e largest deal- ing, before Magistrate Carss, V. rs in fish en's supplies on the A. Cole was charged with ‘“per- past, W pen up business in Prince Rupert The company mitting a game of chance to be ealizes the importanee of this played with dice for tobacco at ort as a fishing centre, and has his cigar store on Third Avenue, - said store being a publie place.” ecided that it is essential that Accused claimed that, in Van- should establish a business ere, The new coneern will op- couver and Victoria, dice throwing ate in conjunction with the firm for cigars had been held to be within the law, giving the cases of E. A. Morris and Salmon as examples. The magistrate reserv- he firm will move into commo- (Continued on Page 4) my THE ONLY WOMEN ALLOWED INSIDE THE ITALIAN LINES ARE THE REFRESHMENT SELLERS ed Judgarens andl! sOmOrrem f Kdward Lipsett, which has been presented here foes some time. PENCH SWEEPING GERMAN pe Aa ice Bee IMPORTANT OPERATIONS ARE LINES WITH TERRIFIC FIRE |... *sie-ts toes tes a}. tue er tom in a ve tne EXPECTED WITHIN 48 HOURS splendid double feature program.|program at the Westholme to- _ SO “A Studio Escapade” is a refined],;, 1 A Asa ie oe ae ight and Comorrow is a Owo-ael) Aone) ere SILENCE TO BE OBSERVED, EXCEPT AS REGARDS RENCH BEARING THE BRUNT—FIRM FOOTHOLD GAINED IN |.) 606 deana of a very high or. ni a : ADVANCED TRENCHES—GERMANS BRINGING MEN der. while ‘On bocesome Maun. ee ee eee OFFICIAL DISPATCHES— THE BULGARIANS ARE FROM POLAND— BERLIN'S FARCICAL tain” is a powerful Lubin drama.|°®"48*", The scenes depicted are CROSSING SERBIAN FRONTIER — 121 PEACE TERMS Both are two-reel features which|i® San Juan Capestrano, called GUNS WERE TAKEN eee should appeal to all. the gem of the western seas. The ; a POs ee ee: a Attacks repulsed. “A Day on the’Force" isa most|story is of a country. lad who gets Copecte! to The Dally News.) oA? SDH BE ae eee is bveen} + es biases ohare German counter attacks in Ar-|jaughable comedy, depicting the}employment in a broker's office} _ New York, mol, 1.—-Important erat 1 greater than ’ ad been pre- : ping the second line of Ger- inthe city, finds a colleague rob.j/UroPean operations are heralded} viously announced, The total field gonne, at Artois and Loos, were|famous English music-hall com- f 5 , : by the intimation that silence will] gums and heavy pieces captured (efences in the Champagne ; Biller hitter “tN Ea ical de Sassi Shia’ { ; : inh ; *C. {ve ; e s ras _ | edian. Lily eeves as a police- ne the sé , t ) s . : , th terrifie artillery fire.|'” ee: ee Aten woe Hyttish pr Bill Ilways funny and]! and become eventually be observed during the next 48|from the enemy since September man, Wiy is a ays \ ane JOSS, ana co Ss ‘ve t 5 A | h now have established|Sure, but all were repulsed with A ' : a fi nates In time, thing hours. No eable will be allowed} 25th on the Champagne front 1e part of a comie policeman IsfJulior parcner, » Ss thold in advaneed}|heavy loss to the enemy. ; e handet t “py - and he returns to his|t® Pass, except censored official} alone reached 1214. enchee one of his best characters. e780 wrong, ¢& > su Ss oe , . oe _ ‘ ape Allied Re-inforcements. Green Cat” is a scream from start{country home to find his former dispatches. These stringent pre- A flotilla of aeroplanes dropped rermans, Who have been London, Oct. 1.—The French};,, gnish. sweetheart has died of a broke nl! ‘autions are being taken in order feventgnbwo bombs on the station ed by troops from Po- . : to prevent German spies from|at Guignicourt. The bombard- ; are bearing the brunt of the The tenth episode of “The Bro-|heart. It is a drama full of hu- s sk ehting furiously, shell- ; ; | " aa Sick getting any information as to de-| ment appeared very effective. The > the French from both sides fighting inthe west, and are ham-jken Goin” comes along Monday : 4 cae velopments, aeroplanes though violently can- - Somme mering the second line of the Ger-}and Tuesday. rhe Wanderer’s Pledge” is @ ; nonaded, returned safely to their mans in Champagne, in the direc- : slits splendid story of the woods, with Bulgaria and Serbia. ; va aye 7 rnrrennsenieumaten [irre en aa err mr ee Ps ; Tharadee aa pase. ‘ltion of the Grande Pre railroad.| SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, nice{@ delightful love tale mixed up} Turin, Oct. t—There oe lea :|several clashes o » Serbian-| eo EST H () LM The British forces in France,Jassortment of stylish hats at{With adventure, rhe Road O07) Sevel 2 : poh on. he. ay ae ital tan ur milla, Are tol Demarettor 96,00. Strife’ is very exciting, while} Bulgarian frontier. A Bulgarian MAJESTIC or THEATRE 0 i] be increased by 500.000. Danone Seale tou Wig *Rixby’'s Dilemma” and “The Vil- patrol at Pritchouke attacked per- (iced tl MO tances Rh ope RA HOUSE Aviators Busy. Dark days coming brighten|lage Scandal” are two real good|Pian sentinels, and Bulgarian Tonight and Tomorrow =_FOPUL A _Denyeeues Aviators are dropping bombs|the home-—wall paper cheap omedies, troops have been crossing into TONIGHT Sweety ee sid ae Serbia for severs 7 Special Double Feature Attraction— ‘ 7 : Serbit several hours. The pec AND TOMORROW on the railroad and on the sta-| Wallace's, 231-2 Narr Rena Te ee nTEryT oe ; OF: RANG Rare : ° “A STUDIO ESCAPADE”—In Two “THE STRENGTH OF LOVE” __ tions, in order to prevent the Bese el shai ee a KNITTING CLUBS Bulgarian troops are digging Parts. A refined classis Drama. Sth Episode o ath : pre ior : Ste : renches ¢ erecting arbe . “The Road oe Rertal Germans from bringing up re- SPECIAL FSGR SATURDAY, iow — pn nehe und erecting barbed “ON LONESOME MOUNTAIN’—In 2 inf ments autumn hats, $5.00 at Demers’ The right kind of yarn at the,;Wire defences along the frontier. parts, A powerful modern Drama, “THE VILLAGE Manse inforcements. i i Ri i ao et Comedy. BANDAS German Peace Terms. 5 cere rai rn Ser ae right price—Wallace's. 121 Guns Taken. “THE GREEN CAT” —A Scream ssi *