PRINCE RUPERT, B. G,, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1915. JAILY NEWS PRIGE FIVE CENTS 2 EE == EADY FOR BALKAN ATTACK -— ——e A SEEMS DETERMINED 10 CHT F ~¥ “RUSSIANS STRAIGHTEN OUT LINE RUSSIAN (Special to The Dally News.) Paris, Oct. 2.—A Athens that ns from Sofla are moving in report from Bulgarian states the direction of the Serbian front- ier, Other troops are making for the ¢ border, rhe | cipal point of conven- tration s the Stouma river, thwest of Sofia. War Seems Certain. It seems certain that there is to be a renewal of war in the al- kans. Britain, Franee, Italy and Russia have arranged plans to pe with any attacks which may be ma on Serbia and Greece, The ire pro-German manifés- tations in the Bulgarian cities ilong the Danube and artillery is massing on the frontier of Do- 1 Roumania. French Progress. There has been a hot German bombardment in the Artois dis- trict. The French have made progress on the Heights of La Folie, capturing a number of ma- { he guns, Russians Optimistic. London, Oct. 2.—There are op- timistic reports from Russia, fol- lowing the withdrawal of pressure } ‘ iy. The Russian front ds in a straight line Dvinsk to the Roumanian wevibetanmaie meats A GOOD PROGRAM AT MAJESTIC THEATRE rhe Majestic has a real good tonight, including a “On a two- The happy-go-lucky Prograin for a * dramatie | ne attraction. Mountain” is ima of great power. st s of a ler who is falsely accused bbing his father’s safe, and away, leaving a broken- | sweetheart behind. Going of Kentucky ‘ite timber lands belonging family, he 'e mountains encounters threaten his moonshiner’s out of gratitude, The thief at s discovered and his father “ld Old sweetheart rush off to “ilds to give him the good Naturally hiners who ante Saved by a ua iter, he, i ies her, real complications It is a thrilling tale, well \ Studio Othe two-ree] nts Escapade” is the feature, A most ‘sting story of the struggles * young girl, Billy Reeves in ‘ Day on the Force” is a regu- ‘rus, while “The Grean Cat” Provides no end of fun. Ais) ola the crowd to — There is a reason . Majestic Theatre Self's Next 102tf, BIILGARIANS MOVING TROOPS AGAINST SERBIA AND GREECE ALLIES PREPARED FOR FIGHTING IN BALKANS--BULGARIANS SHOWING PRO-GERMAN TENDENCIES — FRENCH MAKE PROGRESS——OPTIMIS!i ON THE FRONT Si... WILFRID LAURIER HAS LEFT HOSPITAL Ottawa, Oct. 1.—Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who has been in the gen- eral hospital for nineteen days as the left the hospital this morning and result of a facial operation, returned to his home. The former been somewhat the confinement, premier has weakened by operation and but his fears as to Wil- frid expects to go to his country subsequent physicians have no his complete recovery. Sir Athabaskaville for a few fake a home at days and afterwards trip to the south. SPLENDID SHOW AT THE WESTHOLME °«.nEATRE The fine tonight is a titled “The is a remarkably chief program number in a very at the Westholme two-act drama House of Cards.” It told of the life of a young man from en- well story the country, who has made won- derful the success blotting out all city, his thought days and associa- progress in of his earlier tions. His return to the old place} and folks is splendidly portrayed, | play is full of while the whole human interest. “The Strength of Love,” the sixth episode of “The Road O° Strife,” shows the rescue of the heroine from the old mill, and is more exciting than the last installment. “The Village Sean- dal” and “Bixby’s Dilemma” are even comedies of the best type, while “The Wanderer’s Pledge” lightful little drama of the woods, is a de- PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES were amongst The the first-class passengers on the | following Prince George this morning: Mr. Spurrier, Mrs. McLean, Mr. Manson, Mr. Farris, Mrs. Saun- ders, Mr. Wallace, J. G, Sweeney, J. F. Stine, J. P. Shephard, J. Wright, Miss Bravin, J. Ash- worth, Mr. Gorden, Mr. Hamilton, Mrs. Stone, Mr. Hartley and wife, Mr. Hurd, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Me- Queen, Fong Tong Sing, Fong Son, Lee Jon, Lum Tak Lim, Foo, Lum Bing Lim. The Queen Mary Chapter, I, O. D. E., will hold their monthly meeting on Monday next, October 4th, in Board of Trade rooms at 4 o'clock. As there is much business to discuss, all members are urged to be present. Mrs, H. R. Grant will give a short ad- dress. ee ae Shoes at cost at Foge’s Leather Store, Hart Block, Third Avenue, — Yanon Rix returned from Ter- last night. j the Russians in retreat. BRIDGE BUILDING ON THE RIVER BUG—German erecting a bridge over the riverBug to replace ones destroyed by engineers THOMAS KELLY IS ARRESTED IN CHICAGO (Special to The Dally News.) Winnipeg, Oct. 2.—Thomas Kelly, the contractor for the Man- itoba parliament buildings, has been arrested in Chicago on charges of fraud, perjury, and conspiracy. Extradition proceed- ings have been started. Kelly is charged with getting $800,000 by graft on the parlia- ment building contract. THE WEATHER By F. W. Dowling. For 24 hours ending 5 a. m., October 2nd, Barometer ..c.ceeviccec’s 29.810 Maximum temperature ...... 58 Minimum temperature ...... 4A September Summary. Mean temperature ........ 54.6 Highest temp. (on 15th 70.0 Lowest temp. (on 42th 44.0 FARRAR ais a ig'g pie a 46.6 9.66 Dark days coming brighten the home-—wall paper cheap Wallace's. 281-2. OR OK OR RR 8K OR OR OR ROR OR OF * REGISTER * * Selhdhlgem-vini * * Monday, October 4th, is * * the last date on which * * you can register as a * * yotler. Do it now! * +. ORR RR RR ROKR FR OR OF MUSIC CHKARI.ES BALAGNO (Planist at Westholme) TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE Former pupil of F. @. Strong. TERMS MODERATE, Phone Biue 408 BOWSER ACCUSED OF DISTORTION OF FACTS (Speciai to The Daily News.) Prin- E. Cooke Vancouver, Oct. 2.—Revy. cipal McKay and Rey. A. Hon. W. J. held in Bowser at a crowded the Dominion Hall here last night. Mr. Cooke proving the “The Crisis in B. C.,” replied to meeting produced records statements made in and, in a the Bowser of two hours’ speech, repeated charges. He accused the distortion and evasion of facis. MORE RECRUITS The following recruits left on the Prinee George this morning: Alex Alex. McAuley, Drysdale Ogilvie, Malcolm Smith, Houston, and James Brown. KNITTING CLUBS The right kind of yarn at the right Wallace's. yrice price a High grade shoes at wholesala)}for potash next year, conditional prices, at Fogg’s Leather Store, PATRIOTIC DANCE Under the Auspices of the Chapter Hill 60 of the 1 oO. D. E. kh ST. ANDREW’S HALL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1945. At 9 p. m. Proceeds to be donated to the Red Cross Society of Prince Rupert, TICKETS $1.00 EACH On sale at Orme’s Drug Store Se ANTHONY COMSTOCK Famous New York vice crusad- er who died on Sept. 22nd after dietating future plans for the society which he founded in 1873. POTASH DEPOSITS MAY ALLEGED ENQUIRY INTO SUBMARINE PURCHASES (Special to The Dally News.) Victoria, Oct. 2.—S. 8. Taylor, he C., of Vancouver, representing jthe Liberal party, was refused istatus in the submarine enquiry, which opened here today. Sir Charles Davidson ruled that coun- | ° ‘sel John Thompson is capable of conducting the enquiry. of the Parliament Buildings, said that he handled a cheque for $1,150,000 for the submarines, as agent for the sels were handed over at sea. J. V. Patterson, of Seattle, ad- mitted that he received $40,000 commission for himself, and stated that this was all the eom- Richard Ryan, janitor government, when the ves- mission paid in the transaction. BE FOUND IN THE NORTH | Oct. 1.—That the} world’s greatest deposits of pot- Edmonton, ash and other potassium = salts will be found in Northern Alberta is the belief of Charles F. personal representative of D. A. the Welsh who, up to the present time, has good deal of in prospecting for minerals in the north. Mr. Law has written to the Edmonton Board of Trade, Law, Thomas, coal king. expended a mnoey He claimed that the submarines were proper vessels and perfect in construction. The commission is still in session. RED CROSS DANCE In the K. of P. Hall last night, a most enjoyable whist drive and dance were held, under the aus- pices of the Sons of England So- ciety. Proceeds were donated to the Red Cross Society. The Sons of England Society pointing out that under the pres- ent Canadian Mining Act potas- sium can only be mined on simal! claims similar to those allowed in the case of gold, silve™ and other metals, and owing to the creat depth at which it is likely to be found, making prospecting board memorialize the Doisir, with to the the that claims of 1,920 acres may be ac- government, a view amending of law, so quired, as in the case of petro- leum. The board has decided to rec- ommend the matter to the most careful consideration of the gov- ernment, and such changes made in the mining regulations as may en- appear to be necessary to thank all those who any way to the success of the evening. wishes te contributed in trates of soda are associated with common sea salt,” states Mr, Law, “the deposits in Northern Alberta should be the largest in the world, very costly, he suggests that the);as the salt beds extend over two one of area acres, and the largest known deposit of salt of As the potassium of latitude and representing an three million unquestionably degrees longitude, exceeding being marine origin. froms three per cent. of sea salt, we may reasonably assume that potash will be found in as rela- tively large quantities.” A SOLDIER’S YARN courage the development of what may prove to be a valuable, natu- ral resource of Northern Alberta. Mr. Law says he has been ac- this mineral for the past 22 years, and is so much persuaded of the possibility of finding it in -Nor- Alberta that the interests are prepared to expend thern Thomas a large sum of money in drilling on a change being made in the act. Big Revenue to Germany. conditions, Mr. derives its Under normal Law states, Germany largest revenue from the export tax on potash, and the govern- of Chili from the export tax on nitrates. At the present time the ‘Thomas drilling for petroleum at Vermi- lion Chutes, on the Peace River, and the drill could be shifted dur- ing the coming winter to.the pot- ash grounds, and drilling begin jnext spring to a depth of 2,000 feet, found at a depth of 4,600 feet, underlying salt. “As both potash salts and ni- ment interests are race ; { tively engaged in the search for The German deposits are The right kind to make socks with—Wallace’s. 231-2. WESTHOLME SS OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW “THE STRENGTH OF LOVE” 6th Episode of the Mysterious Sertal “The Road O’ Strife” “THE VILLAGE SCANDAL” Comedy. “THE HOUSE OF CARDS” A great 2-act Drama full of Human Interest, “BIXBY’'S DILEMMA” Comedy. “THE WANDERER’S PLEDGE” Drama, A very Fine Film. “POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 15 cts. Don’t Forget Next Monsey and Tues- day, Third Episode “The Dia- mond from the Sky.” LONDON CAFE And Grill Faultless Service of Fault- less Food Hart Bik. ¥ BOXES FOR LADIES ;