THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN ‘NORTHERN SRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. anger Saturday, October 2, 1915 DAILY EDITION & = DANGEROUS TALK All over the country patrictic full share in carrying on the The truth is that Canadian great war. the troops despatched to the seat meetings are being held—es- proportion of pecially in districts where re- cruiting has been slow—at of war and actually which trained public speakers are appealing to the young men of Canada to enlist and tight for freedom. Much of this work is done by busy men, who assuredly would not engage in il were they convinced that an front is lower than that of any other overseas Dominion, and very much below the percent- age of men sent out from Great Britain. In Ganada up to the present time the total enlist- ment has been about 1 3-4 per cent. of the population. In Great Britain there are under arms about 600,000 regulars and territorials enlisted prior to the outbreak of hostilities, 250,000 men in the navy, and almost three million men re- cruited since war began. This vast array represents almost 8 per cent. of the population of the United Kingdom. A similar proportion of Canada’s popu- lation would involve the rais- ing of over 640,000 men in the Dominion. That could be done only by conscription. Yet Gen- eral Hughes, with the irrespon- sibility of a talks loftily about obtaining a mil- he wants ample supply of recruits svuld be secured without effort. The statements of General Hughes minister of militia, that he can get a million re- cruits any time he wants them and that men are coming for- ward twice as rapidly as they are required, have caused amazement and consternation among those engaged in the re- cruiting campaign. Such a ridiculous “brag” is calculated to stop the stream of recruits at the very time when the need for them is becoming more ur- gent. There are thousands of young men offering now not be- cause of a desire for adventure or the hope of winning fame, but because they believe there lion is pressing need for their help them. to destroy German siilitarism. Sir schoolboy, men whenever Robert Borden ought to If Sir Sam Hughes can get a insist that General Hughes million recruits any time he shall cease to talk nonsense wants them, serious young and buckle down to work. There are great problems awaiting solution in the Militia Depart- ment. Sir Sam should be on the job instead of on the ram- page.—Toronto Globe. Canadians on the point of sac- rificing good positions and im- perilling their careers at the call of their country will cease to regard that call as urgent and will be disposed to draw — back. They will naturally re- A soldier, defending the Em- gard the stirring speeches of|pire, draws $1.10 per day, while the members of the Recruiting|an Indian commissioner has to be League as overdrawn and the/content with $20.00 per day and about slow|$10.00 per day to cover expenses. statements made recruiting as false. General Hughes’ braggart talk is dangerous also because it leads the Canadian people generally to believe that they The Commission the been abilities of Indian have greatly underestimated; the Chelohsin is not chartered at $300 or $350 per day, but at $700. have done and are doing their _= — = | THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED at the | THE DAILY NEWS RR ee ld . ROYAL a YEAST FE MAKES PERFECT BREAD = NN ——————_ OFFICE-BEARERS ELECTED FOR ST. JOHN AMBULANCE At a meeting of St. John Am- held in the recently, bulance Association, Board of Trade the following office-bearers were David H. mre; 2. © treasurer, E. H. Morti- Murray; rooms elected: President, i\Hays; vice-president, ; Duncan; lmer; secretary, C. R. executive, Mrs. A. J. Galland, Mrs. G. A. Woodland, Ald. Edge and W. S. A. Larter. The executive will meet shortly after which the details regarding the for in first-aid and home nursing wil! new classes instruction be announced. YESTERDAY’S BASEBALL National League. Pittsburg, 3; St. Louis, 8. Philadelphia, 9; Boston, 2. Chicago-Cinecinnati game post- poned on account of rain. American League. St. Louis, 0; Chicago, 8. Boston-Washington game was postponed on account of rain. Coast League. Salt Lake, 1; San Francisco, 6. Los Angeles, 1; Vernon, 9. The Brightest Women Find sometimes that they are dull in mind, depressed in spirits, and that they have headache, backache, and sufferings that make lifes seem not worth living. But these conditions need be only temporary. They are usually caused by indigestion or Biliousness and a few doses of BEECHAM’S PILLS will quickly, safely and certainly rightthe wrong. This famous family remedy tones the stomach, stimu- lates the liver, regulates the bowels. Beecham’s Pills cleanse the system of accumulating poisons and purify the blood. Their beneficial action shows in brighter looks, clearer complexions, better feelings. Try RED CROSS SALE At the Red Cross sale conducted by Mrs. Bazzett-Jones and Mrs. Rt. Ik. Walker, the sum of $45 was Mrs. H. 8S. Woods won realized. the white kitten donated by Mrs. Jenns. Mr.-W. F. the white centerpiece donated by Benson won Mrs. D. H. MeDonald, and F. W. Henning won the brown center- piece, also donated by Mrs. Me- Donald, The table, made and de- Mrs. Hickey, was Mrs. C. J. The indebted to all who as- nated by Joe won by Graham. ladies are sisted, and to Mr. G,. A. G. Arm- strong, for the large Red Cross | sien furnished by him. GRANBY DIVIDEND At a meeting of the sharehold- ers of the Granby Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company, Ltd., held in New York on Septem- ber 24, it was announced that a dividend of $1.50 per share will} be paid. A similar dividend was paid last July. It seems that the province of British Columbia is to be saddled | with half of the cost of the In-| dian Commission. Another $100,- 000 added to the debt of British Columbia will scarcely be noticed, but what has B. C. got to do with Indian affairs? » ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, - MONTREAL: W'S x } } _ Sst re rr rg eee = = 3 SS ———e Eee —= ee SSC F.G. DAWSON _ . OFF cE ¢. PRINCE RUPERT,