THE DAILY N EWS prea cE ATER COLYER. NA hw, m —S— ee vi. NO. 234. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TI.ESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS Oe Fs PRR = dee etree terrrenerennnneneeeee = = ON DARDANELLES PROCEEDS— ARTILLERY FIGHTING IN WEST LIES READY T0 DEFEND SERBIA ON A ee — STRIKE SWIFT BLOW AT BULGARIA | 9 HALF MEASURES CONSIDERED —600,000 MEN READY TO LL SIDES—THE RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR RECALLED FROM BULGARIA (Special to The Dally News.) id. Oet. 5.—Delivery of yssia's ultimatum to Bulgaria delayed until 4 m. yester- p. would be 9: llostilities wh 30 a. m., Yor time. are Knected to commence today, un- tion is given. Flash. Lond Oct. 5 Petrograd has \mbassador Savinsky Sofia. at egotiations are r has been declared ind t and Bulgaria. UNDAY CLOSING OF CHIU AG SALOONS (Special to The Dally Newe:) Oct. 5.—For the first tween Kussia icago forty years, a dry Sunday, lt of the passing of the Illi- Sunday closing law. Seven me hundred and fifty- s and cafes are affect- ew law. Mayor istic order by came a as the liquor interests. WEDDING BELLS Miss and !. 8 o'clock this morning, Carss, daughter of Mr. \. Carss, of this city, ed to Mr P. Wilson, man- of the of the Canon Rix was local branch ink of Canada, edding was a quiet one, friends of The Rupert's ost intimate s being present. is one of Prince while opened the Royal Bank here, The south pular \\ son, young ladies, who bra if the is eedingly popular. left for the rince Rupert, and on their happy couple rety ; e vill take up their residence INDEBTEDNESS the couneil last night Ald, Ald. ®, moved that the finance MNnittee to the indebtedness of the 'gomery, seconded by report ding the ith council Cra Cily the a view to cutting down debt, occasioned by which proceeded with, | Carried, paper” bylaws be ing lioy under work is TT 1e@ no mo- Follo Vv a the crowd to Self's Ms ® There is a reason. Next “Westie The ifpa 102tf Chicago will | as a} complete | N CAPITAL No Half Measures. Oct. 5.—The to sent to ultimatum Paris, entente ultimatum is a Bulgaria is welcomed the Bal- Russia's as a means of clearing kan situation. Arrangements have to strike a Bulgaria. measures made swift at It is realized that half be than entente powers will been hard, blow would The army worse useless. of 600,000 men to send an prevent of Serbia be- Austrian to from any danger ing crushed between the and Bulgarian armes and hinder a Teuton army reaching Cons eee le, ISIR RICHARD BRIDE WANTS LIBERALS CALLED (Special to The Daliy News.) Victoria, Oct. 5.—At marine enquiry today, Sir Richard iMcBride followed of jthere being any illicit commission the sub- his denial submarine that the leader, the members of the Liberal executive, in connection wth the purchase by a request provincial Liberal isummoned as witnesses before quadruple collective today. The railway immediate objective the et n, MAP ILLUSTRATING TKE BALKAN SITUATION of the running to Constantinople, Germans attacking Serbia Is over which, by Bulgarian munitions could be sent to the Turks. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION MEETING to gain first aid to the jn- are asked held in Second 12th, at in home All knowledge he a meeting to be those wishing of jured o1 me to attend the Avenue, 8 p. nursing Building, 245 October A ladies class Hays Tuesday, m. a men’s Class in first nursing and aid will be organized at the meet- ing. A working knowledge of first aid would be of great as- sistance to hunters, engineers and surveyors, prospectors and miners, fishermen, steamship crews, railway, drydock, and cold storage employees, policemen firemen, teachers, and all others and Liberal newspaper editors be} whose work brings them into con- ajtact with conditions where sudden tribunal to find a basis for the | acc nts occur now and then. The jrumors. Sir Charles Davidson is|fee charged for the course is considering the proposal. merely a nominal one to cover nena expenses, and the knowledge to “THE BROKEN COIN” AT be gained is invaluable. THE MAJESTIC THEATRE “The Broken Coin” continues its adventurous career at the Ma- jestic. The action is livelier than ever and there is some of the most realistic “scrapping” seen for a long time. There is wholehearted ‘slugging’ matches on and around box cars and automobiles, then a long chase takes place by road and rail. Kitty has the tires taken from her car and uses it on the railroad track. The in- dividual fighting develops into a national affair and war is loom- ing up, when the curtain drops. A splendid Animated Weekly, “Persistent Pete” the make up a very fine pro- and “Star Gazer” gram, THE LAST DAY Someone in Chilliwack has notified the city council that the “last day” is coming shortly, and that the members had better pre- pare, so that they may not be burned up with the tares. This must be a result of the recent bush fires. a For home use in bottles of car- bonated beverages that have cork stoppers, a tap has been invented that can be screwed through the cork, a spring controlling the flow of the contents. aoe ae of P. Burns & Prince George valve Robert A. Grant, Co., arrived from last night. DRYDOCK OFFICIALLY TESTED YESTERDAY oflicial test of drydock took in the presence of W. T. the of the and representatives of the Prince place The Rupert yes- terday, Donnelly, designer structure, the various contractors. All three sections of making dock the a dock to Pa- joined feet enough hold the largest liner on the The dock was a depth of worked smoothly of were up, 604 long, large sub- feet. and all coast, to Everything to the concerned, cifle merged 26 entire satisfaction STALWART RECRUITS FROM ALICE ARM a} ROADWAY AT FIFTH AVENUE AND DUNSMUIR A recommendation, signed by one member of the board of works was last built between Dunsmuir Street presented to the city council night, that a plank roadway be and McBride. Ald. Maitland said that the work would cost $1,300 and he thought the money could be put to better use. He pointed out that residents on 7th Avenue, between Claude and Donald Streets had'no sidewalk yet, and suggested that this was more pressing than the work mentioned. The mayor said that the matter had been councils discussed by previous and sidetracked. He thought that the present path was both inconvenient and dangerous, and that the will of a few resi- dents should not be allowed to retard necessary improvement. Ald. last week the mayor that all must be exercised. Dybhavn pointed out that had warned them possible economy This roadway is not any more dangerous today than it has been in the past, and thought that, finayeial conditions, under present it be foolish to proceed with such work, he would especially when the residents did not want it. Ald. the felt that council should wait until the Beveridge said he people asked for such a roadway. Ald. ognized that the present roadway some inconvenience, but that the $1,300 could be more Montgomery said he rec- caused felt used The sary he usefully elsewhere. work was deemed unneces- in past years, and, under present conditions, it was out of the It was decided to lay the question. on the table for one week. matter ]@ Alice Arm sent four stalwarts PT CIS to the front this morning in O. “THE WEATHER M. Watson, John Marshall, V. F. Mega a a a Lade and George A. Young. They y ; , OHe: : : For 24 hours ending 5 a. m. are big, strapping fellows who , : " October 5th. will certainly be able to give a , s Barometer =. cs6 sass siete ats 30.315 good account of themselves if ranks @ as they ever get Mr. Hun at close Highes AIODOKAGUFE. 5 0.4 : Lowest temperature ..... 46 quarters, ; mm ROINIAMUN vases cc ceaben ss .27 CHARI.ES BALAGNO And Grill (Pianist at Westholme) Faultiess Service of Fault- TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE Former pupil of F. @. Strong. TERMS MODERATE, Phone Biue 408 less Food Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES (Special to The Dally News.) Paris, Oct. trench to trench warfare, there is . violent artillery bombardment of the enemy’s positions in the Artois region. Throughout dis- trict there changes by both sides. Champagne heavy artillery ex- The en- containing are is using shells uffocating mixtures. In the vicinity emy the artillery and machine gun fire has of Somme been especially intense. The Dardanelles. Athens, Oct. 5.—A naval attack on the Dardanelles is proceeding by. means of long range guns HEAVY ARTILLERY EXCHANGES CONTINUE ON WESTERN FRONT BOTH SIDES ACTIVE—ENEMY USING SUFFOCATING MIXTURES IN SHELLS—FIERCE FIGHTING IN THE ARTOIS REGION—FRESH NAVAL ATTACK IN THE DARDANELLES mounted on barges. The barges 5.—Following fierce |are in the mouth of the Dardan- elles under cover of the guns of the Allied fleet. RICH SILVER STRUCK IN ALICE ARM DISTRICT What is believed to be a con- lead of the Dolly has been discovered tinuation of the Varden mine, by accident on an adjoining prop- erty Alice The report brought in yesterday the at about 200 in Alice Arm promises to be one of the richest in the Arm district. placed value ounces silver. mineral districts in-the north. INTERESTING LETTER FROM JACK ENSCH G. Naden has received R. most interesting letter a from Jack Ensch, who, on September 12th, fit, Jack gives a vivid de- was well and somewhere in selgium. scription of several air battles he CHICAGO PHOTOGRAPHER IS ARRESTED AS SPY (Special to The Dally News.) Oct. 5.—Irving O. Reese, a Chicago newspaper pho- London, tographer, has been arrested as a German spy. Friends of Reese believe that He tells of British aviator who escaped a of carrying special observation work, had witnessed. one lire 250 shells in out return- ing to the lines unhurt. He says the boys are all con- tented, and make a fine looking battalion in their kilts. He says there is great fun amongst the old bear hunters and prospectors when they are climbing into their “dresses”’ in the morning. Jack says he has seen a city as large as Victoria reduced to a pile of bricks by shell fire. He says there has been comparatively little doing recently, but that they are ready for the Huns whenever these gentlemen feel like starting something. “THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY” AT THE WESTHOLME “The Silent Witness,” the 3rd episode of “The Diamond from the Sky,” at the Westholme theatre, provides one of the most thrilling auto stunts ever screen- Last night, when Irving Cum- front of going full speed, ing by a the large audience held its breath. Shortly this actor rolls with his car over a cliff into the It thrill. “The pretty ed. mings dashed across in “limited” miss- disaster hearsbreadth after, daring sea. certainly is some Ward” showing Smugegler’s is a two-act drama, fine cliff scenery and good acting. Kiss” comedy in which a gay youngster most laughably gets the best of his dad. “The Discontented Man” is a pleasing little drama. some real “One is a THE CRADLE BORN—To Mr, and Mrs. E, W. Richards, of Port Simpson, a son sjat Prince Rupert on October 3rd. he is the victim of a double, who has been using a forged pass- port. —_ EARLY CLOSING PROTEST Last night a notice from D. W. Morrissey was read to the effect that the quashing of that part of the early he will petition for closing bylaw relating to grocers. He gave seven reasons for do- ing so, the chief being that the bylaw had not been properly signed, one man having signed twice, while others had done so on misrepresentations having been made. The notified Mr. Morrissey’'s lawyer that the notice in that it did not particulars re- city solicitor was not explicit, give names and garding the various points raised. CAMP KITCHEN the matter of the camp kitchen for the second contingent coming up before the council last night, Ald. Casey, secended by Ald. Nicol, moved that the coun- cil do nothing in the matter. This On earried. PATRIOTIC DANCE Under the Auspices of the Chapter Hill 60 of the 1. Oo. D. E. ic ST. ANDREW’S HALL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1915. At 9 p. m, Proceeds to be donated to the Red Cross Society of Prince Rupert. TICKETS $1.00 EACH On sale at Orme’s Drug Store } | Se Aiea