® Tuesday, Oetober 5, 1915. = eS jie LIFETIME “as a Until She Took “Fruit-a-tives” PALMESTON, June 20th, 1914. Trouble and Distressing “Sfomach : Headaches nearly drove me wild. Som time ago, | got a box of “‘Fruit-a-tives, your famous fruit medicine, and they completely relieved me, To-day I am feeling fine and a physician, meeting me on the street, asked the reason for my improved appearance, Isaid, ‘Jam Fruit-a-tives." He said, ‘If taking Seult-s tives make you look so well, go ahead and tuke them. They are doing more for you than J can.” Mrs. 1. 8. WILLIAMS. bOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid by Truit- a-tives J mited, Ottawa. Salvation Army. Public meetings, Tuesday, Vhursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Sundays at 7:30 p.m, ADVERTISE IN OF SICKNESS worn Out, Thin and Miserable shows the scene at Anafarta portant points by the KKK KK KH KH HH KK HK HE * BELLA COOLA NOTES * KK KH KK HK HK KH KK HE Mrs. J. W. Macdonald and her Bertha, left Mr. Mac- donald to his own devices at the daughter, beginning of last week and wend- Ba British, Ny SURPRISE LANDING AT SuUVIA. ito th short { lead that CoOmMmD whiecl btaond ulVely THE DAILY NBWS. a es — = wy BRITISH TROOPS OCCUPYING ANAFARTA BAY—The photo ing the landing battle which resulted in the capture of im- ie barges used for landing under battleship fire. lie is so well pleased with o o ssibilities that he has de- ° ° lo remain here, Tt is hoped Sterling Marine Motors he will be able to find a/% @an be purchased In town. A anion to share the quarters Motor that wili give you en- tire satisfaction. Built for hard work. Guaranteed. —HEAVY DUTY— 1 he is renovating se attrae- We have not as yet learn- THE DAILY NEWS ed their way rejoicing to the|®! how soon he will be “at home piston ne eae ae ad aad Aa af Noosatsum to visit Mr. to his many friends, but we can FISHERMAN’S ENGINE and Mrs. W. Stephenson in their}*sure them we shall not forget eee Senin thea re native lair. It seems. from late to Jet them know in due time. 4 Cyl.—S 1-2 in. by 8 In., 25-36 Horse Power. reports that the feat was accom- : ete hea a Wahed aadheuatalt ss aaik Olaf Fosback and John Johnson | Do your remodeling with a first- i ; Ue aera) iave started on a trip to the in ere therefore, be repeated to the . Et -— mutual satisfaction of all econ- Pera rks it. is their intention to| For Further Information cerned t forgetting Mr. Mac interview the different owners of Apply to erned, no orgetting r. ac- bnrkéa’ In ttad neck af (ea eile W. E. Williscroft, Phone donald and Ralph. : Blue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- | with a view to trading off an in- __trician, Phone 383. Harry Grainger is engaged in | ferior animal for a good one. We f f rr is engagec fitting up his winter quarters, | 1°P® they wists nee in}. a ba e } jthis praiseworthy enterprise. He has rented the Gledhill place The Dye that colors ANY KIND ena enter i¢ lit place | alta “Coola tisdstan: FE a a a a a a of Cloth Peter ees for, as it is understood, a num- f FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ; SAME vi. ber of years. We are very glad es wt a testa t No Chance of Mistakes. Clean Sine. | A Connecticut inventor has} ¢% ok yout Drogeict Be Doeeteey Bendter bostit to note that although his stay in|, ; | brought out a scale which auto- CIrROUIT NG. 14 the place has been comparatively | matically wives: tha: weiahtectrs mis 1k es ted - == lI package ¢ » pate ( ‘erties ek Box 18--6tb St. and 8rd Ave. % LBRO} ize and the rate of postage Box 14—8th St, and 8rd Ave. i at jfor it to every parcel post zone Rox 135—Junction of ist, 2nd and f fale tha aah seit ard Aves. MA U HAVE A jat the same time. Box 16-—ist Ave., between 8th and ; KE SURE YO ’ “ re = = 9th Sts, (Knox Hotel.) Bo« 17— ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue ||| Coughing scatters germs |i = le ‘ —Stop it e CIRCUIT NO. 2 | Box 22—-8rd Ave. and 8grd_ St, i; bin (Post Office.) In Your Home During 1915 S seSamting oer te pifet ia Nic da cena eS ennataan seem a im es Box 24—-ist Ave. and McBride 8t. and 1 mospover apt to carry Box 26-—2nd Ave. and gnd St. As a medium through which you may select gifts sultable for every Others, Box 26—2nd Ave. and 6th 8t. occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. GATED ee Box 27--G. T. P. Birks’, Vancouver, le the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Order i cot Lad enf | Sao than i. CIRCUIT HO. 8. Department and our tlustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead- : to-its tonic perties, effects Box 31—5th Ave. and Fulton 8t. Ing to @ selection from our immense stocks. a ae eat pope! eiey ~ Bex 82—Borden and Taylor Sts. a LL i | of *Mathieu’s 8; Pp Of Tar Box ane ve ei oe wth i | d God Liver Oil is specially ne tee pe en Caen ere nen WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. | mei to itd great walne asa Box $7—8th Ave. and Dodge PI. ieonpieie ee 1g aie permanent Yung and bron- Box $8—6th Ave. and Thompson St. is ‘ Bold everywhere, QiRCUIT NO. 4. Henry Birks G& Sons, Limited bots. oo Bor 414th Ave, and)” Emmerson ’ PL ; : <4. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. Box 42—-5th Ave. and McBride St. JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Sherbrooke, P.Q. Ses as ; ath Are. and grows St x 44— ve ali ; Granville and Georgia Streste } Box 45—7th Ave. and Ebbrte. Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C } Box 141—7th Ave. and Young St. — y Ini IRI O OIO Io she ever use unsafe, BH ns soda, or soda and sour milk. tions quite right, but she a housekeeper who bought alum and sod made baking powder? Intuitively she feels it w is made from pure cream of tartar lime or phosphate. is Right a mixture of alum and soda? CREAM There is absolute knows her food is sxfe. HHLUANEUUELEOUUUUUOGOSGGGEUGGHOAGUAGAEGAGAUGMONOQUASOQONGOEQGGGGGGGRERCULUSUOUUOQGUUGSHOGAQNGGAGGUGG UA AOOUUUOUOAEOGUOLEUEEE GEE LTAE The Housekeeper Sometimes a housekeeper requires a quick leaven- ing agent, and finds she has no baking powder. What does she do? She raises her biscuit |. y a mixture of cream of tartar and She may not get the propor- But does Was there ever a to make a home ould be Then why use baking powder made from alum or the same mixture that the housekeeper would not dare t and use in her food ? Alum is alum, whether bought in the dru store cr in baking powder. RPRICES BAKING POWDER and contains no alum, safety in its use, The purity and fragrance of Baby's Own Soap have made it a universal favorite. beneficial to any skin. TL al Its use is 44-13 mW > WiX HUOUUUGOQGQCOULONGGGQQOOU AUONGUGGOOUUNNGEGQUOUEOOCGOQOUOONOGOQUOOUOOOOOUUUOOOOOOEGSQQQORUUONGGOQUUOONONOGOOUOUOOQGOQUUELESSEq0ONUITE MATHIEUS SYRUP Or TAR @ Coo LIVER Ok it ae Empress Jams Are strictly a B, O. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened frults of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to te purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufaoc- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B.C. it will satisfy the exacting. most SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. CO. Empress Jams . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern : British Columbia :: Largest Circula- § THERE tion means the $ [5 Best Advertising A : Medium = } REASON of the local Ad- vertising is done in the DailyNews Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ 2 YC YOO CCCI AY Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas In 2-Ib. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by their. superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda Biscults. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means crispness. : Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. OG. a FRI OOOO IIR TIAA IITA a —