fue DAILY NLWS Tuesday, Octobe,































































$$$ = -—
: eeenpyeees —— —— — : | :
| ; erees| wove oo 34 NRA
3 i Wealth of Goodness ' e
‘a ckage of “= nN ry
a ony a s° Mrs. James Adams, of Port Es cee N
a sington, is visiting in town. eC :
’ i 55 Saige he Schaal EXPRESS” AND BAGGAGE ed Ou
| Angus Stewart left for Vancou- sishineiiies
; ver on the Rupert this morning. 5 RECRUITS WANTED FOR 62nd OVERSEAS BATTALION
wee “ CANADIAN & ’
| * | | Phone at 3 XPEDITIONARY FORCE.
= Mr. Sylvester and Ed. Davis, of iiisiinoaay
i TEA ro the Granby Company, went south n sonen RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT
' i : on the Prince Rupert. —— OFFICE Now OPEN, ; i
i. Perfectly preserved in the sealed Aluminium package 4 oe 8 B I ht t In view of the recruiting which is in progress at
; ; ; Bress at prose
i , —keeps the goodness in, and the contamination out. The Olympic, an American hal- The r g es throughout the Province, it is apropos to a; ee
; 8 ; s a 5 i answer a few of
— : - —libut schooner, came in today with the questions which are considered by 4) ,
; Women Find | @ considered by those who conte,
— jabout 15,000 pounds. plate entering the Service. The followin, a list of
ay = } ae sometimes that they are dull in | nent queries, together with he information whi, h eact ac
) ; > Jack Conway, of the provincial] mind, depressed in spirits, and that QUESTIONS ANSWERED AN elicits
i, 1c e t S government staff, is now perman-| they have headache, backache, {.—How long ie f to serve? 0
and sufferings that make life | ; Serve: ntil the end of the y ,
ently located in Prince Rupert. seem not worth living. But these | and six months after if required.
; to and trom Norway, Gwoten, Den- aaa . conditions need be only temporary. 2.—-What pay shall I receive? Your pay as a privat
; mar inateaie cane ja. Collingwood Schrieber, the vet- ing aay age ge 4 be $1.00 per day and 10 cents field allowance B 6
; ; ia sp rie ere -ailros ‘ngineer, ‘lef , ness and a fe joses 0 sesides {|
From New York November oft ran railr ad CRQ INE, left for} or bilousne you will be clothed, equipped and subsisted by tho ¢
; December 11th the south this morning, accom- 5 caniat 16 Gover
4 Have Your Berth Reserved at Once. panied by Mrs. Schrieber. | Bes , ;
i For Rates, Illustrated Folders and : 3.—-What will my wife receive during my abseneos rr
i oe oe na ate month there will be paid h separy . ip
4 i! Mrs. BF. A. Woods and her little ’ Sci ? 2 paid Ner a separation allowance of g
f i DYBHAVN & HANSON girl left Liverpool for New York ee part or your pay aes if this be not enough to com.
; 4 Insurance and Steamship Agency, n September 29th board the | fortably maintain your family, the Canadian Patriot), cl
tans eae on September 29th on boare l . ‘ } ind
a 3 Prince Rupert, B. ©. ; ; ‘ so will quickly, safely and certainly will further assist them.
me 2 American liner New York. right the wrong. This famous family 2 : H
i 7 oe * Se ke remedy tones the stomach, stimu- i.—What wil! happen if I am wounded or sick? You wil
& i : Alex. Macdonald, formerly of| lates the liver, regulates the bowels. be cared for by the Government and your pay inued
| iu eT Sr eae eee eras eR POE he tae city police force, has been ac- roger ant Be cleanse pad ters until you are discharged. If you are permanently disabled ay
iy an beatae eran ries ; railroad | OF Sccumulaung poisons and purity ajlowance will be paid you, varying according to the extent ot
i ; ‘“ zi ” cepted for government tails Ad) ge Blood, ‘Thele benafielel ection ’ ) : : “ = you, varying according to the extent
a The Dail News BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC 3j/construction work in Russia shows in brighter looks, clearer your injury or disability.
: 4 y 4 LUMP * *¢ ¢ complexions, better feelings. Try 5.—What will be done for my wife and children if 1 die
i (I ASSIFIED ADS J. H. MeMullin returned last} them, and you also will find that they | while on Active Service? The Government will provide a
J : 4 . C O A L night after viewing the body of Are Worth | adequate pension, that will enable the family to live com
H } $9.60 per Ton — Cash on the man Haynes who was found fortably until the childhen are old enough to look after them.
4 : ‘ s Tr : :
; B. FOR RENT iC Delivery meee near Terrace on Sunday. A Guinea a Box selves. The widowed mother of a single man, if the son he
§ ¢ FOR RENT—Partly furnished four-room Money Back If Not Satis- The inquest will be held Saturday. her sole support, is treated in the same way as a wife.
“4 Cottage, $10.00. 112 8th Ave., West, facto * * # Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World.
¢ Corner ‘McBride. 231-6. ry sai cot cs Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents, =| socccscecs eoscesrooes i
4 iree more American halibu Soe :
Es — — UNION TRANSFER CO. schooners came in yesterday | ewe wooes Don’t merely smother your cough
i FOR SALE—Complete sawmill including} 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 3/ afternoon. The Athena had 40,- ;
ae boiler, engine, saw carriage, edger, : 7 ; A. E. WRIGHT cae ieee ae :
i. shingle machisery, planer. and all arans- 000 pounds, the Constance 25,000]3 aot oe Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil not only
Serer. wate |W keweiee OlNe Un ee) ial nd Dominion CURE iT-— omptly arrests coughing, but thanks to its tonic and
¥r, eta tote’ cme Granth Trunk Pacine o 4 and the Alameda 16,000. ee aes Subiteees iesmatheition coogurtiee it helps the system to throw of
4 about three hundred miles from Prince |% eee 4 the cold and thus effects a permanent cure. It is this quality which has won for
ie _Spotcash, ‘Box 110, Daily News. FOR TAXI Magistrate Carss yesterday de- Surveying and Engineering it the largest sale of any cough and aha A in Canada.
i it FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock | 2.) ferred judgment i nthe charge of 35¢. large bottles, everywhere.
- Homer Pigeons, mated and squab pro- 4 ; P. 0. Box 10 Phone 85 J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. SHERBROOKE, P.0.
: ft geeine, st a bargain; also Belgian Hares, Sata liquor selling against King Tai. Fourth Street i yee edi Grech Milhdents Barvins Powders, (he womterfui heatache cum, vi
aie ply 29 orden St. . 614
N i ime erence wae: iat tne) 1OUOD Pics dsonuidebasmenbenionnodsdeedes ape Gos Ge Sew 00 Gam te pee Som bel, at cat Rein Be
MH Phone 99 was sent.as a gift and that no sale | oe - — r
z APERHANGING was made. cs ee ie ia eat i i owas
oe | — ———————————————————
. Chief Vickers has heard from ;
4 Stand - Hotel Rupert Denny Allen. Denny, on Septem-
4 F. G. ROBERTS ber 11th, was still in England, re-
7 14 Dyer Apts. P. O. Box 642 covering from a dislocated shoul-
a * ee jder and doing well.




: MUSIC FROZEN BAIT || 2% vse! nloot as ots

Teacher of Violin and All away until about 11:30 this
F Band Instruments AND morning as she had about 80
4 ‘ A. PESCOTT ICE tons of blister copper to unload

452 Eighth A
Phone ona for shipment to New York over
the G. T. P.


ae ome res @inest FROZEN HERRING



a gee
In addition to four Alice Arm

| Sheet Metal Work! 4} “ReS.rrrie" fiers ster ares nore TE
# ¥ me : . or Sale cruits on the Prince Rupert this HE PRICE OF HOMAGE
: Now is the time to have KINCOLITH PACKIIG CO. morning. They were:-— George








































: ne a fore foe mere iret — LIMITED Beeerpauniony:” F. Peres * Pat NCE when King Edward VII. paid a visit to Sheffield,
ae to, and heating plant put in MILL BAY. B. C. Timmons, J. G, Sweeney, John all the fires in factories and plants were allowed to
ae mend: shape af the winter, For further particulars Boon, and 8. D. Long. die out. Nota wheel in Sheffield turned for twenty-
Te C ln wai Cases apply to ee H | four hours. @,The primary object of this was to lift the
ta onsult a Practical Man if You THOR JOHNSON George F itzmaurice, one of pall of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc-
a Want Resulis etnias Maks Prince tupert’s well known old ing city, and to ensure, as far as man was able, a bright day
oi I served a regular appren- |timers, left on the Prince Rupes, and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion. Q,It was
ae tice at the Sheet Metal and this morning en route for the Sheffield’s expression uf respect.
ye r A Jam Factory. Walker’s Music ive go with “Fitz,” UT the action was unique—it was muprecedented it
| a jeri lateiachceags sie was unthought of that those hundreds of mighty
i me E ¢. 0). ROWE on Wears Stand “MAJOR” GIEJON PROMOTED | ~ furnaces, raging night and day, and those seething
li. bk aM ate Tae Be eae : ilies boilers, with quivering valves, should ever be allowed to
i: pone 960 ek mentees PIANOS Word has reached the city that cool, @, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds
Be Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms PLAYER PIANOS; MUSIC “Major” Gibson, one of the most of thousands of dollars—the price of the effort to get back
f 4 322 SECOND AVENUE ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND 3) popular members of Prince fu- again to high-power efficiency.
i 34 Estimates Furnished to Can- SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. pert's first contingent, has heen OME busi ‘tting h
aie tractors and others Free given a commission, and is now Ms business men in Canada pay an unwitting omage,
/ _ — ; daha ae ee a lieutenant in the 16th Battalion. not to a king, but toa superstition—the superstition
ss : anes to Ment. Oe tc. si hes that hot weather justifies letting the fires of business
5 HE Gis iit ua energy go out. They stop Advertising in the Summer
st T IMPERIAL -————- y judicious” grafting upon . ‘ye upersti-
trees of Chinese origin, Spanish eee ay paying momgae to Ravien, setom, Mp, }
V fruit growers h . , ; ’
i WATER HEATER COIL ADVERTISE IN ‘ire Sec aC bg oe | onan @,You know how dull it can be wage yeu doe t
FOR RANGES AND STOVES ene a MAS) seek. OFONGOS advertise. Do you know how brisk it can be made by
a 4 Patented 1915 of better ality : hich are ° Pr .
ai. ses eee oe a, rest THE DAILY NEWS , ; ? re ye and which are Advertising ? Do you realize how much momentum you
ia” Le sa ee I ee Bah anal now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fal ?
i i 5 Serer
i te ; " mes
th urchasers of any in-
ie . themselves open to prose-
ine cution equally with the
ye parties manufacturing or
" o making same. e e
hs da
E Mremengs comps BM Section Six
ge | , best in Hot Water Heating Appli- dvi . a Can-
ih ee somaaiaba. ein One Partly Furnish alan adveruang Aprncys or the Sacre of the Canadian Heese hasan, Bots
f Coll minus Connections. .§15.00 ne art y ulnis ed ee pain Building Toroule, Enquiry involves no obligation en your part—#°
} y Your Money Back If it Dont Suit, phe *
ay As I own and contro! the above,
no one can put same in, Shall vig-
4 q orously proseeute any infringements. T D P A | ] ULLO
‘ ” s s
ia ¥ Phone 489 ~— P. O. Box 395 2nd Avenue ee oe |