ne a 2 IRA — ————— ee ‘THE DAILy NEWS | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRIFISH COLUMBIA | Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. aggro Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1945 ——————— SS eee DAILY EDITION ———————————— eee GIVING THINGS AWAY THAT COMMISSION The submarine enquiry has Even the Journal is disgust- taken exactly the lines every- ed with the work of the Indian one expected it would take. In commission, but it is not sur- commenting on the enquiry, prising to find it trying to dis- our morning contemporary ad- > mits that Sir Richard has his which is being perpetrated in faults, but that avarice and British Columbia at present. greed can never be laid against him. ‘He has too little regard “Friends of the Indians’ are for riches to be guilty of these ly business, Bride did his utmost to save the Indians from their-friends, but it was of no avail. In fact Sir Richard could not see what claim the Indians had at all. submarines, Sir Richard paid How anyone who does _ not $1,150,000 for $750,000 worth. figure on the voters’ list can Everything Sir Dick has done possibly have any claim is for years past has been done probably beyond Conservative regardless of cost to the prov- comprehension. ince. It was this magnificent It seems that the Daily News disregard of the riches of the is largely responsible for the province which prompted him trouble, having been able to to agree to the province carry- coerce Sir Robert Borden into ing an abnormal load of C. N. R. bonds. It was the same ut- ter disregard of the value of the lands of the province which caused him to permit the spec- ulator to grab everything he wanted, regardless of results to the province. Sir Richard's greatest weak- crimes.’ With the statement that Sir Richard has too little regard for riches, the public of British Columbia will agree heartily. Even in buying the appointing the commission, in spite of the advice of Sir Rich- ard McBride. It is to be hoped that Sir Robert will duly ap- ologise to Sir Dick for allow- ing a weeping Liberal organ to hoodwink him into thinking that a man without a vote could ever have a claim worth inves- ness has been giving things tigating. The Conservative or- away. Incidentally, his weak- gan naturally ignores the fact ness has also been his strength that the commission might as a Conservative leader. Now have done good work at little that there is nothing much cost, and apologises most ni- more of importance left to give geniously for the fact that the away, Sir Richard's day is over. commission was ever breught This is no insinuation that into existence. Evidently the anything was given away at the fault lay in giving thesé gentle submarine enquiry. The Mc- men the opportunity to do Bride government has carried nothing luxuriously for three out to the limit the ordeal of years, at the expense of the dying for its friends, and Sir people. Richard has exemplified the Journalese logic is a fearful truth of the old adage about Follow- the fool and his money, the ed out carefully, it works cut something like this: Suppose a and wonderful thing. only unfortunate difference be- ing that the money in this case belonged to the people. man is being held up and rop- bed, and a law-abiding citizen ~ —-—— — - __] EEE == == — ——_ = THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED S$. VENTURE ‘™J2,.c0nn; "uss row sumrson Balis for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. SAILS for STEWART, GRANBY, Saturday, A. M. - October 2nd, 16th, 30th, November 13th, 27th, December 11th, 28th. Sails for MASSETT, PORT CLEMENES, Sunday P. M., October 3rd, 17th, 31st, November 14th, 28th,December 12th, 26th. Balls for SKIDEGATE, JEDWAY’ IKEDA, Tuesday A. M., October 5th, 19th, November 2nd, 16th, 30th, December 14th, 28th. Sails for BELLA COOLA, RIVERS INLET and the South, Thursday P. M., . October 7th, 21st, November 4th, 18th, December 2nd, 16th, 28th. JOHN BARNSLEY, Acent. 623 Second Avenue. Phone 568. Qa EEE — a ee ———— LS aaa aS SSS | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | oe 710 SECOND AVE Sullders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery ) — Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns ;) Rope Valves Ammunition i Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” 4 = = == 2 FRED. STORK’S HARDWARE | ao — ———= saaunttielomemmememsmee tees eee tribute the blame for the farce | iworth of Massachusette shoes, is that responsible for the whole cost- | Sir Richard Mc-}fruits, and Pennsylvania rubber THE DAILY NEWS a _ ee AMERICAN ENTERPRISE |EAncnee CORONATIGN | CEREMONY IN BELGIUM IN NORTHERN MANCHURIA American commercial travelers Miss Sheridan, an [rishwoman, are now penetrating far into|/nas aceording to the Nouvelle Re* northern Manchuria. Consul Mo-|...,. of Paris, a curious story to sher reports from Harbin to the};,)) about the German Crown Bureav of Foreign and Domestic} p,;,e¢e, who, she says, was crowA- Commerce, Department of Com-).4 King of the Belgians in the merce, that he is busy introducing marketplace of Mein on October American trade solicitors to Rus- 1. 1914. No natives were allowed sian firms. The consul says he], cee the ceremony, the story endeavors to be personally ac-|,¢ which later was told by Ger- quainted with the managers of}... soldiers. A new flag, com- every importing firm in his dis-]);.;,¢ the German and Belgian trict When the American com mercial travelers arrive at Harbin,|yi.. sheridan left Ypres soon] j the consul introduces them, and after the time the event is said | 'gives them useful information.) ). paye taken place. Commenting | The result is that the buyer and upon the story the Paris Figaro lseller are mutually assisted. Re- leent orders thus placed in Harbin uture German Kaiser—if he ever position.—World Wide. New York roofing, Galifornia dried CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT goods, while several orders are pending for railway supplies and Light and power rates of the City of T "as Pr Kor Pring Rupert and their comparison with ) * goods. he Bureau of For-}' rine other a d I ; the other cities mentioned eign and Domestic Commerce has Light. ¢ Prince Rupert 10%c max., 7%c min. ge ared considerable data about 2 2 gathered onsider : Victoria fic max., 6.875¢ min Manchuria for all American man-] Vancouver {ic max., 6.875¢ tin . New Westminster .f1¢ max., 975¢ min, acturers who want to know.— ufacture! é Send Duns Review. Prince Rupert .6e max, 2%c min a ee VIC Orin. . 7e max 5.33¢ min Vancouver... 7c max 5.33c min. "mes "A ¢ he po New Westminster 7e max 5.33¢ min informs the police, and the p ae enna ae eee See inn i . . . of, is | 48 is given above, but owing to a different lice in turn rob the thief, h system of rate making in the southern ic f sverwbody sight, | cities, their absolute minimum is not victim, and everybody in Artec. ak aiteneaenieieiiam: wien ie based > ¢ > . > W yle trans- m a consumption of 2,000 K. W H. per the blame for the whole tr: aS ee tenn ane cates fee action rests with the aforesaid |4!ways be obtained from the Light Super ERNEST A. WOODS City Clerk law-abiding citizen. It will not ES be surprising to learn that the . : suegeste sharte Liberals suggested the charter cca tines: Ginna price of 9700 ner oo © “GOLD WATGH FREE Chelohsin,- and that some Lib- e - A_ straightforward’ generous t offer from an established " firm. We afe giving away Watches to thousands of people all over the world ss ©& hones advertisement. Now fs your chanes to obtain one. §=Write now, enclosing 2 gents for one of our fashionable Ladiés’ Long Guarda, oF Gents’ Alberta.” sent carriage peld to wear with the watch, which wil be given Free (thse watches are gvaranteed five years), | eral planned the excursion up | the Naas, and the mining trip} i to Alice Arm. van lous offer. We expect you to tell your, friends aboot us and show them the beanti{al Qwatch Don't think this offer too good to be true, bat send 2% cents today snd ¢ain a Fre Wateb. You will be amared —YILLIAMS & LLOYD, Wholesale Jewellers (Dept. 140), 8, Cornwallis Road, London, N., England. POSPLAL EL OA OCLOP OSI IE Priece upert Feed Co. You feel safe When you’ve washed with Lifebuoy Soap. No matter how grimy HAY, GRAIN, FEED, CLEbe- AND FERTILIZERS our hands—no matter fone germ-laden they may be from the day’s work, Lifebuoy cleanses and safeguards your skin. The mild carbolic odor quickly vanishes, but its benefits linger. Att Grocers WE HANDLE Bulbs, and Take Crders for Nursery Stock. Chicken Feed A Specialty. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. P. O. Box 333. 808 Third Ave. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. es, was hoisted on the church. ; savs the ceremony was probably} It | only a farcical affair, which also | jfor American goods include Penn-|,,... to show the mentality of the is interesting to learn that the|.yjyvania watch cases, $25,000 oo OPP Pee HEALTHY LIFEBUOY; Nerve Energy and | Eyeglasses. A constant dropping wears away astone. A Slight eyestrain injures the health i tant. , because jt is constant. The Brent bee strain which first manifests SE itself as a slight discomfort §=|———— ee neers should be remedied at once, This we guarantee to do with lasses, Consultation free. elays are dangerous. GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Look for Loo p | YY, October 8, 1945 | 7 3 TRAINS WEEKLY SATURDAY MONDAY = THURSpay TO EDMONTON. REGINA, CHICAGO, SASKATOON, WINNIPEG, 8T. payL, EASTERN CANADA AND UNITED states 3 BOATS WEEKLY The wonderful scenic “Skeena” and “Fraser” Rivers, fo1) unsurpassed “Yellowhead Pass" through the Rocky Mounta Jollowed by the “Moun tRobson” (13,500 feet) Mt. Geike, etc. eine at thelr best, The Golden Wheat fields of the Prairie Provinces New Ontario, Cochrane, Cobalt, etc. ’ TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 10 A. TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; San FRANCISO : SAN DIEGO EXPOsiTions * UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER — sepyicg . “Route of Innumer GO EAST Via Combine Pi TAN tere Marvole bine easure with Busi TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON OTTAWA. mony eae ALL POINTS in EASTE nd Uf eA. including Nea Wark ne: inn vee : | SOME OF THE ATTRACTIONS ' thence through | Tourist and Standard Sleeping Cars Prince Rupert to Win Winnipeg to Toronto; Leave Prince Rupert 10:30 a. m. Saturaey PSs ang and Thursday. Arrive Winnipeg 2:25 p. m. Tuesday Thursday’ qrondey Leave Winnipeg 6:15 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, Y¥, Sunday, ronto 12:05 p. m. Thureday, Saturday and Tuesday Arrive To. Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished A. DAVIDSON, Genera! Agent. a ———, DENTISTRY 3) canapian paciric — 7 RAILWAY CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK { - A SPECIALTY | Lowest rates to all Eastern Pointy DR. J. F. BROWN via Steamer to Vancouver and the | ~ DENTIST } CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY OMfces: Smith Block, Third Avenue |] Meals and berth Included on steamer Phone 454 PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND SATURDAY, 6 P. mM. } | j | | j j PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY, 6 P. Mm. 4. @ MONAB, General Agent Corner Fourth Street and Third Av Prince Rupert Dairy Has cut the price of Milk in half PURE FRESH MILK Delivered in city at 10c¢ per quart and Sc per pint B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- ANTEED——-OPEM DAY AND NIGHT 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 Re OOO APPR ALO MAM OD | ; Phone Green 2 52 : 4 Py ? oO? | cortices orner @p PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITE fie Transfer Co t and 3rd Avenor j ; | (Suceessors to JAMES GILMORE Architect Genere! Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 3 —Phone—63 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street) _ | Alex M, Manson, B.A W. E. Williams, B.A, LLB WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. THE DAILY NEWS | aay se e Rupert, B.C SUBSCRIBE FOR Helgerson Block abi! Sta After the bath with BABY’S OWN SOAP “- skin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales the i aroma of freshly cut flowers. me Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some mes” | the refreshing sleep which “Baby’s Own Soap 4 enjoy, Ewpecially for nursery use insist on“Baby'sU¥? * |i) WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR — ——— —_—_—_—_—_—>=——i—_—a t OPTICIAN if » Dendy —— Adidves ; - MONTREAL 143 ‘if ERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, eT eee 223 Sixth St. Phone Biack 69 Se S . , OFFE B. 0 F. G. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT, © ™