Wednesd lV : October ¢ fHE DAILY NLWS isa oases = ay ee oe ieee ¥ c Se There’s a Wealth of Goodness Bet Neste NOW puree ow tae Your King and Cot PO Obes O a. Loews. ae Joveoeee eoccsoscooroooors | 64) government in addition to in every package 0 T. F. Hopkins, of Alice Arm, al the war tax imposed on persons ry ve co x t i siwho are exempt from military N d y, al gj sg oS man in the Serre proposes to impose a new Ce Ou : o.3 oie eeneral war tax of two per cent. ‘ R. H. Cairns, of Vancouver, in-}0" 4!! persons whose income ex- RECRUITS WANTED FOR G2nd OVERsEns BATTALION . - lapeds $250. The government has CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE spector of Indian schools, is PE cans nbiatoetell aa aie ; TEA the city. mnonths to the inhabitants of the RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIAL Gove * relies <3 provinces of Vilna, Grodno, Kov- OFFICE NOW OPEN, oe Perfectly preserved in the sealed Aluminium package Oliver Drange, manager of the] stand, Livonia, and Minsk. In view of the recruiting which is in progres —keeps the goodness in, and the contamination out Lona sterage plant at Juneau,| ics ie naa aa throughout the “Province, it is apropos to anawe a nt = = 1 Alaska, is visiting in Prince Ru- THE HUN WAY the questions which are considered by thoxo se ae 2 a pert. ——- plate entering the Service. The following j« a list of a ) ; - oo A telegram from Bale to the nent queries, together with he information wh ch ea " on “ ] iS k t Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kenvyn, of Petit Parisien says es a Mul- QUESTIONS ANSWERED. ae Ac e€ S Vancouver, returned from Granby bee Ome ae, ae nom long am . to serve? Until the end of the wa j been courtmartialled by the Ger- and six months after if required. to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- oe ae aoe He —- Co for saying the ae see _ 2.—-What pay shall I receive? Your pay as a private y CHRISTMAS SAILINGS ing a few days in the city. been twice through Mulhouse and be $1.00 per day and 10 cents field allowance preci: : 1 From New York November 6th. an ee Hea had touched nothing in her house, ns : aa : seh 8 tadna } a = December itn RED CROSS SALE néteas tha eninad an See a be clothed, equipped and subsisted by the Go ror uate, suateg folers ond fl] warrisom and Gamblel it, Curried off ‘everything of]f 3.—What will my wife receive during my absence? fy ee eee . value and illtreated the people. month there will be paid her a separation allowance of « cheiiawh. a: taaebe have kindly placed their office at rhe courtmartias sentenced her (also part of your pay) and if this be not ‘ Insurance and Steamship Agency, $)(he disposal of Mrs. F. 8. Cle- re a eee eee ae fortably maintain your family, the Canadian Patriotic py, Prince Rupert, B. C. ments and Mrs. E. A. Sinclairythe| Weekly Mail. will further assist them. e Uy re ees Oe, £ 4.—What will happen if I am wounded or « : ladies in charge of the Red Cross - Y Yeisen be cared for by the Government and your pay ¢ Linued sale of home cooking on Friday GE Ce te aT : f ; FS : + thie week: fron 10 axa wee : until you are discharged. If you are permanently disabled ay oO s PK, Ir a. ‘ 4 j : AUTO DELIVERY allowance will be paid you, varying according to the extent of p. m. The demands on the Red 66 The Dail News ”? BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC Sprnt ; é your injury or disability. y Gross are greater than ever, so , peer ee 5.—What will be done for my wife and children if 1 qi > MP CLASSIFIED ADS. ; .* O A L everybody get busy and do some EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE while on Active Service? The Government will provide cooking. Everybody who can pos- adequate pension, that will enable the family t e com $9.50 per Ton — Cash on sibly do so, is requested to pa-|% fortably until the childhen are old enough to look after them. | FOR RENT Delivery tronize the sale. Reniember the Phone eo Sa: 35 selves. The widowed mother of a single man, if the son by FOR RENT—Partly furnished i cetin Money Back If Not Satis- her sole support, is treated in the same way as a wif Cottage, $10.00. 112 8th Ave., West, Corner McBride. 231-6. factory place, opposite the post oflice. ; . , } If you have any suitable article regs eo ee ee ge Hoe ee eee «Don't merely smother your cough . — pte —Complete welt nes i: i. winded . boiler, engine, saw carriage, edger, > ni . . ; : GOy OMENS: Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil not only sons belie $6,400, 8 OB. Vane j or Provincial and Bominion CURE [Troma arrests coughing, but thanks to its tonic and strengthening properties it helps the system to throw off Shingle machinery, planer and all trans- — being $5,000, F. O. a ai peas L a8 Mill is located on Grand Trun Pacific n urveyor ; ‘ about three hundred miles from Prince , 3 CANADIAN ARCTIC . wr the cold and thus effects a permanent cure. It is this quality which has won for Bee cub Boe tt0" bain Nees TERRITORY GROWING Surveying and Engineering it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada. | 35¢. large bottles, everywhere. FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock ; : P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 _—_—_— Quebec, Oct. 4.—Capt. Joseph i j } Homer Pigeons, mated and squab pro- J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. ducing, at a bargain; also Belgian Hares. Apply 925 Borden St. tf. Fourth Street . : Reta " - Bernier, the Canadian Arctic ex-]|} aoe mae WANTED. one plorer, has reached port on his WANTED—Woman cook. Apply matron vessel, the Guide, after a success-) 0 fevertah Mathion’s Nervize Powders, the womdertul beadachs cum, wil fever and chase the pain from bend, beck «ed Bete hx « B Hq + 3 eeiace. -Renett -Aenetel Rem ful trip to the new land he dis- LOST covered in the north, known as pede ag? LOST—A small change purse, 5th Avenue | Stand - Hotel Rupert Baffin Island, and which in 1916 | : , “ ; ee ee ean yond diien tinage will be recognized as a Canadian return to 827 Summit Avenue and re- ceive reward. tf. possession. This newly-discov- ered land, which is located in the Arctic Archipelago, about 2,500 MUSIC FROZEN BAIT foc tena etiptiee Teacher of Violin and Ali 500,000 square miles of territory, Band Instruments AND as extensive as France and Italy A. PESCOTT : 1, Sa a a as 452 Eighth Ave. East IC E combined. The only casualty re- Phone Green 327 ; ported by Captain Bernier was the loss of one of his crew, a Ger- pe aioe FINEST FROZEN HERRING man, who, while taking photos of the islands, wandered too far Sheet Metal Work ! poner ng away from the Eskimo settle- T ——$ =a re ment and was lost. His frozen HE PRICE OF HOMAGE Now is the time to have KINCOLITH PACKIIG CO. body was found 30 days later 150 epUsha cad: siplighte: sa%0 LIMITED tales trom ye station, by. a NCE when King Edward VII. paid a visit to Sheffield, to, and heating plant put in MILL BAY. B. C. search party sent out by Captain all the fires in factories and plants were allowed to good shape for the winter. For further particulars Bernier . die out. Nota wheel in Sheffield turned for twenty- la such Cases ; apply to Sipbictica pce aitnatlee four hours. @,The primary object of this was to lift the Consult a Practical Man if You THOR JOHNSON LAW OF GOOD FAITH pall of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc- Want Resulis Central Hotel. MUST RULE THE WORLD ing city, and to ensure, as far as man was able, a bright day and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion, @,It was Sheffield’s expression uf respect. _T served a regular appren- tice alt the Sheet Metal and Heating business, in a regu- lar Sheet Metal Shop Not in ¢\though much sympathy with, all B I a ec “T have little confidence in, al- UT the action was unique—it was unprecedented—it was unthought of that those hundreds of mighty furnaces, raging night and day, and those seething A Jam Factory. : : the sche +s that are foot for Walker’s Music Store $)''° schemes that are on pr moting peace, bu it is no use C. 0. ROWE -” | aR rn On Second Avenue. prying peace when itiere is 36 boilers, with quivering valves, should ever be allowed to Sta a a PIANOS poten: aneno pone ss Dt paaoe cool. @, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds Shop Gpposite Board of Trade Rooms PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC Hi PONIES Eanes ae Ee of thousands of dollars—the price of the effort to get back 322 SECOND AVENUE ROLLS, SHEET music, AND 3/2! !!ors of this awful war are again to high-power efliciency. Estimates Furnished to Can- SMALL MUSICAL Goons. 3/?")!4t to 4 condition where their tractors and others Free Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. lean see that hereafter they will not to a king, but toa superstition—the superstition jadversaries and the whole world } ; brat business men in Canada pay an unwitting homage, 5 Bienes $0 Bont. jobey the rule of good faith, the that hot weather justifies letting the fires of business ves! rule of keeping contracts, the rule energy go out. ‘They stop Advertising in the Summer THE IMPERIAL {that when they make a treaty montas, By paying nomeee to tradition, custom, weit they shall stand by it whether it tion, they have allowed Summer to become their “‘du ; WATER HEATER COIL ADVERTISE IN is to their interest or not.’’—Hon. season. @,You know how dull it can be when you don't FOR RANGES AND STOVES J. H. Choate at Toronto University advertise. Do you know how brisk it can be made by ee es te THE DAILY NEWS ‘Convocation, | Advertising? Do you realize how much momentum you Is made to meet the demand for . ° ; ‘all ? igs i cr My as Mase now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fall additional fuel being used. DON’T LET YOUR ADVERTISING FIRES DIE =" s|_|} TWO FIVE-ROOM HOUSES ||| © sD aan cution equally with the parties manufacturing or making same. C———— Section Six best in Hot Water Heating Appll- ae Advice veaneds isi th recognised * regarding your advertising problema is avaiiable et ion, E Can- Room ances— ® eet adian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian I Gon aionnenies «s+. 000me , One Partly Furnished 4 603 Lumsden Building, Torootea, Enquiry involves no obligation om your part—s0 write, if interested. Your Money Back if it Dont Suit. As | own and control the above, re a ee T. D. PATTULLO HARRY HANSON Phone 489 P. 0. Box 395 2nd Avenue