day, Oetoh THR DAILY NEWS cae ETE as se sreeTem |PARIS EULGARIANS SEND | / THE DAILY NEWS 1 Il [7 7 LETT T'S I MESSAGE TO FERDINAND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daity and Weekly Quaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. axa Friday, = —————— rates on application. DAILY EDITION B. C. DEMANDS THE TAUTH MeBride’s tempts to persuade the electors of British Sir Richard at- Columbia that the demand for a thorough and im- partial inquiry into the circum- “stances attending the aliena- tion of the best and most avail- able agricultural lands of the provinee is the result of one man's malice and desire for re- failed. The premier what the Globe as- venge has knows now, surded him months ago while he was still in England, that Moses Cotsworth is not the is- sue. The charge is made and reiterated by many of the most prominent and powerful men in British Columbia that the prov- been robbed of its lands—the lands most urgently needed to attract settlers—by pre-emption frauds of the grossest nature, and that the persons into whose hands the lands ince has have come are not re- quired to pay the installments of purchase money or the taxes due by them, in default to surrender their holdings to the government, that the land fay become available for ac- tual settlers. or so The Ministerial Union of the Mainland of British Co- which published the now famous pamphlet entitled “The Crisis in British Colum- bia’’ and sent out its secretary, the Rey. A. E. Cooke, to rouse the province, is not a body of politicians. The posing it are simply acting as citizens who are determined to do what they can to end the era of exploitation. After hear- ing the answers and explana- Lower lumbia, clergy com- tions of the government, the members, at a meeting held on 19, mously that they are more than September declared unani- ever convinced of the necessity of a full and non-partisan in. They added that at such an investigaton “every vestigation. charge we have made wil! he borne out in all its essentials. on be- men of This assertion, signed half of the Union by the calibre .of Rev. Mackay, Rev. Dr. and liev. Messrs. G. R. Welch, J. R. and E Manuel, cannot be laughed out of court Richard McBride. He must meet it seriously. Principal Unsworth, Robertson, by Sir Contract October 8, 1915. A. E. Cooke writes The Globe, say- geon’s recent letter, Rev. “Sir the swore in court ‘that they ing: Richard's statement that Ministerial Union had no other information than that supplied by Mr. had accepted his statements al their face falsehood.” “The of Union whe were chosen Cotsworth, aud value,’ is an adroit He adds: the a six members as committee of publication to en- dorse the pamphlet were sued by Mr. Alex. Lucas, M. P. P., for an alleged libel, contained in six and a half lines of the At the time of the we pamphlet. ‘examination for had not secured certain docu- and discovery’ ments which we now have, we then knew existed, and would prove our case. The three of us, who appeared for all, truthfully said so, but we also stated we were still pre- pared to statements in which substantiate our this connection. This we intend to do by putting Mr. the public of 1909 (which caused the re- signation of Mr. the office he then held Cotsworth, the chairman of service commission Lucas from , on the witness stand on oath to prove the facts. secured have that in addition to Since then we the our documents prove case, the testi- mony. Sir Richard McBride re- fers to the recent speech of the attorney-general, Mr. Bowser, in which he spent most of his time in an attack on the min- isters of the churches om the coast, and a cowardly attempt to defame the character of Mr. Cotsworth. echairman’s sworn I heard the speech although I was refused a ticket of admission at the office of the Only Association Conservative Association. the to and 12 policemen guarded the Mr. times refused admission. eral 8 those whom selected were be admitted, doors. Cotsworth was three Sev- minsters were present, however, and I have been as- sured by a number of repre- that attorney-general did more to than good by the so-called ‘reply.’ that, the one-half one Mr. Bowser did not prove a single sentative Conservatives the harm his own cause “T may say with of of statement in our pamphlet, exception His speech Supplementing Rey. Dr. Pid- statement wrong. = a —— 2 Se FRED “STORK’S HARDWARE ee 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Stee! Blocke Fishing Taokle tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FRED EMPRESS COFF WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR — = = = STORK’S HARDWARE word in defence of his govern- | ment here in this province, and I shall, at our next meeting on OGetober 14, to those present that. Mr. yrove conclusively i Bow- ser’s speech was simply a he- roic attempt to confuse the whole issue. If Sir Richard and his colleagues can so easily prove that we are entirely wrong the quickest, surest, and PPyTn SITiTittt iit tan POUL OOo Tr You feel safe When you’ve washed with Lifebuoy Soap. No matter how grimy our hands—no matter low germ-laden they may be from the day’s work, Lifebuoy cleanses and safeguards your skin. The mild carbolic odor quickly vanishes, but its benefits linger. Att Grocers LIFEBUOY HEALTHY TTT MTT LULL LLL hhh POT ak TU Pe hd TITTTT I eL Tt kd Nerve Energy and Eyeglasses. A constant dropping wears away astone. A Ssiighit eyestrain injures the health because it is constant. The strain which first manifests itself as a slight Ci.comfort should be remedied at once, This we guarantee to do with lasses. Consiltation free. elays are dangerous. Look for Loop OPTICIAN 223 Sixth St. iN Phone Black 69° Patis, Oct. 7.—The Bulgarian | colony in Paris and vicinity yes- RIT terday sent a telegrain to Czar es rerdinand, declaring themselves was in many places a confirma- |'ea4dy to die for Bulgaria, but ex- ton of our statements, while |press!ns the hope that the Czar the bulk of it was gross distor-| would take no aggressive action tion of fact, deliberate false-|{oward the Allies. hood, and direct evasion of the Russia is our liberator; Eng- main issues. It is painful for land ou protector, and France perene: ©. ave ee re our good friend,” read the tele- things, and absolutely unpar- donable if they cannot be|#ram Let us not engage in = proved. But it is equally so}! atricidal war.” | for a man in the position oc-|~ $ cupied by Sir Richard McBride entirely satisfactory plan is aI to state that ‘The Crisis in ppoint a proper commission | British Columbia’ is ‘a tissue to make the thorough investi-| of misstatements from cove! cation for which we appeal.” to cover,’ when the exact refer The men of Manitoba who ences to government records were convinced of the rotten- and documents are given which ness of political conditions prove our facts. These docu- there had a long, up-hill fight ments, records, maps, etc., before they secured an impar- have been exhibited on every tial inquiry, but the end came platform from which we have speedily thereafter. There is spoken. Your correspondent, much in the administration of Mr. Lambert, has examined the public lands of British Co- them personally, and they show lumbia that will not bear the that we have relied on no man’s light.—Toronto Globe. word for the proof of all our —- statements. Sir Richard has} A complete carpenter shop, in- not yet attempted to say onelcluding machinery driven by a gasoline engine, ied on wheels by a builder in an Indiana town so that it can be taken wherever he has work to do. A Rea) Lever Simulation IeoLp WATCH FREE. our tro arm We. ars. © awa Watches to t peor all the world ss @& huge advertisement. Now chanee ia =your ta Write obtain one, now, enclosing % conte for ne of r fashionable Ladic Long Guards, Gents’ ert sont earriago peld to © with the watch. whieh will b lreo (these watehe are sraranteed five years), should you take ad wanes sof one marvel a8 offer We expect you uy as (rene choat ns and show them the iv nant fal 6S sate Don't think this offer too good to be true. but ser 25 cents today end cain & Free We - will be ata: ed. — WILLIAMS & LIOYD, erala Jew Uers De pt 1 145), @, Cornwallis Road, Landc N., Ev«land Prince Kuperi Feed Cv. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, Gi: AND FERTILIZERS WE HANDLE Gulbs, and Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Chicken Feed A Specialty. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. P. O. Box 333. 906 Third Ave. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA [Demand the Brat PRICES yar Nn T Joun HALL has been mount- Demand the Brand j UP ILE Ll dllddlldlsdlddillllls — SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY TO EDMONTON, CHICAGO, AND UNITED states 3 BOATS WEEKLY THURSDAY SATURDAY TUESDAY TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; san FRANCIS¢o, SAN DIEGO EXPosiTions UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT cHaRACTER GO EAST via ““" TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON orTrT “Route | Pleasure w er 8 SASKATOON, EASTERN CANADA 10 SERVICE Innumérabie th AWA, ALL POINTS in EASTERN CANADA ond UNipee REAL Including New York and Boston. SOME OF THE ATTRACTIONS The wonderful scenic “Skeena” and “Fraser” River unsurpassed “Yellowhead Pass” through the Rocky Mour “Moun tRobson” (13,500 feet) Mt. Geike, etc The Golden Wheat fields of the Prairie Provinces New Ontario, Cochrane, Cobalt, etc. : Tourist and Standard Sleeping Cars Prince Rupert a eg to Toronto; Leave Prince Rupert 10:30 a. m and Thureday. Arrive Winnipeg 2:25 p. m. Tuesday FT Leave Winnipeg 6:15 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and sy ronto 12:06 p. m. Thureday, Saturday and Tuesday NITED STATES 8, followed b th ntaing at thelr ‘beet thence through to Winn Saturday, Mong a hi ireday, Sunday, nday, Arrive To. Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. » 1945 meal 3 TRAINS WEEKLY 10:30 , M. A. M. Marvelgn Business beg, and os enjoy. specially for nursery use insist on “Baby » ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Mepanetarer: * F. G. DAWSON PRINCE E After the bath with BABY’S OWN SOAP the H ales the » } y’ Own”. {iil ) UPE » MONTREAL se E aT, B &