LWws Friday, 6 fHE DALY N Y, October g Silla ——_——— —==— ’ 1945, ee —— =—_—__e_— eoooooeoes a S SALE q POO ooo ny —!2 tain (oor? Proanae At RED CROS eects ecsttttesea. f | Why use Teas of uncertain WESTHOLME THEATRE 3 . ° wssrs, Harrison and Gamble lity and value, when delicious aid Messrs. our iININg an ou i" yi a qua ty The Westholme tonight and to-|have kindly placed their office at ‘ n ry a i pa et at ‘ } morrow presents a splendidly va-|the disposal of Mrs, F. 8. Cle- . a ried program of drama and com-]j,ents and Mrs. B, A. Sinclair, the Ce ou edy. ‘Twice Rescued” is @ very]jqdies in charge of the Red Cross ; } 7 oe : 4.03 - , ' ’ ‘o-reel Vitagraph drama, ]cajo » cooking on Friday fine two-reel ti Bi a i ale of home co¢ g 5 RECRUITS WANTED FOR Geng OVERse ; 4 : “Welcome to Bohemia” is a com- of this week, from 10 a. m. to 6 AS BATTALIo a a CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY F N, i edy featuring the ever-popular p.m. The demands on the Red ORCE, i Wally Van, while ‘“Flashlight}(; oss are greater than ever, so a Tea can be had on demand. o err. Cross are gr 2 RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIAL Ba Slivver” is one of those most/eyerybody get busy and do some OFFICE Now GOVERNMENT 3 ———<——_$_—_—_—_ e * h . Packets 0 laughable Bud and Ham produc-|oooking. Everybody who can pos- , a OPEN. ie: Black, reen or xed. ° iti tad 4 In view of the recruiting which is jn progr ; ions. sibly do so, is requeste¢ O pa- , a STCSS al pragan ie rees:“ " Toronte —" throughout the Province ‘ nt ne FREE Sample Packot on Enquiry. Address: SALADA," T “Into the Night” is the seventh|iponize the sale. Remember the ; : : fy mee, it is apropos to answer a few os ae : = —— : ; gs : the questions which are considered by +} wi! episode of the mysterious “Road place, opposite the post office. . x tpn VhO conten oo bai tes : i ; | plate entering the Service. The following m. 3/0’ Strife” serial, which is proving If vou have any suitable article A : © 15 @ list of pert mn at ; nent queries, together with he information whyi9 oe je so interesting. The program|(, raffle it will be greatly appre- QUESTIONS A “eH WHICH each elicits J C e t S opens with a splendid Hearst-|oiated. Send it in early on Fri- NSWERED. / te Fc s , 1.—How long am I to serve? Until the ang ' { Selig Gazette. day morning. and si ynths after if on : . 49 . f s ‘ : r ; af N dias ° “The Diamond from the Sky acon an x mor after if required. to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- , 9 -W ‘ “epeive? Vo mark, Finland, Italy and Russia. comes along again on Monday. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT What pay shall I receive? Your pay as ay ite wy CHRISTMAS SAILINGS be $1.00 per day and 10 cents fleld allowance. 3 a From New York November 6th. “a - : ; : ESIOS this : November 27th. | WOODEN RIFLE BULLETS Light end power. rates af “thé City. ‘et you will be clothed, equipped and subsisted by tho , , ecember nh. ‘ AY y th 1OVvern. Have Your Berth Reserved at Once. PRODUCED IN MILLIONS ae ee ne ae a with ment. i For Rates, Illustrated Folders and a ce CO: SRS. eee 3.—What will my wife ‘aive ns General Information Apply to : 2 ~ : Light. . : : y : receive during rf r & (Continued From Page One Prince Rupert..... 10%ec max., 7%c min, month there will be paid her a separatio a. inte Shas : i : Crea . Victoria ..ccsscece fic max., 6.875¢ min. ae ‘ x : e DYBHAVN & HANSON easily thrown, and will truckle in Vancouver ........ tic max., 6.875¢ 1am. (also part of your pay) and if this be not te Insurance and Steamship Agency, a convenient way. New vere ae .ifc¢ max,, 975¢ min, | fortably maintain your family, the Canadian p tri bs ower. . : } : Prince Rupert, B. C. Amazing Things Happening. dies hebeet. cc do tat, Vike win will further assist them. “f eee ° ERIE Some rather amazing things are oe Pea away side ot 7e max, 5.33¢ min. 4.—What will happen if lam wounded 0; > Yo 3 ; a Se a eee cn » thy | Vancouver... ....000e. Je max 6.33¢ min. 4 ‘ me ts 7 3 05 sedi happening in this war. How the}... Wastentistes ..:. He Sse: Se tin. be cared for by the Government and your pa : ; , e : ane at : oe, grizzled veterans of the service a er emcee minimum rate until you are discharged. If you are permanently disabled : . ¥ au The a Se vc yy, | 48 is given above, but owing to a different , 4 ‘ Mamita - > ee | clubs, reading their newspapers ID). v.tom of rate making in the southern allowance will be paid you, varying according to the extent of ; Hi u 6 : ”? BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC the same armchairs in the same|cities, their absolute minimum is not your injury or disability. . f 3 e al y ews ? West End } , indows that shown, The above minimum rate ts based z » . 5 5 ni ‘ LUMP es “ne dow §=Wwindows 1a¢} on a consumption of 2,000 K. W. H. per 5.—What will be done for my wife and children jf] ; - CLASSIFIED ADS ; Thackeray knew so well, must rub]month. Fuller information as to rates can while on Active Service? The Gevernment wil! pr: mae e a Tae aw as - _ Jalways be obtained from the Light Super- s : , } ; their eyeglasses these afternoons. | jnrendent. adequate pension, that wiil enable the family to live com. f ; $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Almost all the most dogmatic ERNEST A. ere mn fortably until the childhen are old enough to look after then Fs ‘ ‘ i . y Clerk. aw vi ; . f ¢ FOR RENT Delivery prognostications of the leading - . selves. The widowed mother of a single ma ¢ the aan ae by: ; - — - . Me “c ¢ Lariv > ) ¥ 4 ; FOR RENT—Partly furnished | four-room Money Back If Not Satis- professors, and nearly all the], POPC COR CORR TOEES her sole support, is treated in the same way 1 wife > s ottage, $10.00. 112 8t ve., West, s ~herishec “eceants . 1 perce auiee sere. factory most cherished precepts of the 2 - ounihal a: |textbooks, have been scrapped by 4 FOR #ALE UNION TRANSFER CO. § °°." ree ae se ; hier : a years experience of “the rea Don t merel smothe 0 é h 4 FOR SALE—Complete sawmill including 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 Ithing ” | r ur oug ; a, enatne, mw carriage. , edger, | mee mae | SESE shingle machinery, planer and all trans- Infantry practice has been j Mathien’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil not on ° mission goods. Original cost of the} —_—.— —————____ __________ ‘ca ¢ ’ ‘ as . be | 5 1 ‘| ) - of ‘6 goods being $5,000, F. O. B, Vancouver. Be turned topsy-turvy. Cavalry have EXPRESS AND Ba GGAGE CURE ————promptly atrents coughing, bat thanks to its tonic « 4 Mill is located on Grand Trunk Pacific | Bas "S owe Carre eet strengthening properties it helps the system to throw off F Serate tas wien thin’ satilctee $1800 {$ been struck spurless into the Smncanna | the cold and thus effects a permanent cure. It is this quality which has won for ert, an offer € m . i i spot cash, Box 110, Dally News. FOR ] AX] | trenches. The royal engineers |, $2 Ge longest enle of any cong and cold remedy in Canada. ea — . « = : ¢. large bottles, everywhere. i , FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock have returned to a sort of second Phone ewe 35 35 ° a Homer Pigeons, mated and squab pro- attendant ota J. L. XATHIEU CO., Prop. SHERBROOKE, P.0. 4. coer 3 a bereain; also Belgian Hares, military childhood. The aboriginal yeas oxht bs reviah Mnthiew’s Nervine Towers. the wonser‘si endeche cam, va e 4. . 5 ‘ f er earthworks have triumphed over |¢ PEDPPIODO LOOM, Foon, tee oe a a a. WANTED, th ais =_ , t ; — 1e boasted steelelad modern fort.|=——>— == —== — o" Y grins Tame Geom Sen ee Napoleonic strategy has sagged) = === ———_—— = — ——— no oe ay reac et up against a few strands of barb- PRR AS Sg Nac RSENS ee a ies ; od wire. Hand-to-hand fighting i a. oer Stand - Hotel Rupert se 4, sg ay Ay, Petuse Avenue | $} P with bayonet and hammers has mS money and two Yale keys, Finder please replaced long range battles. i } ceive reward. tf. Robbed War of Pomp. 4: oo Subterranean immobility has ‘ ‘ \ i FROZEN BAIT destroyed the pomp and circum- 1 } : mecanatUSIC aan stance of swift open movements. | i saat “Ecksemiints AND 2|Gas retorts have made the weath- f : } A. PESCOTT er and the way the wind blows as | ’ OF SOs. Ace, Oe ° ICE important as when our archers i : drew their clothyard shafts at F 4 ot er d FINEST FROZEN HERRING Cressy. Hand thrown bombs made R 4 : out of pickle jars have played as } qi Sh t M tal W. k ! $25.00 per ton. large a part as shrapnel. Medieval nin e¢ e or ° For Sale by shields and even body armor and f HE PRICE OF HOMAGE ic. ; steel headpieces have been resur- i Now is the time io have KINCOLITH PACKIIG C0. at - or pre Oe ud your roofs repaired, eve- recued. , re VII : +o ry ae troughs and skylights seen eee The British infantry has ac- NCE when King Edward - paid a visit to Sheffield, i eee ee he sites re BAY. D2: tually used bows and arrows. And all the fires in factories and plants were allowed to i & Ie he ° panes For further particulars Fie cea k | Banat ne death die out. Nota wheel in Sheffield turned for twenty- oe. ee ae i di ty apply to Oe inte. eh obs | four hours. @,The primary object of this was to lift the . 2 f f£iory, >» re e é “OOKS . Hsu *W og an uw feu THOR JOHNSON poh Game! S ics all of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc- 0 e ave at ¢ an- ° ° ant Kesmits Central Hotel. Pe en ing city, and to ensure, as far as man was able, a bright day ak I served a regular appren- $|* es ied. jne: Prussian. Guards, | and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion, @It was 1 a, fee eee ane one Hardly anything has fallen out] {J Sheffield’s expression uf respect. -_! re 5 « 288, 47 as experts ere <= e 9 ' : , lar Sheet Metal Shop Not in o “ ee ee ee ou : ° ; rt A Jam Factory. ; Walk : M x S expect, and nearly everything has | UT the action was unique—it was unprecedented—it a: or ers Music SOF Z)raypened that they would have was unthought of that those hundreds of mighty rs) ¢. 0. ROWE Removes to Wemers Old Stand Yibeen justified in dismissing as furnaces, raging night and day, and those seething ie sea Wibaadicak Wen cok” naked” dace : grotesque. boilers, with | quivering valves, shou!d ever be allowed to ; PHONE 340 P. ©. BOX 467 PIANOS + -—-- cool, 4, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds a Sides iahallr ease or trade teeeis PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL of thousands of dollars—the price of the effort to get back in 322 SECOND AVENUE ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND eee again to high-power efficiency. me a Estimates Furnished to Can- SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. National League. ; tractors and others Free en ea ee ge New York, 45; Boston, 8, OME business men in Canada pay an unwitting homage, t os pe - moe. Se not to a king, but to a superstition—the superstition A anos to Rent. American League. that hot weather justifies letting the fires of business ; , } o** Naw Tank ’ isi i : Tr ay HE Ce ce | Boston, 3; New York, 4. energy go out. They stop Advertising in the Summe: ¥ T IMPERI AL monies vero months. By paying mamsae to tradition, custom, es, i ADVERTISE IN Coast League. tion, they have allowed Summer to become their “du h WATER HEATER COIL Portland, 6; Salt Lake, 42. season. @,You know how dull it can be when you don't ds i POR Raneus AND sTOWRS THE DAILY NEWS VesnonnOs Gaamiadeiataka. 5° advertise. Do you know how brisk it can be made by : *. tage) Is made to. meet the demand for Al Oakland, 0-0; Los Angeles, 4-4. Advertising ? Do you realize how much momentum you a ee ree OE NO a acineeeibian aa i now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fall ? i wioleee a eu ie DON’T LET YOUR ADVERTISING FIRES DIE wit themselves open to prose- rime. cution equally with the i Cee c ae parties manufacturing or i) 4 making same. e e a Section Six mM Now ta your chance to get the bo ter Heatl: Appii- : . - i a ead rea re i Baviee monating your advertising problems is qualiahie § through ong seond ecognieed oO _ qj ected........ $20.00 advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian Press . ie i _ —— Connections. . $15.00 One Partly F urnished pa Eumaden Building Toroutea, Enquiry involves no obligation om your parts a. ; Your Money Back If it Dont Suit. PS i ; ' As I own and control the above, 7’ no one can put same in. Shall vig- " orously prosecute any infringements. T D P A ] | ULLO r } e e ae HARRY HANSON , } ' Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 2nd Avenue = f Ps eae zi +4 sae eneee toeerccrcoed ’ ™ gene r ==