eal vi, NO. 238 cementite: PRINCE RUPERT, B, G., SA HEAVY FIGHTING AROUND SERBIAN CAPITAL ———— — — RENCH TROOPS NOW IN SERBIA -- RUSSIANS HAVE SCORED MINOR VICTORIES TURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1915. = —— PRICE FIVE CENT? = \)STRO- GERMAN (Special to The Dally News) ion which tried to en- the city across the river Save with enormous loss- Heavy fighting continues. French in Serbia. Athens, Oct. 9.—The French landed at Sa- a, are v in Serbia forming base at Gievegal near the Greek nh were ' British troops are behind and it is expected nat all the Allied troops will be oil on Tuesday. Bulgarian Protest. made a strong ist Greece permitting m Serbia Bulgaria has rolest aga Qet, 9.—An official re- it from Nish states that the; dvanet ard of the Austro- ermal iy has crossed the Tisza at Belgrade. Part of » Serbian capital has been taken it, destroyed. ——— | ATTACK ON THE SERBIAN CAPITAL NEMY REPULSED WwiTH HEAVY LOSSES AT THE SAVE—GER- MANS ENTER BELGRADE ACROSS THE TISZA—THE FRENCH TROOPS IN SERBIA—SULGARIANS MAKE PROTEST the landing of the stating that it friendly relations at present ex- isting between Bulgaria and Greece. The Bulgarians are reported to be at Kusaneldt preparing to make a raid on the Salonika-Nish rail- road in order to prevent the Allies from reaching the Serbian front. Consul’s Message London, Oct. 9.—M. Angloff, Bulgarian consul here, has sent the following telegram to Premier Rhadoslavoff: “If the Bulgaria with her reported alliance of eternal enemies, the prosecutors against the liberators, is true, I protest and tender my resignation to the Consul General.” Bulgarian Deserters. There have been four thousand from the Bulgarian army since mobilization began. desertions 12, MAYNARD HAS UNDERGONE OPERATION ly Clerk Woods has received lette from Pte. H, Maynard, itor at the city hall, » which states that he is in ( lian Scottish casualty uarls t Shorneliffe. Mr. Maynard, who was serieus- in the earlier fighting, s given the choice of under- taking nis Wish- lo stay in the service, he chose ig an operation or scharge from the army. n and is now recover- Kxamined just before writ- he s told that he would not aclive service for seme bul has been put on light the meantime and ex- ect ter to mnt be able to go back onvalescing, he visited elish watering-places, :1 found himself the only Wana and the visitors and hal couldn't do ‘anadian,” enouy't RED CROSS DANCE Under the auspices of Chapter Hill 60, LQ. D. E., @ most en- Joyable dance was held in 8t. Andrew's Hall last night. The hall was tastefully decorated for the fasion, the floor was in Pe lvst-class condition and the Music provided by Messrs. Stil- ‘ell, Knowles and Gray was of the best, and everybody had a splendid line. ‘The Daughters of the Em- se Will donate the proceeds of 1e ‘ice to the funds of the Red Cross Society, Follow Caf ‘ow the crowd to Self’s = M ® There is a reason., Next » weale Thoates 102th F. §. WRIGHT HEARS FROM P. F. GODENRATH Board of has received a F. S. Wright, Trade commissioner, posteard from Perey Godenrath “Through the me- dium of the Daily News I from time to time read your in- which says: have articles. IT have News of teresting development Tonight, “dug-out” before me the Daily August 18th. Go to it old man- you are on the right track. Prince in my Rupert is the one best bet.”’ Perey is still “somewhere in France” and fit and well, and still boosting for Rupert. PRINCE RUPERT ARRIVES The following were amongst the first-class passengers on the Prince Rupert this morning: Mr. and Mrs. McRae and two children, Miss H. McRae, Miss Mary McRae, Col. F. Knowlton, Miss F. Knowlton, Mrs. Frysinger, Mrs. Kingston, Miss A. Frysinger, Miss J. Frysinger, G. V. Donald, Mrs. Du Vernet, A. Ford, Mr. J. Ross, H. B. Babington, Mr. and Mrs. Wright and child, Miss M. Ward, Mrs. Carleton, O. C, Bee, Mr. R. Palmer, Mrs. R. Palmer, o, H. Watts, J. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw. —_— GOOD PROGRAM AT THE MAJESTIC THEATRE The Majestic tonight has a real good program, The chief ativac- tion is a Broadway star feature, in three reels, entitled “Between the Two of Them,” It is a story of the stage and is a most pleas- ing dramatic production. “Taking of Mustang Pete” is an exciting one-act drama with a real western tang about it. The comedy part of the bill is good. “The Pipe particularly great Dream” provides stunts and no end of fun. some aquatic The “Disciple of Plato” is also a great laughter provoker. Allied troops, threatens the ‘LAB IRERS DEBARRED FROM ENTERING CANADA (Specjelt. The Dally News.) Ottawa, Oct. 9.—An order-in- council has been passed, in view conditions ia to the effect that no Jaborer or artisan will be ad mitted to Canada from October 1 1915, to March 314, 1916. of existing labor the Dominion, STEAMER MARIPOSA HAS BEEN WRECKED Capt. Mae wairivie :¢ of the Prince Rupert reported this morning having passed the Mariposa, of Seattle, on the rocks about a mile below Old Bella Bella. high and dry forward, with her lifeb >a! were drawn up on the beach. She wa afterdeck awash. Her The Mariposa is owned by ‘le \laska Steamship Company, and left Seattle for the north on Ved- nesday with one hundred passen- gers on board. The passengers and crew reached the shore safely in the up by a passing steamer. The lifeboats and were picked ship is liable to become a total wreck, RED CROSS SALE The Red Cross sale of home cooking yesterday was a decided The sum of $41.95 was success, realized, whieh, in view of the most inclement weather, might be considered a splendid record. Mrs. Clements and Mrs. Sin- clair wish to thank the following for donations: Lyneh Bros. and Cole’s Cigar Store, for a box of Gil’s Cigar Store for Nickerson, cigars each; a box of candy; G. W. for a box of candy; E. FE. Confec- tionery, for 2 boxes of candy: Brack- cream of oats: Self’s Cafe for doughnuts; man Kerr, for Chandler’s Photo Gallery, for a large photo of Woodworth Lake; W. Shrubsall for cooked crab. In the raffle that took Mrs. Hull won a large box of candy; Mr. cigars, and Mr. of cigars. The raffle for the lace, donated by Mrs. Clements, will be devilled and place Peterson, a box continued next Friday. CABINET CHANGES E. L. Jatenaude, M. P. for La Prairie, has been appointed min- ister of inland revenues. Hon. Louis Coderre, who has been sec- retary of state 1913, has retired and will succeed Hon. L. P. Pelletier as judge of the su- perior court of Quebec. Hon, P. E, Blondin is promoted from the position of minister of since inland revenue to that of secre- tary of state in succession to Mr. Coderre, TRAFALGAR DAY It has been decided by the Queen Mary Chapter of the I D, BE, to make a collection of sox, wristlets, tobaceo, and chocolate on Trafalgar Day, October 21st. All who would like to contribute are requested to leave their gifts with Mrs. MeMullin, government buildings, between 3 and 5 p. m. on that day, Clements, a box of! SIR RIDER HAGGARD Appointed by the ‘British gov- South Africa and Australia to report 9n ernment to visit Canada, conditions for settling soldiers in these countries on the termina- tion of the war. PRESIDENT WILSON VIEWS WORLD'S SERIES Philadelphia, Oct. 9.—President Wilson, who is a keen baseball fan, witnessed the second game of the Philadelphia and series between Boston world’s today. The president and his party view - ed the game from a box near the centre of the grandstand, This is the first occasion on which the lehief executive of the nation has attended a world’s series contest, Boston defeated Philadelpnisby 2 runs to 1, making one victory each on the series. HARRY LAUDER’S SON HAS EARNED CAPTAINCY Harry Lauder’s son has been promoted to the rank of captain, Shortly after the outbreak of war Mr. John Lauder obtained a commission as second lieutenant in the 8th Battalion A. & 8. High- landers. He proceeded to the front on the training, and was Festubert. After wounds he trenches, but was Edinburgh Dis- completion of his wounded at recovering from his went taken ill and invalided home. patch, BAPTIST CHURCH Thanksgiving Sunday will be observed in an appropriate man- ner. Special musie will be ren- dered and a Thanksgiving address given at the evening service, You are welcome, back to the|‘'l (Special to The Daily News.) October 9.—An of- icial report records a number of Petrograd, victories for the Russians on the Northeast of Kli- van, 1,800 prisoners and a num- eastern front. ber of machine guns have been captured. Between Dudno and Lutsk 1,500 men, 19 officers, 5 machine guns and one searchlight have been taken. On the left bank of the Ikwa, 600 prisoners and three mortars have been captured. Western Front. Paris, Oct. 9.—Violent German attacks on Loos have been re- enemy. The French have gained a foot- pulsed with heavy losses to the|R MINOR RUSSIAN VICTORIES MANY PRISONERS CAPTURED NEARLY FOUR THOUSAND MEN AND A NUMBER OF MACHINE GUNS TAKEN—VIOLENT GERMAN ATTACKS AT LOOS REPULSED—A GERMAN TRANS- PORT SUNKIN BALTIC hold in the fortified works of La Trapeze, taking 200 prisoners, bomb throwers and niachine guns. Hun Transport Sunk. London, Oct. 9.—A British sub- marine in the Baltic has sunk a German transport by gun fire near the German coast. Steamers Sunk. The steamers Silver Ash, of 3,700 tons, and the Scawby, of 3,600 tons, have been torpedoed. NEW GOVERNORS It has been officially announced at Ottawa that Dr. R. G. Brett, of Banff, will be appointed lieu- tenant-governor of Alberta, and S$. Lake, ex-M. P. for Qu’ Ap- pelle, will be lieutenant-governor of Saskatchewan. '1$244.50 COLLECTED IN FINES IN SEPTEMBER Chief Vickers’ month of September, presented to report for the showed that 42 cases were before the court during the month..There were 36 convictions, 5 cases were dismissed and one is still pend- ing. Fines to the amount of $244.50 were collected. This is a con- siderable increase over the amount collected in August. Two $50 fines for selling liquor to In- dians helped to bring up the total. The operating expenses for the month were $792. WALLY VAN AND “HAM” AT WESTHOLME THEATRE The Westholme has a very fine program for tonight, the chief item of which is a pleasing two- “Twice Res- Night,” the seventh episode of “The road O° Strife,” sees Alene stranded and left to her own devices, The lighter side of the program is particularly “Welcome provides Wally Van with plenty of scope for his abili- ties, and the situations are irre- sistibly funny. “Ham,” in “A Flashlight Flivver,’ end of merriment as a profession- al photographer. The Hearst-Selig very good, one of the most inter- pictures being of the taken after her ter- act drama entitled cued.” “Into the good, to Bohemia” provides no Gazette is esting Jastland,” rible mishap at Chicago. THANKSGIVING BANQUET ———— The ladies of the Methodist Church will hold their annual banquet on the evening of Mon- day next, beginning at 6 p.m, The usual free-will offering will be taken in the church. All are cor- dially invited, Children must be accompanied by their parents. the police commission yesterday, |. ANOTHER ST. ANDREW'S BOY FOR THE FRONT J. McKenzie, of the Bank of B. N. A. staff, left for the south this | morning to join the 67th Battal- ‘ion. Mr. McKenzie is a native of Lockerbie, Scotland, and was in the service of the Bank of B. N. A. at Vancouver and Prince George before coming here. “Mac” was a popular member of the St. Andrew's Society and the hearty good wishes of the boys go with him. He has a brother already in the trenches. A MESSAGE OF THANKS Being about to end our busi- ness, begun in the summer of 1908, we take this opportunity to say that, have ever strived to live up to our motto “QUALITY and SERVICE,” we now ask that anyone who may feel that we have failed in this, in our dealings with him or them will please call within the next few days and we shall try to make right what is not so, also, anyone having any account against us, kindly present same for payment, as we wish to quit square with all. Thanking one and all, whom, through their patronage, have made our small success. possible, while we and wishing a speedy return of prosperity to you, your town and district, we are, Yours Truly, PRINCE RUPERT TENT AND AWNING COMPANY October 9th, 1915. F. S. Wright has received an interesting letter from the sec- retary of the shell committee. LONDON CAFE And Grill Faultless Service of Fault- less Food Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES my A i i é 7a | ra -. I OES