Oe ramen LS be rey ae : re ee tc Me i 4 at ot eth. 5 ede 6 tie Perfect Tea Sic” infusion. “SALADA’ Tea is the acme of perfection, being all pure, delicious tea. Black, Mixed or Green. fHE DAILY NLUWS —— eee” HOW CROWN PRINCE Mr. lan Malcolm, M. P., in a book entitled “War Pictures Be- hind the Lines,” just published in London, relates a cenversation he juad with the Crown Prince of }Germany at Berlin’ in January, 119144, in which the latter express- ed the opinion that the British after all should be better friends with Germany, but could not be trusted while allied with France and Russia: that Great’ Britain and Germany together could di- “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Partly furnished four-room Cottage, $10.00. 112 8th Ave. West, Corner McBride. 231-6. MUSIC CFKARI.ES BALAGNO (Pianist at Westholme) TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE' ¥ormer pupil! of F. @. Strong. TERMS MODERATE, Phone Blue 408 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Complete sawmill including boller, engine, saw carriage, edger, shingle machinery, planer and all trans- BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC mission goods, Original cost of the]? LUMP goods being $5,000, F. 0. B. Vancouver. | * Mill is located on Grand Trunk Pacific about three hundred miles from Prince $8.60 per Ton — Cash on Rupert. Can offer this mill for $1,800 spot cash, Box 110, Daily News. 4 FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock Homer Pigeons, mated and squab pro- Delivery ducing, at a bargain; also Belgian Hares. : Apply 925 Borden St. tr. Money Back Hf Not Satis- WANTED. factory WANTED—Woman_ cook. _ Apply matron UNION TRANSFER CO Prince Rupert General Hospital. tf. . a Rs PS aaa dat o a 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 LOST LOST—A small change purse, 5th Avenue| — ——— — ———-———- —---——-—--—- —- money and two Yale keys. Finder please return to 827 Summit Avenue and re- ceive reward. tf. near Catholic Club, containing sum of | | === | FOR TAXI | Walker’s Music Store — | vide Europe and keep the peace of the world, Britain meanwhile keeping her eyes shut and ignor- ing treaties while Germany was taking France’s colonies. The Three American Halibut boats jcame in overnight. The La Paloma had 40,000 pounds, the Omaneoi had 30,000 and the Shamrock 8,- VIEWED THE FRENCH ee rt hho noe equalled for smooth keenness. Adjusted to suit the man who is using them, they make heavy beards seem soft, and tender skins feel normal. oy ! \ Give your face a square deal! Keep a lookout for the Gillette Signs (you may find them in a dealer’s window or on his storefront) and get a Gillette—you'll certainly enjoy it. interview closed by Mr. Malcolm Y making the remark that nowadays Uj nobody wanted war which injured ee yy victors and vanquished, to which f ih Ze bh the Crown Prince vigorously re- UJ . . . ‘ Wdp plied: “I beg your pardon, I want HEN you see this Gillette “Bulldog” or any other Ki, . . . , ti war. T want to have a smack af Gillette Sign ina dealer s store, you'll know that Y those French swine as soon as he has a lifetime of velvet shaves to exchange for q Lewes Feet —Warld ‘Wide your five dollar bill. « Pan wehvune Your shaving troubles—honing and stropping beforehand—pulling and gashing while the job is on—and that raw smarting afterward— yy By F. W. Dowling. will all capitulate to the Uy, For 24 hours ending 5 a. m. Zi October 9th. y j |Barometer ............. 30.062 Y |Maximum temp. ........ i8. Ss A F E T = R A Zz Oo R exert COMP. . oe dese 46. The electrically tem red Gillette They'll cut your shaving time in PATOL: 5 66'S 6 Fie BEA gd Wee 1.86 Blades take and hold an edge un- half, yet multiply your comfort. Removed to Werner’s Old Stand On Second Avenue. PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. Pianos to Rent. Sheet Metal Work ! Now is the time to have your roofs repaired, eve- troughs and skylights seen to, and heating plant put in good shape for the winter. In such Cases Consult a Praciical Man if You Want Results _I served a regular appren- tice at the Sheet Metal and Heating business, in a regu- lar Sheet Metal Shop Not in A Jam Factory. C. 0. ROWE The Fractical Sheet Metal Man PHONE 340 P. O. BOX 467 Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms 322 SECOND AVENUE Estimates Furnished to Can- tractors and others Free THE IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patented 19165) Is made to meet the demand for Hot Water instantly and without additiona! fuel being used. 4 WARNING! Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Coll lay themselves open to prose- cution equally with the parties manufacturing or making same. Now is your chance to get the best in Hot Water Heating Appli- ances— Coll Connected........ $20.00 Coll minus Connections. .§15.00 Your Money Back if i Dont Suit. As I own and control the above, no one can put same in. Shall vig- orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANSON Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 Stand - Hotel Rupert | a Local News Notes Shit Phone 99 }000, The Shamrock had to re- turn t port on account of a | i broken shaft. | velopment Company is shipping gine to the Rocher de Boule mine. yesterday. “ Bulldog’’, ‘‘ Aristocrat’” and Standard Sets, $5.00—Pocket Editions, $5.00 to $6.00-——Combination Sets, $6.50 up. Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited Office and Factory: - - Gillette Building, Montreal 67 The Montana Continental De- {75 horse-power gasoline en- arrived from San Francisco ihe south this morning. for Chicago tomorrow night. hunting trip in the interior last night. Day, there will be no issue of the Daily News. family returned from California this morning. drydock, left for the south on the Prince Rupert. tine Station, returned from Ed- monten last night. turned from the .south on the Prince Rupert this morning. by her son, Douglas, left for Se- attle on the Prince Rupert today. carloads of ore were shipped from AUTO DELIVERY EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Phone --- 35 Mrs. Du Vernet returned from * s s c. E. Bainter expects to leave * * * J. A. Lindsay returned from a Monday being Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae and W. T. Donnelly, designer of the * * * Mrs. Smith, of Digby Quaran- 2 2 S Captain H. B. Babington re- eo ee Mrs. Fred Stork, accompanied During September sixty-three the Rocher de Boule mine to the Granby Smelter. sc 2's Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kenvyn left for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning, after haying spent a most enjoyable time in this district. 2-6 S. P. Barnes, of Edmonton, who was formerly associated with the late Charles M. Hays on the Mis- souri Pacific, arrived from the prairies last night, and took oc- casion to call on David H. Hays, the brother of his former asso- ciate. Mr. Barnes was greatly de- lighted with the scenery along the G, T. P. He left for the south on the Prince George this morn ing. Why not advertise in The Daily News and get best results? oo a x 1 : NY Ke —— OYAL HOUSEI‘Ol women BY SPECIAL APP ag To wis MavestyY THE Gilvies Royal Househok Canadas Best Flour” bee, ps