THE DAILY NEWS ———————+- — PRICE FIVE poesia — . E a 7 ; : NO. 242. ee ee a —— = — ee — caiaeill wt : {te PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., F RIDAY, OC TOBER 1% 1915. T GASE UNDER EARLY CLOSING BYLAW THREE LAWS SUITS OVER PORT EDWARD PROPERTY directors of the Port| TT. a PRINCE RUPERT'S NEW | FISH EXCHANGE} PARKER | WILLIAMS WILL SPEAK ON SATURDAY a, HARGE OF BREACH OF EARLY CLOSING BYLAW FISHING DEVELOPMENT AT GOVERNMENT WHARF STANLEY JOHNSON i NOW BOMB-THROWER rhanks to the a ecurtaay of J. R. Before Magistrate MeMullin at rhe people of Prinee Rupert The Independent Fisheries Co. That the Johnson, manag f th ager > y Pern. , ice @C . . , « ‘ . . * 8 7 é ager 0 eatty, manager of the govern-/the police court this morning, D. will have an opportunity of hear-|of Seattle, whose buyer, Mr. Barn-|Rdward Townsite Company were Cold Storage Compan h , + iogal Ashermen havel W, Morrissey Sa einai. ek Acuna ; site 6 any we ; f } , has re- nent wharf, jocal fishermen have|W. Morrissey was charged with]!"+ Parker Williams, leader of|hoff, was regently sent to Prince illegally elected is the allegation ceived a letter from si broth : é : » ¢ “4 s brother now the nucleus of a fish ex-|keeping his shop open after 6:30 the Socialist party in the provin-|Rupert, are now engaged install-|in the case of Mr. John B. Doig | Stanley, who left Prince R t comfortable or : ‘ary yearly c (cial house i, ; ls . eM ae eee 1 ‘1 eee hange. A comfort ible room,|p. m. contrary to the early closing |Cl4l house, speak in the Empress!ing a winch and hoist at the gov-lagainst the company, in which|With the first contingent a i vly ysed as a waiting room, | bylaw. ‘heatre on Saturd: to 1. : > : Pe ee ; a tees ormerly used a ge . oe vine Theatr n Saturday night. Thelernment wharf. Following the]in injunetion motion was this|@ member of a bomb-throwing bas been placed at the isposa City Clerk Woods — testified to| meeting is under the auspices of|granting of room on the wharf, | rnorning adjourned for a week by brigade, one of the most exciting ; the fishermen and buyers,|the passing and publication of the he Trades and Labor Council,| they set ¢ i ae : : : ‘ : pf th at i sabe ut ; *y set about making the neces- ; i t j iti chore they can carry on their | bylaw. land begins at 8 o'clock ae Zo Mr. Justice Macdonald. and risky positions at the front, i , i Ck, sary improvements for the handl- Dott. ‘Raward is across th but has so far escaped injury negotiations. Mr. Fulton, representing Mr.) For many years Mr. Williamsjing of fish. Skeena bees Prit 3 R a 7 Like all Rupertonians, Stanley as Something of the kind was]Morrissey, proceeded to question | has labored in the interests of} The electric motor and_ ice- the hg lant Eh oem ae many questions to isk as to Ge vadiy needed, as it enables the|Mr. Woods as to the withdraw: ul | the working men of British Gu-|crusher are now in oe Gs company has so ; f Wwe | ‘ f position, and], op ; : : a things are going in the G P mall fisherman to meet the localjof certain names from the peti- [lumbia, and is held in the highest|in the course of a day or two the ne ney See Cre ee terminal x Ce 5 J le company’s annual meeting y 1 shades of | hoist Divers without any trouble orjtion for the bylaw le steem by men of all will be i i Sia cethadeesdedead sited _ . q . d « » i *( ar rork o * hs neonvenience It is not so long Mr. Peter objected t tl . lopinion yrder , een as wee ne September * 15th some of the bere ve : ’ Mr, Lers yecte 0 s , ' order, ch accomodation was pro-lof questi - ea | —— shareholders opposed the existing COMEDY AND DRAMA AT such ¢ é at das | questioning on the grounds} le an 2d Tee Meat Te a board of di i THE MAJESTIC THEATRE ; Saattia. 4 it ig ; 0€ irectors and Mr. Doig ided al ns io is ee that the court had nothing to io| MARIPOSA MAY BE ‘RED CROSS APPEAL potniheted a néw-ethkaatien si So great service Were, US|} with deciding the question of the| 5 . : The Majestic tonight and t bs ce i a : , E- | y| vote was taken Mr. Doig objected ih 8 mS ittle room at the government) validity of the bylaw, and that the | a FLOATED AND SAVED | FOR NEXT THURSDAY tebe Citra oboe aes oa morrow presents a great double nf wide ¢ cant 5 — 8 > WwW ores wharf is decidedly a step in the) matter could not be discussed. aa a a Sei ae ep emeiatee a * feature program. “His Brother | The salvors of the Alaska aa ; ; the old board on the ground that ; ght direction, and some day Under the application to quash|Steamship Company's boat Mari-| he following letter from Lord the sharoholdane :oneint t) Bill,” a two reel Lubin drama rer quarters wi » Pe mare ) “OMPaNny's 008 ari- . {he shareholders votin or the ; ; ‘ : arger quarters will be re- | the bylaw, the bylaw may be | nosa, ghich kk on Chl aoe hk Es ansdowne to the Lieutenant- old board were in ae on athe heads the bill. It is a stirring eo }quashed, but he held that in the| Betta Bella, report that she can Re Ot eee on their shares and date ins Re et gee eee ed - : i aa : s : ; 18 ks for itself: ee 7 : 50+! ay oot sy meantime the bylaw is valid and|be saved and refloated. The vessel | as, ers quently not entitled to vote. The Le ceaeried te ully dramatic story is unfolded. His Honor the Lieutenant-Gover- ARIED PROGRAM AT THE bis force, It would be ridiculous | j hadly dé , i i s hadly damaged forward, but is| shareholders favoring Mr. Doig's ‘ WESTHOLME THEATRE jf oyery man brought up on al ra ‘a ; | nor of the Province of British : ; 5 [The comedies are both good. ) I n aljnot injured aft of the forward nominees were qualified to vote, Why Billi : sharge of c ting a hraao P| ) Co ia, Victorié : : ~ Why Bi sw sate” mi : lhe Westholme tonight and er Perna: 02) ONO OF] BOR INE rae A aienyads ene oe I } “ioe on ete Pr tne Boob f aie a aaicae : a bylaw hi : rer to gt i veg to inform y ‘ oob for Luck” are sereami ( w presents a splendidly 1 bylaw had the power to go into|gines are undamaged. if r af oe eer Se Votes Were Accepted. : ne 4 ty ‘ithe validity of the bylaw. Mr.} Muct _ |British Red Gross Society and the funny, and the whole program is wied program of comedy, drama| ; Mr.| Much of the eargo, including tic? Sera. The chairman of the meeting v7“! Peters held that one magistrat of! 200 , ; Order of St. John, in view of the . calculated to make one forget the nd world’s news. “The Making : agistrate/200,000 feet of lumber for the} accepted the votes objected to and H ers ®lmay decide that the bylaw was|Alaska government railroad, can great demand upon their resour-lthe old board was declared re WOR Or f ti a Beak . ha tek ’ ) ka go £ ‘oad, cé : : > var Ss clare “e- : n is a very fine two-act improperly passed and ene ia. handled: When: iin canna ces both in France and the near} .jccteg Monday brings along the 12th Brama te g » 3 y 9 . bs ’ 28S8e ° 2a. ani se in 7? uma telling the story of a]. ithep biieht Recide thet it wi mB wn oe east have decided to make an ap-|_ +7, j ‘ episode of “The Broken Coin, ealous lover whose sweetheart , Wee] SUE UCK, the passengers hehaved : This action is taken to have gs 5 A 2 se i id Gren. died: ti thie Be ape : | peal throughout the Empire by ; : This intensely interesting serial ersuades him to enter a military r, and in the one case a/splendidly, stepping off the rail, *|the election set aside and Mr. ; ~*|man might be fined and in the|when the ship liste i street and other collections upon | noig's i NES, BOW AeA NOS ee eae ; raining camp. The discipline 1 the ship listed, into the i oig’s nominees declared as the| oniep pices R other dismissed, while each had ‘ seat the twenty-first day of October rite : ch you must-not miss-a-single Ind training Segue” eanumname urea smissed, while each had|small boats without fuss or con- 7" : proper board. The injunction | anicsode Ta nake a new man_of hir committed the same offence. fusion, A number of horses were oe 77 acs ERceryea ey sought is to restrain the present ‘4 oe j : . n. one ow : ; i echt . |this appeal will be devoted entire- |; j : 5 In the Wolf's Den.” the 8th The city solicitor pointed out injured and had to be shot, while a : : directors from acting in the PRINCE RUPERT AND ; de of “The Road O’ Strife” that the supreme court alone|some live turkeys were let loose. y to relieving the sufferings 01) meantime. They have under-/ 7 oat Strife : our wounded soldiers and sailors : : : THE FISH BUSINESS s just as thrilling as the —_jeould decide as to whether the They flew ashore and were caught taken not to act during this week. , ing as the others ; aa the andi from home and overseas at the The ; fo at ‘ Seat oy lave been. “Billy the Bear Tamer” bylaw were valid, and had bee a} 0 See various seats of war from all 0 Mobion. 1 .aiourned, A well known American author- ; ® a real good -comane ane properly passed. Any judgment = ene eons r ts of ‘1 ; Ki moss Ww The principle at issue between ity on the fish trade of the Pacific Dead Despatch” et by a police magistrate as to the OUR LOCAL ARTIST cee Dee eee nore “lithe two factions appears to bejcoast recently said “you might as 3 pateh is another ae : have already received generous Lat “ha : . m ‘ : / aught ser. The progrs validity of a bylaw would not be} ene ~ fone of how the company shall|well expect water to run up hill e program in- | G.S. Pearce has kindly lent two|@ssistance in our work, but, with] ,.. apne or ! Pludes a very fine. Hearst-Selic binding. He held that it would | : : hail ° Britia! 7 deal with shareholders who to look for the fishing trade Rarette sl ; BE fon ‘tho court bo ok intel ot vit fille. “water GUIONE (GD Ce ea ver! dropped behind on their calls. /of the Pacific to keep away fr showine: Malis edible a ea a ; si ie Pacific to keep away from of tl the question as to whether the | Board of Trade and they will|*°s Forces at the front, there is} phe jast year’s board which! Prince Rupert.” M nee aa bylaw had been irregularly pass | shortly have an honored place on|* corresponding increase in OUT|.4, pe-elected is composed of | jai *y] D ein sik ownage ed. @he bench might as well b ithe walls of the rooms on Seconc | expenditure, and we shall be truly| Messrs, BE, J. Matthews William | YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL ii fe Diamond from the Sky” un- : : 7 ~~ * nue ime : ic |gratef y if y i y Pe ee a a : “ds folded ; asked to decide as fo whether the Avenue. In time to come, this|srateful to von if you will help} jgnew, J. Fred Ritchie, William} —— ik ae vat as the ‘oorrect teas wonderful north land with its|US by organizing an appeal and]. Kergin, T. H. Johnson, L. W. San Francisco, 6; Salt Lake, 7. da ATTORNEY GENERAL WILL when the bylaw was passed lgreat waterways, mountains and|Sending the proceeds to us for the] patmore and H. O. Crew. Portland, 0; Los Angeles, 5. 1 se uae ; : | unsurpassed sunsets, is bound to |obJects which I have named. 1 The board nominated by Mr. Vernon, 9; Oakland, 3. } ON MONDAY Mr. I eae held as if ok " ” produce many artists and Mr. shall be greatly obliged if you will Doig is as follows: Messrs. A. W _ TC ‘ Hi saa aw was not passed according to ea eo . con icate ny hairs: ‘ Pt ee eee hy nae ; Cea Sy Ea) i { Hon. W. J. Bowser, attorney-|the statute it is void and porting oe arce is breaking the trail. kindly communicate the forego-| stevenson, H. G. Woolley, W. J. FOR SALE—Furniture of five- 4 ! eeneral of the province is ex-/out that since the necessary | ¢} . ~=-jing to your government. Landahl, H. G. Tremayne, John P, roomed house; piano and sewing | on at, § ] scessar) 1e case , > Mr. F ‘ Their aiesties » King ¢ : . s achine ieg Jark 2947 ‘ H vected to arrive AMR MIRMMMER TEES ractthe of tha verooeke did e case quoted by Mr. Fulton had heir Majesties the King and Cade, F. R. C. Brown and J. B. machine. Apply Miss Wark, 217 j Mo Gal od iree-Tourtas 0 1e grocers did) no bearing on the present case,|Queen, and Her Majesty Queen)) i, ist Street. 242-3. evening, » has @ “overly six » pe , : ery : . : e has been/not properly sign the petition, the las the Ontario case was entirely|Alexandra, are giving US their Ths ‘ Sk ‘ : _—— ‘is mother in New Bruns-|pbylaw was improperly passed by | | That the company. is She Conte LADIES, Call 1 the latest % yli as yroperly pass f sstion o » “reasonable-|gracious patronage, ¢ ‘us : a ‘ aa tall and see the lates I¢ lle will leave for the south}the e ‘il and, therefore id ’ ge fon reasonable-|gracious patronage, and I’ trust of a storm of litigation is indi-} .,. . . ; x the council and, therefore, void.| yess” of a certain bylaw, whereas |that you will also be able to see], : bia millinery at 608 Fulton Street, sday norning 405 f his c tenti he cated by the fact that Mr. A. bD. * f ria ee In support of his contention, he| there was no such question raised|your way to help, Taylor, K. C., who appeared to next Fulton Market, reasonable Sorreroooooocce. quoted from a case which came in the present case, LANSDOWNE, : . t : . £8 " . he prices. 240-42. . Hn atoi th Taide in Sanaa dn * day for Mr. Doig., has also issued yi store e aris s The case fas adj “nes i ‘res 2 f 3 ‘itis Cross +3 3 + 1e case was adjourned until) President of the British Red Cross). \ it in behalf of Mr. Landa | © ee MAJESTIC :: THEATRE which it was found “that it is/this afternoon, Society 83 Pall mall, London, ; to ‘ the duty of the magistrate in all | — . satirist = a ac ten ee to cancel his subscription, An EST H 0 L M ; 4 ees} allegation of fraud is made in this : Tonight ' ght and Tomorrow leases to consider and decide as eee a2 Special Double Feature Pr ralidity £ cs ahlanagé case. Mr. Taylor is also solicitor De , ogram to the validity and reasonableness 1. ee lof the bylaw.” Saturday Cash Specials for Harrison, Gamble & Company, OPERA HOUSE ; “HIS BROTHER BILL” 0 le bylaw. - selling agents for the company RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE af Drama. Knits at everything _ ee ced g ‘ : — ee . which is asking damages for al- TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Wo-Part) Military a COINCIDENCE”—Two Part Power- jossible had been done to quash i ’ leged breach of the agreement. “THE MAKING OF HIM” THE LA CASSE BAKERY Drama, I ; ' vf i ‘ lthe bylaw and a case with that “WHY a erertrenr er pat er ; “The Home of Domestic Bread” Messrs. Bodwell, Lawson and Two-act Drama. BILLINGS WAS LATE”—A end in view would come before ASDC Mae ee re eney ; Corking Comedy, » course Lane are acting for the company. HEARST-SELIG GAZETTE ¥ “A BO ————. the supreme court in due course, RAISIN BREAD 5c > PER LOAF GENOA CAKES 15¢ EAH a Showing all ‘the World's News ts OB FOR LucK”—A ser f » he i me must be : 8 News, 5 comedy, A Soream. giand he held we + oe i vellaee The tips of a new German aero-|% ‘BILLY THE BEAR TAMER’ r — sa given to repea 1e bylaw if 1 : : eorape J ADMmee! gi : ; plane propellor trend forwar omedy. aon. 48 and 16 cente. is invalid, and that Mr. Morria- PHONE 190 717 THIRD AVENUE akan ¢taiionain, ek amaaicaian’ “IN THE WOLF’S DEN” ‘ . Coming Monda ed to keep his store bi yh sth : Sth Episode of “The Road 0° Strife yY and Tuesday 12th sey intended to keep his store | ree ee 4 : - ae th Episode o e Roac n a Episod ; NAN OS eee SEO ace : ened by centrifugal force when ve 9 ; a we at “The Broken Coin” $) open as, in the meantime, the by- Be aes ee. a THE DEADLY DESPATCH i ‘ est Serial Ever Exhibited ia sed oi Aiah revolving, which the inventor Comedy. a ‘law is void, » pointed ¢ i ‘ and Friggit Monday, Wednesday law is vo! o5 claims lessens the danger of them POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 15 cts. a several merchants had notified 4 YOR fone the council of the withdrawal of their names from the petition be- fore the bylaw had passed its first reading, and that such notice rendered the petition invalid in that it did not carry the necessary number of signatures. In reply, Mr. Peters pointed out that the Ontario statute and the Public Meeting \ASieloee eed | —— LONDONCAFE | And Grill DAINTY MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES Hart Bik. Third Ave. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE TRADES A! D LABOR COUNCIL Parker Williams * eiiceent * As a result of the gale * ¥ (M. P. P. for Neweastle) * & * * * * * last night, the telegraph * service has broken down * and the Daily News was * forced to go to press with- * * * Follow the Will Deliver an Address in the EMPRESS THEATRE crowd to Self’s Cafe. ; ; : ver here is a reason., Next|B. G, statute were entirely differ- Saturday, October 16th at & p. m. All Cordially Invited out its usual war service. estic Thentra, 102tf.Jent in one vital point, and that 5 | He OR ; BOXES FOR LAR 3