Dasteasinaeranenaaiaerdteiatens cae Insurance and Steamship Agency, , FOR TAXI mates, and follows them about ADVERTISEIN the decks like a dog. To one Prince Rupert, 8. C. } Sheet Metal Work ! bluejacket in particular the ani- THE DAILY NEWS | os oe a “a ° Spee ne heii ahi bth ieee ance inal has attached itself, and dur- —_—_—_—— —- ~ —- = Now is the time to have one ing off-duty times the man may _eeaeaeVeeaeeS——————————— O_o your roofs repaired, eve- i HE DAILY NLWS Friday, October 15, yyys 1 feo ae —_-— eT f H a | POOP; ee eo. ia ie isti ity | The Pink of Health - “teeta ee | ® | . e 4 ristine Puri Local News Notes |) gees wnar's nes | Woy ; | but many are troubled O r Ing an 0 r Ba i" llow complexions un aa with salic , 1 The standard we have set ourselves Mr. Wallace, general manage! headaches, backaches, low | wa. ‘ lil : , an demands that of the Crown Life Company, of| spirits a oo te ea eed Y, 4. | gure relief may in Ou " Poronto, is in town. CH ; 42 “hm : aie. ; ee E RECRUITS WANTED FoR 62nd OVERSEA . | A. E. Wright has returned fron CANADIAN EXPED: s BATTALION a | . Ti ’ ; | Mice Arm where he has been en- PI LL ONARY FORCE. ' —__, J gage survey work. Value to Women with Every Bes. if oaytogely Bal gaged on a. Ww ri Divoctions of Soacil Ay meg tg RECRUITING OFFICE at PROVINCIAL GOVERNMEN aa’ : : OFFICE Now T | Ae ae : OPEN. ' / shall always contain only the finest, ae The City of Seattle arrived . In view of the retruiting which j< hile | j young leaves. . . » Black, Mixed and Green about midnight last night after | Coughing scatters germs throughout the Province, it is apro: Ye eSS at present ; : — j ; i pos swe] fia , bid ER one of the roughest trips from! Sto it a the questions which are considered by those wi ae ‘a 9 | the north ever experienced. Comat P sas plate entering the Service. The | ¢ eu pe J = eae ng increases ne sries, or de : ' perti. a “The Daily News | Albert Rooms irritation of the already in- rent queries TT alnerion inf , which each elies 7) nasa a t vant ho ncno branes ANSWERE a 2 } H. K. Plate, of New York, wh flamed m us mem D. 4? CLASSIFIED ADS Close to Leen toes is interested in mining proper-| ence bas, oe ap pew eng OMT to serve? Until th f wi ee . x saa’ ap OS pe ate GAN =, Mattie Sree eee and six months after if required. “e 7 : ; es In the north, arrived 0 e | i t ; al i CENTRALLY LOCATED ; abaise, aa oon, team . 2.—-What pay shall I receive? pay-aas ea ; FOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN Seattle last night. He leaves for torits tonic properties, effects be $1.00 per day and 10 cents fleld a : a ca ih ii “ Stewar » Cx sun. nent cure. ; ! Besides thie A FOR SALE—Bakery, everything new, in- RENTS REASONABLE 3) ¢* Wart on Lhe Camosun * She wonderfal popularity you will be clothed, equipped and subsisted jp, ( a. cluding oven; sacrifice. Apply Box 112, 34 oS ae of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar ment . be Daily News. ae 240-4. Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement ail i angi Te Medes ant and God ‘Liver Oilis specially \ . : FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT See a Z - s due to its great value as a 3.—What will my wife receive during ; a Homer Pigeons, mated and squab pro- e together at the Board of Trade permanent lung and bron- ! month there will be paid her a separat “very 4 ducing, at a bargain; also Belgian Hares. ' ; Sia the eaneetary: hi ai chial healer. | a separa { $2 a Apply 925 Borden St. tf. - rooms, and the secretary has al- Sold everywhere, 35c large also part of your pay) and jf th i! WANTED. pr ready received son local fisher- bottles. fortably maintain your family, the Canad Fund aoe: ANTES ovens GN te Gale tor vas men several» interesting speci- &% L. MATHIEU CO. Prop. | rith Dabdtenh eaciah ide 1 a ; small children. Apply 217, 4th Ave.,E. MUSIC mens. 4.—What will happen if I am wounded or «jor Vain “ ( WANTED Cooking range, must be cheap. ene = } be cared for by the Government and ¥y e" : CFKARI_ES BALAGN() There is a very fine display of | until you are discharged. If you are perma 3 : { ; 28s ‘ER—Capable o suits at "ws ‘a grasees fr orcher Is- , Ned ar ey atuae an kinds x seutee wants | (Pianist, at Westholme) native grasses from Porcher I allowance will be paid you, varying according to th at work, will go out by the day. Apply | TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE land on view at the Board ot ; , cial ad i " ea Box 114 Daily News. 242-7. your injury or disability. WANTED- Woman cook. Apply matron | Ree ak eee near See , ee ee 5.—What will be done for my wife and ch ldre [IT die Prince Rupert General Hospital. tr. TERMS MODERATE, Phone Biue 408 by M. H. Howitt, of the govern- while on Active Service? The Government ee or TERRES at . . . 5 bahat I ar Lost ment horticultural department. | adequate pension, that will enable the far yf : fi eee ae ee fortably until the childhen are old enough t fler t} LOST—C eo brooch. Lost between Sec- a ‘ond Avenue and Fourth street and. the| coos |JACK TARS HAVE ag postofice. Return to Daily News. _t. | , 1a Sing FOUND. ; BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC ee eee 3 her sole support, is treated in the sane w aa wane > > és « LUMP o PPPPLEPOLOP or oer o er rree 5 Found—Fine Blue Persian Cat; call B. , A curious souvenir of her vic- yr o Seerroororoees — =|} C O A L tory over the Dresden. is in nas OOOOLOPOCCCOOOPODOODOODODOOOD DOOD OODD DODO DOOD DOO LOCOCO >;OO¢Oooeee session of H. M. 8S. Glasgow. \3 Walk , M ; St ree eee eee eee Oe \ g tl urvivor f the Ger 3 » ers Music Store Delivery Bay. onepe ecap ana madte ds | ic ets Removed to Werner’s Old Stand Money Back If Not Satis- man raider which were picked up 3 On Second Avenue. factory by the Glasgow's boats was a ! Se SANDED . healthy young pig. This anima 3 to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- PIANOS naar 2 } mark, Finland, Italy and Russia. PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC UNION TRANSFER CO. has been adopted by the Glas ; CHRISTMAS SAILINGS ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND { 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 gow’'s crew as their ship’s mascot CWGILLETT COMPANY LIMITE? 3 from New » Se SMALL MUSICAL GooDS ne The pig takes quite happily to his ts TORONTO ONT. "Om 3 - Se ita iserict hai esting petit plata at Have Your Berth Reserved at Once —- new role of providing amusement 3 For Rates, | Folders and Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. 7 for British Tars. It has becom ements ; “rete : ne Pianos to Rent. { quite chummy with its new meéss- } erneayN & wanecen . he seen taking a nap on deck and troughs and skylights seen ; - = AN AAW Ah to, ond bostige pian pot in using the pig for a pillow.—Ex. l , | i} good shape for the winter. | H | per phe me Sia | t xd - Hotel Rupert } i
i ee pes F. W. Dowling. 3 tain Canadian city. He does a good business, but wants For P+ Bours ending 5 &, m: to do more. He believes that Advertising in his local newspaper is the ROBIE 55g (oy oe 8 oie Y's 29.942 way to get more business. So he advertises—every now and then. Maximum temp. ........ of This is where our friend Smith is wrong—in advertising every now and then. He should advertise regularly—as frequently as his local newspeper is published. Minimum temp. ........ 46 UMUISERSES coy oe oir Ss 6 53 .25 : Smith says he wants to advertjse regularly, but he can’t always find the time to prepare advertisements, which is true, for he is his own buyer, saree manager, director of store service, credit man and half-a-dozen other things. What Smith should do is this: If he is located in one of the smaller cities, in 1¢ to eae SEMEN e a ’ ine WARNING! FIPE ALARM SYSTEM Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Coll lay themse!ves open to prose-. cution equally with the parties manufacturins wr making same. which there are no advertising agencies giving a local copy service, a1¢ has no one among his own staff qualified by instinct or experience | write the daily announcements, he should go to the publisher of the news paper in which he means to advertise, requesting his help. In nine cases out of ten, the publisher, through his advertising manager, will be only (0° glad to give Smith the assistance desired. If Smith is located in one of the larger cities he should secure the services of a recognized advertising agency which will take over the work of pre- paring his advertisements. In this way Smith can be sure of having his advertisements prepared res ularly and intelligently, with no more trouble to him than the supplying © the information required by the writer of the advertisements. ; - So Smith can do more business, and more business means a larger the for himself, to say nothing of other gains that go hand in hand wit) ? CIRCUIT NO. 1 * * « : f Bor. 12 [Fth Si. apd 8rd ‘4ve t Box 18-—-6tb St. and 8rd Ave Bor 148th St. and 3rd Ave Box 16--Jupction of fst, end end Srd Aves Box 14 {#t Ave. between #th and vin sts. (hnoa Hotei fos 17 151 Ave and 7th St (en tral Hotel.) Now is your chance to get the best in Hot Water Heating Appli- ancese— Coll Connected........ $20.00 Coil minus Connections. . $15.00 Vour Money Back if it Dont Suit. As 1 own and contro! the above, no one can put same in. Shall vig- orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANSON Phone 489 _ P.O. Box 395 ducted by Mrs. Jarvis McLeod a [ Mrs. W. E. Williams. The money is sorely needed, sé kindly patronize the sale, and di: vo little bit. THE WEATHER . re B. SMITH has a dry goods store in a cer- CIROVIT NO. &. Box 22 Bro fv sol ard St ~ = (oat Offee.) The purtty and fragrance of B Box 23- 4rd Ave sud MeBride St Baby’s Own Soap have made it Bos 24--18i Ave. and Meride St a universal favorite. Its use is — = 2nd Ave and end 1 beneficial to any skin 1 x “tnd Ave and ¢th St : ons Sex 27--G, T. P CIRCUIT NO. 3. Box 31. Sih Ave. and Fuitow si i bet Sox 82-—-Borden and Taylor Sts. Box 34-—7th Ave. and Fulton St AUTO DELIVERY Box 25--9th ave. and Comox Ave , Gox 378th Ave. and Dodge Pi. Box 38-—4ib Ave. and Thompson 1 doing of bigger business. This man Smith---do you know him? Are YOU Smith If you are doing @ local business talk over your advertising problems with Aer tising Department of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national busines: it would be well for yn . _ the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be : nished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press vit Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. CIRCUIT NO. 4. e Box 41--4th Ave. and tmmerson Pi Box 42- 6th Ave. and McBride 81 Bor 43--5th Ave. and Green 81. Box 44.-6ib Ave atid Basil St Bou 45—7th Ave. and Eberts. Box 141. 7th Ave. aod Yung 81, Ot eeee teeter eee ease teres EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Phone --- 35 Joun ~~ re. 7 RARER I AES ee CO a RO ae