October 16, 1915. eaturday, S any A REIN( LUSITANIA MEWORIA, | THE JOY OF BEING yi ro ENbow ALIVE AND WEL The following letter from My Booth, wife of the echairma pater To He ee the Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd ne is self-explanatory: Allerton Beeches, Liverpool, 61 September, 1915, wear sir:—I have raised a { (from members of the Cur Compiny only) to provide several motor ambulances fo rial to the and children, of the lost their lives by the destruct! of this ship on May 7th, 1915 as a men 1,198 women passe and crew Lusitania MDE. ROCHON Pochon, P.Q. Mareh 2nd, 1915. eived the most wonderful 1 taking 'Fruit-a-tives’. I - years from Rheumatism of life, and I took every tainable, without any good | hoard of ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and trial and it was the only : / veally did me good. Now I am ent well; the Rheumatism } land the terrible pains allgone. Tam exceed- lo ‘Fruit-a-tives’ for such | hope that others who ich distressing diseases .-tives’ and get well’’. )A\ME ISAIE ROCHON, lous work that ‘Fruit-a- _ in overcoming disease the sick, is winning the thousands and thousands. I received so many letters f from ple not connected with the | England and America, who wish to that I now raising a 2nd Memorial fund Lo ard Company, take part in the memorial, pen anyone in England ans America. This 2nd memorial will take t! form of endowed beds, in the hos pital near London, for the soldier paralyzed or permanently disable in the war. If you care to contribute to this memorial, IT shall be very glad t receive your donation of any sum froin 25 cents upwards Postage or THE DAILY NBWS. == == (‘AA « Canada’s Ae iene ite ae Best Flour 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. 8 ot oa by sums. Remittances may be sent} stamps will be accepted for small 304 Mai ay | sign | 5 =) ng Ufexesesees: | £9.32 252223: Teed a hy | wy Besos See e eet _—- iy a .* -,*. $f. t y {een Piissccteiieseststtse tee eee Ts ; pealed t g i Set 5 eee tents, . ~ His . U etese: Sta eet ete te tee. a | . F—-7NOLZ Siisecesssets esse | (Nal ss Se +o oe. * 2 OIL fi WH ELS Rssieseseshitate te Fate tet tena. SNOUT wey : 1474 left | ; 000 rece Standard Test six million acre wheat crop. | suit. We grind them into flour in the little mill you see on the left of asks for to Mr. E * directions. rnest Carley, Cunard Line n St., Winnipeg, Man. Yours Faithfully, ed MARY BOOTH. | OF INTEREST TO CRee.. 4.5 I | i | OF CHRISTIANSEN & BRAND‘ ii | t | eink r (Ey i “py Mi ’ RW Staws o =H NP | r. F. R. Stewart, who in Aug- Ln & le} fear F lust, 1909, was appointed by the 2 ve ray ST ER | lereditors of the Christiansen | Hl i" ce | Brandt Go., real estate brokers, to Bes HH a supervise their business dn the iterests of the creditors, has ap- o the courts for direction iwhat to do with a balance of $13,- over from a sum of $40,- rived from the sale of the Royal Block at Prinee Rupert. The Royal Creditors to the extent of $35,407 [5] jhave been recognized by Mr. Here's where we test the Stewart and others with claims choicest samples of Canada’s totalling $28,803 have threatened Mr. Stewart has accordingly jpaid the balance into court and Province. the picture. Then comes the supreme test--bread-baking. If the bread is perfect in every way we pronounce the wheat Al and the flour-~-ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER’S ancouver Milling § Grain CoLte. ver. New Westminster, Nanoimo. Victoria. 12 P.O. Provincial A. E. WRIGHT and Dominion Land Surveyor Surveying and Engineering Box 10 Phone 85 Fourth Street ote is Right Sometimes a es. ing agent, and finds she has no baking powder. What does she do? She raises her biscuit by a mixture of cream of tartar soda, or soda and sour milk. S| ) tions quite right, but she knows her food is safe. she ever use a mixture of alum and soda? made baking powder? unsafe. Then why use baking powder made from alum or same mixture that the housekeeper would not dare to and use in her food? baking powder. CREAM BAKING POWDER lime or phosphate. ‘There is absolute safety in its use, = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = — = = = = — = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = — = = = = = = = = = od = = = = = = a 2 LLAUQuA4uusiatAUGULUUUUGG LEGA The Housekeeper a housekeeper requires a quick leaven- ie may not get the_propor- But docs Was there ever a housekeeper who bought alum and soda to make a home Intuitively she feels it would be Alum is alum, whether bought in the drug store or in is made from pure cream of tartar and contains no alum, and the mix SHNRUNARNAUUANELSUCOQOCOUSNEU00E00U0QG0N00GSEONONEUOOREOUOQOEEOOGNOUOGEEU GOON UASEEUT “A Dollar InTime, Saves Nine” VISIT to The Bank of British North America for the purpose of depositing part of your eurnings, becomes a pleasant and profitable habit, when once you have acquired it. The dollar you use to open an account in the Savings Department in turn saves others, as the habit of saving grows. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 97,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. Sterling Marine Motors Can be purchased In town. A Motor that will give you en- tire satisfaction. Built for hard work. Guaranteed. - —HEAVY DUTY— FISHERMAN’S ENGINE 2 Cyl.—S 1-2 In. by 7 In, 12-16 Horse Power. 4 Cyl.—B 1-2 In. by 8 in., 25-35 Horse Power. Do your remodeling with a firet- class engine. For Further Information Apply to w. E. Willisoroft, Phone Blue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- trician, Phone 383. < Empress Jams Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to te purest of Cane Sugar. Every step In the producing and manufac- turing of the deiicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B. C. It will exacting. satisfy the most SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD Vancouver, B. C. = Empress Jams oa i ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ —— Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern British Columbia = oe oe THERE fh A Largest Circula- tion means the Best Advertising - Medium : 3 REASON Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! . Read. ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ ws Palace Of Sweets Cholcest Stocke of ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS And’ Other Frulte in Season Fresh Stock of RAMBAY’S, LOWNEY’S AND HOME- MADE CHOCOLATES ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES H. KILLAS, Prop. Hart Block, 3rd Ave. and Bth &t. The A Roa! Lever Simulation . OLD WATCH FREE. a rigors mrs eceeees = ARGUE IOLA RRR IRENE RRR IS U Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas oe ~~ ive aoe Oe erence enna in 2-lb. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by thelr superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house~ wife Insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda Bisoulte. They are made in B. ©. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means orlepnece. RUM) Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. alta =~ “a Vancouver, B. G,