fHE DAILY NLWS Saturday, Octobe 10,4 ®, 1945 a — $$$ ee | rt ; ' Be ne allel FROM THE era Nol {| ... ae als ORIENT Local News Note } Quy aS Your King and Count TO YOUR Y TEA - TABLE Need You RANT | AROMA SECURE RECRUITS WARKTED FOR 62nd ovenseas BATTAL i¢g. IN THE SAFETY CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FoRce OF THE SEALED A special express fish train lett for the east this morning. Ces H. L. Harris, late editor of the ) Bella Coola Courier, is in town. |] . > * ——_4 RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIAL g Dr. Stanwood, the well known OVER a 53 mining man, returned from. the ; OFFICE Now OPEN NMENT interior last night. The purity and fragrance of In view of the recruiting which is in phon: 2 ee Baby's Own Sony have mace it throughout the Province, it is apropos to an... s™! PACKAGE Fe a universal favorite. Its use is apropos to a swer a few at Bishop Du Vernet left for Ed- | beneficial to any skin 4413 the questions which are considered by thos; wh fe monton this morning én route for Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal, plate entering the Service. The f¢ @ is a Niet a em. . = = = nent queries, together with he information « } anne e the Peace River country. lation which each elicits QUESTIONS ANSWERED. | 1S: SS | a i ail Mle Iypagygd ont galas | Coughing scatters germs oe Me ME bo cetve? ‘Uain w- . 66 : 9 3 IN FIGHT WITH FRENCH) Mrs. F. D. Eason, of Smithers, | ; : the end of the way The Dail News —Sto it e >| and six months after if required. y little boy left for Portland, | p > and , 2.—-What pay shall I receive? | Berlin, Oct. 14.—Correspond- : : : — ceive? Your pay as a private CLASSIFIED ADS. ‘ents of Berlin newspapers report Ore., on the Prince George, after | trriteton the A be $1.00 per day and 10 cents fleld aj! | ene s spé s 0 i je ’ } { : : spe xy a few days r flamed mucuous membranes 0 ¢ od, e ad ¢ oi | that the fighting on Monday in the | *! nding a _ ~~ in town. and is m ber aed . : . he be clothed, equipped and subsisted hy the G FOR SALE | districts around Loos and Souchez digease to others. ; ment, : ' Wy ‘d. g ‘al agent | . Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and 3.—What will my wife receive during Lake —— {was most bitter. An intense bom- Major Swinford, general agent | Cod Liver Oil omptly stops y receive during my absence? Fyor SALE ry. y thi y, in-| ; via ; 0 re » pai cial deck natin: ) vViuding aan; settee Aooly Box 119, bardment of twenty hours pre-jof the Northern Pacific Railroad oat ent an ania ae s month there will be paid ber a separati f Daily News. 240-4. eT ae ; | to-its tonic properties, effects also part of your pay) and jf this }, Se -.'}eeded the French attack, which |; Vancouver, left for the south | # permanent cure. ’ ; ' FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock | jog ; - ni as . he wonderful popularity ; ortably maintain your family, the Canadia ; “Homer Pigeons, inated and. squab pro- | pecan monday morning. it we this morning, accompanied by} of Mathien’s Syrup of Tar | rill her assis Pu ducing, at a bargain; also Belgian Hares.| directed against the hill near : and God Liver Oilis specially will further assist them. Apply 925 Borden St. "| vimy as elt aa baalnet the Ger- Mrs. Swinford. | due. to its t value asa i 4.—What will happen if Il am wounded oy « > You wil WANTED pera Secures . 48 ae a '3 be cared for by the Gove : " iman positions further north be- ee ye cared for by the Government and y ane TAN ’ iO, ili ince ‘egular vis- 1 where lar ; ar hare ’ nae WANTED—Young girl to care for two la . su . William Vincent, a regular vis Sold every » 5c large until you are dis«harged. If you are permanently dica) small children. Apply 217, 4th Ave.£.| tween Loos and Givenchy. ‘ieee bottles. Tichwash wit ba 064 oe you are | a abled ay » particular object of the} itor to the police court on charges | allowance © paid you, varying according to the extent of WANTED—Cooking range, must be cheap. The p 3 - } 4. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. your injury or disability geo Apply Box 111, Daily News. tf.!French onslaught was the eleva-|of vagrancy, again appeared be-| Sherbrooke, P.Q. ) Jury or disability. t : | Der headaches we Mathews Nervine 5.—Whe > ee eee p DRESSMAKER—Capable of making suits|{ion to the west of Vimy, which | fore the magistrate this morning. | @ » Secaeem's dg sant > : : What will be — o my wife and ch I die and doing all kinds of sewing wants], a me ; } cide, mee hw a while on Active Service? The Government = work, will go out by the day. Apply|Commands the flat land of Lens.| 1, was given two dapat 04 e Govertr : Box 114 Dally News. 242-7./The artillery battle was of such ; adequate pension, that will enable the fan fh By GO a ail to clear cut of town for good. 3 : ‘ 5 . WANTED—Woman_ cook. Apply matron] jpjfoancity fortably until the childhen are old enough t ifter ther Prince Rupert General Hospital. # intensity that the guns could not] bo i e old enough thane — — ~ |be handled with bare hands. selves. The widowed mother of a single man, if the son be Lost The French penetrated the her sole support, is treated in the same way as a wifi LOST—Cameo brooch. Lost between Sec-|German trenches in only one i h W : Wh E k ~ ve ond Avenue and Fourth Street and the : . : e oman Oo a €s postoMce. Return to Daily News. tf. small section where the defend- : : ; ising a pai iS FOUND ers and théir guns ‘had been the proper help to keep her digestion right and her system . Snipbedeorerrooosocsobeeiseil : ; aac Ae is ceed iiaaee free from poisonous accumulations, is not troubled Googe } Found—-Fine Blue Persian Cat; call B. C. aoreS ore eae ee with headaches, backache, languid feelings, unnat- j . Undertakers. tf.|/fire. Bavarian troops threw out ural sufferings. All women who have _ tried } 1c e ts the French, using knives and 5 | ; hand grenades. ! % +: ee ! | en ed wt to and trom Norway, Oweden, Den- 7° SCRYERS URES AT de i ect j ~% rani : mark, Finland, Italy an ussia. nig ee CHRISTMAS SAILINGS Sheet Meial Work . A VALUASLE CARGO know this famous remedy to be the proper help for them. A re hae ? a ices ine York November. thi __ OF FURS AND IVORY few doses will make immediate difference and occasional use will | Se ae erate ep et November $7th t im t in health and strength. T! Ser cae low ji i cause a permanen rovement in he and strength. ey 6 ea cee x ecember {itt rote "tose ieg Sar Sneed" ayi tre Wot eer oman whe ||P | SAM | are vr en nar troughs and skylights seen Seward, Alaska, Oct. 15.—The relies on Beecham’s Pills, no ie! enjoys better ree 3 } ee. A ake , For Rates, a strated Folders and ee 3 . ; . a e . anama SeaPnen poly to, and heating Plant put in sientaas ‘Siisat aabived team. Ui. condition, with quieter nerves and brighter spirits, but she ; ‘ aE a good shape for the winter. $| so fi | C | j ; Le In such Cases Aare today with's cargo of furs, Enjoys A Cc ear omp ex on 2 ey Ss s = om DYBHAVN & HANSON Consult a Practical Man if You $| °°" 224 whalebone, valued at Worth « Guinea a Box 3 “Caps i SEB ge te $145,000. This is the most valu- Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. iS ae OO Pe oe ee Prince Rupert, B. ©. Want Results id everywhere ia Canada and.U.S. America, In boxes, 25 cents. 12 i FY able cargo ever brought here from i+ ° . fag ye ere ap ree the westward. SERRE ice at the Sheet Metal an 2 ; Heating business, in a regu- Captain Lukens of the survey |FIMED FOR CREATING DIS- ler eaeee Matat Shop Not In $/boat Yukon, which arrived today, TURBANCE IN RESTAURA\ | iy Nl m s 5 © ry reported that he had located a Charles Kallstrom and Richard | i} C. 0 ROWE channel up the Kuskokwim river |Anderson were each fined v9.00) | | & i a ° to Bethel. The channel is deepjand costs at the police court this} ; 4 \\ The Prana Seay teetet “Gen enough for boats drawing seven-|morning for creating a disturb } : puny. 2 i Ee teen feet. ance in a Chinese restaurant. Ac- Baro acter eae ~~ cused, while under the influence f liquor, entered the restaurant Estimates Furnished to Can- 3/3 ’ . . ' Walker's Music Store and called for a meal, which they tractors and others Free ertwrroore Removed to Werner’s Olid Stand afterwards refused to pay for pooce On Second Avenue. When asked to pay, they smashe: PIANOS some of the crockery. Anderson PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC who is a big husky fellow, must ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND have been mistaken for crockery SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. judging by the war map around } his optics. THE IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patented 1815) Is made %t9 meet the demand for Hot Water Instantly and without additional fuel being used. Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. = Pianos to Rent. Flowers are more fragrant B. SMITH has a dry goods store in a cer- . ° . tain Canadian city. He does a good business, but wants * to do more. He believes that Advertising in his local newspaper 1s the way to get more business. So he advertises—every now and then. This is where our friend Smith is wrong—in advertising every now and then. He should advertise regularly—as frequently as his local newspaper is published. Smith says he wants to advertise regularly, but he can’t always find the time to prepare advertisements, which is true, for he is his own buyer, sales- manager, director of store service, credit man and half-a-dozen other things. What Smith should do is this: If he is located in one of the smaller cities, '9 which there are no advertising agencies giving a local copy service, and he has no one among his own staff qualified by instinct or experience [0 write the daily announcements, he should go to the publisher of the news- paper in which he means to advertise, requesting his help. In nine cases when the sun is not shining on them, according to a French scientist, because the oils that MUSI( . produce the perfume are force out by the water pressure in the plant cells and this is diminished , WARNING! Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Coll lay themselves open to prose- cution equally with the perties manufacturing or making same. CFARI.ES BALAGNO (Pianist at Westholme) TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE Former pupil of F. @. Strong. by sunlight. RO Oe yr FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Now is your chance to get the best in Hot Water Heating Appli- ances— Coil Connected........ $20.00 Coll minus Connections. . $156.00 Your Money Back if it Dont Suit. As 1 own and control the above, TERMS MODERATE, Phone Biue 408 GIROUIT NO. 1. @ox 12 —5th St. and Brd Ave. Box 13-——6tb St. snd 8rd Ave. a ome 1 ania ‘encase. ? er Sey’ ReeMmeTtO Box 14-A#th St. and 8rd ‘Ye out of ten, the publisher, through his advertising manager, will be only (0° 44 ; . Bie LUMP “am oe we glad to give Smith the assistance desired. wy HARRY HANSON C O A L Box 16-181 Ave., between sth and If Smith is located in one of the larger cities he should secure the services ae Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 Oth Ste. (Knox Hotel.) of a recognized ddvertisin ency which will take over the work of pre- 7 oc 17491 Ave. and 7th St. (Cen aha acest 8 agency He $9.50 per Ton — Cash on » sheaas paring his advertisements. : We Peed we Sereer In this way Smith can be sure of having his advertisements prepared ree q pe te aa Rak eee OIROUIT NO. 2. ularly and intelligently, with no more trouble to him than the supplying ie a y : fer ‘te: pol me, ee the information required by the writer of the advertisements. : Rd) actory ae aie tee ce tk So Smith can do more business, and more business means a larger on Au: D L] ERY UNION TRANSFER C0 Rox 24 {81 Ave, and MeBride St. for himself, to say nothing of other gains that go hand in hand with An ‘ Box 26—2nd Ave and gnd st doing of bigger business. gh 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 Box 26—2nd Ave. and 6th st e fy : Box 27—Q. T. P. ‘ : Et ok Inti in ie toto toto tok + tet