SS — aed vI. NO. 248. ee T PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22; 1915. = ———— PRICE FIVE ae” ROUMANIA MAY SHORTLY JOIN THE ALLI ee oe Senne A cee = TURKS "HEAVILY DEFEATED ID IN GALLIPOLI -—- GREECE MUST DECIDE PROMPTLY ROUMANIA FAVORS ALLIES WILL SHORTLY ENTER FRAY <————___ — ROUMANIA WILL AB... .. WEUTRALITY—CAN PUT mii: MEN iN FIELD—GREECE MUST DECIDE OR ALLIES WILL START BOMEARDMENT — SER - BIANS IN DIFFICULTIES Se (Special t. The Dally News.) pending London, Get, 22.—A Roumanian | and a rapid conclusioai t Petrograd has made the} ee i that the Roumanien | “°"¢" has permitted the publi- nation and army is wholly on the| leation of a despateh from Rome side of the Allies and will soon which states that, unless Greece aban her neutrality, which| joins the Allies, the Allied fleets ced on aecount of lack of| will be demobilized and will bom munitions, Roumania is now | bard the Greek coast. The pres equip an army of 600,¢ fence of large Greek forces at Sa- which will be inereased to a mil-|loniki is regarded as a menac« There is a Roumanian army the Allies’ expedition into the 10 men now in the defiles| Balkans. i¢ Carpathian Mountains, Enemy Defeated. Sofia Plots. A Serbian report indicates that here are many plots in Sofia}/the Austro-Germans have lost to kill King Ferdinand, and many|60,000 men in the recent Serbian arrests have been made. operations. Pressure on Greece. Anxiety is felt in London re- Greece has refused Britain’s|garding the safety of the main Yer of the island of Gyprus as/Serbian army, lest its retreat on iv inducement to enter the war|Monastir be cut off by the Bul- i the side of the Allies. garians. Anglo-French rein- forcements are on the way. SWEEPING CHANGES BY VANCOUVER COUNCIL (Special to The Dally News.) + howsyer, are still DAMAGING EVIDENCE AGAINST DR. H. E. YOUNG (Special to The Dally News.) Victoria, O96 Following} vancouver, B.C., Oct. 22.—The sensational evidensde: given by A. finance committee of the city A. Michner, of New York, in the council has prepared a resolution ree Coal Mines case, that | which it will submit to the coun- *190,000 in shares were given to! 4i) calling upon all civie officals Ot & in order to influence and members of the various staffs mo ion of the provincial ex- to hand in their resignations on ecul in tbe fore-shore dis- the first of December, to become pule, L. D, Wishard, of New York, effective at the end of the year. testified yesterday that he was in- reduce the The intention is to formed by the company’s direet- staffs and regrade salaries. that he not to ask a regarding the allotting shares as they were given for valuable was —— KH ELE KKR KH HHO RR SHELLS a f [MOST 1 ehange services ed in connection with the William Grant, the lo- os 8 of their property. The cal plumber, who recently ‘ares were referred to as 2 a te ee ca completed a contract at vk in a discussion by the the drydock, sent an order irectors, parts to a well for range manufactur- the east re- known stove ing plant in MAJESTIC ee THEATRE ra He has received a dhe ca ae the effect that cannot be filled factory ‘eply to Tonight and Tomorrow ey the order meantime, as the is working 22 1-2 hours KHHEHERHHKHRHH KH HR ROOANAy | PHOTOPLAY “THE RETURN OF RICHARD NEAL” i three acts of Mesmeric Society each day producing shells * Dr fr ; Bai ot for the government. D, A, * HIS FAIRY GODMOTHER” Thomas has intimated his * A Pleasing Comedy. : : ee intention of having a heart * “HELEN'S SACRIFICE” art talk with the shell * \ thrilling Railroad Drama to heart talk t tt “ . committee one o 1ese SOPHIE'S HOME COMING” : * Corking Comedy. days regarding the dis- a anc en Pare tribution of shell orders, ADMISSION | 1 10 and 15 cents. and it seems to be about c nmne Monday and Tuseday, 13th forbids pisode of “The Broken Coln”— This citing time. The censor the the of any place in connection with shell manufacturing, but it is safe to say that * * # ® name * % * * there is one spot well * * * * * * 4 * * ®pisode is remarkably ex- mention of known to all residents of Prince Rupert where shells could be turned out in larger quantities and in ‘ol better time than in the etn a he: qrowd to. Selfe above mentioned stove tere is a reason., Next factory. Majestic Theatre, , on the part of Greece is expected. | erea president Was A, I PRUDHOMME BUYS BULKLEY VALLEY FARM from Bourgon and Hoops. Mr. Prudhomme, ways taken farming showing list are PRESIDENT WILSCN AND F'ANCE AT PHILADELPHIA Photo taken during the baseball season just closed, shows the and Mrs. Norman Galt, widow of a prominent jeweller of hingten, D. C., and formerly Miss Bolling, of Virginia, whose engagement to marry was oflicially announced at the White House recently, examining a baseball just before the president started the game by hossing. out the wall.. | BULKLEY VALLEY FEEDING STOCK Citizens will be interested to} As a result of the splendid know that A, J. Prudhomme, the! grass crop in the Bulkley valley popular president of the Northern | this year, rachers have brought B. C. Agricultural Association,/in a lot of Alberta stock which has purehased the Driver ranch i will be fed during the winter, and in the Bulkley Valley. The farm,turned out to the grass in the is one of the best in the valley and | spring. was bought by Mr. Prudhomme One cattle special has already Telkwa 180 head of Barrett, of the ranch, J. J. brought to stock, famous who has al- Charles a live interest in local Diamond D and farmers, is thus|MeNeil, FE. G. Aycliffe, A. Morin his confidence in the}and E. Morin have all brought in t possibilities of this district.j;stock, and the Bulkley bids fair It is his intention to devote his|to take its place amongst the best personal attention to the farm,|stock raising countries in the Do- which comprises 300 acres. minion. MUNICIPAL VOTERS’ List | 5 |HALIBUT FETCHED 1916. SEVEN CENTS YESTERDAY Rough we nfviae outside a big factor in bringing a is prov- ysuseholders (this means per- i ing sons who have paid Road Tax, : larger proportion of the halibut been residents here since Janu- trade to Prince Rupert. Owing to ary ist, 1915, and are Brilish|)jaq weather, the boats are not Subjects) and licenceholders who|making such large catches and desire their names placed on the|naturally, they make for the nearest port, which is Prince Ru- Yesterday, local buyers paid hereby notified that thei: pert. declarations must be in my hands - : : ; a seven cents for halibut, which is by 5 p. m., Oetober 31st, 19145. a record, Owners of property under sas ant dr ee agreement or assignment of CARD OF THANKS agreement, must file their decla-}| say rations with me by 5 p, m., No- James and Daniel Jabour desire vember 30th, 19145. to thank all who so kindly ex- Declarations may be made at| pressed sympathy in their recent the City Hall. jbereavement, and also those who ERNEST A. WOODS, D.M.C. sent floral tributes. Notice ti to W Vorking_ Men THE GRANBY CONSOLIDATED MINING, SMELTING & Power Co, oF ANYOX, B.C., Wish to notify the Working Men of Prince Rupert and District that there are more men in Anyox looking for work than the Company can employ and men are hereby advised not to make the trip to Anyox with the expecta-— tion of being employed. * * * * * * ¥ * * * * * * * * * * * * et ear erga * * * + 7 * * * * * * * ” * * * * * “toate, ea ee ae aie ie te ae ate “TURKS DEFEATED WITH VERY HEAVY LOSSES IN GALLIPOLI TURKS ATTACKED THINKikG ALLIES WERE WEAKENED—. DRIVEN BACK EVERYWHE!.E—GERMAN SHIPS MISS- ING IN THE NORTH SEA — FURTHER RUS- SIAN GAINS IN GALICIA i (Speciai to The Daily News.) Athens, Oct. 22- hat the Allies had been weakened the Saloniki expedition atlack hrough he Turks made a terrifie n the Allied positions in Galli- oli. Everywhere they were de- feated by the Allies wrth very heavy losses. German Ships Missing. It is reported from Cepenhagen hat three German ships are over- ‘ue. It is believed that they have the British. The iermans withdrawn their ‘ntire fishing fieet from the North ea, owing to been sunk by have many captures having been made by the British, rnd the nd Sweden has gone up. Steamers Sunk. British steamers and the City of Ber- price offish in Germany The 2,250 tons, Iris, of|Sir jlin, of 990 tons, have been sunk —In the belief) by the Germans. Eastern Front. The Russians have scored fur- ther the region of Czaranowitch, according to They more successes in of- ficial reports. have cap- tured several German po- one big gun and ten machine guns. Gen- up a broken sitions, 2,500 prisoners, keeping on the eral Ivanoff is steady pressure German defensive. SIR FRED. E. SMITH IS NEW ATTORNEY-GENERAL Oct. 22. *rederick has sueceeded Sir Ed- Lodon, E. Smith ward Carson as attorney-general in the Asquith coalition cabinet. Shortly after the outbreak of war, Frederick volunteered for the front. EXCELLENT CONCERT FOR RED CROSS FUND The Westholme Theatre crowded last night and the large audience thoroughly enjoyed the musical and picture program pro- vided. The ladies of the I. O. D. '. had the theatre suitably deco- vated with the national flag, while was LOUIS BOTHA RETURNED WITH MAJORITY OF 63 (Spe-ial to The Dally News.) South Africa, Oct. Louis Botha has been returned as premier of the Capetown, 22.—General South African legislature with a majority of 63 votes. There was the greatest diver- Nelson’s historic message blazed from above the platform. Patriotic songs were splendidly rendered by Miss Barnsley, Mrs. Jarvis McLeod, Mrs. Norman Mac- and Mr. GC. A, G, Arm- strong, while the audience at the stood and sang ‘‘Rule Brit- The Westholme orchestra kintosh lose annia.” rendered appropriate selections during the evening, and the four- “Snobs” was appreciated. “God concluded an excellent entertainment, from which, after paying the of the theatre, the ladies of the I. O. D. E. will be able to hand about $30 to the Red Cross ” aet comedy entitled greatly Save the King” evening’s for use over fund, NOTICE The Central Cash Grocery begs to inform their patrons that on Saturday, the 23rd their place of business will be removed to the corner of 3rd Aye. and 2nd St., and solicit continuance of patronage. Orders will be as in the past and a guaranteed. inst., their called for first service Call for an order, nothing too small or too | arge. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phones 493 and 187. class The American schooner Athena brought in 15,000 pounds of hali- but during the night. The price remains at seven cents. The Lillooet, of the Hydro- graphic survey, has nearly com- pleted its work for the season and will leave soon for winter quarters in the south. sity of opinion as to how the election would go, and it was feared that the Dutch element in the outlying districts would vote solidly against the government. Labor, which was expected to play no small part in the fight, has been signally defeated, and the imperial position is safe. 1. O. O. F. WHIST DniVE Oddfellows whist drive and dance in K. of P. Hall Tuesday, October 26, at 8:30 p. m. Tickets 50cents. In aid of Red Cross fund. WEST HOLME ES OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW “THE GOLD DUST AND THE SQUAW” Selig Drama, “The Gold in the Crock” Two-act Lubin Drama, “Hickville Tragedy Troupe” Kalem Comedy. “Billy’s Debut” Comedy, “All on Account of Towser” Vitagraph Comedy-drama, POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 15 ots. LONDON CAFE And Grill DAINTY MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES hoe reg: vr