THE DAILY NEWS ¥, October eri lay, iy 3 TRAINS WEF | ‘THE DAILY NEWS | | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA SATURDAY MONDAY = THye Published Daily and Weekly | WOAY 4008 4 6 Guaranteed Largest Circulation in LY | 7 ‘ TO Epmonronr, sg; ASKATOON, HEAD OFFICE REGINA, WINNIPEG, sr PAUL CHICAGO, EASTERN caNang AND UNITED stares 3 BOATS WEEK Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 [( TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING-—50 cents per inch. Contract) question of war financing should rates on application, be faced honestly. At least five cai «5 MRNAS TELARC aN PAP ioe million dollars a month of the DAILY EDITION axgasctire Friday, October 22, 1915. total monthly expenditure = o TUESDAY THURSDAY palate 40 A, EE ES = — fifteen million dollars should be TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE SAN FRAN . | TWISTED AGAIN jincome available for the use of) ‘obtained in the form of taxation SAN DIEGO EXPosiTions SCO, The Journal is getting beauti-| the State is not doing his duty. la might cven be worth while call- UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER fully tangled up in its attempts/ Britain, he said, had to keep up $s } ing Parliament together’ before to accuse Parker Williams of;an impregnable navy, and an SERVICE GO EAST via “Route of Innumerabie Marvels’ Combine Pleasure TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON ort nebo ©2777 ALL POINTS in EASTERN CANADA oy, MONTREAL . UNt Including New York and Boston ©! STATES the New Year so that Canada may Business playing party politics, when he}army which ran into millions. She be able to send to Britain the stated the truth regarding the|had advanced to her allies a sum, McBride government at his recent|}which it was estimated would} icheering message that no more SOME OF THE ATTRACTIONS > é coer : red be RT GRIGG . meeting. The Conservative or-|equip and maintain in the field | loans for this Dominion need by , ae unsurpassed “Vellowtead Pass” through the test, Mourns otowed by the ei vie . » lor ided: t ‘anadée j 3 , ‘ ri { i er] y Untains at th wr an , Sarkar 2 |< i wre. Ther | provided; that Canada will supply M. P. P. for Algoma, a pionet “Moun tRobson” (18,500 feet) Mt. Geike. et clr beat, gan has now got Parker Williams} 3,000,000 of their soldiers. Then The Golden Wheat fielde 0 the Peaini’ Provir i New Ontario, Cochrane, Cobalt, etc. + hence through Tourist and Standard Sieeping Cars Prince Rupert i : : performing acrobatic feats which|Mr. Montagu added: ‘We are |not only men in ever-increasing of the north country, has been would tax even the agility of the|financing by loans to our great} Journal. In the latest effort, Par-| Dominions part of their expendi- ker Williams is “trying to follow/ture on the contingents which are} the Liberal party,” and, at the/helping us to fight.” numbers, but the money for their gppointed deputy minister of Winnipeg to Toronto; Leave Prince Rupert 10:30 a » Winnipeg, ang and Thursday. Arrive Winnipeg 2:26 p. m Tuseday Thorens!’ contr ay j}equipment and maintenance. That jands and forests in succession to Arrive To Leave Winnipeg 6:15 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, | would be a worth-while Christ-/tne jate Aubrey White, in the ronto 12:06 p. m. Thursday, Saturday anc Tuesday 'mas greeting from Ottawa to the | Qj» tario jegislature. Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished | Mother of Parliaments.—Toronto eT A. DAVIDSON, Genera! Agent same time, the Liberal party ‘‘is Mr. Montagu was not complain- | : ae ‘ eae ee < ee me HOW AVIATORS LAND | hanging on to his coat.” ing. He was stating a fact. ——— It is a case of any port in ajresult of all these Burdens *|RALPH CONNOR AT DURING THE NIGHT ais | ail storm. Whatever looks the least}sumed so willingly is that | rh a ae LONDON CITY TEMPLE —- D E N Ti ISTRY CANADIAN PACIFIC like shelter looks good to the!British people have ’ One of the greatest problems ‘ ‘ : . | —-— Conservatives these days. How-|volved in an expenditure for war | . al RAILWAY ‘ 4 ym, Oct. 20.—Rev. C. ; . ‘onfro . f at CROWN AND DaE WORK aii ever, it is interesting to note thatjand governmental purposes | London t ; which confronts the pilot of an a annemaey | _ bekis ; . Gor ) lonnor) occupie “st aa Vs Lowest rates to all the only part of Parker Williams’|amounting to not less than two- hovdon “(Raipn one Uprec\ aeroplane while making a night DR. J. F. BROWN | via Steame a seen adll » » City Temple on ‘yt : Ce r to Vancouver and the speech which they attempted os Me of the entire estimated an- brs ae . it “ gos "flight is that of landing without) sunvesy Saninbenn Sanita senile R ary lint : aa call in question is that in which|nual! national income. In face of} unday, attired in militar sm mishap. Recognizing the value of Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue }| Meals and berth included on steams | lity Temple officials ; i iiniaid an Phone 4654 he said that the Conservative|these official statements Canada |¥?iform. gerd Pia @'s night flying, the Germans prac- Sf PRINCESS SOPHIA soUTHBOUND party will be swept from the|should at once arrange to pay as jdecline to confirm or deny the r itised it assiduously previous t | SATURDAY, 6 P. M. | province. That was the part that|well as fight. A hundred and sixty |POTt that the pastorate has Deen the war, and devised a very in- = | PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND : : : ; ‘ i , Te SUNDAY, 6 P. @. hurt. His long and = accurate|thousand Canadians have offered offered to Doctor Jewett, of New jgenious scheme eee “ns a ; : ; ra | 4 4 . MONAB, Generel Agent statement of graft and looting|their lives to the cause of liberty | Y°°*- ____|pilots to land in aeroplanes in| z ; ial cae Socnunaal has gone unchallenged and his|jand_ civilization. Why ‘should jsafety in the dark LAND NOTICE condemnation of William Manson}those of us who have not done} -- se A large white light is placed in| i "oe is still awaiting a reply. so, and who, because of age,|SKEENA LAND DISTRICT Ithe centre of the aerodrome, si Has cut the price of Milk }| b : DISTRICT OF COAST in half + 8) Oo Oe. physical condition, and _ other niles jin a pit in the ground and B C UNDERT AKERS ‘eciaidibisces » ee WHAT I! A A’ ‘alid reasons. ci re pF : TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Jackson and | eiass-vtate of -sufficie ; sh = ee s nage ae reasons, cannot take part in than! tekacaidh ik oeaiticd takes. We ae g ptate uflicien : PURE FRESH MILK ; ae Shortly after ye war began,;the active operations of warfare, | peeynat anchars . : , thickness to withstand ‘ ees nee BE pere . : edgupation —— rs, intend t apply 83 nee Delivered in city at 10c per } BALMERS — SATISFACTION @UAR- when subscriptions were first so-|not be called upon now —rather ee to lease the following descri ea should the wheels f quart and 5c per pint ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT : . - ° - anas licited for the patriotic fund, the|than at some remote time in the Commencing at a post planted at the/Machine pass over it. a dis aes SCs 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 4 Reeve of a township in this prov-|future—to carry Canada’s share |mouth of Humpback Creek, on its east| (Cotinued on Page Three Phone Green 2 52 ge nat athn dl ‘ fe i ae Int He : side, thence 30 chains in a northwesterly | | — ince, a well-to-do man, was re-jof the war expenditure. direction, following high water mark:|~ |Offies corner en | ported as having announced at the| ‘The minister of finance has ql-|tence + chun, more ot les in « south:| fA PPurangy WPeypn te | —— PACIFIC CARTAGE LNB Aamrnghitp council that the war hadj|ready announced that a domestic thence SO ‘shains,:more or less, in @ south is that tate TS ’ | (Nuecessors actfic Transfer t aiready cost him ten dollars, and|loan will be issued shortly to easterly direction, following low. water one BL assis * JAMES GILMORE @enera! Cartage that if it lasted iong it might cost|cover a portion of Canada’s ex-|™2™*: tence 1 chain in a northeasterly Regular and natural action of | s ; 3 direction to point of commencement, and the stomach, liver kidneys and Architect LADYSMITH COAL him even more. In view of re-|penditure for military purposes. |containing 3 acres, more or less. ; i 08-—Phone—0s ANDREW JACKSON & GLAUS peTEnson | bowels will keep you well and jonq avenue, near McBride Street cent statements in the British|Mr. White does well in this, but : Ae : , : October 18th, 1915. acti rom: Parliament, it would be interest-|does he go far enough? Would] fit,andthis ee neatthy Alex M. Manson, B.A ing to know how many people of}it not be better by an immediate] whe BEECHAMS W. E. Williams, BA, LL inet QE —_— —_—— SUBSCRIBE FOR WILLIAMS & MANSON means in Canada have the Reeve’s|tax levy to pay some further por- WEAR standard, and hope to save the/tion of the war expenditure of Pl LLS | Barristers, Solicitors, Eu. Empire with a ten dollar bill. the Dominion rather than meet ET OOT The Lsbiiut Selo of Medicine in the World. THE DAILY NEWS aes “ Mr. Montagu, financial secre-|them by the easy method of writ- LE Sold aoe a boxes, 28 cents | Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. ¢ tary of the treasury, has been/|ing I. O. U.’s to be cashed by the telling the people of Great Brit-| already hard-pressed people of SHOES ain that the man who does not | Great Britain? for every SDORT FROZEN BAIT e 7 study the idea of having half his! When Parliament meets the and RECREATION Gap 4 —PLLPLLOL ELA LOLA O OR Se — : a _ a . AND by every member THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO, OF BC, HMITED {| =. 1% ICE =) rr ge ae. EEN, FINEST FROZEN HERRING Salis for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA ‘Tuesdays at 8 p. m. SAILS for STEWART, GRANBY, Saturday, A. M. S$. S. CAMOSUN Qctober 2nd, 46th SGth, November 13th, 27th, $25.00 per ton. For Sale by 28th. Salis for MASSETT, PORT OL ree vi Sunday P. M., October 3rd, 17th Sciceiehsiremeieananttemamismmnmnnrssn . Bist, November 14th, 28th, . ' ; te Kl Balls for SKIDEGATE, sat enth December t1h, an um. October 6th, 19th NCOLITH P ACKIIG C0. y ” , ' November 2nd, 46th, 30th, December 14th, 28 LIMITED Sails for BELLA COOLA, RIVERS INLET and the South Thursday P. M., By ce sea nace EES October 7th, 21st, November 4th, 18th, December 2nd, 16th, 28th. sie tes MILL BAY. B. C. ‘ JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent. Nerve Siiatae and.) For further particulars j 623 Second Avenue. Phone 568. apply t t ’ ) . e . wee | Ey eglasses. THOR JOHNSON Central Hotel. EEE Sas =— SS ee SSS = ‘ FRED STORK’S HARDWARE a: == ps A constant dropping wears Prince Rupert Feed Co. away:a Stone. A slight E 710 SECGMD AVE eyestrain injures the health HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Carpenters’ Tools Buliders’ Margiware Ship Chandlery | Y)| because it is constant. The AND FERTILIZERS Wire Oable Steel Blesks Fishing Tackle strain which first manifests Se Iron Pipe =| Pipe Fittings | Rifles and Shotguns itself as a slight discomfort mee 4 Valves / \ Ammunition should be remedied at once. /f ee =H igo Ha umpe Hose Paint This we guarantee to do with |g Su!bs, and Take Orders for ‘ . AP the jj Stoves and Ranges Mubbercid Roofing Corrugated tron lasses. Consultation free. Nursery Stock. aie the — with — ee the |t “ t ade Ie er ee re comro: | WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST’ elays are dangerous. Chicken Pood A Specialty — ee - - nena | ysure me m FRED STORR'S HARDWARE Freedom from skin troubles, explains 1 § me the refreshing sleep which “Baby’s Own Soap’ Own" enjoy. Especially for nursery use insist on “Baby 5 I k bor Loop Mall Ordere Promptly yAttended To. P. O. Box 333. 908 Third Ave. | {i} OPTICIAN PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, - pia == | ———— S== 928 Sixth Bt. Phone Black 69 | aad ae > eee 2 ———__-—_—___- EMPRESS COFFEE} WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR a aie PRINCE RUPERT, ©