- LHE DAILY NEWS ——————_——<—<———=—— a ~~ = : mee -_—— —— - = saininan yoL. VI. NO, 249 ee PRINCE RUPERT, B, C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1915. : eiapieeesaiatihi As 2 PRICE FIVE CENTS — ae ie satecihin Eee RBIANS HAVE NOW ASSUMED OFF —_—* ———Se = = TEUTONS AND BULGARIANS 1 DRIVEN BACK ‘IN SERBIA — _ RUSSIANS ADVANCING ——— A GERMAN ARMED TRAWLER ATTACKS SWEDISH SUBMARINE: SUBMARINE HVALEN, FLYING SWEDISH FLAG IN SWEDISH WATERS FIRED ON BY GERMANS — THE HELMSMAN WOUNDED—SWEDEN WILL DEMAND EN- QUIRY—RUSSIANS STILL ADVANCING -_—_—— (Special to The Dally News.) sians have advanced to the west stockholm, Oct, 23.—The|/bank of the upper Sara and have Swedish submarine Hvalen, which |occupied the heights of Masourki, | 2,025 men has returned here at full speed, |taking 67 officers and repor that, while in Swedish |and three machine guns. waters, and flying the Swedish On the front south of Lake | flag. she was attacked by a Ger-|Boginskol the Russians also nae nan armed trawler, which fired|progress. German counter at-| nine shots, wounding the helms-j|tacks were launched several times | man but were repulsed with heavy [he Swedish government has | losses, & demanded that a searching en- A violent encounter near the |} quiry be made into the matter. village of Douki resulted in the Russian Advance. taking of the village by our 23,—The Rus-|troops. ANNUAL MEETING OF Petrograd, Oct. FURTHER EVIDENCE OF ARBUTHNOT’S FRIENDSHIP (Special to The Dally Newe.) Victoria, Oct. 23.—Mr. Arbuth- not, one of the directors of the Pacific Coal The annual meeting of the local branch of the Red Cross Society was held last evefiing in the Mines Company, in stated that |Court $105,000 in|Judge Young, occupied the chair. House. The president, today, the giving of the shares to Dr. H. E, Young was | The fulfillment of a promise made lyear giving evidence election of officers for this resulted in the selectfon of in 1906, before Dr. Young became | ithe offieers of last year, with a a cabinet minister. | Mr. Arbuthnot said that the minister was an old friend whom 'few names added to the general committee. The oflicers and ex- he had promised to remember, if|ecutive elected were as follows: Young; vice-| ! MeIntosh; | Woodland; |‘ Inpany eyer reached a stage President, Judge and so fulfilled his|president, Mrs. R. L. promise in 1909, when his chance Mie GA f prosperity, treasurer, came, ° secretary, J. B. Roerig; Mesdames Wright, Kergin, Rix, Tremayne, Cambie, Mos | WEDDING BELLS tee, a Dawson, There was a jolly little wedding | snHockley, party at the home of Mrs. Hal Peck, K. commit-| Pattullo, | Besner, Henning, Wim.| Sea-j| Coll, hee of a gathering of The financial report for the year was presented by Mrs. Wood- large lends of the happy couple. Mr. and Mrs, Wicks left this Morning for North Pacific, Mr. Wicks is a lineman in~ the ceipts: land and was adopted. where it showed the following re- Nish. The enemy paid heavily for bridges along the river. RED CROSS SOCIETY | — MONTHLY MEETING Board yesterday it was decided to increase michael to $75 a month. The board, in view of the number in the urgent need of economy, ‘xtra work and the manner im done, an increase was $75, which is still less than the]t{ime he fold salary by $10 a month. G.} supply. accepted, that of McCaffery & Al-]still capable of taking a place on Jarvis Mc-|bert, at $8.35 a ton, one cent lower than the next low-|0! ma im Seventh Ave, last night,|/Manson, Bazett-Jones, Munn, When Miss Freda Anderson was]. Arnold, Sinclair, Humble, Jen- rie t to Mr, Paul Wieks. The]nings, Galland and eremony was performed by tke] Leod. Rey, W. W. Wright, in the pres- Financial Report. e slightly different pore NY ANG oft Fi me ee pee eS a RVERSECt IRGOCMIL a) Mun sb ARS: OTESHTI KRAGOJEVATZ = *BELOGRADE HIF ot Wy . PLEV NOVI BALAR 3 oa a. OFIA Va ? *DUBNITZ a X= | DJUMAIA — PHILIPPOP. ~u THE BULGARIAN IkVASION OF SERBIA Map shows battle lines in the new war area north and east of Semendra and taking some South of Ram the enemy was repulsed. WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS CRICKETER PASSED AWAY (Special to The Daily News.) London, Oct. 23.—Dr. W. G. Grace, the world’s most famous OF HOSPITAL BOARD At a meeting of the Hospital the salary of Miss Car- cricketer, is dead at the age of 67. reduced - Famous the world over as ““W. ts es decided the hospital and the ' : Grace earned a place in » annals of the great English jto reduce the salary attaching to]game peculiarly his own. In the he position of matron. earlier days of the game, when grounds were rough and running Yesterday after considering the up ze scores was £ ; aaa acceptable |"! huge s¢ ores wee 8 much hard er task than it is today, Dr. Grace which it was being stood head and shoulders above made to any batsman, while at the same generally managed to come out near the top of the Tenders were opened for coal bowling averages. He played for The lowest tender was|England at the age of 17 and was which was|an international team at the age meas Korn near Bristol, in Glouces- st tender, tershire, he was one of three fa- the others being also stalwarts in the national program is|game. His elder brother, “E.M.”, from that ad-jat well over seventy years of age, WESTHOLME THEATRE mous brothers, The Westholme service of the Government Tele-|Ordinary members 88, at vertised yesterday. The leading |still plays a prominent part in graphs, . $2.00 Ra $176.00}feature is a two-act drama en-|local matches, “G, F.”, the young- neem Membership paid in advance 2,00|tilled “The Mystery of Henri Vil- jer brother, was cut off in his The following were amongst/Life membership, R. L. lard.” It is a story of the south,|prime, when he showed signs of ‘he lirst-elass passengers on the Bee eg 25,00]''The Iron Hand of Law,” another|rivalling the great “W. G,.” in Prince Rupert this morning: Mrs.}Honorary Life membership Wilson, Miss Mulburn, Mr. and S. ¥; Mrs. A. Montador and child, F. Frizzell ....., installment of “The 203,00] Strife,” G.]}Tag Day collections .... 602,45/the prison bars on a charge 296,46 | murder. Road O'}skill. Alene behind Dr, Grace wrote several books finds little ofjon the game, anu in his later “All on Account of Tow-|years published a book of anec- “arrett, G,W, Dean, Mr. and Mrs.]Chain of Teas ......+++ . P. Wilson, Mrs, J. McRae, W.[Donations ....-+++-++++ 1,544.57|ser” is a comedy which includes|dotes of his earlier experiences, ‘lamilton and W. GC. Treadwell. Home Cooking Ex. ..... 833.57/an unique double elopement.|which were as interesting as they : Sale of Flowerse.....-++ 114.37|°Ham, the Lineman,” finds Hamj)were amusing, 1. O. O. F. WHIST DaIVE Sin od Bold fcc OMA ote 11,95/in his element in a glorious mix- He graduated in medicine from — up. An interesting Hearst-Selig|Mdinburgh University, in Scot- Sddfellows whist drive and| otal ........see: $3,573.07 | Gazette concludes the program. land, Hance in K, of P, Hall ‘Tuesday The disbursments were as fol-| — vs Yetober 26, at 8:30 p.m. Tiekets lows: een In aid of Red Cross fund. Remitted to head office .. $900,00 ae Remitted to Vancouver for B. G. Hospital .....- 602,45 Remitted to Vancouver for prisoners of war 100,00 Wool for SOX .seeereeee 81,00 Hospital supplies «.-++> 5,25 Red Gross buttons sale .. 1,00 Self’s Next Follow the erowd to Cafe. There is a reason.. MPGOLGL voc cccesesere $1,689.40 Majestic Theatra Notice to Working Men THE GRANBY CoNSOLIDATED MINING, SMELTING & Power Co. oF ANYOX, B.C., Wish to notify the Working Men of Prince Rupert and District that there are more men in Anyox looking for | work than the Company can employ and men are hereby advised not to make the trip to Anyox with the expecta- tion of being employed. ere 1020f. (Continued on Page 4) TEUTONS ARE DRIVEN BACK SERBIANS ASSUME OFFENSIVE BULGARIANS EXPELLED FROM VRAYNA—SERBIANS NOW EN- TERING BULGARIAN TERRITORY —. ALLIED FLEET BOMBARD BULGARIAN COAST—ENEMY RE- PULSED IN GALLIPOLI (Special to The Dally News.) Gallipoll. Athens, Oct. 23.—The Serbians Paris, Oct. 23.—The Allied have assumed the offensive and|troops yesterday repulsed strong back, | Turkish attacks in the Suvla and They have repulsed the Bulgar- Krithia regions. The Turks lost very heavily in both engagements. The Allied artillery action con- expelling |tinunes, Two destroyers, which had entered the straits, bombard- ed Tsacatepe. Western Front. Paris, Oct. 23.—(Official) de- have forced the Teutons ans, who had entered Vrayna, and are now engaged in them ad are proceeding to enter Bulgarian territory. Naval Attack. The Allied fleets yesterday ; led tt Bul ; t tachments of German troops en- sombarde 1e arian coas : wry ; weet ee 7 deavored yesterday to take the from Dede Agateh, thirty-eight/ ,)\jes’ advance trenches at Bois- miles west to Porto Lagos. It is}ux-en Hache and Givenchy. They reported that the Italians took} were quickly dispersed by artil- lery fire. G. T. P. WILL CONTINUE SUMMER BOAT SCHEDULE Albert Davidson, general agent for the Grand Trunk Pacific at Prince Rupert, reports that the company has decided to continue their summer schedule of three boats each way per week between Prince Rupert and Seattle until further notice. The proposal to return to the fre, bending over a large scale old schedule of two boats per tentative, and part in the bombardment. JOFFRE 22 HOURS AT HIS POST IN BATTLE Paris, Oct. 24.—A Paris paper gives an account of how Joffre, of the forces, directed the during the battle in the Cham- pagne region. Taking a_ post close to the front, in an innkeep=- er’s kitchen, had been installed, today General French operations where a telephone General Jof- map, listened to officers at the} , week was purely telepl *s, at intervals giving his . elephones, ‘at ls & e"’|Thas not been confirmed at head- vrders in an absolutely calm quarters. voice. in this position, the newspaper MUNICIPAL VOTERS’ LIST FOR ivecount says, General Joffre re- 1916 Householders (this means per- Road Tax, than twenty-two o'clock in the mained more hours—from 9 morning — neither eating NOP) ons who have paid sleeping during the whole 4ime.|) oon pesidents here since Janu- \fter marking certain places on ary ist, 1945, and are British he put down his pencil and said: “It is over; let he map, Subjects) and licenceholders who US B°ldesire their names placed on the list are hereby notified that their Ree ee en ee. declarations must be in my hands MAJESTIC THEATRE by 5 p. m,, October 31st, 1945. ses property under ake a_ bite.” Owners of An Essanay three-act society drama entitled “The Return of Richard Neal” heads the bill at the Majestic. It scheme of a clever poses as a count in order to play agreement or assignment of agreement, must file their decla- F rations with me by 5 p. m., No- depicts the vember 30th, 1915, orogk, who Declarations may be made at the City Hall, his thieving more easily. ERNEST A. WOODS. The story is full of thrilling staged and game D.M.C. THE WEATHER scenes and is well splendidly acted. “His Fairy ae Godmother” and “Sophie's Home- By F. W. Dowling. coming” are both good comedies, For 24 hours ending 5 a. m. “Helen's” sacrifice,” a pleasing |Qcetober 23rd. little drama completes an enter-|Rarometer ..........6+ 29.622 taining program. Monday night) Max, temperature ....... 48 sees the staging of the 13th epi-|] Min. temperature ....... 40 sode of “The Broken Coin.” RainPal: occas Gebis 22 NOTICE Halloween supper in Baptist enn Church Thursday, October 28th, The Central Gash Grocery begs!g to 8 p. m. Social following. to inform their patrons that on] aqmission 50e. Saturday, the 23rd inst., their place of business will be removed to the corner of 3rd Ave, and 2nd St., and solicit continuance of their patronage. Orders will be called for as in the past and a first class service guaranteed, Galk for_ane order, nothing too}s | small or too | arge. Satisfaction guaranteed, Phones 493 and 187. | LONDON CAFE ~ And Grill REASONABLE PRICES an epaeege os “i ae ee eee nan E rod