og oa ie ead ee ee gg aa dig 7s 4 | Ma ? h i, a a i f lf i i ‘ 4 { ay ae f Fa ae Vs y eimai 5 i ~ Se ee —_—S—— Rich Yet Delicate— Clean and Full of Aroma. “SALADA" B109 is blended from selected hill-grown teas, famed for their fine flavoury qualities. Imitated yet never equalled. == : ”? “The Daily News — Continued From Page One. CLASSIFIED ADS. }Loecal disbursments | Cash balance in Bank of SOUR Is. 6 a4 abe «0-0 |ANNUAL MEETING OF RED CROSS SOCIETY 11.90 FOR SALE 1,871.77 $3,573.07 Work Done Locally. FOR SALE—Bakery, avery tow new, in- cluding oven; sacrifice. Applf Box 112, Daily News. 240-4. FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock The following report was pre- Homer Pigeons, mated and squab pro- ‘ a ear eo ; ducing, at a bargain; also Belgian Hares. | ~* nted by Mrs. W. T. Kergin: Apply 925 Borden St. tf. In 1915. took | WANTED. — lover this part of the work there August, when I WANTED—Young girl to care for tWolwn< on hand: small children. Apply 217, 4th oe ee One WANTED—Cooking range, must be cheap. | : ; Apply Box 111, Daily News. tr.| McClure of this city. roll of linen from Mrs. DRESSMAKER—Capable of making suits} ne hospital kit-bag, given by and doing all kinds of sewing wants!:)., Daughters of the Empire. work, will go out by the day. apply Box 114 Daily News. 242-7. linen handbag, One parcel containing ind one Trish crochet FHE DAILY NEWS — eee Tt—t—‘ CNC Local News Notes Father Bunoz left for the east this morning. . > > Mrs. J. W. Ferguson returned to Haysport this morning. l . . * W. Gosnell, of Nelson, is visit- ing old acquaintances in the city >. > es Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Wilson re- | turned home this morning from | ithe south. | e639 Mrs. R. F. Green and Miss Green left for the south this| morning. | eS sy Mrs. John McRae returned from | the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. * * * P. Wilson, solicitor of] George, night’s train. ee Mrs. James Carmichael return- city arrived on last Prince ed last night from a two weeks stay in Hazelton. e:..t > Chief Gammon, of the provin- cial police, returned from the in- terior last night. WANTED—Woman _ cook. Apply matron j Prince Rupert (Jeneral Hospital. | for raffle from Mrs. Walter Wil-| LOST liscroft, of Georgetown. Twh night shirts and eleven LOST—Cameo brooch. Lost between Sec- : ond Avenue and Fourth Street and the|/pairs of sox, without posiofice. Return to Daily News. tf. | | i names of| i a pi oe a diote attached. LOST PROPERTY—Francis William Scott, | f late Lieutenant Royal Navy, deceased.— | On 14th, the information is desired as to the present | nurchass d 60 pounds of whereabouts of two trunks containing |’ personal effects, property of deceased,} from the H. S. Wallace Company, | believed to have been stored by him on] ' leaving for England with the Canadian/ at Engineers in August, 1914. Communi cate with Wilson & Whealler, 202 Winech| pounds of this have been sold, to} Building, Vancouver, for McLeod Eyre Dowling & Co., Solicitors, London, Eng. knitting for the 18.90. j pounds August society | wool} Fourteen $1.35 per pound. | sol-| be used in diers, bringing in FOUND. | been | Forty-five have ' Found—Fine Blue Persian Cat; call B. C.’civen out to people wishing to do} Undertakers. tf. | one} present} leaving us only hand at the knitting: pound on time. From wool given out in this Sheet Metal Work ! ———————— way, we have up to date received | Now is the time to have back the following: your roofs repaired, eve- aay 7 ft. | troughs and skylights seen Mrs. Thomas, 17 pairs; Help-| to, and heating plant put in good shape for the winter. In such Cases Consalt a Practical Man if You Want Results |pair; Mrs. i ing Hand Society, 4 pairs; Mrs. Arthur Cuthbert, 3 pairs; Mrs. A. B. Williams, 1 pair; Miss Ellett,| Mrs. W. T. Watts, 8S. 8. Barnes, 1| City of} | pairs; _I served a regular appren- tice at the Sheet Metal and Heating business, in a regu- sar Ehoet Metal Shop Not in | Don’t Send Money re | in a Letter | C 0 ROWE HEN you send subs- | seapos 3 | riptions tomagazines, | The Practical Sheet Metal Man = =~ pm fpr a PHONE 340 P. ©. BOX 467 town, or pay small Shop Opposite Boars of Trade Rooms $| accounts at a distance, do not 322 SECOND AVENUE place the actual cash in | Estimates Furnished to Can- envelope. Thousands of doll tractors and others Free are lost every year through fire, robbery or mis-direction. Use the Bank Money Orders, = -| issued by this bank. They are pable Bn Canada and the nite tates In any sum up JHE IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL to fifty dollars. Their protectéon is well worth their FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patented 1915) small cost. is made to meet the demand for THE BANK OF Hot Water instantly and without British North America additional fuel being used. 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. WARNING! Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Coll tay themselves open to prose-, cution equally with the parties manufacturing or making same. , Walker’s Music Store Removed to Werner's Olid Stand On Second Avenue. PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND Now is your chance to get the best in Hot Weter Heating Appli- , ences— Coll Connected........ $20.00 Coll minus Connections. .§15.00 Your Money Back if KH Dont Suit. As 1 own and control the above, no one can put same in. Shall vig- SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANSON Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. Phone 489 P. O. Box 295 Pianos to Rent. , AUTO DELIVERY ||| FOR TAXI EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert /one-half suits of underwear from Phone --- 35 oe eg A. Johnson, the well known South Fort George hotel man, came in last night. ee Ss The dance in aid of the Red Cross fund on Thursday night realized the sum of $114. . . . George Kerr, who has been here for a week, left for his home at Burns Lake this morning. * = = George Leek has been made a company commander in the 135th Oxfordshire Heavy Artillery. et ae * W. McAdam, the newspaper man of Edmonton, ar- well known rived from the interior last niglit. Seattle, 1 pair; High School girls knitting club, 27 pairs. Most of the sox brought in by the High School girls were made of wool purchased by themselves. In addition to this, the follow- ing articles have been donated: Three pairs of sox and two and Mrs. J. H. Kelly. Two complete hospital kits and one pair knitted knee caps fron the Daughters of the Empire Six surgical night shirts from the ladies of Terrace, sent by Miss Deacon. One pair of sox from Mrs. Gam mon. One pair of sox from Mrs Watts, 8. 8S. City of Seattle. Five pairs of sox from Indian Meansknisht vil- lage, Skeena river. women of the Two suits pyjamas from the Helping Hand Society. bolt cloth dé nated by the A. W. Edge Company One of cheese and made into 18 dozen handker chiefs by the Helping Hand So ciety. liannelette to the amount o! $5.25 has been purchased, and Wim Manson and Mrs. Arnold, and have pyjamas cut out by Mrs been handed in waiting for dis- tribution. All the above are on hand to be shipped articles referred to and there are still a number of pairs of sox to be brought in from the wool supplied. F. A. KERGIN, This report was adopted. Votes of Thanks. Votes of thanks were tendered to the officers for the to the press. year and Before the meeting closed, Mr. raised the doing something for soldiers re- turning from the front. Judge Young said that the lo- cal patriotic association had part Morrow question of of this work in hand. Ags regards back, he this was a citizens’ duty taken receiving men thought which should be up by the city couneil, —SS—— iene ~* 293, 1948 Every Woman Can Use and ought to use occasionally, a proper remedy for the | on iad , backache, languor, nervousness and depress- jon to which she may be subject. These troubles and others are symptoms of debil- ity and poor circulation caused | by indigestion or constipation PILL are at once safe, certain and convenient. They clear the system and purify the blood. They ex- ert a general tonic effect and insure health and strength, | so that all the bodily organs do their natural work without causing suffering. oe woman of the tho who have tried them, knows tbat Beecham’s Pills act To Certain Advantage Worth a Guinea a Box of Value to W Diections Bast katie omen J. P. Weston left for Vancouver this morning in charge of the crew of Japs who were ship-| wrecked on the islands some time ago. . = SS Mrs. J. S. Dade and Mrs. J.| Bowns left this morning on the Prince Rupert en route for Ogden, Utah Vancouver Halsey left for on the Prince Rupert this Lieut. William Tuttle and R. H. Gra- iam, the well known mining mei eft for the south this morning W. A. Myers, publisher of. the ferrace Dispatch, came in las 1ight and left for home again this morning. ‘0 6 R. A. Staiker, Adair Carss ant mort ing to attend the military classes southern city which open in the | ing of friends were at the wharf! i next week. Quite a large gather to wish them luck. | oe = —= — POOP Gees Coecees —= Pres Your King and Country Need You RECRUITS WANTED FOR 62nd over CANADIAN EXPEDITION aRy ms ——« RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIA: OFFICE NOW open In view of the recruiting whi, h GOVERNMENT throughout the Province, it is aproy : “5 &t presen etme 1D8Wer o ¢ the questions which are considered plate entering the Service. The fojjny oe Litem. nent queries, together with he infs,; t } perth. each elicits QUESTIONS ANSWERED. 4 1.—How long am I to serve? | lf @ oh. and six months after if required. a 2.—-What pay shall I receive? be $1.00 per day and 10 cents field you will be clothed, equipped and sybi: ment. 3.—What will my wife receivs month there wili be paid her a sepa " . also part of your pay) and if this 3 fortably maintain your family, the | will further assist them. 4.—What will happen iflamw You wil be cared for by the Government and until you are discharged. If you are p: oe . an aliowance will be paid yeu, varying a g extent of your injury or disability. 5.—Whaft, will be done for my wife a: hildren if} a while on Active Service? The Gov: adequate pension, that will enable the f fortably until the childhen are old enoug { selves The widowed mother of a sing her sole support, is treated in the sa ' SPOOL EPOLOEPOOE**OO+¢ ++I acini a ita aliens ‘ fl T 8 i i ' ‘ ‘ 1c Kets, j to and from Norway, Sweden, De | | mark, Finland, ttaly and Russe } CHRISTMAS SAILINGS From New York N it 22 } ~ ember (ia } Re Have Your Berth Reserved at Ona = For Rates Iitustrate Folders ant Genera! Informat Apply & e DYBHAVN & HAN6OE x - Socal 5 Insurance and Steamship iyaq, age OE SF POO mack, Prince Rupert, B. 0 CRE HT Fss5 dan ( NSPECTION of the Gillette Safety Razor by mechanical experts and men of judg: ment shows clearly WHY seven million shavers prefer it. The thin, flat blade is tempered to a uniform hardness impossible in an ordinary thick-backed razor. As a natural result, it takes an edge unequalled for even keenness. The curved holder supports the blade close to the shaving edges, preventing all that vibration which makes hollow-ground open blades and other safeties pull and irritate when they strike a stiff beard. Then there’s the adjustable feature, exclusive to the Gillette. “ Bulldog’’, “‘ Arwtocrat’’ and Standard Sets, $5.00—Pocket Editions, $5.00 to $6.00—Combination Sets, $6.50 up. « ¢ d Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limite Office and Factory: The Gilletie Bldg. - Montreal >. ? By a simple turn of the wrist you can regulate a Gillette shave to 4 nicety—light, medium or as close 4s you like. The toothed guard ensures safety, and permits such free an rapid strokes that a smooth, dom Gillette shave need take no mF than three minutes. Inspect the Gillette and you'll j r buy it—and shave in comlo thetoahee Go to it! Your Druggist, Jeweler or Hardware Dealer ladly parade the Gillette i fore you. 70 conree 1H8