3 2. we ead Ow. eon THE DAILY NEWS ‘THE DAILY NEWS | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH ‘COLUMBIA: Oaily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Telephone 98. VMRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—-50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. DAILY EDITION a0 Tuesday, Oct. 26, 1915. ——— ———— — IMPERIALISM tion as to the handing over of While in Premier Bo Bennett, of a gathering of Imperialists at the Royal Colonial Institute in} the stock, and it is self-evident that behind it than mere friendship. the old country with | R. B.| addressed | rden recently, such an action had more Calgary, In any it is ludicious ts suggest that the case, members of London. In speaking of the the syndicate should be made to effects of the war, he stated pay for the personal love of that one result would be a de- Mr. Arbuthnot for Dr. Young. mand by the various Dominions The following extracts from for a voice Imperial affairs, central body of representatives at the capital of the Empire. In this connection, to remembe rier’ Haldane, George, leader aptly more practical than that of the s definition of imperialism, which is that of Asquith, Harcourt and which the meet the evidence leave little doubt as to the for Mr. Ar- buthnot’s ‘‘generosity” “T heard Wishard that this was a cor-| fund; I don’t know} in the control of through some reason from Savage and it is well} Wilfrid Lau- ruption whether Savage said there had been a contest over some foreshore in and at a} r Sir Grey, and Lloyd | the Suquash district, outlined at a mem*™ hearing before the provincial these statements made to you} orable imperial soatoae' executive the decision was ren- “Imperial unity based upon dered in favor of our com- local autonomy.” ‘That con-| pany.’’—C. C, Michener. ception of imperialism is far | “What was the relevancy of ! formalists a who dream The allotting of $105,000 in| | shares by the directors of the} Coast Coal Mines Com- Pacific pany seems, to these shares; what was the connection? You say there was nd the doctrinaires of eanieamenilen had learned from McGavin and Savage that “some service of the greatest value had been from the evidence rendered which was. deserving ae ¢ Tey vce i. , ) yeu Net RED CROSS FUND In the financial ai deport of Red Cross Society the annual meeting the details were given: St. Andrew's Society...... for services rendered. | forgetting that, in the words of | a meeting of the executive; Burke: ‘The hold oi Britain on| what had that to do with ten the Dominions is the close af-| hundred and fifty shares ?’’— fection which grows from com-| Mr. Justice Clement. mon names, from kindred | “My understanding of these biood, from similar privileges | conversations was that it had and equal protection. These | something to do with the de- are the ties . which, although | cision.’’—C. C. Cichener. light as air, fre strong as links | On Friday, Mr. Luther of iron.’ | Wishard added his testimony | COAL SHARES to that of Mr. Michener. He DETAILED REPORT presented at folowing the b.00} given before Mr. Justice Cle- of such compensation,” that ment, to be a more flagrant the $105,000 in shares had been piece of business than any- turned over to Arbuthnot to be thing accomplished by the transferred by him to the per- Roblin bunch in Manitoba, and son said “to be entitled to the ee ee car the duty of ernor is perfectly clear. representative of the King, he must hold a searching enquiry a into every c case withou There seems to be no ques- compensation,” that the ser- “related to a decision that was secured in connection with connected with certain rights that were claimed by different par- | ties.” the lieutenant-gov- As the vices negotiation ircumstance of the foreshore t delay. THE UNION. STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED = = : SS ae October S. 5. VENTURE Balle for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. SAILS for STEWART, GRANBY, Saturday, A. M. S. S. CAMOS October 2nd, 16th 36th, November 13th, 27th, Salls for MASSETT, PORT OLEMENES Sunday P. M., October 3rd, 17th, 31st, November 14th, 28th, Decembe 26th. Galls for SKIDEGAFE, JEDWAY’ IKEDA, Tuesday A. M., October Sth, 19th, November 2nd, aa 30th, December 14th, 28th. Salls for BELLA COOLA, 623 Second Avenue. Salis for GRANBY, NAAG, and PORT SIMP6ON, Mondays at 11 a.m. ecember 14th, 28th. ¢ 12th, RIVERS INLET and the South, Thursday P. M., 7th, 21st, November 4th, 18th, December 2nd, 16th, 28th. JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent. Phone 568. LEE awe == 2 = FRED STORK’S HARDWARE = fron Pipe Rope Pumps Stoves and Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandiery Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns ’ Vaives Ammunition Hose Paint Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST”’ EMPRESS C FRED —<— = = == = STORK’S HARDWARE » | westerly thence 30 chains, more or less, in a south- Mr. . Chandler ss s6 ered ives 5.00 | Majestic Theatre......... 32.06 | Mrs. Frizzell, pienic .... 18.00] GENERAL M. SARRAIL Mrs. Ritehie, dance....... 1412.00 French commander in the Ori- Stewart citizens.......... 57 ent. who has been appointed to | Terrace road employees... 27.25] .,..mand the Allies’ expeditions | | Kitsumkalum ” 9.00' in the Balkans. | Mrs. Ritchie, boat raffle. ..203.75 | ———_—— enna Scandinavian Lodge ...... 104.53 Mrs. GO, J. Halsey... ..6. ses 2.30 MB, POMS sy ctnestenss 40.50|/Mrs. L. W. Kergin........ 1.40 iMrs. Dawson, raffle....... 16.00 | Mrs. T. D. Patt@lid....... $4 [Eleanor Peck........+-+. 1.00/Mrs. J. H. MeMullin....... 3.05 |Mrs. T. H. Johnstone...... 20.00 Mes. Ff. BeOsne?..cecewc eee 5.00 Stewart Collections....... 13.00} Mrs. G, A, Sweet......... 5.25 |Mrs. Mobley, raffle........ 115.99iMrs. Harris ..........66. 2.00 Mrs. EB. Kirkpatriek....... 1.60| Mrs. R. L. MeIntosh...... 8.20 |George J. PTPOEGIE CL 6 vee 451.50} Mrs, G@. H. Arnold........ 1.00 | Chinese Lottery, police.... 6.65/Mprs. H. E. Tremayne..... 10;25 |Georgetown collections, H. Sten: L).-BM. DeGetr ess 660% 4.50 ce 3.00) Mrs. N. M. MeNeil........ 5.00 |Mineral exhibit at Fair. 80.00 |Mrs. P. Black..........-- 13.25 [ANONYRIPOE ss ves eee tee .35!Mtps, N, McIntosh......... 3.25 iSons of England, dance... 41.25} Mrs. Demers..........--: 1.00 | Raffle of doll, Orme’s..... 3.10] Miss BE. M. Gleeson....... 1.00 Mill Bay and Kincolith.... 85.00)Mps, Burrows..........-. 4.50 I. 0. DEB. GORGE. oo veces 55.75|Mrs. Williams....... ee ee | m Mrs. T. McClymont....... 1.00 Total’ sats sve wendy $1,011.01) |Mirg. G. A. Wooadland..... 30 Sale of Flowers. Mrs. Freeman’;:......... | {Miss Grace Carroll and reno RING ns on ae Hewmeres +. 6s bes eed. a 106.67 rs Hifi * Fiaddiés e's. 5 Hf p,|Mas ster Morrow and Kerr. 1.00 Giniintian PF ett, 0) |Miss Dorothy Tremayne. 8, 70| Mrs, Banned ek er ‘Mrs. Morgan and Seal.... 3.00 \Mrs. Jennings ........... 24.4 va IMrs. BHOGKIGG.. 6 6 6:« sue'e 808 3.4 Total oe oe ee $144.37 /Miss Shockley .......-+-: 1.35 Home Cooking Exchange. Miss Vera Thompson....-. 8! Mesdames Kergin & Wright 19.5¢|Mps. F. G. Dawson....... 1.70 Mesdames Besner& Dawson 21.35)Mrs. J. G. Steen.......--- 5.00 Mesdames Pattullo& McColl 44.60}Mprs J. Carmichael....... 3 00 Mesd. Shockley & Tremayne 74.35|Mrs, Oakley .........++-- 2.35 Mesd. Mesd. Jennings & Wright. Mesdames Rix & Arnold... Mesd. Mesdames. McIntosh& Woodland 65.02 Morrow & Henning.. 9 Peck & Manson 45.60 Prince Rupert Fair....... 266.35 Mesdames Walker & Baz- SOU AM ODES oie sees 45.00 Mesd. Sinclair & Clements. 41.95 Mesd. McLeod & Williams. 214.80 ; ithe Total 14s o. 2% ee arbibveiee @ $833.57 Chain of Teas. Mrs. W. T. Kergin........ 2,35 (Cotinued on Page Three. 54. 43.75 2 LAND NOTICE. —_ SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DI TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Jackso Claus Peterson, of Porcher Island, occupation ranchers, intend to appl lands: mouth of Humpback Creek, on its side, thence 30 chains in a northwe direction, following high water thence 1 chain, more or less, direction to low. water easterly mark; direction, thence following low 1 chain in a northea coptaining 3 acres, more or less. October 18th, 1015. STRICT OF COAST B. C., permission to lease the following described Commencing at a post planied at the in a south- direction to point of commencement, ANDREW JACKSON & CLAUS PETERSON n and y for east sterly mark; ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS PPPLLLO LL OOP. OPE FROZEN BAIT AND ICE FINEST FROZEN HERRING $25.00 per ton. For Sale by KINCOLITH PACKIIG CO. LIMITED MILL BAY. B. C. further apply to THOR JOHNSON Central Hotel. For particulars oe | a eee mark; water sterly and CENTRALLY LOOAT#D STRICTLY MODERN | Albert Rooms 2nd Avenue——— Close to the Westholme Theatre RENTS REASONABLE Prince Rupert Feed Co. Chicken P. O. Box 333. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS WE HANDLE Bulbs, and Take Orders for _Nureery Stock. _Feed A _Speolaity. Mali Ordere Promptly Attended To. 808 Third Ave. | DENTISTRY day October 6 194 » A945. Ge 3 TRAINS Vi a* EKLY SATURDAY MONDAY THY 85 Y 49 : 30 A. m, FDMON- SKATOON REGINA, WINNIPEG. ST. PAUL. CHICAGO, EASTEAN og ARADA AND UNITED stares 3 BOATS 5 NEEK! len TUESDAY THURSDAY ’ Citowony 10 A. TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; SAN FRANC SAN DIEGO Expositions 7 UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SERVIC . E a .* ° “Route of innum GO EAST via 20s" nyse sn , TORONTO. HAMILTON, LonDoN CASUre With Busine ae, ITTAW «2 ALL POINTS in EASTERN CANADA ana UNITee TREAL Including New York and Boston. TATES SOME OF THE AT’ "RACTIONS The wonderful scenic “Skeena” and “Fraser” River fo! unsurpassed “Yellowhead Pass” through the Rocky M a . “Moun tRobson” (13,500 feet) Mt. Geike, et: : The Golden Wheat flelde o the Prairie Proy neces New Ontario, Cochrane, Cobalt, etc. . Tourist and Standard Sleeping Cars Prince Rupert + Win Winnipee to Toronto; Leave Prince Rupert 10:30 a. m. Saturdny ay. tnd and ursday. Arrive Winnipeg 2:26 p. m. Tuesday Thuregee! Monday Leave Winnipeg 6:15 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunda i Sunday, ronto 12:06 p. m. Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday Yr Arrive To. Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. wed by tains at theip ca thence through oon CANADIAN PACIFIC CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK RAILWAY A GPECIALTY Lowest rates to all Eastern Pointy DR. J. F. BROWN via Steamer to Vancouver and the DENTIST CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue Meals and berth Included on steamer Phone 454 PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND SATURDAY, 6 P. Mm PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY, 6 P, m, Prince Rupert Dairy Has cut the price of Milk | Delivered in city at 4. G@ MONAB, General Agent = es | | Corner Fourth Strem and Third Av | | | in half PURE FRESH MILK 10c per quart and Sc per pint B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND & BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR ANTEED——OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 4 Phone Green 2 62 2nd Avenue, THE DAILY NEWS Office corner 200 Street and 8rd sree PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMIB (Successors to Pacific Transfer & Geners! Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 03 —Phone—e3 JAMES GILMORE Architect near McBride Street | Alex M, Manson, B.A WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 SUBSCRIBE FOR Helgerson Biock Babys — Soap a) ot eis : W@s hae the bath with BABY’S OWN SOAP on skin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales aroma of freshly cut flowers. i mit Freedom from skin troubles, explains in § »” habies the refreshing sleep which “Baby’s Own map Own” ‘ . 3 ) enjoy. Lspecially for nursery use insist on “Baby WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement NTREAL. 15 i UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. » ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, - MON a ‘ : " ———— === On ee ee . .F. @. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT: ° W. E. Williams, BA, LLB Prince Rupert, B.C