r 26, 1915, ; f Tuesday, October 0, 2UTE, TNE DALLY NBWB. ————— a ———— : : — - — ——— = ————————— ————— a , { , ] C If Pree itt SEEMS ae a — . ( ® ai % Hs yb ee LU ww iubal He me picetees tS) ee i es » i H MT A ITA 55 : es Sige BE ce ea 4g é E oN F : . of $ 2 yr 4 TA _TWVES Empress Jams || hue + tirs, Corbett Read the | advertisement and Tred: | y 14th, 1914. Are strictly a 8. ©. Product. Right from tha: : ni “T have use ? Vane a- anaes a ba | delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of e a » and Constipation with mos 5, _ vaults, and they continue:to | the Fraser Valiey and Vancouver Island, to q ss th 1y medicine. I saw ‘Fruit-a- | te purest of Oane Sugar, p ne’ advertised with a letter in which sg . ' aa er recommended: thant Very | very step pete producing and manufac } sol triedthem. The results were it | turing of the dejicicus Jam contributes to the more than satisfactory, and I have no | si | prosperity cf B.C. tt will satisfy the most ‘| hesitation in recommending ‘Fruit-a- | ij | tl re tiv ANNIE A. CORBETT. | exacting. Time is proving that ‘Fruit-a-tives’ | iN SOLD BY ALL GROCERS can always be depended upon to give | iit | In T=1b. Qt prompt ré lief in all cases of Constipation hi «tb. ass Jars and 4-lb. Tins wh Trouble. ide} j and Siomach Oe 0h titel aad Se Hy THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD its ‘aiers or sent postpaid by F riiit- ge] Vancouver, B. C. a-tives imites A, _ Ottawa. i | cenphiastpeninme qepmememnaotvanionton Empress Jams GREEK SOLDIERS CONCENTRATE AT SALONIKI.—Photo shows Greek cavalry riding down a | street in Saloniki, wuere the Allied troops landed to operate against the Bulgarian forces. RED CROSS FUND Mrs. W. H. Vickers....... 5.40) Mrs. GC, Ay Be@erti?s so... 14.00 DETAILED REPORT \i: Bazzett-Jones....... Zi2@)Mrs. A. M. Manson....... 3.00 --——- PRs WEIRD Sch bo Coe eee 9.20|Mrs. Kirkpatrick ......... 1.45 é Continued From Page Two. Mrs. A. B. Williams. ... «. 3.00 | Mrs. ‘RMOTTOWs. cc 3 3%, ness 23.741 Mrs, WoGd8:s;. 6.6 Se ike 4 o¢| Mrs. F. R. C. Brown....... 201 Mrp, Orage i eee eae tos 75 e ea The Dye that colca ANY. OR MORAG TS or isis ee ce 4.00|Mrs. J. H. Pillsbury...... SOO TM ie: HUT eee etes as 2.0 of Coe ime DYE. Mes, ‘Holthy':::....s.. ss4 1.00|Mrs. J. M. Clancy........ 4.90 ——-- Mrs. F. 8 (Mrs. A. S. B.. Lucas 6.65| Total $296.4 ak Sut Sropatoe Dealer: Pens Reacts Sg ATs TOWNES: bins F oe ake oele 1.00 | A. B. 3.. LUCAS. . 6eo4 f PAE oie cgd: Ha ears Wiebe ee 296. Tie Johneoneichardeon Mrs. +P; Anderson........ 4.00|Mrs. M. J. Hobin......... 1 OO ea 6 9 § M6. Gi AE cave si6a nes B.A5| Mrs. Tay....seeeeeeeeees 1.00 ee uci . x Mrs. Broadhurst......... 20.50 Sterling Marine Motors Miss Ethel! Smith......... 9 85 - Mrs: Pets Palmers oe 18.00 Can be purchased In town. A Mine Fy3eD Gade 5 4b Motor that wili give you en- siding iin aint jo ee] tire satisfaction. Built for ; y hard work. Guaranteed. Circulation Guaranteed a —HEAVY DUTY— the Largest in Northern FISHERMAN’S ENGINE b+ British Columbia 3s 2 Cy!l.—5 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12-15 ¢ —— Horse Power. 4 Cyl.—5 1-2 In. by 8 in., 25-35 Horse Power. Do your remodeling with a first- clase engine. For Further Information Apply to WwW. E. Williscroft, Phone ees ertglan, Phone sea. {1 | } Largest Circula- $ THERE } Three quarters a fi A beautiful : | complexion The Royal Standard Test how to Insure te fgg |G | | tion means the } (§ ¢ of the local Ad- 4 The regular use of Best Advertisi ess do Here's where we test the e Se ere ee t ve Ing A Vertising Is ne choicest samplas of Caneda's | ff ing skin, And because Palace Of Sweets : Medium =: § REASON: intheDailyNews six million acre wheat crop. it is healthy, your com- a rit titty : , : lexion will be clear We grind them into flour in the ee a walcendiion =H | The Choleest Stocks of little mill you see on the left of % =$ ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS The mild carbolic od ray- | And Other Frults in Season the picture. Them comes the ichas steer *ae6, laaviha Fresh Stock of RAMSAY'S, LOWNEY’S AND HOME- =H | MADZ CHOCOLATES F EA ij y ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN : ' & 5 uu SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES name reaericeene > HEALTHY if idee een Drie Rupert’ s 5 O A B ~ Hart Block, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8t. Leading Paper! 1 sense of utter cleanliness, supreme test--bread-baking. If the bread is perfect in every way we pronounce the wheat Al and the flour-ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR. GROCER’'S Vancouver Milling 8 Grain CoL tc; ncouver. NewWestminster. Nansimo, Victoria. All Grocers Sell Pe Ne ee dd _—___——___— em ; APERHANGING MAT te aun AUG KALSOMINING R = PAINTING ° ead ° ; _— (UIIUGNNaGAGCu4badaididngaudsnduitiediladiSMinSidtith: are tin aici your next order. BAKING POWDER is made from pure cream of tartar and contains no alum, lime or phospivate: There is absolute safety in its use, RAMSAY. BROS. 40. | Lies Mancouvess' 8, 0. oh ered tte es , 2 zy e i = = heed : = = F. G. ROBERTS = = 44 Dyer Apte. P. 0. Box 642 ‘ 3 , = > F ‘ > Fh > Fe = a eee rene aa ay : The Housekeepet Aeettetcan at = nS A “Ni ul y ateay Simulation a] = © R * t = ‘4 = = an = is Righ : aoLo WATCH FREE ; = gj = Ofer on an weattiched S| ——_——— $$ $$$ i i = Sometimes a hausekeeper re quire s a quick leaven- = Waldhor totnbunande ot ARGU GGG GOOG UGG ULL LULL. AL LUO. S ICRC Ka Gh = ing agent, and finds she has no baking powder. = Sirtiatnt hoe ii = =—_ our to m = What does she do? = ae en 9 4 —s cen ‘or one our » = She raises her biscuit by a mixture of cream of tartar and 2 faaonahie tnd en: amsay S | ii = soda, or soda and sour milk, She may not get the propor- = || carriage ‘pal &9 weet : = tions quite right, but she knows her food is safe. But does = i with the watch, whicl 4 = she ever use a mixture of alum and soda? Was there ever = uarantend Ave ean) ; i = a housekeeper who bought alum and soda to make a home = shoald you take ad: | = made baking powder? Intuitively she feels it would be = look ofl | We expose yom to tall your friend = unsafe, = aa seer ew Letra o Free a — ; = Then why use baking powder made from alum or the = Fewettre tsi hte Coen malia Kod, audios. 8 oer lt tae eee ee Le = same mixture that the housekeeper would not dare to nh. = i perl? yng 4 hi = and use ii her food? = n tt = i whether bought in the drug store cr in = i = bie = Have attained thelr enviable reputation by their superior = =z quality and uniformity. The moét..diseriminating house- = = wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda = | Bisoults. = R. They are made in B, OC. and your grocer gets his supply _ ; | = RE Twi i frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means i = « Ax j pene. at = S a