a f Gi 1, THE DAILY NEWS REEK TROOPS ATTACKED BY BULGARIANS e Londo! stal baireek, 1! ntiers Bulgariat Was re] The Ve mf the he A lumber runs. The Ge Varden, rican Ww Wounded Seveiit Expeditio and v hie Canada mB ant-Colo missioned Militia to ment pert, M | Charge of Friday mM. to 6. p, m, store, 3rd Nurse t a ilsed Lan nary RED CROSS SALE er ed, ther ihe hays fact) ld by { Y@ return he end of the 'velly coats—no two alike— been sent us by the manu- ‘rers for speedy sale, all un- week to ed. They are “smart” ‘nd of extra good materials—and low in price, Wallace's Follow the crowd to Cafe, Majestic Self's There is a reason.. Next Theatre, 102¢f. HALIBUT SCHOONER LOST RUDDER IN GALE The * Jenny F. Decker, halibut schooner which visits Prince Ru- the American crew of an pert regularly, had quite an ex- citing experience off the Alaskan coast last week. While drifting and reefing sails in a heavy gale about fifty miles south of Ketchi- kan, the the heel with the result leaving out of that the the boat rudder jumped stem snapped, practically helpless. The boom rigged, crew managed to get a got the boat slewed around before the wind, and ran Ketchikan, fairly before it for which they One of the crew, port made in good time. who has arrived in Prince Rupert, states that the gale was the heaviest he has ever experienced on the coast. WEDDING BELLS A wedding of interest to Prince Rupert people was solemnized at Christ last Wednesday, Mc- Cassion united in marriage Miss Raghuild Austinson, of Boda, Norway, to Kenneth Rood, of Prince Rupert. The bride wee her brother and the groomsman was Mr. Edwin J. Cobb, of Prince Rupert. The bride wore a travel- ling suit of brown and a picture hat. After the ceremony, the bridal party was entertained to dinner at the Castle Hotel and later the happy couple left for Seattle. On their return from the wedding trip they will reside in Prince Rupert. Mr. Rood is one of the real old timers of this northarn coast, having been in the district many the advent of the Chureh, Vancouver, when Rey, G. GC, given away by years before railroad, LADIES ARE OFFERED an ex- cellent opportunity to get a hand- some winter coat at a bargain in the manufacturer's sample coats now “On Sale” for one week only at Wallace's. The Italians have made a com- | occupying | pris- | Baptist | pv str q CZERNOVITZ * STICET ° | f KIMPOLUNG | ‘ ir | Hu iN ee | Bistritz * oTENKE Transy/lvazia era & KRONSTADT say ®/° + VRATZA, @ SOFIA = eKOSTENDIL g Map shows the }and turn the flank of the Bulgar the | | | | rection of Bulgarian «, TIRNOVA Bu ISarj BIELTZY * \ RUSS 1d HOW RUSSIANS WILL AID ALLIES IN THE BALKANS railways of Roumania which might be used to | carry Russian troops to Turnu Severin to link up with the Allies ian army. Arrows show the di- attack. DARING TRAIN ROBBERY NEAR OKLAHOMA (Special to The Dally News.) Oklahoma, Oct. 27.—A band of ten robbers held up the Missouri- Kansas and Texas train for two hours today. the while them looted three express cars. No details are to hand the quantity of booty the robbers Hundreds of of- the bandits. passengers got away with. ficers pursuing SHIPMENT OF FISH FOR GREAT BRITAIN The Prinee George did not get are away until about four o'clock yes- terday afternoon. Increase of business all along the coast was the cause of delay. On the way the George had an excep- large for and there she had to load for north, tionally general cargo Anyox, a quantity trans-shipment at Prince Rupert New York. Rupert had to board eight carloads of frozen fish from the Fish and Cold Storage Company shipment to Great Britain. the fish will be trans- of blister copper for At Prince she take on Canadian for At Seattle, ferred to the liner Minnesota, owned by the Great Northern Railway Company, The Minne- sota will make the trip round the Horn with a general cargo. It is believed that, on arrival in Britain, the liner will be sold, as the railway company believes that the American Seamen's Bill will create conditions the which will make it impossible to handle her profitably. The reason why the Finer to make the long trip round the Horn is that no ship owned by a railroad company may the canal, on coast has use ee ee 1916 VOTERS’ LIST The City Hall will be open from 7 to 9 each evening this week to allow of Householders and Li- holders must bring their read receipt. ; ERNEST A, WOODS, City ¢ They tied up the, train crew and stood guard over, some of, as to, TYPHOON SWEEPS OVER PHILLIPINE ISLANDS (Special to The Dally News.) Oct. 27.—A has struek the southern portion Manilla, typhoon of the island of Luzon, the largest of the Phillipine Islands. The town of Tobacco has been wiped out and 4170 people have’ been killed and 800 injured. The ‘damage done to the hemp = and } : : ° : irice crops is estimated at a mil- lion dollars. TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL MEETING Council The Trades and Labor met last night, when the Subject of political representation was discussed, The question of plac- ing a candidate in the fleld at the next election was deait with aré a free discussion ensued. It was finally agreed to refer the matter to. the the council. legislative committee of Several other matters affecting labor in the city came up. A com- mittee was appointed to inter- view the management of the Ho- tel Prince Rupert and the Savoy Hotel relative to matters affect- ing the Cooks’ and Waiters’ Union, DELIGHTFUL DANCE AND WHIST DRIVE In the K, of P. Hall last night the local lodge of the TI, O. O. F. successful whist drive and dance, A large number took part in the whist drive, the winners being Mrs. Gammon and Mrs. Sweder, and Mr, Selig and Mr. Franks. At eleven o'clock refreshments were served, after which dancing was engaged in until early morn- ing. There was a large attendance of young folks and the dancir was thoroughly enjo ceeds were held a most cence Holders to register. House-} —SERBIANS APPEAL FOR eae eo (Special to The Dally News.) Oct. British in the Sea of Marmora Turkish 4,700 tons of London, 27.—A submarine, sunk the has transport Carmen, laden with munitions. Serbian Appeal. Pach- for The Serbian premier, M. ite, speedy aid. has appealed to Britain The Marquis of Lansdowne, in a speech delivered in the House of Lords, stated that it is highly improbable that the Serbian army ‘an long withstand the pressure ff the Austro-Germans in the} north of Serbia, with a ‘stab in the back” from Rulgaria in the south. BRITISH SUBMARINE SINKS TURKISH TRANSPORT CARMEN OVER 4,000 TONS OF MUNITIONS GO TO BOTTOM OF MARMORA AIiD— LANSDOWNE SAYS THAT SUPPORT MUST BE SENT—BRITISH STEAMER SUNK _——- — Wealthy Conspirator. New York, Oct. 27.—Max Brei- tung, is under arrest for complicity in a plot to blow up American munition plants, is a cousin of the wealthy capitalist, Kk. C. Breitung, of Marquette, Michigan, who bought the steam- er Dacia, which was held up off and ultimately taken prize by the French in the English Channel. Max Breitung had bought a quantity of high ex- the ring- who Galveston was plosives for Lieut. Fay, in the plot. Steamer Sunk. Oct. 27.—-The British Marquette has been tor- the Aegean Sea. All but 99 of those on board of ber have been accounted for. leader London, steamer pedoed in MORE ADVERTISING FOR PRINCE RUPERT The following article shows how the Americans realize Prince VANCOUVER LIBEL CASE HEARD TODAY ‘(Spettat to The Dally News.) Vancouver, Oct. 27.—The trial of George M. Murray, editor of Rupert’s advantages: fishing industry in the country. It is in dan- the ft wants to keep it. ger of losing it unless gZ0V- ernment fights to retain it as loy- ally and vigorously as Canada is} now fighting to take it away. found the halibut fishing question a live one, especially at Ketchi- kan, a center of the industry. The Grand Trunk Pacific railway has been completed to the northwest of Canada, terminating at a few eorner miles from boundary be- Alas- rail Prince Rupert, the international tween British Columbia and Alaska connection with eastern markets, ka, has no. direct These conditions with the present American shipping regulations are throwing an enormous volume of trade—the catching, icing and shipping of fish caught on the Alaskan banks for the market of the United States——into the Can- adian channel, thus building up and supporting Canadian with American resourees and cap- ital. Alaska asks for legislation that will fishing for the American market to discharge the fish at an Amer. ican port, so that if Canada wants fish the Canadian can establish a ferry service from Prince Rupert across to the near- est Alaskan port, which is Ketehi- kan, a distance of ninety miles. This can be traversed in a few hours.——-Leslie’s Magazine, towns require vessels engaged in our railroad the South Vancouver “Chinook” Alaska has the finest halibut| y a charge of criminally libelling Edward Gold, of South opened at the assizes Reeve Vancouver, today. The cross examination of Reeve Gold at the hands of Joseph Mar- tin, K, tertainment for the large audience which tilled the court. The case is proceeding. C., provided quite an en- THE KING OF ITALY HAS NARROW ESCAPE King Victor Emmanuel of Italy had a escape serious injury by close to the flring Hir horse was recently narrow _ from death or shell fire while at the front. wounded by splinters of shrapnel, but the King was unhurt.—World Wide. WESTHOLME ee OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW FOUR-ACT LACKY DRAMA ©The Unafraid” Peaturing Rha sotieas. aie a Geviuenn Ginnie “BILLIE’S DEBUT” Featuring Billie Reeves, the Famous Comedian line POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 15 ote. Ee RES ce ne ie 2 EE OT A a gees oe — EE ee ee ES ee npc meme ee Rag ag, Se ne