THE DAILY NEWS. = 7 NEW AUSTRALIAN DESTROYER LAUNCHED -_—— 4 new destroyer for the Royal | HAZELTON MINING DEAL IS CONSUMMATED 3 TRAINS WEE SATURDAY MONDAY ‘THE DaAILy NEWS NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA KLY | THE LEADIN . THURSDAY Published Daily and Weekly 4 ings: Pe 9 au Guaranteed Largest Circulation The Debenture group of four sustralian Navy laun¢ ae at | HW Uticnres A. w, mineral claims, situated in the/Sydney ® rey ee eee OW, SASKATOON, ee the third addition to this class REGINA, WINNIPEG, ST. pay. Babine range, some twenty miles The first i launched in December, 1914, | Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.©. Telephone 98. during the past year. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. DAILY EDITION wg Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1945. CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA AND UNITED STATES 3 BOATS WEEKLY THURSDAY SATURDAY of Moricetown, has been H. Rea, of Toronto, east a i | the event being of some historical | } importance since this vessel was bonded to T. for a good price. warship to be entirely} The ‘fleet | Mor- first ten, the owners of this promising the built Henry Bretzins and A. H. TUESDAY in Australia. 10 A, M, ee ee ee ae ee ays ee y ne ‘ s new destrover! TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE. A ER KEEPS THE TRUCE til tue war is finished as the|Property, have done considerable |"! it” to which the new destroyer | ; SAN FRANGIS¢g . . . ee ae k ii | in of high)! attached consisted of thirteen | SAN DIEGO EXPOSITIONS , , . ; n work, disciosing a ve 0 : os y | While a few ultra Conserva- trustee of the nation. The ‘ a re ‘ized in 1909. They! UNEXCELLED E UIPMENT : : , , whole country has been shamed Stade silver-lead ore, cae. t./ 8s, 7 CHARACTER SERVICE tive journals in Ontario, de- lincluded one battle cruiser—Aus- | - “Route of inn by the revelations before the Ross, who reported on the claims | via MUN erable Marveien ates . . ring : - ? j bon lis ‘nA , yp sers Ss P i ’ COUR, Oh. MANEIS.O8 4. Ore Davidson Commission, and in| for Mr. Rae, was so pleased that /''8''"» taree Hem er “ ; TORONTO, HAMILTON Seulnrcmaun vee, eutlneas abuih cheier slecti , ; sae ae ‘ iSite ‘ hase of ney, Melbourne and Brisbane; six | ©2772 ALL POINTS In EASTERN CANADA ang Uy mONTREAL mature general election, de-) war time punishment for such |e recommended the purchase 01 including New York and Boston, ©” STATES lestroyers, and three submarines | Mr. Rae made a per- SOME OF THE clare that there is no political truce and that the government can dissolve at any time with- ; the ¢ ry in the Dardanelles The Goiden Wheat fielde o the Prairie Provin: out breaking any agreement, ferent matter from seeking to {Closed in Hazelton this week. the other i stab New Ontario, Cochrane, Cobalt, etc. '@ Provinces, thence though m ane on a eae Ta ; .}United Empire Magazine. Tourist and Standard Bleeping Care Prince Rupert implicit or explicit, a very dif- strengthen a-political party in| The price has not been made , Winnipes to Toronto; Leave Prince Rupert 10.30 r Bet ei lbeg, and , iew i i hi , ipublic, but as the purchaser is ee . — and Thursday. Arrive Winnipeg 2:25 p. m. Tuesday Thursday’ Monday ferent view of the situation Parliament by contesting an}! ’ . b , RED ROSE GROUP Leave Winnipeg 6:15 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday “heetve at j j \. . ' ive prevails in the province of Que- open constituency | well satisfied with the bargain ‘ ronto 12:06 p. m. Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday » = : ; HAS BEEN LEAS! There The Montreal Star to turn bec. which strove mightily offences should be even swifter | than in the less critical times | of peace. But this is a far dif- “In taking this stand Sir, Wilfrid will have the support|have no kjck coming, it is evident) the group. sonal inspection of the showings with the result that the deal was ‘and Mr. Bretzins says the vendors MacAdam, formerly two of which have unfortunate- | lv been lost, one in the Pacifie and} The wonderful scenic “Skeena” and “Fraser’ unsurpassed “Yellowhead Passe" through the Rocky Mounta “Moun tRobson” (13,500 feet) Mt. Geike, et: r Full Particulars Gheerfully Furnished A, DAVIDSON, eee ATTRACTIONS Rivers, followed bY the NS at their best, Genera! Agent. y William the Liberals out of power, and not only of the saner sections|the deal is a good one. newspaper man in Sandon, but | cun hardly be suspected of un- of hs own party, but of the less Mr. Rae, who operated in Ross-| — = ‘ | | = ; : _,{now of Edmonton, was here thi oon due regard for Sir Wilfrid Lau- partisan portions of the Gon-|!and in the early days of that] * : a a 3 week to close a deal for the Red DE NTISTRY | : rier, Says: ; servative party as well. He may |©@!p and has since been promin- Rose group, one of the best eop ee || CANADIAN PACIFIC “Sir Wilfrid Laurier is | ret his jus . raise |ent and successful in the Porcu-|- , “ — A ’ Sir Wilfrid Laurier is to be not get his just meed of praise | per properties on Rocher de Boule} sats ia is RAILWAY warmly commended by Cana- from sycophants who ever wor- |Pine district, has had a wide ex- A GPECIALTY oa | ; in dining and-his cubes mountain He and his associates Lowest rates to all Eastern Poiny ians ‘ "ties—w re. | shi 2 risen s . self. j/perience in mining anc s entry i dians of a parties — re hip the risen sun, from self-|I dia a nha teehee have negotiated a lease and bond, | DR. J. F. BROWN via Steamer to Vancouver and th » firs siness | seekers w , ,Jinto the local mining field w e | alize that s e first susiness my eekers who fawn upon the] . ine Aneta of whitlels eee mk tne DENTIST CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWay every British community od powers that be, but he will re-|welcomed. He and his associates made public OMce: Smith Block, Third Avenue 3/} Meals and berth included on steame is r i is war , seive his reward i as are preparing to develep the De- ; ° Phone 454 } is to aight .and win wis war, for | ceive his reward in the esteem | prety & to I Peterson & Ek are the vendor: PRINCESS ALICE SOUTHBOUND the decisive way in which he} of all manly men whom neither|benture group on an adequate Fl ala hae re alan SATURDAY, © P. m x F 1 ene 1eer 5 3 pecrec Oo ar itieteileia titel a oe al Ss prevented a breach of the polit-| partyism nor ‘patronage’ can|scale, and will inaugurate work sive next Weck’ 46 thal f eae arcs Mee a ie Id PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND , ; A ; ‘ive ne eek to make pians SUNDAY, .-. ical truce in Hochelaga. Sir} blind, and from the calm ver-|a8 early as possible in the spring send n the Red Rose, which i — ea ss c ; oan el cs gh oR ae ‘i . ; se . : di Org O © eC LOS, C 5 i 4. @. MONAB, Generel Agent ! Wilfrid pledged himself to such | dict of history which will im- A number a mAs en to be opened up at once.—Omi- P . R . | Corner Fourth Street and Third An t a truce when the first German} I “talize > statesme tho |in Omineeca_ distric are being rf D. i 4 terman} mortalize the statesmen wh sepia Samy rince upe airy ae gun was fired, and most loyally} stand most. steadily by the |considered by Mr. Rae, and Mr ; a i [ has he kept that pledge. He is State in this, her supreme hour |Bretzins is now engaged in ex- I a Has cut the price of Milk i id ; i | i a with those who believe that! of trial.” amining several claims on the ; ; — B C UNDERT AKERS e i . . ° e f ; ‘ there should be no civil ae When this statement in The |lower Skeena on his behalf. ; FROZEN BAIT ; PURE FRESH MILK , a pica sty stion— j te HWENKAT Shan fe inleannA. « . The same ‘chasers have ac : NERAL DIRECT a no party election in thi | M ntreal Star is placed along- me ime purchasers have at AND ; Delivered in city at 10c per ait cee ve maveaear ae fai country until the war is over, | side of the rancorous criticism |quired the Basin group of si quart and 5c per pint ; ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND MONT ig ae and with him stand. we are| to which the Liberal leader is|Cclaims, adjoining the Debentures IC E —— 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 4 4 t " confident, all the hetter and) subjected in reactionary On-|on the east and located by A. T ese eT : Phone Green 2 52 } 5 more patriotic elements in me tario papers like The Toronto |and W. F. Harrer and ©. T. Ross |§ eyuesy FROZEN HERRING : [Office corner 2nd Street and snd ance i 4 abe country. | News and London Free Press Omineca Miner. ; ‘ oats Y T ah e has resisted a consider-| the contrast is very marked. $25.00 per ton. ? ‘ t fle Transfer (a 2 , 3 ; se : | (Successors to Pacific ‘ ne ; able temptation in vetoing . There is no doubt at all that Safe and Sure For Bale by ‘| JAMES GILMORE @onere! Carian 8 asl 5 : is ti j shela= > verdic Sail a "i : nh contest ” ones time in Hochela the verdict of history will be ne lief f indi KIN: OLITH PACKIG Cp Archi LADYSMITH COAL as ga, when it is felt by many that that predicted by The Montrea!l| 8 etd ee ec. ee v f u . i Shae: tad es the ill-smelling war purchase} Star. Sir Wilfrid Laurier need a ee LIMITED 2nd Avenne, pear McBride Btreat | — a , pation. Known to be reliable MILL BAY. B.C y scandals might have offered; not fear that his place in the|*and famous for their prompt Rr t eR ———— | alex M. Manson, B.A } him an effective issue. But he| affections of his fellowcountry- and certain efficacy—are For further particulars W. 8. Wittens, RAVER . ¢ , ‘ * 7 believes, apparently—and, we| men or in the annals of the ? apply to $ SUBSCRIBE FOR WILLIAMS & MANSON a3 think, correctiy—that the time | Dominion will be rendered less 2ec am S THOR JOHNSON Barristers, Solicitors, Eu. a is 26 bdinicat brie. ican