October 28, 1915. oa iy, THE DAILY NEWS. —— THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER “Fryit-a- tives” Cleans, Pyrifies, Enriches Fruit juice is Nature’s own remedy. epRUIT-A TIVES,” the famous fruil me licine, keeps the blood pure and rich bee ause it keeps the whole m free of impurities. ‘ Pruit-a-tives ”” improves the Skin ibles the stomach to digest 8s) st 1° en foo | properly ; makes the bowels move reg is ly - and relieves the strain on the ys. a its “oll aning, healing powers on the nating organ, “‘Fruit-a-tives”’ rids the system of all waste matter and thus iasures a pure blood supply. so. a box, 6 for 2.50, trial size 25c. At deal lors orsent postpaidon receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. the London look SUFFRAGISTS OF LOliD ladies sent by the Worcestershire after the ailments of any of the IN GIVE TIMELY HELP IN TIMES OF STRESS.—Larce Wom National hop growers, Camps are made right out in the workers. Political League ar numbers of e giving badly needed help to fields, and a hospital provided to The Dye that colors ANY KIND of Cloth Pe: » with the ' SAME ve. Aa your Drogelet or Des Dealer: peed geboculet, The Johnson- 44 Dver Apts. APERHANGING KALSOMINING PAINTING F. G. ROBERTS P. O. Box 642 } | i | POPE DILL DOL EOP DDD LP OLE LOD LL LOD OL OOL eee y/ The Royal Standard Test | [5] Here's where we test the choicest samples of Canada’s six million acre wheat crop. We grind them into flour in the little mill you see on the left of the picture. Then comes the supreme test--bread-baking. If the bread is perfect in every way we pronounce the wheat Al and the flour-ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER'S ncouver, New Westminster. Nanoimo. Victoria. Vancouver Milling & Grain CoLta, Pe = en sti 401 10 AT UALR UEAOUOU LUG AAA tions quite right, unsafe. baking powder. 291550 ‘hen why use b same mixture that the housekeeper w and use in her food? Alum is alum, whether bought in the drug store cr in is made from pure cre lime or phosphate. The Housekeeper is Right Sometimes a housekeeper requires a quick leaven- ing agent, and finds she has no baking powder. What does she do? She raises her biscuit by soda, or soda and sour milk. She may not g¢ but she knows her food is s: she ever use a mixture of a ‘lum and soda? W a housekeeper who bought alum and soda to make a home made baking powder? PRES. BAKING POWDER am of tartar and contains no alum, ‘There is absolute safety in its use. ya mixture of cre: um of tartar and Intuitively she feels it would be aking powder made from alum or t} e ould not dare to i. JUDGE TAYLOR DIES SUD- DENLY AT. WHITEHORSE All Whitehorse was shocked yesterday morning when the news |was passed around that Judge Geo. L. Taylor had died a few | minutes after midnight. | Judge Taylor had been feeling | rather poorly for several days, PP A beautiful complexion —how to Insure It— The regular use of Lifebuoy Soap insures a healthy, clean glow- ing skin. And because it is healthy, your com- plexion will be clear and velvet like. The mild carbolic odor van- ishes after us e, leaving sense of utter cicaniiness, All Grecers Soll LIFEGUGY HEALTHY ITITITITITTINOIITTIIM ER Pe ikl hh) Mw Pe UL ae Hits ie MT t the propor- e. But docs Da there eect } muMMATUUORNUUUUGGQONUGNOQUOVENOOUUONGOOUUGOGOOONOGN UEQUUUNOOOGUOOGOUOOGOUUNGGOGOUOOGOOUOOGOOOUNGT but attributed his indisposition although Dr. informed him less than a to indigestion, Clarke week ago that his heart was weak. At 4 o’clock of the evening before he died he was on the street at which he informed several of his friends that he was feeling better than for several days. He retired at about 11 light. Just before 12 Mrs. or entered the o'clock Wednesday Tay- room from her own and inquired as to how he was feeling and received the as- surance that he a good night's rest. Within fifteen was anticipating minutes his wife heard a sort of gurgling groan and entered the husband just threshold. Dr. room to find her crossing death's Clarke and neighbors were quickly than extend comfort to the living Taylor and their Evelyn, the Other are Mrs. youngest daughter, latter twelve years of age. members are Mrs. W. R. Jack, Rattery now in France, and Wil- frid aged i8 years, here of Skagway; with Borden’s Helen, twins and both attending college Mrs. companied by her and in Toronto. Hillery, ac- husband, ar- from Skagway on yester- day’s train. The will be taken to Skagway today and em- balmed for shipment to deceased's Bothwell, Ontario, next week, accompanied by Mrs. Taylor and Miss Evelyn.—White- rived body boyhood home, horse Star. Sterling Marine Motors Can be purchased In town. A Motor that wili give you en- tire satisfaction. Built for hard work. Guaranteed. —HEAVY DUTY— FIGHERMAN’S ENGINE 2 Gyl.—5 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12-16 Horse Power. 4 Cyl.—5 1-2 In. by 8 In., 25-86 Horse Power. Do your remodeling with a first- class engine. For Further Information Apply to WwW. E. Williscroft, Phone Biue 508, or D. Brown, Eleo- trician, Phone 383. called, but could do nothing other |, The only members of the family f! Hillery, |} Empress Jgams Are strictly a B, ©. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to te purest of Cane Sugar. Every step In the producing and manufac- turing of the deiicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B.C. It will exacting. satisfy the most SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTP Vancouver, B. c. Empress — Jams es a RR UO ORO EO OE OR a OB, : ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ a an Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern :: British Columbia :: Largest Circula- 3 THERE tion means the 3 {5 Best Advertising A Medium =: } REASON ! Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS: ————eEE= Ricialehe = S Empire Cream Sodas in 2-Ib. Tins Have attained thelr enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife Insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda Biscutts. They are made In B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quiokly, Insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. oa FOI III I IID IID III III IDA AINA IM ~'