NO, 255. VI. Sail ‘ PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., SATURDAY, Oc TOBE R 30, 1915. —_ ——— — PRICE FIVE CENTS - ———— £ = on IRUSSIANS LURE GERMANS 10 DESTRUCTION = FRENCH HHA E CAPTURED STRUMITZA — LARGE RUSSIAN ARMY LEAVES ODESSA ——— —-— oe SPHCTED THUG IS SHOT AT VANCOUVER (Special to The Dally News.) 30.—W. M. suspected thug, was | back by Detective Im- vancouver, Oct. p ortunt a » Lhe Powell Fortune Nah during a chase along this ved to of Griflith Sergeant, morning. have been an ac- ymplice who fled a murderous attack on wo Japanese on Powell St., with | of the ios had $400 in his belt. | tent to rob them, One riune broke away after being | mrrested and refused to stop when Sergeant was prTEe et: Irwin. | | yy f stable eee |" EX-PREMIER DEAD * esl * y Ottawa, Oct. 30.—Sir * ca Charles Tupper has died * ARMENIAN REFUGCLS FLEEING FROM MASSACRE, RESCUED BY ALLIES England at the age of | Allies’ warships, particularly along the Syrian coast, have been recently engaged in transporting these stricken people to places 06 %| where they could be saved from Turkish aggression. On left is a young Armenian girl who narrowly escaped death and was res- nee Leneeeoennaes! cued by a French battleship. Onthe right is a French marine acting as a nurse to a little Armenian boy who was rescued. fe | | | | | | | | | j urban STREET CAR AND AUTO. COLLIDE IN VANCOUVER (Special to The Daily News.) Vancouver, Oct. 30.—Mrs. Vic- tor Spink, of 2302 Trinity Street, was injured internally in a col- lhision with a B. C. Electrie inter- at 5:30 this on Commercial Drive. cai morning The injured woman was being l driven in an auto by her husband to ! treatment, the for the hospital emergency when auto was | struck by the inter-urban car and was knocked down an embank- ment. Both occupants of the auto were injured. TAX REBATE To obtain rebate on 1915 taxes |payment must be made before 5 | |p. m. on Monday, November 1st. | From November 1st to December jist a rebate of 10 per cent. will ' |be allowed on general taxes only. mS RENCH TROOPS CAPTURE STRUMITZA AND ADVANCE INTO ULGARIANS LOSE HEAVILY AND FRENCH PENETRATE BULGARIA TWENTY MILES—SERBIANS IN A BAD PLIGHT—NISH TH! EATENED—RUSSIAN ARMY EMBARKS (Special to The Dally News.) and taken London, The French, eral German trenches Oct. 30, jmany prisoners, Bfter three days fighting, have oc. | A German attack at Souchez special, which left later, was due upied Strumitza, and have ad-jpas been repulsed, and an ad- to pass the freight at Kwinitsa, | | ‘ ‘ alf ’ . nto Bulgarian territory! vance along a front of 150 me_| about two and a half miles from ; ;where the accident vecurred. { distance of twenty miles. tres along the Champagne front : . Ashe Bul lost t ‘l tt | Owing to something having gone ¢ Bulgarians lost heavily in the! pac peen recorde : i j ha been recorded. 'wrong, the freight had stopped e ( ntler - inter, land someone sent to flag the Nish Threatened. homens CROSS SALE 9.50) Decial. The warning, however, The position of Serbia is be-| REALIZED $93. | was too late to save contact, al- com more. desperate daily, and | rh Red Re ‘al a j though the special was able to | The ed Cross Sale whieh as] _, : a 5 cs Sie PIV elas Nisli is threatened by the Bulgar-| | es ae Frissell” and: Mes | slow down-conslag rably, The ca- PRG DY MAES « : ‘|boose of the freight, from which iFred Henning yesterday was a} (Tit revicriih dines hate = ii lhe Germans are opening a} : : : | Mr. rippens was about to alight, great success, the handsome sum)... nashed and the engine of Way to the great Serbian arsenal So ; ., he vi pd ra B : of $93.50 being realized. ithe special turned over on the Nt aguyevatz. The Serbians é Pay : are retreating in a westerly di Mrs. Frizzell and Mrs, Henning jembankment towards the river. ° beg to thank all who assisted, |), Tippens was killed instantly, Clion along the Bulgarian front. ; boeing : either by patronizing the sale o1 jwhile Mr, Herstig sustained such Russians Embarking. “Copenhagen, Oct. 30.—A large + Cb apnea tives Russian army has embarked at The raffles were wel! patron | Odessa for the Bulgarian ports in ized, the following being the win- the Black Sea, It is convoyed by | @e?s: t % naval squadron. donated by Miss Burnham, and | Western Front. also the centre-piece, donated by Paris, Oct. 30,—The French | Mrs. Vance. have inade progress at Bois-en- The searf donated by Mrs llache, They have captured sev- |Clark was won by Mrs. (Dr. Gade, | : er The cake donated by Mrs. Fred} G *ererevecoooosooroooooooooooe? | iiavnning was won by Mrs. Eggert.) BREAD, PIES AND PASTRY The tatting donated by Mrs. | Miss James has opened The WOMAN’S HOME BAKERY TT ‘1 Third Ave, opposite Second St. Jobn Dean. Miss Bidding won the picture. FUNERAL SERVICES Try her delicious bread and dainty cookies, pies : s, and all : : gore The funeral services for W, bD. i the delicacies mother Tippens will be conducted — by used to make, et fa alos | Ganon Rix in Hayner’s Chapel a Oro oe nd ’ : v2 4 p. m, on Sunday, the remains 2 going south on the Princess May at 8 p. mi. Friends will kindly accept this notice as an invitation to be present at the services. | on oe nderson, of the W. 1 | WwW. W.A Johnson Clothing Company, of Mollow the crowd to Self’s|Toronto, who has been in the Cafe. ‘There is a reason.. Next|city for a few days, left last night Majestic Theatre 102¢f.'for Anyox. ithe | ; ger last ‘the SAD DOUBLE ‘FATALITY NEAR SKEENA CIiY An extremely sad accident oc- curred just before noon yester- day on the G, T. P. at mile 43, in which W. D. Tippens, train agent, and J. Herstig, engineer, lost their lives. Mr. Tippens was the freight, pulled out of Priice Rupert about The fish agent on way which 8:30 yesterday morning. injuries that he died shortly after accident. General Superintendent Mehan, | ; Mrs. Tobey won the pillow,|}on learning of the accident, im-}remains south on Sunday night lmediately despatched a_ special | with medical aid. The bodies} were brought to town on the} special just ahead of the passen- | All being thoroughly night. the circum- |} stances are In- vestigated by the company. The heartfelt sympathy of the Jarvis MeLeod was won by Mrs. | whole community will go out to ployment of the company. Je | a quiet disposifion, he was very He and WD well known wife of Tippens. was in the city for interment at Vancouver. J. Herstig had lived in Prince Rupert for about six years and was unmarried. Before coming here, hea had served with the ‘, P. R. out of Kamloops. He was jalways regarded as one of the j most careful engineerain the em- VICTORIA MAN 10 GET CARNEGIE MEDAL €6pecial t> The > The Dally News.) Washington, Oct. 30.—L. Leo, Primeau, of Victoria, ’B. C., has been recommended for the Carne- gie Hero Medal for life saving. | He rescued W. Edgar Ware from | drowning at Lindsay, Ont. | THE CRADLE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Max Heilbronner, a daughter last even- ing. all. He only and married less popular with was a4 24 years of age, than two years ago to a daughter Phelan, of Tele- he of Superintendent J. T. the graphs. Government the son Dominion widow, of Besides leaves a little three months. His Tenn., home was in Nashville, came west a few the before whence he years ago. He worked upon Boundary Survey joining the staff of the G. TY P. three years After in the general offices he went on the It has been decided to take the \laska serving ago, road as train agent. Of with all his associates. POPULAR LIBERAL A Liberal meeting will be November fifth, commencing store formerly occupied by Pool Avenue, Room, Second SPEAKERS: T. D. PATTULLO es Liberal Gandidate for Prinse Rupert Electoral District, —_—AND———- H. L. HARRIS Formerly Editor of the Bella Coola Courier, EVERYBODY WELCOME MEETING . held on Friday evening next, at 8:15 o'clock, Hoffman, adjoining Little's in the large corpses. capture GERMAN FORCELURED TO DESTRUCTION BY RUSSIANS SPECTACULAR FIGHT ON ISLAND IN RIVER DVINA — GERMAN FORCE PRACTICALLY WIPED OUT—THE GERMAN POSITION CRITIC: L—HESPERIAN WAS SUNK BY TORPEDO (Special to The Dally News.) London, Oct. 30 \ annihilated a German force in a1, fight on the Island of} Dvina, spectacular Dalen, in the River south | of Riga. Germans to occupying started a bombardment The and then from both sides of the river. river was choked with The German force was} practically German Failure. The failure of the Germans to} attributed to! which | wiped out. | | Dvinsk is the nature of the morass lies before them and to a short-| age of munitions. if the German forces in this re-| critical. Hesperian Investigation. gion is now Washington, Oct. 30.—Secre- ANOTHER ‘LETTER FROM BILLY KIRKE Billy Kirke, who is one of the most regular correspondents says he is so bombs that to bother but has managed from the trenches, throwing he had busy hasn't time much about souvenirs, to procure a German water bottle which he is sending along to Con- stable Adams. In his last letter, enclosed some views of the Petticoat which he had picked up Billy oe Lane, London, “ngland, in the trenches, He reports that everything is going along nicely and that Mr. German is having a particularly warm time just at present, 1916 VOTERS’ LIST The City Hall will be open from 7 to 9 each evening this week to of Li- eence Holders to register, House- holders must bring their road tax receipt. allow Householders and | The Russians lured the} the islang/ Hesperian is a portion of a tor- | pedo, ‘with him right in this city. | fever, tary of State Lansing has an- The Russians}jounced that United States navy licials have established the fact that a fragment of the engine of which sank the war Allan Liner The fact will be communi- cated to the German embassy at , © | , . German | Washington. BOSS BOOSTER Mr. Bert Cole, known in the jnorth as the boss booster of |/Prinee Rupert, is in Vancouver | . * : The position; "enewing acquaintances with the ichums who used to go to school How- there is only one town on the coast now, according to Bert, and it is Vic- toria. To hear Cole and Mr. A. L. talk about the fishing in- dustry is as good’as making a trip to the banks. Cole is full of fish talk and also has some pretty about “Our dry- Vancouver Province. not Vancouver or Hager speeches new dock,” ed KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Funeral of John Herstiek will be held on Sunday after- Oct. Hayner’s 31. Services at Chapel at All members brothers will at Lodge room at 2:45. W. H. MELLIAR, K, of R. & 5S noon, 2:45 and meet o'clock. visiting LONDON CAFE And Grill DAINTY MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES Mert Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES ERNEST A, WOODS, City Clerk. 4