——————— - you. We 1 NO. 258. PRINCE RUS aT a 3 4 aioe INESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, Sree! ———————————[—[—[——[—[—[—[—_— $_ $_{_———>> = eaEeG0G0eeSee==es=S===aes=[—=== NCE RUPERT, B. 6., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 38, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS =— ——_ RBIANS AREFOLLOWING RUSSIAN TACT — OO —————__"F — — COPPER MINE AND AI ARSENAL DESTROYED IN RETREAT — —— — + = ITALIANS SUCCEEDING 8 ree SERBIANS FLOOD COPPER MINES IN THEIR RETREAT LARGEST MINES IN EUROPE RENDERED USELESS — Aine BLOWN UP—FRENCH REPEL BULGARIAN ATTACK plying between Portland, Ore., AND ADVANCE—BULGARIAN SUPPLY and San Francisco, has been | TRAIN BOMBARDED wrecked on South Spit, at the en- : trance to Coos Bay, 170 miles} (8pecial to The Dally News.) a French force near Krivelsk, but |south of the Columbia river bar. | Par Nov. 3.—The Serbian | were repulsed. The French are;Ten bodies have been recovered, | copper mines, in the Bor region, | advancing in the region of Strum-|but eight are still missing. which are the largest in Europe, | itza. | A party of life savers shot a} have been flooded by the Serbians | French Warships Busy. |line, by means of the rocket ap-| before they left the district, in | French warships yesterday | paratus, over the vessel, which | der to render them useless to|bombarded a Bulgarian supply|}was half a mile out from. the} the advancing enemy. | train near Dede Agatch, the Bul-|shore, and some thrilling rescues Arsenal Blown Up. |garian port on the Aegean Sea. were made through the surf. The rh arsenal at Kraguyevatz, The Bulgarians are advancing|dead were all passengers on the which is the largest in Serbia, has | beyond Veles, but the Serbians| ill-fated steamer. hee wn up along with all the |are still holding the prineipal de- — connecting military buildings. | fences near Perlepe. The report AN EISTEDDFOD | French Advance. that the Serbians have evacuated eeinetpne The Bulgarians today attacked | {Monastir is denied. At the close of the 4th century, pee atin amnesia ee |WHen the Romans departed from CANADIAN CASUALTIES THE JURY’S VERDICT | Britain the Ejsteddfod, or nation- | TO SEPTEMBER 30TH. lal bardic congress of Wales was i IN RAILROAD FATALITY originated. The object of these | Sir George Perley, High Com- | gatherngs was to encourage | missioner of the Dominion in| After viewing the scene of the;/bardism and general literature. London, furnished the following |¥Te¢# at mile 43 1-2 yesterday/The term “Eisteddfod” is of very jafternoon, the coroner's juryjancient origin and means a ses- statistics regarding casualties in| the Canadian ntingent to 8 rome e Canad cont ren Ko Sep-| sal 6 : “That the in the following verdict: said W. D. Tippens tember 30: : came to his death in a rear end Killed in action: Officers, 96; 4 ssh : eae icollision on the Grand Trunk Pa- other ranks, 4,557. Died of | ‘ os < 1s: Of aR tt x | cific Railway about mile 43 1-2 ounds: Officers, 27; other ranks, . ar Died f di ; t a it of Prince Rupert, B. C., on , led 0 isease, etc.: iz { , - ae ee i it" riday, October 29, 1915, between licers, 6; other ranks, ound- 7 i: On " th a |e “ains No. , known as the ‘Fish ed: Officers, 275; other ran : a 6.675. | ' mn iExtra,’ and train No. 78, known fo. Prisoners war: Ollicers, | ; an: " as the ‘Way Freight’, both trains 38; other ranks, 1,246. Missing: on i th k 1.044 going east. cers, 22; other ranks, 1, t “ ” And that the said collision Potal, 11,705. ° lwas caused through failure on pepe the part of the engineer of the REDECKING REPORT ap aaa a Fish Extra, train No. 97, to act | , > upon the signals of the flagman The city engineer's report re- rarding of train No. 78, within sufficient garding the redecking of city nes aed . } > tO ing tral No. 9% » a streets was brought down at the time ¢ ang ” 5 i 1 s fore ru g into the Council Monday night, showing a full ‘stop bef ppnis 4 t of ge ee butts ear of tr No. 78, and in our Cost of $8,015.44. This amount |" : a tira i ei being within the estimated tien the sai one we ns 3 r Oo ; se ore ar ¢ 11s he sugested that 6th Avenue be- ning | ee a ih “% c ty.” o ensure absolute satety. lween Fulton St, and Lotbiniere | ae sho be repaired. The rep rt | ete ee was pede ner POWER RATES , 1 | aa - sia x } On the motion of Ald. Casey, you seen Foge’s shoe bar- | i gu ithe city council will ask the light a lsuperintendent to bring in a re- prerennnen lport as to how much of a deficit | would have to be met by the MAJESTIC * THEATRE icitizens if power rates were re- se to Seattle rates. Ald. Tonight and Tomorrow lasey’s idea was that some effort Pras wea be made to furnish power Pathe Masterpiece Photepiay lat low rates for industrial conr- “THE SILENT CHORD” a ‘i three Modern Powerful Acts pe PATHE GAZETTE RED CROSS THANKS hutire Reel of War Latest News a a ais veanliiiceeiale The Red Cross Society wishes “HIS FONDEST HOPES” to express thanks for the follow- ling donations: Jabour Bros., $15, A Corking Comedy. land also the following Kitimat In- ices Stewart, $4.00, R. Thomas Stewart, 84.00 “SAFETY | FIRST” Scream James Stewart, $1.00; $1.00, and Johnson Grant, Comedy. ADMISSION 10 and 15 cents. sat ak ———meee At the Liberal meeting Friday H. L. Harris, of Bella Coola, will show how there are 400 days in the year at Bella Coola. Parker Williams returned south the Prince Rupert yesterday. a most successful He had made Follow the crowd to Self’s|tour of the interior, delivering Cafe. There is a reason.. Next speeches at ‘Terrace, New Hazel- wadeotie Theatre, 102¢f.|ton, Prince Georges and Smithers. PASSENGER STEAMER ~ | WoMaN's SUFFRAGE WRECKED IN’ THE SOUTH | (Special to The Dally News.) Marshfield, Ore., Nov. 3- Santa The passenger steamer Clara | sion or sitting. During the Middle Ages interest Risteddfods waned consider- but at the close of the Na- revival of in ably, poleonic wars a great Welsh nationalism took place. Since 41819 they have been held without intermission. Miniature Ejsteddfods are becoming a com- mon occurrence in many parts of Great Britain. At the Methodist Church, Fri- day, November 26th, 1915, an Risteddfod, on somewhat similar lines will be held. It is purely competitive and consists of five sections, music, literature, art Each section of sewing and cooking. subdivided into a number Is competitions to suit varying abil- ities. A prize of $2.00 will be| awarded the wnner of each com- petition, Everyone eligible for entry, fee 25c. Competitors for the music, elo- cution, impromptu speeches and answers will compete on the night of the 26th, the cision of the judges of other com- petitions will be announced. Those desirous of entering the competitions obtain tickets and entry forms W. Ling, Parkin & M. M. 623 Mrs. Lancaster, 220 Rev. J. F. Kast. when also de- may pro- ‘ammes, Mr. E, : Mr, Avenue; gI from Ward's 3rd 2nd 632 6th Stephens, Avenue; Dimmick, Avenue, 400 odd days in the year? Hear H. L. at the Liberal meet- ing Friday. Harris, | | | ihas | the DEFEATED IN STATES (Special to The Dally News.) York, Nov. 3.—The Wo- ‘man’s Suffrage Amendment New has been defeated in the state of New York of 210,000, by a majority jand in Massachusetts by 108,000. It also went under in Pennsylva- inia. Republican Victory. Boston, Nov. 3.—The Republi- ican party has gained control of the executive of the state of Massachusetts. Samuel McCall been elected governor by a of 6,606 over The legislature majority Governor Walsh. 34 Republicans and 6 Democrats. Prohibition Defeated. Ohio, Nov. 3. two returns Columbus, —For second time in years, Ohio has rejected a prohibiticn amendment. On this occasion it was defeated by a majority of ' 40,000. |QROCERS EARLY CLOSING BYLAW A petition signed by eight of the appealing against the passing of an earty closing bylaw grocers applied to grocers, was presented to the council Monday night. A second signed by licensed traders handling grocer- presented appealing petition, ies, was against such a bylaw. The petitions were laid on the table pending the discussion of an early closing bylaw for gro- cers. As requested last week, the city solicitor presented a report on the of bringing in a grocers’ early closing bylaw under Section 4 of the Shops Act, showing that the council could bring in a com-4 closing bylaw if matter pulsory early they There was agenerai feeting that a bylaw be though Ald, Edge suggested that the question of the cutting down of the amount of light used should be t tion, Ald. Montgomery that the amount thus saved by the much so desired. such should passed, aken seriously into considera- peinted out would be sv shopkeepers gained by the consumer. The chief point of discussion was the hour of closing, Ald Casey, Montgomery, and Nicol voted in favor of 6:30 p. m., and Ald. Dybhavn, Beveridge, Edge and the Mayor favored 7 p. m i\The bylaw will be discussed ii committee next week. Values to for $2.50 Foge’s L eather + store. £6.00 at LIBERAL A Liberal meeting wil be November fifth, commencing MEE TING store formerly occupied by Hoffman, » adjoining Little's Pool Room, Second Avenue. SPEAKERS: T. D. PATTULLO Liberal Gandidate for Prinse Rupert Electoral District. AND-———— H. L. HARRIS Formerly Editor of the Bella Coola Courier, ~ EVERYBODY WELCOME held on Friday evening next, at 8:15 o'clock, in the large ITALIANS CONT ROL HEIGHTS SURROUNDING MALBORGHETTO FORT HANSEL, CENTRE OF AUSTRIAN SYSTEM OF DEFENCES, IS RENDERED USELESS—ITALIANS OCCUPY A COM- MANDING POSITION--ROUM......05 MAY FORM NATIONAL MINISTRY (Special to The Dally News.) Udine, Nov. 3.—Fort Hansel, is the centre of the Aus- trian system of forts protecting Malborghetto, has been rendered useless. Jonescu, is doing its utmost to form a National Ministry, wu would be favorable to the It is semi-officially stated that Roumania will only enter the war after the Allies have ianded half Heights Occupied. a million on the Balkan All the surrounding | front. Otherwise it is claimed, Malborghetto have now been 0C-|would be impossible to wage war the Italian on two fronts. guns have been ab placed in position. The George EF. of the Roumania Wavering. Cold Storage Company, brought in Milan, Nov. 3.—The Roumanian/120,000 pounds of halibut last opposition, under the lead of M.!/night. FRESH HERRING PREFERRED AS BAIT Rorvik, of the Rorvik y . vhich oasst@S, men heights cupied by forces and Italian heavy Foster, ‘RED CROSS SALE AT WOMAN'S HOME BAKERY The Red Cross sale of home cooking will be held on Friday, Fish Company, along with Bill|November 5th, from 40 a.m, to 6 Selig, the well known halibut}p.m. Mrs, Peter Black and Mrs. fisherman, are making arrange-|Wm. Miller will be the ladies in eharge. The sale will, be held. in the store of the Woman's Home Prince Rupert. Bakery on Third Ave. British Satisfied that the halibut fisher-|pluck and the determination of men will not use frozen bait if|every man and woman is going to win, now more than ever must we at home make some sac- Laplain ments to embark on a new°enter= prise in the fishing business in herring can be obtained, and these gentlemen have decided to enter the fresh bait business with |rifices for the assistance of the men at the front; donating pie cake, a loaf fresh a view to supplying halibut = buns or along the coast with the required dough-nuts, lor article. Captain Rorvik claims, bread, or patronizing the sale and he knows the business/means doing something, and you thoroughly, that fresh herring;are all invited to consider this an invitation to assist. Mrs. Birnie will demonstrate at this sale the making of an inex- sell the city will always draw more fish than frozen herring will. The new concern expects to be many able to supply many of the boats pensive war cake, and which at present buy bait in Van-|recipes. very lady in the couver and other ports, and the should have this recipe; price 5 result should be highly beneficial |cents. Proceeds for the Red Cross to Prince Rupert. fund. Miss James of the Wo- nclieianteiinmantuliilaiensta man’s Home Bakery has very START KNITTING kindly offered to serve tea, pro- ceeds also in aid of the cause, Latest reports indicate that iinatinaaationparnpieeibiiieiaiien cold disagreeable weather pre- Go to the Liberal meeting Fri- vails in the trenches held by the day and hear Mr. Harris explain Canadian troops, and good warm the Tory calendar. socks jn particular will be wel- come, Mrs. Dr. W. T. Kergin will be at the Board of Trade WEST HO LMF rooms every Thursday forenoon ET from 14 to 12 to deliver wool OPERA HO USE RUPERT'S) POPULAR PLAYHOUGE Rupert ladies and obtain a yarn and all Prince to call are Wiviien TONIGHT AND TOMORROW supply and start knitting tmme- enealidgitl ela diately. SEVEN REEL ‘SHOW — — —— Great Educational Picture of H, L. Harris, late editor of the Six Reels. will deseribe Beautiful Mountain Lakes, Rivers sella © Jourier Bella Coola Courier, and Waterfalls, Wonderful scenery how the Tory machine works, at Fish Metpheriee and Trout Fishing— ; i ots of spor the Liberal meeting Friday. Hunting the Bear and the Lion— Very Exciting. San Francisco Tour, including scenes _ : . of Wild Ducks and Geese. I'wo more American halibut GREAT BIRD SCENES .) ia i t this fore Scenes of Eagles, Cub Bears and schooners made por ms Tore- Cub Cougars. noon. The Wireless had 12,000 “Polly of the Pots and Pans” pounds and the Seattle 70,000, Screaming Comedy, ae Children’s shoes at your own prices at Fogg’s. LONDON CAFE And Grill DAINTY MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES Hart Bik. Third Ave. The I. 0. O. FP. whist drive and dance realized the sum of $26.50 for the Red Cross fund. The halibut schooner Seymour brought in 65,000 pounds this BOXES FOR LADIES morning. “4