THE DAILY NLWS day ‘ November g POPPI OC DO bboy BR SPP RS. eee Ts ~ “Nothing But Leaves” “THE SILENT CHORD” AT " Not Tea Leaves intermixed with Dust, THE MAJESTIC THEATRE Dirt and Stems but all Virgin Leaves. The New England, one of the ane ea whadeerns aitecieitidlae Sh oe Yale Pee ontitied “The Silent Chord.” This brought in 100,000 pounds of hal- « an intensely drarhatic story of ith S ] P i ibut today. a man who has been released a e rices ere x from a long term of imprison- —- H. Foster was fined $15 at the ment, and who is unaware of the | ne ies A PP ppg, rel oa he chief item at the Majestic police court this morning fact that a sister, who was a baby has the reputation of being the cleanest, Local News Notes tonight and tomorrow is a three- 4 committing an assault and using/\when he was sent down, is now | and most perfect tea sold. » piel bed language on Third Avenue ati the wife of a millionaire. The Large assortment of ' | LACK, GREEN OR MIXE: SEALED PACKETS ONLY; : ahs aa iat a — , pny | 12:30) this morning. ex-convict is now a confirmed Men’s Shoes in broken ind se hed Se. 5....0 criminal and at once’ looks p ai Salvation Army. Mason Ramsay, who has been/around for a “crib to crack” and | lines. “Th Dail N e ; iJfixes on the house of this mil-| ic i spending the summer at his old]! : ag arya Rtheb sarch . e y ews Public meetings, Tuesday, lionaire. The millionaire’s wife | Must be cleared out at inded on any | Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m.|home in New Brunswick, is back : : : : ‘4 J. | ars ’ ‘glar rk ¢ antinatie. @nier ica y CLASSIFIED ADS. Sundays at 7:30 p.m. in Prince Rupert again hears the burglar at wor une | practically your own pric: loa ua ——— @ ® e ; appears on the scene. Unaware | Vi *s to $6.00, 1k the 8 The Vancouver police expect a ; ; of ber identity, the thief sees in ilues to 86 pick then | Wanted, by lady, a room with FOR SALE large influx of rogues and vaga- . . - jher the exact image of his mother | COUN TOF scars 6060 % $2.50 a = hi . private family. Apply Box 115, ult ely their velitionship! Ss : oD. 8 Ss Win- i ate eir rele ms FOR SALE—Six White Leghorn hens,|PONds from the south this win Daily Réwe. tf, |2nd ultimate; dis. | through moulting. $1.00 each. Two good] tap is made plain. She hides the fact We mie oui Vig ee | White Leghorn cockerels, $2.00 ee oF : bias i . guarantee prices Contin sak 27 8 it Avenue. F —— = Oo 1’ brother being the burglar | apse epee 4|NAVIGABLE WATERS’ PRoTec-|"' "0" 2Poth' Whieh stand the test o ae FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock | §$ TION ACT. ind her husband mistakes him for mAOdwM AMIG>me wAMOT | Homer Pigeons, mated and squab. pro- BREAD, PIES AND PASTRY ~ » tndnk: eat. tia Secue a cice AE: a _Aopiy"036 ‘borden Si , tt. Miss James hae opened The R. S. C. Chapter 115. is put under guard. Complicg- ‘ : | WANTED. a WOMAN’S HOME BAKERY tions ensue, and the brother meets SHOE VALUES THAT then hort | WANTED—Young girl to care for two RICHARD B. McGINNIS hereby gives|!#iS death at the hands of the} | ee ee ee ee ee notice that he has, under Section 7 of|Ruard, and in the long run the} STAND ALONE Get in Early and WANTED—Cooking range, must be cheap. Try her delicious bread the said act, deposited with the Minister/whole stiuation is made clear. It y and Have the | Siete nnn ce S and dainty cookies, pies, and of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the/i, 9 play full of human and dra-| INSPECTION INVITED First Choice. DRESSMAKER—Capable of making suits all the delicacies mother oMce of the District Registrar of Titles matic interest. | and doing all kinds of sewing wants at Prince Rupert, B. C., a description of a : Bor 11a Dally News" Sand. used to make. the site and of the plans for a whart| There is also a splendid Pathe mrt parapets Nae ol pangs -—_—-———- —_— x. proposed to be built in Alice Arm, Obser-|(#azette, showing the latest Brit- LOST vatory Inlet, British Columbia, at @ point) ich pews items, and two real good sane nikal) HART BLOCK, THIRD AVENUE Bargains galore Bargains galore situate about 3-4 miles south of the south- east corner of Lot 1074, Range 5, Coast District, B, C. AND TAKE NOTICE LOST PROPERTY—Francis William Scott, comedies. late Lieutenant Royal Navy, deceased.— information is desired as to the present whereabouts of two trunks containing that after the ex- MUSIC APERHANGING Achat) ate ery ar Snoeeend. piration of one month from the date of elieved to have been store y him on ‘ ‘ ; > the first publication of this notice, Richard leaving for England with the Canadian BA Susinests in Aunast. 1914. Communi- CHARI.ES LAGNO B. McGinnis will under Section 7 of the KALSOMINING teeeeeadareet tt cate with Wilson & Whealler, Panay mare (Pianist at Westtolme) said Act, apply to the Minister of Public PAINTING Building, Vancouver, for McLeod Eyre . : eer ) Dowling & Co., Solicitors, London, Eng. TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, De Pens ava 43 - vee i eee secesigiestin for approval of the said site and plans, $50.00 REWARD offered to any person or persons finding the body of Y. Fukuda, drowned off village Island, Skeena river, October 12th. M. Sekitani, Balmora) Can- |& nery, Jap Contractor. ae ws PO RO | Former pupil of F. @. Strong. F. G. ROBERTS 74 Dyer Apts. P. O. Box 642 said wharf. this and for leave to construct the DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., 22nd day of October, A. D. 1915. RICHARD B, McGINNIS, Applicant. PP ILLLLLLELELOLEOPEPOUDOOD +O Tickets TERMS MODERATE, Phone Biue 408 PPL PDO LODO LLL OL OL OP OOD worere CORSETS x : { FIRE ALARM SYSTEM atta oerenn manteapalesiataigii SPIRELLA CORSETS.—Agent, Mrs. R. H. Shockley, corner 7th and Lotbiniere. E eas bs to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- « m0. 4 hAti p mark, Fintand, taly and Russia ——————E————— | ¥ ounou weve Launc Ice b. | CHRISTMAS SAILINGS i Box 12-—5th Ss. and 8rd Ave From New York * vember ¢th ; : vember 37tu Box 18—6tb St. and 8rd Ave. rime eit Sheet Metal Work ! é Box 14—8th St. and 8rd A , ; Approved by Minis Vs Waar Birth Recorved @ Ceik Box 16—Junction of {st, aud i ee i ee oe FoF Rates, Illustrated Polders and See eM has a abe diy $ yr Phd 8rd Aves. it fy ballianad ld ter of Marin a a Generali information Apply w “ Box 16-181 Ave., between 8th aud Pe. ae Passenger Boat iieanepebeintesthieessideneienemnssenmsaisag Now is the time to have wth Sys... (Reo pres.) a For terms and particulars A & HANSON your roofs repaired, eve- Box 17—-1st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen DYBHAVN troughs and skylights seen tral Hotel.) call Insurance and Steamship Agent), to, sng beating plant put in .W. J. THOMAS, Phone. Prince Rupert, B. ©. good shape for the winter. GMROVIT NO. Z. Green 391. ln such Cases Bor 22—-8rd Ave. snd 68rd St. b a . ‘ (Post Office.) Consult a Practical Man if You Box 23—3rd Ave. and McBride St. SS —= : ———g —— Want Results Box 24—1st ave. and McBride St. “4 des Box 2—e2nd Ave and 2nd St. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OC: | _ 1 served a regular appren- Box Se——snd Ave. snd 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. tise at. the Sheet Metal and Box £7—G. T. P. Jeating business, in a regu- Ter See | 4 GIROUIT NO. 3. | lar Sheet Metal Shop Not in Telephone Wire Chief Required. | A Jam Factory. Box 31:—-5th Ave. and Fulton St. ‘ caciemetea Box 82--Rorder and Taylor Sts. ; Box 34-——7tb Ave. and Fulton 8t Applications will be received by Supt. | C 0) ROWE Box 36—th Ave. and Comox Ave. of Telephones at City Hall, up to 4p. m. | Lome ( Box 37—8th Ave. and Dodge PI. Monday, November 8th, 1915, for the! The Practical Sheet Metal Man f Box S&- sth Ave. and Thompson St. position of Wire Chief for the Municipal | PHONE 340 P. O. BOX 467 x Telephone’ Exchange. Experience to be c CIRCUIT NO. 4. stated, and copies of testimonials enclosed. | Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms Box 41-- 4th Ave. and Emmerson ect ec hat aaieeh a lat rate lee lta 322 SECOND AVENUE Estimates Furnished to Can- Bor 2 5m» Ave, and MeBride St nn? Br eek ; . a Box 49--5tb Ave. and Green St. saechrencsis tractors and others Free Box 446th Ave and Basil st. ; : i er Section 36. , Boz 45—7th Ave. and Eberts. Notice Und ect Box 141---7th Ave. and Young 8. - fete Inte Ri to ito ok ink beh i TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made to rigister Antonello Angelo, of Prince Rupert, B. C., as the owner in Fee-simple, under Tax Sale Deeds from the collector of the City of Prince Rupert, to Antonello Angelo, bearing date the 17th day of September, A. D, 1915, in pur- suance of @ Tax Sale held by said Munici- pality on or about the 9th day of Septem- ber, 1914, of all and. singular certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- THE IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patented 1915) Is made to meet the demand for ; BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC ? COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Hot Water instantly and without ate, lying, and being in the City of Prince ° additional fuel heing used. Delivery Rupert In the Province of British Colum- NSPECTION of the Gillette Safety Razor . Money Back If Not Satis- bia, more particularly known and described | s . d as:——-Lo 0 4 Forty-five (45);) “ WARNING! factory Lot ight (8), Block ori aeven (3) by mechanical experts and men of judg urchasers of any in- Oot Thirty-five (3 an birty-six (36),! “We IC. , - 51). 1 fringing Stove Ooit tay. UNION TRANSFER CO. §/eiesr ciraue 20° A ia Sette, ment shows clearly WHY seven million emselves open to prose- You and those claiming through or un- 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 der you, and all persons claiming any in- terest in the said land by descent whose | litle is not registered under the pro- cution equally with the parties manufacturing or shavers prefer it. making same. visions of the “Land Registry Act’ are - ° ° ; required to contest the claim of ‘the sas The thin, flat bladeistempered By a simple turn of the wrist you oT tat ee nace Walker’s Music Store $]:::x'<«, 01, ims notice “upon you? “Omer: toa uniform hardness impossible can regulate a Gillette shave to 4 wise you and each of you will be forever) estopped and debarred from setting up, any ciaim te er in respect of the said} laud, and |[ shall register the said Anton- best in Hot Water Heating Appli- ances— Coll in an ordinary thick-backed razor. As a natural result, it takes an edge Removed to Werner’s Old Stand On Second Avenue. nig “Wi medium or as close as you like. Connected........ $20.00 : Rah_enane ae ae ello Angelo as arene - fee, S our Mon c Dont 8u Your. attenti E ‘ ; y PIANOS of ten nee iP Coes je section. £6 unequalled for even keenness. The toothed guard ensure As I own and control the above, ho one cap put same in. Shall vig- orously prosecute any infringements. ments, and especially to the following ex- tract therefrom which relates to the above notice;— safety, and permits such free and PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC rapid strokes that a smooth, clean ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND The curved holder supports —— “And in default of & caveat or cer- SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. , dens efor . : 2 ore HARRY HANSON u ante an bereers Deine Bled berore the blade close to the shaving Gillette shave need take no ™ Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 sons entitied under such tax sale, sil than three minutes. edges, preventing all that vibration which makes hollow-ground open blades and other safeties pull and irritate when they strike a stiff beard. Then there’s the adjustable feature, exclusive to the Gillette. “ Bulldog", ‘‘ Aristocrat’ and Standard Sets, $5,00—Pocket Editions, $5.00 to $6.00—Combination Sets, $6.50 up. Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited Gerhard-Heintzman Planos. Pianos to Rent. persons s0 served with notice, or ser- ved with notice under subsection (6) of section 155 of the “Municipal Clauses Act, 1006,” or section 293 of the “Municipal Act’, or section 139 of ine “Assessment Act, 1903,” or section 253 of the “Taxation Act,” in cases in which notice under this Act is dispensed with as hereinafter provided, and those claiming through or under them, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered in- Strument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose Utle is not registered under the pro- Visions of this Act, shall be forever estopped and debarred fram setting up any claim to or in respect of the land 80 sold for taxes,” Dated at the Land Registry Office, at the City of Prince Rupert, Province of Hritish Columbia, this 28rd day of October, Inspect the Gillette and you Il buy it—and shave in comfort thereafter. Go to it! Your Druggist, Jeweler or Hardware Dealer Ww! ladly parade the Gillette Line esa you. AUTO DELIVERY oe EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE ent LP Phone Red 339 FOR TAXI - Phone 99 70 : A. D. 19016, | Stand - Hotel Rupert H. F. MACLEOD, -District Registrar, j To Grand Trunk Pacific Dey, Co. Ltd. s Bb. L. Tingley, R. 8. Ross, Amanda Andersoa, J. P, Conrad.