a PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., ee — = a THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1915. Se — = PRICE FIVE CENTS yor, Wi vI, NO. 259. —— Sa ~- ————$—— VON HINDENBURG RETREATS FIFTEEN MILI ———— eae SSS ee el SaaS GREEK PREMIER RESIGNS—BRITISH TROOPS IN SERBIA—RUSSIANS FOR BULGARIA FIRST BRITISH CONTINGENT — NOW OPERATING IN SERBIA FRENCH TROOPS ARRIVING AT SALONIKI DAILY — SERBIANS ARE FIGHTING STUBBORNLY IN RETREAT—ALLIES ARE BUSY IN MACEDONIA—KING PETER AT FRONT—ZAIMIS RESIGNS (Special to The Dally News.) Paris, Nov. 4.—The first British contingent, which arrived at Gu- forty-five miles northwest Zaimis to Resign. Paris, Nov. 4-—The government has been defeated in Zdimis evegili sa ; _ | the Chamber of Deputies on a vote of Saloniki on Friday, is now in Serbia and is operating in con- of confidence. The Zaimis ad- junction with the French troops. | ™!nistration, which has been m French re-inforcements are ar-| power for only a few weeks, will riving at Saloniki daily. resign, Dogged Fighting. It is expected that ex-Premiet London, Nov. 4.—The Serbians| Venizelos will be asked to form are fighting doggedly in their re Montenegro, Russian Plans. (d forces are now making London, Nov. 4.— thems¢ the Bul-jare garians in Macedonia. The fight-|at ing qualities of the Serbians arejobject of making a unimpaired, ing in Bulgaria. King Peter for Front. Reni is an important point on 4.—The aged on the Rouma- King Peter of Serbia has gone to|/nian-Bessarabian border. The the front to encourage his sol-}army will be transported up the diers with the news that the Brit-|Danube and will enter Bulgaria, through the narrowest part of Roumania, at Silistria. SEVENTEEN CARS OF FISH WENT EAST TODAY a new cabinet. treat towards and the Allie The Russians Ives felt against concentrating a large army Reni, in Bessarabia, with the direct land- Amsterdam, Nov, the River Danube ish and Freneh are hastening to their assistance. WELL KNOWN EASTERN PACKER IS IN THE CITY ll, Gunn, of Toronto, of Gunns, This morning, a fish extra of Limited, packers, arrived from the | twelve cars left for the east, while there were five cars on the pas- east last night. senger, which left later. Seventeen lears of fish shipped by Ga sai ay | A funn said they ipress company in one day Pacific record for the In speaking of the cattle trade Or the west, Mr. one e@X- con- Were already receiving from the} stitutes a West a considerable number of/coast, or anywhere else. tattle and hogs, but they could} During the last three days over fake all that half a million pounds of halibut ward, could be sent for- has been landed at Prince Rupert. The month of November has rhe prices at the present time, started out so promisingly in this he claimed, were quite normal, considering conditions, and he|!ine that it will not be surpris- felt, after seeing the possibilities ing if Prince Rupert returns top of the west as a eattle and stock- | those of Seattle. raising country, that in the All along the waterfront the near future there should bc|greatest activity has been, and is During the last few naturally ‘ much greater shipment of live|still being, displayed, from the west to the east.Jrough weather of the weeks catches were facilities for raising of live when the stock i, 5 : sme ‘ weather 1 the west were immense, small and, é and with the continued demand | ™oderated and fares were more he farmers of the west should|@asily sot, the schooners and endeavor to prepare more animals|Steamers made for the naproat for the market. There is at the|POrt, which is Prince Rupert. Present time a considerable de- Prices have been high and some Nand from the old country, but of the boats must have made very this demand can only be cared satisfactory returns. for with the best class of stock.| Seattle will, of course, get its le did not see in the immediate|share of the big catches. In fact future ‘ny prospect of high prices|there are three schooners with but at the prevailing market!large fares on their way south The important point is that Rupert has caught the oat live stock could be profit- ‘bly raised by the farmers of both now. Prince meveast ang the west. eastern market first, after the WoL ul ee spell of bad weather, and the Bella ‘ na late editor of the|]probability is that, by the time how ing ad Courier, will describe}the south-going boats reach Se- the Libe ory machine works, atjattle, prices there may be lower obtaining in Prince than those Rupert during the past few days, so that the fishermen who sold here scored all along the line, val meeting Friday. shoes at rubbish Hart Block. High prices at Foge’s, lela 400 odd days in the year? Hear . L. Harris, at the Liberal meet- grade o a on w the crowd to Self'e M: ®* ‘There is a reason.. Next| ll Westie Theatre. 102¢f, |ing Friday. | On right is Col. A, H. Lee, M. attache L. G. He was born in Genoa, HAS BEEN REFLOATED (Special to The Daily News.) Nov. 4:—The Alas- which Vancouver, kan steamer Mariposa, went ashore near Bella Bella some time ago, was re-floated at high tide at 2 o'clock this morning and taken into old Bella Bella harbor It has been de- McLaughlin for examination. cided to tow her to Bay for repairs. PATHE FEATURE AT THE MAJESTIC THEATRi | | Pathe | “The Silent Chord,” the three-act drama showing at the} Majestic, is a very interesting | story of the re-union of a brother | extraordinary and sister, under after a lapse of; is the wife of circumstances, years. The sister a millionaire and the brother is a burglar and ex-convict. It is} a play of strong human interest, powerfully told. The situations | are intense, while the scenes are beautifully staged. The Pathe Gazette “His Fondest and “Safety First” The latter is an ex- is interest- ing as usual, and Hopes” pro- vide the fun, amusing comedy of the which there tremely whirlwind order, in are some novel aquatic stunts. ROGERS AND THE PREMIER WILL TOUR THE WEST Ottawa, Nov. 3.—Hon. Robert Rogers will leave for Winnipeg at the end of this week and will! start a speaking tour throughout the The Prime Minister is pre a western visit at an west, paring for early date. tary who was once civil lord of the Admiralty. to the United States army in and has be lthe tail LLOYD GEORGE’S CONSCRIPTION SECRETARIES P., Lloyd George’s private seecre- He was also British their war against Spain. Sir Money on the left is Lloyd George’s parliamentary secretary. en a financial Journalist. STEAMER MARIPOSA ‘THREE FIREMEN INJURED IN FIRE AT LOS ANGELES (Special to The Daily News.) Los Angeles, Nov. 4.—Fire last night destroyed half of the Doug- Damage to the extent of $200,000 was done be- fore the flames were conquered. Three firemen were injured. las building here. WILD LIFE FEATURES AT WESTHOLME THEATRE The Westholme is six reels of the displaying latest in The hunt- very animal photography. i : ‘ing scenes are remarkable in that shot, but captured alive in the most daring the animals are not fashion. The photographer must have had a gun in one hand wl ile crank with th hunter climbs a tree lhe turned the other. One land coolly pulls down a cougar by, »while another ropes a bear, after which bruin climbs a tree and tries to stay there. Che fishing and bird scenes are very interesting, the history of each type being traced from the egg stage up. The scenery de- picted is full of wild beauty. This series of six reels is educative as well as. being highly interesting and often exciting. “Polly of the Pots and Pans,’ a real good comedy, completes a great seyen-reel show. At the Liberal meeting Friday H,. L. Harris, of Bella Coola, will show there are 400 days in the year at Bella Coola, how Foge’s Leather Store, Hart BIk. for Shoe » Bargains, LIBERAL A Liberal meeting wil be Formerly Editor of the November fifth, commencing at 8:45 o'clock, store formerly occupied by Hoffman, adjoining Little's Pool Room, Second Avenue, SPEAKERS: T. D. PATTULLO Liberal Candidate for Prince Rupert Electoral District. —_—_AND-——— H. L. HARRIS EVERYBODY WELCOME MEETING held on Friday evening next, in the large Bella Coola Courier, TROOPS HAVE CAPTURED —_—_ (Special to The Daily News.) London, Noy. 4—Berlin admits of Von He has been foreed to retreat be- the -failure Hindenburg. fore the Russians for a distance of fifteen miles and has given up hope of being able to capture Riga and Dvinsk. Czernowitz Taken. The Russians have captured Gzernowitz, the capital of Buko- wina. Super-submarine Netted. Nov. 4.—A new Ger-| man super-submarine, launched at Stettin two weeks ago, has been captured in a British trap in the North Sea. It is reported that she was cap- Liverpool, hours after leaving her base. She 250 feet long and carried four heavy guns, in} addition to her torpedo tubes. Two German submarine crews TRAFALGAR DAY CON- TRIBUTIONS BY I. 0. D. E. At the monthly meeting of the Queen Mary Chapter of the I. O D. E. held on Monday, the follow- ing report of the gifts collected for the Trafalgar Day was read by Mrs. J. H. MeMullin. Socks were given by the follow- Eggert, Mrs. Jenns, Mrs. } Jennings, Mrs. MeCoskrie, Mrs. McNeil, Mrs. de Gex, Mrs. Du Ver-' tured a few was navy on ing: Mrs. net, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Collison, | Miss Seott, Miss West, Miss Da- | and Mrs. Ford. } MeMullin, the | Mrs. Bassett- Mrs. vies, Mrs. Naden, Wristlets by Mrs. ladies of Telkwa, Jones, Mrs. Hoffman, and Miss Ellett. Chap- man, Mufflers:—Mrs. Du Vernet. Chocolate:—Mrs. Spurr, Mrs. de Gex, Mrs. J. MeLeod, Mrs. Ar-! nold, Miss West, Mrs. Patmore, Mrs. Tite. Gum :—Mrs. Spurr. Orme. and Mr. Cigars:—Mr. C. HI. Tobacco:-—Mr. Orme, Homer. Cigarettes:—Mr. C, H. Orme, Mrs. A. Manson, Mrs. Beckwith, Mrs. Mustard. Mrs. MecMullin also reported that a bale containing the follow- ing had been sent to the camp at Vernon:——35 pairs of socks, 8 pairs of wristlets, 2 helmets, 14 searf. The report of the Trafalgar Day concert was presented by Mrs. McNeil. Receipts, » $90.00. Paid Westholme Theatre and orchestra, $60,00; to treasurer of Oo. D. B. for Red Cross Society, $30.00. A vote of thanks was passed to the following who so kindly as- sisted the members in making the evening a suceess: Mrs, Barnsley, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Heward, Mr. Albert, Mr. Balagno, and Mr. G. C, Boldrick. Fogg is clearing out children’s shoes at any old price. ALL HOPE OF TAKING RIGA OR .|safety of the 'weeks. It BERLIN ADMITS THAT GENERAL VON HINDENBURG HAS FAILED DVINSK ABANDONED—RUSSIAN CZERNOWITZ — GERMAN SUPER-SUBMARINE NETTED — SPIRITED WORK ON WESTERN FRONT were buried near Liverpool three weeks ago. Western Front. Paris, Nov. 4.—There is spirit- ed fighting with hand grenades in the vicinity of Lille, while an ar- tillery combat is being carried on from the rear lines. Von Buelow’s Denial. Lucerne, Nov. 4.—Prince Von Buelow, ex-Chancellor of Ger- many, who has arrived in Switzer- land, denies that his arrival there is for the purpose of discussing peace. G. C. Emmerson has sufficiently recovered from his wounds to be able to do clerical work in the army record office jn England. He jhas been discharged from active service. Mr. and Mra. Emmerson may remain in England fer some time. CHIEF ZIBASSA IS TEN DAYS OVERDUE entertained for the Chief Zibassa, of the Canadian Fish and Cold Stor- age Company. She left port for the fishing banks 24 days ago, and had supplies on board for two is possible that she sheltering somewhere Fears are has been ‘along the coast during the recent heavy gales, and that she will ‘turn up here in the next few days. ‘PRESIDENT OF TONOPAH CORPORATION IS HERE Fr. M. Holler, superintendent at the Surf Inlet Mines, arrived in yaccompanied by of Philadelphia, town yesterday Clyde A. Heller, ithe president of the Tonopah Cor- poration and of the Belmont-Can- adjan Mines, Limited, the com- pany which is doing the develop- ment work at Surf Inlet. PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES The following were amongst the first-class passengers on the Prince George this morning: H. Porter, R. B. Walker, Mr. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Mob- ley, H. Dube, J. Hoskins, B. W. Fleming, H. G. Bamford, W. E. Morphy, T. J. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. CG. W. Embleton, Mr. and Mrs. Mehalko, Mr. and Mrs. Searcy, Misses Bessie and Laura Taylor, Mr. and Mrs, Lowne, Mrs. Collier and child, Misses Collier, A. V. Noble, Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Barrow and Miss Barrow, Mr, McLowry and wife. LONDON CAFE And Grill DAINTY MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES