THE DAILY NEWS = —— ei | ee Sass | SHELL COMMITTEE | ‘THE Datny ‘NEWS ieee ee ee 3 TRAI ij THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BREFISH COLUMBIA } oe ye aS NS > WEE ! S Dd uf Ottawa, Nov. 3. ~A complete re- Published Daily and Weekly 3 Ps a IR» . SATURDAY mo Guaranteed Largest Circulation ir Hlorganization of the eel NDAY = THURSDay 10: | eo ee ee | 0:30 a.» rs ——— 9 =— eo == » == = shell committee will be made by | To E ' HEAD OFFICE eT RT a ; Lionel Hichens, who succeeds Mr. pmonton, SASKATOON, - Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. : ; ep es REGINA, WINNIPEG, LAURIER AND BORDEN Thomas, As stated by Mr. rhom- | ST. PAUL, 3 TRANSIENT PABPLAY ADVERTISING-—60 cents per inch. Contract IN CONFERENCE |<, the members of the committee | CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA nates on application. in any way interested in the man- | AND UNITED STATES 7 et e , ‘ men acture of munitions, will re-|} b , gs ie Ottawa, Nov. 3.—A conference | ufacture DAILY EDITION atfgpgae Thursday, Noy. 4, 4945. tire, including Col. Cantley, of| Ch 19 vas held on Monday between Sir ’ : : "e | a e In tea — wae ; FP) the Nova Scotia Steel Company, | nge mer Sai ilings Robert Borden and Sir Wilfrid) ; eda lie WINTER SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE Nov. 214 FROM PR PEACE TALK war must be continued with and Mr. Watts, of the Canada| INCE RUPERT ; . {Laurier dealing with the questio: aw 0 any For Vancouver, Victoria and Seatt| Hilaire Belloc, the well-| greater concentration and in- Foundry Company, S. 8. Pri a e Poe sin tat Seied of the extension of the term of General Bertram, whose valu- | mince George every Saturday at 9 a. known war correspondent and creased power by Britain and, } S. S. Pri R = - : her allies. jthe present parliament. lable services have been ee) wnOS upert Tuesday at 9 a.m military writer whose forecasts | S92 eg eae ledged by Mr. Thomas, is likely | For Anyox, Thursday Midnight. of the cause of the war have UNFOUNDED RUMORS MAIL FOR THE FRONT to remain on the committee UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SERV so far proved wonderfully cor- | meaner abasic baa . | ICE rect, states that the el There is no truth in the rumor In order to facilitate the hand- WOLVES IN WAR GO EAST via “Route of innumerable Marveign ‘erms snsive , : . . sPaay 88 > ‘ling of mail at the front and to Combine Pieasure German offensive may entirely|that the reason why “The Spoil-|ling TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON oTTaWa. With Business break down within two months /ers” was censored was that the |insure delivery, it is requested History tells that on Napoleon's ALL POINTS in EASTERN CANADA ang UNITED etn and that it is impossible that it}censor thought that it featured hye all mail be addressed as fol-|fatal retreat from Moscow the Including New York and Boston naaced +s : ties seal | wearie oops were consti UA can continue for more than | British Columbia political life, | lows: : jwearled troops -were constantly | Full Partiouiars Cheerfully Furnished three months. Mr. Belloc 1s | showing William Manson tied | a) Regimental Number...... jharassed by hungry wolf packs. ALBERT DAVIDSON, Genera! Agent not in the habit of guessing, {hand and foot along with thirty-; (b) Rank .................. |Now it is said that wolves have PHONE 2 but figures out results with! [seven others, while the bosses had OR eeeNNO 6 soak ce ck hee es |wathe red from their fastnesses in ee Ee mathematical exactitude. la high old time. d) Squadron, Battery or Gom-|the forests of Poland and South! = : i. The report that the German rae OY 4 4k thd 0 04 00s enne eae Russia to gorge upon the battle- | ex-chancellor is preparing There is a persistent rumor e) Battalion, Regiment, (or|fields of the eastern front. I 7. 1 / ag CANADIAN PACIFIC peace plans f or the considera- circulating to the effect that the} other unit) Staff appointment Some time ago an officer gave} — —— RAILW tion of President Wilson and/attorney-general knows now that OP TRGROMEIIONE a. 6 66 6 vos caecad a graphic description of the long! CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK AY King Alfonso of Spain lends/he blundered in stopping the elec- (f) Canadian Contingent ..... lines of wolves stealing from ae eee |] Lowest rates to all Eastern Points las ° ° ° ¢ sas . . nm color to the belief that the/tion last April, but Sir Diek can’t &) British Expeditionary force | the coverts at nightfall, passing DR. J. F. BROWN |] le Steamer to Vancouver and the Prussians have had enough of|get him to admit it. (h) Army Post Office, London,!within a few feet of him as he oa aa TisT CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWay it. However, this is simply more *s * 6 Unnecessary mention of higher |lay wounded. He said that the| ane Om ae Avenue Meals and berth included on steamer reason why. the Allies should There is a report that Sir Rich-|formations, such as brigades, di- sight of their gaunt forms. dimlv >| PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND , SATURDAY, © P. @ pursue the conflict with re-jard McBride's election speeches |visions, is strictly forbidden, and | finned: against the -davk tky, 2s | 2 PRINCESS a : : ; ; : SNR A Set, Oar er Ort aay Oe Y SOUTHBOUN newed energy. This war is be-|will begin with “Let us forget the |causes delay. they busied themselves with their SUNDAY, 6 ne . ing waged by the Allies with a|past, and think only of British|= ghastly feast, would neve! be | $ 4. G@ MONAB, General Agent view to promoting a permanent|Columbia’s glorious future.” Q jeffaced from his mind,—Ex P . Ru . Corner Fourth Gires and Thirt Av peace and such a peace is not eM hth SALLOW SKIN | : rince pert oi , possible so long as there is| It is stated that the only trouble} is one gt the RY foes of | oe |} Has cut the price of Milk the slightest danger of the|between Sir Richard and Ww. J.| WOMamly beauty. It is quickly | raiiea aatlhcg’ 4 : i that the cleared by correcting thecause ¥ FROZEN BAIT cae B.C. UNDERT Prussian coming back at aj}|Bowser now is that they cannot —c} soi liver— le e ; F 1021S iver with the aid | PURE H MILK later date with fresh battal-{/agree as to which is to be leader of the “gently a safe | ANI] FRES sunmna. -D — ions. The Allies have no idea/of the opposition. and dependable remedy— Delivered in city at 10c per BALMZRS — SATIGFACTION came of contemplating a peace set- Pee BEECHAM’ Ss IC E wasice: Lest xg ; en Ott ee tlement which would simply It is reported that William Jas Pt G laa a . . j one pi lZve i resolve itself into a lengthy|Manson is threatening to answer Pil LS 3 FINEST FROZEN HERRING aeicranee I - — truce, to be broken when the|the open letter handed him by the Office corner ud Strcet and sed aveuse K h d.|Bella Coola Gouri King for| mics een mi Suince-a-Bex Pith casera ee ANDREW JACKSON & CLAUS PETERSON eee beh cf October 18th, 1915. THE UNION STEAMSHIP €0., OF B.C. LIMITED ics S S VENTURE Salis for GRANBY, NAAG, and PORT SIMPSON, Bulbs, and Take Orders for le We Mondays at 11 ° Balls for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tucedays at & p. m. Alber t Rooms ___ Mureery Stock. SAILS for STEWART, GRANBY, Saturda S. S. CAMOSUN October 9f 2nd nd, 1th, B6th, Geenee aa’ arin, znd Avenue——— Chicken | Feed A Specialty. Salis for MASSETT, PORT cL CLEMENES Sunday P. M., October 3rd, 17th, Close to the Westholme Theatre ay pain for November 14th, Zain, Decem er 32 th, 26th. ae Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. November 2nd, 16th, 30th, December q4th, 28th.” . ; CENTRALLY LOCATED Yeu een eee Baile for BELLA GOOLA, RIVERS INLET and the South, Thursday P. M., | P. O. Box 833. 808 Third Ave. October 7th, 21st, Sooke 4th, 18th, December 2nd, 46th, aBth. ‘ STRICTLY MODERN veunee “dendiin JOHN BARNSLEY, .Agent. RENTS REASONABLE , 8. 0. 623 Second Avenue. Phene 568. Weekly or Monthiy by Arrangement wr f UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT See a Ean epateetoenires —_—. thal "you. ta ides. oka Pumps Hose Paint Worn member Men AE aa gS 2 tl etre ; Btoves and Ranges ARubberoid Roofing Corrugated iron ti { of the anily 6" Secrets tir: i but wn After i rs with BABY’S OWN SOAP oe } Je Zevrotions Devt. i), #0, Cornmaltis Toa, aisles skin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BECT” aroma of freshly cut flowers. Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some ™ the refreshing sleep which “Baby’s Own Soap” enjoy. Especially for nursery use insist on “Baby's Ow! ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, - os a ADVERTISE IN SOLD S SEALERS | TE DaILy NEws RESS C WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. G. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT, © OFFEE