A Daily Treat— Always Acceptable and Delicious. “SALADA” The Tea of all Teas. Geta a cup Black, Green } or Mixed ewe “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Six White Leghorn hens, through moulting. $1.00 each. Two good White Leghorn cockerels, $2.00 each— 827 Summit Avenue. 59. FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock Homer Pigeons, mated and squab pro- ducing, at a bargain; also Belgian Hares. Apply 925 Borden St. tf. WANTED. girl to care for two Apply 217, 4th Ave.,E. WANTED—Young small children. WANTED—General servant. Apply to Mrs. O'Reilly, 230 Fifth Ave., East. WANTED—Young man, experienced, for grocery delivery. Apply P.O. Box 98, City. DRESSMAKER—Capable of making suits and doing ali kinds of sewing wants work, will go out by the day. Apply Box 114 Daily News. * 242-7. LOST LOST PROPERTY—Francis William Scott, late Lieutenant Royal Navy, deceased.— information is desired as to the present whereabouts of two trunks containing personal effects, property of deceased, believed to have been stored by him on leaving for England with the Canadian Engineers in August, 1914. Communi- cate with Wilson & Whealler, 202 Winch é. Building, Vancouver, for McLeod Eyre Dowling & Co., Solicitors, London, Eng. $60.00 REWARD offered to any person or persons finding the body of Y. Fukuda, drowned off village Island, Skeena river, October 12th. M. Sekitani, Balmoral) Can- nery, Jap Contractor. = Sheet Metal Work ! Now is the time to have your roofs repaired, eve- troughs and skylights seen to, and heating plant put in good shape for the winter. In such Cases Consult a Practical Man if You Want Results _I served a regular appren- tice at the Sheet Metal and Heating business, in a regu- lar Sheet Metal Shop Not in A Jam Factory. C. 0. ROWE The Practical Sheet Metal Man PHONE 340 P. O. BOX 467 Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms 322 SECOND AVENUE Estimates Furnished to Can- tractors and others Free T3" IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patented 1815) is made to meet the demand for Hot Water instantly and without additional fuel being used. WARNING! Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Coll tay | themselves open to prose- |! cution equally with thef parties manufacturing or making same. Now Is your chance to get the best In Hot Water Heating Appli- ancee— Coll Connected........ $20.00 Coll minus Connections. .§15.00 Your Money Back if it Dont suit. As I own and control the above, no one can put same in. Shall vig- orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANSON Phone 489 P. O. Box 396 package and enjoy of Tea “In Perfection". VON TIRPITZ NOW IN DISGRACE WITH . Amsterdam, Nov: 3.—The Rot- terdam newspaper Maasbode says that Admiral Von Tirpitz, German|qay and hear Mr. Harris explain minister of marine, has fallen in- to disgrace with Emperor Wil- liam. = ESE = BREAD, PIES AND PASTRY Miss James has opened The WOMAN’S HOME BAKERY On Third Ave. opposite Second St. Try her delicious bread and dainty cookies, pies, and all the delieacies mother used to make. MUSIC CKARI.ES BALAGNO (Pianist at Westtolme) TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE TERMS MODERATE, Phone Biue 408 Srd Aves. Box 1@--1st Ave., between 8th and 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Bot 17—ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen- tral Hotel.) GIROUIT NO. &. Box 22—38rd Ave. and (Post Office.) Box 23—Srd Ave. and McBride St. Box 2@—ist ave. and McBride St. Box 26—2nd Ave and gfnd St. Box 26—2nd Ave. and 6th St. Box 27-—G. T. P. b CIRCUIT HO. 8. Box 815th Ave. and Fulton 8t. Box 32—Borden and Taylor Sts. Box 34—7th Ave. and Fulton St. Box 36—-9th Ave. and Comox Ave. Box 87—8th Ave. and Dodge PI. 5th Ave. and Thompson 8t. 8ra_ St. Box 38 CIRCUIT NO. 4. Box 414th Ave. and Emmerson PL Box 42--5th Ave. and McBride St. Box 43-—-5th Ave. and Green St. Box 446th Ave atid Best! St. Bou 45—7th Ave. and Box 141—7th Ave. and Young 8t. tition iootikk ict ick FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1. @ox 12-—5th Ss. and 8rd Ave. Box 13—6tb St. and 8rd Ave. Box 14—8th St. and 8rd “ey Box 16—Junction of ist, #nd and rk rocoto. BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on ; Delivery ‘ Money Back If Not Satis- 3 4 factory UMN TRANSFER, 0, tet a rroey Walker’s Music Store Removed to Werner’s Old Stand 3} On Second Avenue. PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. ; Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. Pianos to Rent. oe wok AUTO DELIVERY ee EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE tains sh, Phone Red 339 FOR TAXI Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert oe PROLOOPLD ling. danelles. Former pupil of F. @. Strong. S HE DAILY NLWS Local News Notes Mrs. Berryman, of Port Essing- |; ton, is visiting in Prince Rupert. * . . Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Mobley re- turned from the south this morn- { c I \ * * * Mr. and Mrs. CG. W. Embleton|' ( returned home on the _ Prince George today shipments from the mines of the meo ( y. sai Rast A Granby Company now are sent by | Wanted, by lady, a room with|paijpoad. The shipments are} private family. Apply Box 115.) ..eraging 4,000,000 pounds ye Ba ey a. month, Mr. Sylvester’ expects) 6.0536 that the price of copper will drop} Go to the Liberal meeting Fri- calendar. * * . | the Tory A. H. Barrow, the well known engineer ,returned from Victoria this morning, accompanied by Miss Barrow. oe. hie Mrs. V. C. brothers fighting Zealand contingent Mrs. and Knowles has two with the New}, * ¢ ¢ The nursing staff of the general hospital gave a jolly little dance in the Steele Block last About twenty-séven couples were t present, and everybody had a de- District, B. C. lightful time. s 2s s piration of one month from the date of the ,first publication of this notice, Richard St. Andrew's Society will hold|B. McGinnis will under Section 7 of the ; 1 ss Act, § , ster of Public its annual ball on the evening of |5*!4 Act. apply to the Minister of Publi ; i Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, Nov. 30th, St. Andrew’s night, in| ror approval of the satd site and plans, st. Andrew's Hall. Proceeds, over |" for leave to construct the said wharf, . ‘ DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this expenses, will be given to the]oonq aay of October, A. D. 1915. Patriotic Fund. poe GRANBY COPPER WILi as soon as the war ends, but! states that business conditions at NAVIGABLE WATERS’ PROTEC-| in the Dar-|the said act, deposited with the Minister at Prince Rupert, B. C., the site and of the plans for a wharf proposed to be bullt in Alice Arm, Obser- night. | vatory Inlet, British situate about 3-4 miles south of the south Thur day, Novem ber 4 —_—— 1945 - , rr BE SHIPPED VIA CANAL ———-+— Seattle, Nov. 2.—F. M. Sylves- er. of Vancouver, B. C., general nanager of the Granby Smelting ‘ompany, in Seattle today de- lared that shipments of copper yy steamship direct from Vancou- er to New York will be inaugu- ,anama vated as soon as the ‘anal is opened to traffic. Copper resent are very satisfactory. } — ee TION ACT. R. S. C. Chapter 115. RICHARD B. MecGINNIS' hereby gives 10tiée that he has, under Section 7 of ff Public Works at Ottawa, and in the Mice of the District Registrar of Titles i a description of Columbia, at a point ‘ast corner of Lot 1074, Range 5, Coast) AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex RICHARD B. McGINNIS, Applicant. ~ = PPOPL POEL LAI Launch Alice B. Minis Marine as a Approved by ter of Passenger Boat. For terms and particulars Call .W. J. THOMAS, Green 391. Phone. | CORPORATION OF THE CITY 61 | PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. | Telephone Wire Chief Required. ae | Applications will be received by Supt.! of Telephones at City Hall, up to 4p. m.,! Monday, November sth, 1915, for the} position of Wire Chief for the Municipal Telephone’ Exchange. Experience to be stated, and copies of testimonials enclosed. | Se Tee | LAND REGISTRY ACT Notice Under Section 36. TAKE NOTICE that an application has | been made to rigister Antonello Angelo, | of Prinee Rupert, B. C., a8 the owner in Fee-simple, under Tax Sale Deeds from the collector of the City of Prince Rupert, to Antonello Angelo, bearing date the 17th day of September, A. D. 1915, in pur- suance of a Tax Sale held by said Munici pality on or about the 9th day of Septem ber, 1914, of all and singular certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- ate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rupert in the Province of British Colum- bia, more particularly known and describea as>—Lot Four (4), Block Forty-five (45); Lot Eight (8), Block Forty-seven (47); Lot Thirty-five (35) and Thirty-six (36), Block Fifty-one (51). All in Section Eight (8), Map 923. You and those claiming through or un- der you, and all persons claiming any in- terest in the said land by descent whose title is not registered under the pro- visions of the “Land Registry Act” are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within forty-five days of the service of this notice upon you, Other- wise you and each of you will be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the said land, and I shali register the said Anton- ello Angelo as owner in fee, Your attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act” and amend- ments, and especially to the following ex- tract therefrom which relates to the above hotice:— “And in default of @ caveat or cer- tifcate of lis pendens being filed before the registration as owner of the per- sons entitled under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, or ser- ved with notice under subsection (6) of section 155 of the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,” or section 293 of the “Municipal Act’, or section 139 of the “Assessment Act, 1903,” or section 253 of the “Taxation Act,” in cases in which notice under this Act is dispensed with as hereinafter provided, and those claiming through or under them, and all pereces claiming any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered in- Strument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose litle is not registered under the pro- visions of this Act, shall be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land 80 sold for taxes.” Dated at the Land Registry Office, at the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, this 28rd day of October, A. D, 1015, a H. F, MACLEOD, District Registrar. fo Grand Trunk Pacific Dev. Co, Ltd, B. L, Tingley, R. 8. Ross, Amanda Andersoa, J, P. Conrad, OPOPPOR PD DOD OOH y = * POPC o ogy 006065, CAVENAILE & HANNAN LTHE FASHIONABLE STORE - CORNER OF Thy Wo Freshly Roasted Coffee : Received Twice Weekly ; Our Special WHOLE ROASTED COFFEE 35c. per lb. - 3-lbs for $1.00 Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction Our Best Whole Roasted Coffee - 50c. Ih The Finest That Money Can Buy All Coffees Ground Without Extra Charge Ls Best of Service and Top Quality m All Groceries PHONES - 187 and 493 POPOPI— + — CODEN PLOLOPLEEPOLEOPPPORORD LDR bO+O Tickets ere eRe to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- mark, Finland, ttaly and Russia. CHRISTMAS SAILINGS From New York November mber Voy Have Your Berth Reserved at Ones For Rates, llustrat Poiders snd General Informati Apply + DYBHAVN & HANBON Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B. ©. oor Office and Factory: NSPECTION of the Gillette Safety Razor by mechanical experts and men of judg- ment shows clearly WHY seven million shavers prefer it. The thin, flat blade is tempered to a uniform hardness impossible in an ordinary thick-backed razor. As a natural result, it takes an edge unequalled for even keenness. The curved holder supports the blade close to the shaving edges, preventing all that vibration which makes hollow-ground open blades and other safeties pull and irritate when they strike a stiff beard. Then there’s the adjustable feature, exclusive to the Gillette. Bulldog’’, “ Arwtocrat” and Standard Sets, $5.00—Pocket Editions, $5.00 to $6.00—Combination Sets, $6.50 up. 70 Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited The Gillette Bldg. - Montreal ont we By asimple turn of the wrist you can regulate a Gillette shave to 4 nicety—light, medium or as close as you like. The toothed guard ensures safety, and permits such free and rapid strokes that a smooth, clean Gillette shave need take no more than three minutes. Inspect the Gillette and you'll buy it—and shave in comfort thereafter. Go to it! Your Drugg'st Jeweler or Hardware Dealer wi ancy parade the Gillette Line efore you.