THE DAILY NEWS SS —— of. ae a <= — Sa vi, NO. 259. PRINCE RUPERT, B. G, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 194% Ae ie asia ‘ i in , » Gs ; 9, 1919 PRICE FIVE CENTS ee emerges Re nee — eo epee genre renee nom ee FEARLESS SPEECH BY VENIZELOS—SERBIANS ARE STILL STUBBORNLY RESISTING = eee SERBS OFFER DETERMINED RESISTANCE TO BULGARIANS ps HOLD BABUNA PASS—BULGARIANS LOSE HEAVILY— THE MONTENEGRINS DEFEAT AUSTRIANS ON DRINA —GREEK CABINET CRISIS — VENIZELOS SPEAKS OUT—GERMANS REPULSED SER (Special to The Dailty News.) N 5.—The Serbians| ence, all political parties to a confer resisting the| ministerial crisis will end today. defeated by 147 Rabuna Pass firmly and/ votes to 114 on a vote of con- rminedly vasion, and are hold- Zaimis was have n off the Bulgarians | fidence after an altercation be- losses. tween ex-Premier Venizelos and — . : releg thie communication | his followers and M. Yanakitsas tween Saloniki, Mon-| Minister of war. Nish, which confirms Venizelos, in an gutspoken, the S i eport that the Bul-| fearless speech, declared that the s have not yet succeeded} crown has no responsibility under g Monastir. Montenegrin Success. 4 | Vishegrad the Monte-| the constitutional government and said that it was only tolerated by cabinet owing to the con- negrins have taken sixty Austrian] stitutional dead-lock caused by ind have repulsed the|the King’s action, an artillery duel on the Germans Repuised. enemy Drina. Paris, Nov. 5.—German troops Greek Crisis. were repulsed in a surprise attack Athens, Nov. 5.—King Constan-|on the French trenches between tine has summoned the leaders of the Oise and th Aisne. ITALIAN ACQUITTED WHEN VENIZELOS AND ON MURDER CHARGE) CONSTANTINE DIFFERED (Gpeclel to ‘The Sens weer? In view of the resignation of New Westminster, Nov. 5 K ’ Ferrante, the Italian sec- tion hand, who was charged with oS the Zaimis cabinet in Greece, it is interesting to recall the causs of M. Venizelos’ resignation. The Kng and M. the murder of Jesse Magoon, an engineer at the Vedder Mountain Venizelos were both sub-station of the B. G. Electric |agreed that Greece must mobilize Raily on June 42th, has been ac-|her army, but differed as to the ti tte ae object of the mobilization. Magoon was found on his bed, a “M. Venizelos laid down two slot through the heart, after an alarm of fire had been answered, and it was at first believed that ceceased had been conditions as a sine qua non of his remaining in power—tirstly, that the mobilization, which was asphyxiated. lived close by the shack of deceasea. defensive in character, should preserve that character even if it was used to beat off a Bulgarian attack on Serbia; that any guarantees the central powers should not be Ferrante, the section hand, rhe affair is a atin wes mystery. and, secondly, Chiliren’s shoes practically Hart Block, ll. L. Harris, late editor of the |#arian dange mans really wished to prevent a conflict they prevent Bul- offered by Rive way at Fogg’s } 8, considered as removing the Bul r, because if the Ger- Be] : ; , s ‘a Coola Courier, will describe how the Tory machine works, at |@reco - Bulgarian the Liberal meeting Friday. should and could garia from attacking Serbia. Sororrros MAJESTIC :; THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow a “King Constantine protests against Serbo-Greek treaty to include as the enemies of Greece any allies of Bulgaria who attack Serbia. A lively incident illustrating the real feelings of the Greek parlia- ment and people occurred during any extension of the Don't Miss It—A Whale of a Show i, Broadway Star Feature E WAY OF THE TRANSGRESSOR IN THREE EXCITING ACTS “LIFE auarp” Keeves, the Comedian, the sitting of the Chamber of Deputies just before Venizelos re- Venizelos, after hav- Featuring Billie clever Music Hall ove and sia signed, M. L AT THE THROTTLE” — ing repeated that the cabinet in- A Fhriting Railroad Drama. 3 tended to fulfil its obligations to- Bulgaria = IT THE TRUTH”—Essanay * Good Comeay, Serbia in case country, wards ADMISSION 10 and 15 conte. attacked that turning towards the press gallery, Coming Mendek® cant y and Tuesday, 15th if m “Only some journalists, corrupted by foreign gold, can dream of welede of “The Broken Colin.” his Great Serial has been extend- preventing Greece from pursuing the path of honor.” ed f Sroee rom 15 to 22 Episodes. Some of the journalists, rising in order to protest, the Premier called out in a loud voice, “Go; your place is not here.” At these words the entire As- sembly burst into applause, and crowd to 8elf’s|loudly Premier. There is a reason , Next|Reuter. Theatre 102tf. Now that added, Follow the Cafe. Maje Stic cheered the likely Venizelos is and jit is expected that the | | = G reece THE SITUATION IN SERBIA The map indicating the position of the Bulgar-German armies who have joined hands, shows why Lord Lansdowne has little hope of the Allies being in time to help Serbia against the overwhelm- ing strength of the enemy in this field. However, the British and French reinforcements which are being rushed north from Saloniki may be in time to avert the “threatened rout of the Serbians. t ( ‘ E. H. MAYNARD'S HOUSE {STRUGGLES OF GERMANS — sister of Mrs. cause of the fire is unknown. Maynard, who was formerly jan- wounds sustained at the front. sible chanee of saving it, Tt is Prince Rupert and well amongst the old timers, while on a visit to his old home in Ireland. He formerly worked for George W. Morrow. ON THE RUSSIAN FRONT The following extract from the BURNED LAST NIGHT About 7 o'clock last night fire destroyed completely the home of diary of a German soldier, who Mrs, B. H. Maynard, on Bleventh|was killed on t he Russian fro‘, Avenue. Mrs. Maynard was injspeaks volumes for the effective- the city at the-time of the out-|ness of Russian methods in re b reak, the two children being in/treat: he house, in charge of a youngel Korstheu, September 18, Maynard. ‘The}Here again’ is a destroyed bridge Mr, crosses on the graves of fallen soldiers, dead horses, the very air is tainted. What drops of per- tor at the city hall, is at present spiration fall from us, the fa- n England recovering *» from Ligue grows ever greater, | am al- ready half-filled with water, Order to retire on the first village. Arrived there, but the houses Further, back again rhe fire brigade was quickly yn the seene, but the fire had got i firm hold on the house and its are in ruins, to the next village, And the same thing recomme es, ontents and there was no pos ruins again. rot known whether it was insured, which we owe to these dear Rus- $= Morton, of{Sians, three or four times over. Then, at the end of our strength we reach some straw huts. Everv- thing is carried off, and we camp Harry formerly known has died where we are. But give us any rest, these Russians Greatest shoe bargains ever, it Fogg’s Leather Store. shivers. When the few fields of i people wll be given the tunity to honor.” potatoes igain to be in power, the Greekj means of nourishment, have dis path ofjhere are very scarce, When th snow again covers the soil, what “follow the they won't What scoundrels they are. The thought of winter gives me the which are our sole oppor-|appeared, what will we do? Cattle BRITISH COLUMBIA DEMANDS NEW YORK CUSTOMS OFFICER BRITISH COLUMBIAN BOARDS OF TRADE DEMAND THAT OTTA- WA APPOINT OFFICIAL TO SUPERVISE SHIPMENTS IN BOND THROUGH THE CANAL—RAILWAY INTERESTS ARE INVOLVED (Special t> The Dally News.) the province of British Columbia. Vancouver, Nov. 5.-—At a joint | A deputation of the Canadian British Columbian|Manufacturers’ Association, as > | it was decided jlong ago as last May, waited upon neeting of Boards of Trade, to make a demand on the Federal | Premier Borden at Ottawa to a| present the arguments favoring customs officer at New York, so/the installation of a customs of- York. Sir Robert promised full consideration and government that it appoint as to permit British Columbia to| fice at New get the benefit of the Canal. It is alleged that the rail-| “wad companies are behind the | js known, that answer has never Panama an answer later, but, so far as : | government's inacton in the mat-j|been given. ter. | All that is asked is that the Do- J minton government place an of- The delay of the government in granting bonding | shipments in bond from points which has been part | in eastern Canada, via the canal, ar-|to British Columbia. Dominion | ficer at New York to supervise privilege, of the rangements between Canada and | nena the United States for the past | 400 odd days in the year? Hear forty years, is regarded as a dis- \H. L. Maot ORNS. of the rignte of\ing Friday. RE L TERRIBLE DEED BY SIX MORE. LINERS WILL PLY PACIFIC A SEATTLE PLUMBER New York, Nov, 4.——Philip Man- Seattle, Nov. son, a director of the Pacifle astern Steamship Company, re- - lipsaelint a plumber aged 45, killed cently incorporated in this state,|his wife and blind daughter; declared tonight that within two | fatally injured another daughter, fatally injured his international trade Harris, at the Liberal meet- 5.— George 8. months his company will have jand probably the/son, and then committed suicide | family six vessels operating under American flag between American;With a revolver at the lhome on Lueille St. at an early The terrible ports on the Pacifie coast ant jhour this morning. ' > . Manson, who is to be manager | deed was the outeome of a family Follette |quarrel, Oriental points. of the line, says the La seaman’s act, which goes into ef- oa un rene Constable Adams reeeived a l}German water-bottle from Billy Kirke last night. It is on view at Cole’s Cigar Store. fect today, is net as harmful as some steamship owners have sought to make it appear. “The seaman’s law is a much over-rated bugaboo,” he said. At the Liberal meeting Friday H. L. Harris, of Bella Goola, will! show how there are 400 days in the year at Bella Coola. Discussing the recent sale of the Pacific Mail line steamers by their owners rather than register them under the American flag, Mr. Manson said he believed they Blair Fleming, of Vancouver, were disposed of because they]. ; “lis here on business. could be sold at a profit. It is sia cs ce pa tie acer aeae Manson’s opinton that the lan- oe guage—whieh has been greatly EST ii 0 LM objected to—would not prove highly objectionable. OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW 8 REEL sHow AT POPULAR PRICES “THE TEST” THRER REEL FEATURE. ‘MAREL AT THE WHEEL’—Keystone Comedy, Featuring Charles Chap- lin and Mabel Normand—? reels “THE ROAD O’ STRIFE’’—Eleventh Episode. “DREAMY DUD’'—Screaming cartoon Within a month, he thinks, the Pacifie Mail line spoke English, could have taugh language well officers, who their crews their enough to comply with the law. With thé act 75 per cent of the crew must understand the lan- guage of their officers. LIBERAL MEETING A Liberal meeting wil be held on Friday evening next, November fifth, commencing at 8:15 o’elock, in the large store formerly occupied by Hoffman, adjoining Little's Pool Room, Second Avenue. SPEAKERS: T. D. PATTULLO Liberal Gandidate for Prince Rupert Electoral District. AND———-— H. L. HARRIS Formerly Editor of the Bella Coola Courier, EVERYBODY WELCOME will we do without any shelter? Comedy and Seenes of the Colo- rado Canyon. “A FOWL DEED"—Roughhouse com- edy—“Henpeck gets a night off”, C omedy. sHow STARTS aT ‘SEVEN "SHARP A eomrade of mine declares that all these who brought about this ¥war ought to be placed in a mor- tar gun, and bang! 1! think he is quite right.” wor The G, T, P, steamer Henriette brought in three earloads ol blister copper from Granby yes. terday, for transhipment east. The consignment represented LONDON CAFE And Grill DAINTY MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES about 100,000 pounds. ST Odd sizes up to $6.00 for $2.50 at Foge's. ee eee Sa