EFAD Oaily News Buildiag, 3rd Ave, Prove TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 34 conte per rt OFrrice Rugert. BC. Telephone 96 gates «2 agpisc2int DAILY EDITION = petit. Hes. 6, 2000 asc — Se ee A Great Aid to Health AS the great Literal m*cting SLE BetUS <7 thas the cr Dp? La . - veal tin tea Werte a Gerrans 2 Sex = ens. 3. D. PSas ae % 3 eres is years Damerermet wnict tee TM ieremes Beeertarn S - cone Laseeere_ Eagle. é fm Deo — er% aczinst &. and ee ee ee ee ae ee 7 : $ : 7 . - c - e = ‘ sort. delivered am adic tes ¥ ann Maasom says the ac is apes & 3 sppis sais are correct W bss a a eee ae ae ee . - > 2° - i + : s > ~—> be searchiahi of sound =- arrears Save Seen pee. ™ s+ i aomte the aservative netameses. the accounts sts be province in this manne > Tite eueld wo Get ons ‘ sl ex aterm B wisness. 2nd then proweedied t ’e stpressiy HM is sp to th Ww Ryeser SOGM Db oes =) - 2 s: this meams that thes on rts es S t Sastry ss ride them with deadly pre- Journal to try some more jar- **** * os oe . z tase fall beac m$ Looe - - GSi 2DC r 2 me Gre a gectare of gitnz. evitaMy (415 S2ck lo wv ‘ — 5 * o>" om - : = ° . British Columbia bound. gag- eee eee —— . ners fore the government Removal of Unius: Licences cet end belpless. empc =) (O¢ LIBERALS HAVE CROWDED ? , ” : : . shead the govermment2! charzes - si aiso re © 2 ios sre5 z nservaiive boes- AND ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING 7 r re P rae aml lh Mr meer weld gboat er tips talsng 4 : 4 omens Ft respect just as be did im cop- cences SR. are nos CLS Eee teeter zi apd agricultersi| Continued From Page One a an aa _—— ‘ aio t ection with the unpaid—for iand«' The +pOe a at 1% tee % res mess : $ Bes province. j aca | endeavor arry out.” and upon the cocasiom of the evenine ho works siside : ba wbile any enterprising individ! 3 ; i iaetitieeeia dill Dn Midi ee taal Opie a a saving . 2] who endeavored to do rez =F tea to Gea ia tS f abuse m whet be induized i ceil eee oe Financial Howsecteaning. Vancpuver im 2 vain attempt 60? Pick becense. gun licens gzers eu ‘ xs Bs ee ee There must be 2 thorough in- reply te the charges made by the se. trappers : e ei sted a aida estzgation imtoo the financial af-| Ministerial Union m their pamph- ss t f BoE fe inane bizivs of the province Snace et called “The Crisis be man-libe< gs e2 . . 2 . PP BP byt t bes been 2 = . »* A taapca : 2 3 is af Th na 3 as or we Ss ore Zz the mer se «xb & Bowser ae bs at Zz 2 - tase of applying to Be . . - -2 2 Sous G ge vs ; SBxcs De Bruised & bis satellites, for permission to) POR? application of m as} fully do up his friends, the spec- s : ees walk the carth and breathe the (*22St the Bundreds { thou-[ulators. is nothing to the manner : air of British © er | ds im Manitoba where Minis-'in which his administration has Manufacturing - : : : . re f the “cE are now «tand_ = the moblie of Ftettich a = - i was 2 GSghting spec eer Pe ee = Fee , every word of which rang irue = trial for fraud and perjury mbia for the past years. 2 pro- z : a the aneech of 2))De since more than enough has cess wt was only made pos- . ‘i e . rs . ~~" + . - = > +> > ~o 7 i [> z z » ft _— => ~ = Sms t 2.2 iD 321 the #457 £ Zz x r a * = hat bee in oe = y ofa = . * #> = t beets mond Peo Gow s $ a4 Das Dest = = -< =Ts : - ¥ 2 > OTM 20DG DOE i072 =o ahess af “the atull” teat th for years bre of our own representat : faMAN=o@ % mand s hvu east f the pr _ Many areas rt sss aoe ‘ 2 F pe im tte FoweeA thee - +> > . —— > > - _ - eatice the peop be done. | 2teatts Iroug ze held ; sid ; Z neni Ms re Nee s asiway coarantiees and has «ntf- asseg 2s ti beran-<-+ the z Zz mes Chieti eit tie ae ered also through the knowled 2 er be logged up s larz si8 £ th 4 is, eernsid at &h aa TY, ¢ + thee - s Te = +s *% a ott tows: aa a2 18 ~ "s sa = a ® olf se Se. 7s e = = ' was 1 *472I2 : = “i all i a . - > - Dae alll ‘atin stration of affairs is in the ope uand.oggers. Ais 4 The Government's Duty ands« f men wh have beer f bese are held tween ‘ y thes — * thes cur —- — + attesting . => a ee? si te> s tae pl - 23 . > . s> OSs > Se mee for personal gain ment. which is a mistake “ es and . 2 A Snaneia! housecleaning DF 2 Agriculture. ent must tak nee 2iministration will do much Our agriculteral areas must We need pay r ta the confidence of the tes eloped Caenditions are usua to the : g mvesting public in B. C. securi- js adverse to the starting of =e aS . twee preje due to competition fr f tions of t : political expediency. In st Dereiop Our Resources der mmunities, but these r The speake liming the Liberal piatior hee Every energy must be bent to- ficulties are gradually ower *.\ whenever the . eds did pot sa sp int oe ads warce bp and deveiop- A arefu ¥ conceived pia z fi r « amd wr oe band down the|i@e owr natural resources so thai r unity setilement must ands gove ’ Iz Le? yeid terms ur population may become sel{- worked out s that mstead of jis i f - e dezlt with the deve sustaining To much stressisettiers beme seatitered as [ s of the prov- not be izid upon this point. (present. thus rendering the main-/ . Apart f slong sane. businessiik-|l! this plan had been begun ten itenance of roads. schools . MW nex, providing for the suste_|)*2rTs 260 we would not now be delivery, et possible, all thes fe ‘s nance of cur population, as the uncomfortable position in facilities may be afforded juirements f egzinet the enrichment of tt which we now find ourselves The Liberal platiorm pr ies ained we part wt I apitalist. In dealing at length Timber. for ioans to settlers upon easy | platform with Workinen’s Compensat in the matier of timber we have | teTms. but there are other con-| Coa! Mines. he showed that the Liberals had|some of the finest in the worid,/*'¢erations also which ente to} For instance. “G " { for years demanded an ade-|yet for years the lumber trade bas |‘%¢ problem, such as the market- jm st velop cheap f rt guate compensation act, and|ianguished. Instead of mouthinz|'™¢ of the produce and all these |gove ent sh hesit { slated that such an act would| nebulous nothings about the wor-|“inés must be taken into a _— and reg le mediately passed by the|ders of B. C., if the government |v/unt If a comprehensive schen a | f al wy . *w existing «0 Ul Liberal administratiorz while|had turned its serious attention "24 been begun years agi we | the s ght the Conservatives are «c a2 common sense way to as-|*' id not now be importing tt jat a reas able ¢ : { to dangle a tentative act before|«isting the lumbering interests t |*u¢¢ amount of agricultural pro-jthose wh i f mines the public as political bait. Mr.]find and retain a ready market, |6ucts which we now a ishould ha ery { t ’ ; Patiullo showed that he had an|that business would be on a very Mining. life and b niimate knowledge of condi-|different basis today: The rep- Encouragement should be give | Workmen's Compensation Act. tions in this part ofthe prov-|jresentative of this district wouid)to the mining industry. No bette The Libera! party is ; 2 ute, and that he is just the |probably say that the lumber bus-|man lives than the genuine miner.}immediately pass a ads at man to assist im the wholesale |iness was now being carefully in- {Not the fireside miner who sit-|Workmen’s Compens Act . . a ; house-cleaning which is long|vestigated by the Minister of jaround 4 warm stove telling ofthe|The present government } ving overdue Lands. A friend of Mr. Pattulio’sjhills that he is going to pul!|that this had been a plank in the : i cugeienosinn had told. him that he had re-|down, but the good old sourdough |Liberal platform for- years p- : - _ -» ' JUGGLING ceived more than a dozen letters;who puts a pack on his back |pointed a commission in this The Journal attempts some|from the representative of this|treads a4 trailless tract and bur-|lier and last sessi 4 vas crude juggling when it tries tojdistriet over a period of a couple |rows into the hills, giving to the}laid on the table of the risla- explain away the overpayments|of years and each letter adviged|world new and untold wealth for|ture as a consequence of the re- made to J. W. MacFarlane, the|him that the subject matter was/the benefit of generations tolport of that commission. but Bella Coola road and vote boss.|being carefully investigated. jcome. Tangible assistance can belaction was taken. McKenzie and The public accounts, from ist The Liberal party favors ajand should be given to legitimate|Mann took good care of that. A a4°¢ ‘ -y ; . . . . April, 1913, to March 31ist,|policy of timber for actual users | prospects. though the attorney-general re- 1914, distinctly show that thisionly. At the present time there | Fishing. cently lauded the perfect ‘ | sue 9 PE See Ss : eretw - 2 9 ara — : : man ee wages for 243 \are large areas held for specula-| No opportunity should be over-' this bill, he has since appointe: 5. sini > | ce . days at $5 22 days at $5.50 tive purposes which cannot be |looked to encourage this industry.| another commissi ne membe 2 5s > 4 . and one ab at $155. The made use of for years: It is a It should be removed from the'of which is a menibas : EMPRESS C WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR Camptrect Investigation Proves Sat vers dseme gems bere oeT in he waste csof te bts, Dart tet, ; --ewe harmo germs tear on the Bie 7 iimese Beep pone brweis See mnt we Die Tegaiened BEECHAM'S PILLS whack ceomorty and surety relieve corset cation, ncigesoo, en@cick tertecte 40Ther are ecard Gam rage of vapemae crigw—Sarniess and met Rabit4ermme The experience of thzee pereramens sow tac Beecham’s Fills crervect Geese and are TO EDMoNTOs REGINA, WINNIPEC CHICAGS. EASTEEs AND UNITED Change in Steamer Sail ing WUNTER SCHEDGLE EFFECTIVE wos “7 POO = STar it fecm 2 For Vancouver. Victoria and Seact.« S$. S. Prince George « Salurday 2: > a S. S& Prince Rupert Tucsdey 213: - For Anyor, Thursday Mic. UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTE® avi Mar nay Comaere Ponce . Sete TORONTO, MAMML TOS, LONDON CTTAWa. mon —rey, a ome MAL POONTS @ EASTERN CANEOA ot Gee i" techedieg Sew Yors ant Bescon Full Particutars Cheerfully &. -- ALBERT DAVIDSON. Genrera! Agent Lowest roles & « Equtert Spey % Seare CAMAD LS Sea wot der tw — ot te Fae eee Vtet OT Sue : PRINCESS 866 eID S2Tvueser +t o PRINCESS wa" Suwcer. ¢ Pho at Loe ey > © 4 @& Bee Sees fer Gereer Foers? Boeeet ea Tht oe B. C. UNDERTARERS SuUNeRAL =] es SECTS S41. 2RS — Gar anTEEOOFt* 797 26D STREET —_> = ~~ GU — oT woe 4 Sa? see ee pare ( CARTAG Serene Cur LADYSMITH COAL ‘SSP tere 2? ; LMT as sea NM Mens wf WELLIAMS 4 MANSON service makes ! ach Barristers. S$ ors, Ete am, SA 2 POD PPPOE ODL LOLOL OL LOL LOLOL OLLIE ent seasons «« T PROTEN BAIT ICE FINEST FROZEN ee ee Bowser-McBride a HERRING $25.00 KINCOLITH PACKING CO. LIMITED MILL BAY = THOR JOHNSON Central Ho APOC OCO COCO POCO OPPO PPP OOD DODO OD as (ie SOLAPUR Cotinued on Page Three. Prince Rupert Dairy ; Has cut the price of Milk in half PURE FRESH MILK Delivered in city at 10c per quart and Sc per pint - HAY. GRAIN. FEEO SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS WE mandit Bulbs, and Nursery Take Orcer Siocs = Phone {Green 2 52 Chicken Feed A & AcLenaet Mall Orders Promos P. ©. Box 33S PRINCE RUPERT. © * JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near McBride “tree eres ee ee ee ee =| . «F. G@. DAWSON OFFE he E - . PRINCE RUPERT ©