saturday November 6, 1915. paturaays DREAMS CAME TRUE i bearable able from Indigestion Lie fh Restored by oes . MELLE. C. GAUDREAU Re ychon P .Q., Jan. 14th, 1915. years with “y] suffered for many terrible Indigestion and Constipation. I became thin and miserable. I had frequent dizzy spells and became so run jown that I never thought I would £g t well again. Ant ie bor advised me to try ‘Fruit- a-tives’ did so and to the surprise of my d I began to improve and headvised dmatogoontcith Fruit-a-tives’, I continued this medicine and all my Indigestion and Constipation was relieved. I consider that I owe my life to ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and I want to say to those who suffer from Indigestion, Constipation or Headaches, try ‘}'ruit- atives’. Give this lovely fruil medicine a fair chance and you will get well the I did”’ ~ OORINE GAUDREAU. foc, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Bank By ‘Mail And Save A Trip to Town R the benefit of those who live out of town, we have arranged a plan by which you can do your banking by mail quite as satisfactorily as if you stood here at our counters. Come in and let us explain the plan — or write for the information. THE BANK OF British North Amertea 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 87,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P, MARGETTS, Manager. DENTISTRY CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A GPEOIALTV DR. J. F. BROWN DENTIST OfMcs: Smith Biook, Third Avenue Phone 454 Liberal platform. | city, | ; —- | prejudice, oor. icourse which I took as repugnant LIBERALS HAVE CROWDED (Continued From Page Two. ser-McBride feat majority up the ing the manner administration. De- these forty of them gang that province for members, or a and you burst has been loot years in a Manij thirty cents. which makes the toba thefts look like The Liberal that, when a prisoner js liberated shall be ‘with sufficient money to take hin of the ir will be held platform provides from jail, he provided to his home. In view vestigation whch when a_ Liberal administration takes office, this plank in the Lib eral platform will no doubt appeal lo many of the Conservative lead ‘ers, especially to the attorney general who showed sufficient at the last session of the legislature as foresight of coming events to provide a salary for the of the leader opposition. Misrepresentations. Mr. Pattullo went on to say that the this trict and his supporters had been representative for dis- trying very hard all year to mis- the electors Many of | too} petty to pay any heed to them. | represent him before throughout the district. the things circulated were One matter which the representa- | this district had himself | to fo tive for mentioned he would refer \* moment. Public Ownership. There Liberal is a plank in the ae which provides for the | ae had cited system of the ownership of public ities and Mr. the Hydro electric public Manson oe of Prince Rupert as an evi- Mr. in accord with this plank in the dence that Pattullo was not “You will re- Pattullo, “‘that of this and *, said Mr. at the tinie IT was mayor we submitted two light the | of the city to pass judgment upon iT took either project. jlie the fullest | tion as to both proposals that was | asked the | member’ | power proposals to electors no aggressive part as to I gave to the pub- possible informa- ' javailable to us and | public to render a decision. lintelligent man, at all events, no! iman of stronger intelligence than | the | could construe | plank in the Liberal plat-| providing for the lownership of However, no matter what any man | jmay thnk of attitude this plank of the Liberal platform) that Mr. ito the form public | public utilites. upon my we do know this, Dc. eae’ ; supports body and soul the gov-‘district believe that every other AND ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING | jenues obtained No lour Manson | pap. THE DALLY NEWS. —_—_— SS en i —— More Women in Canada 8 make Zarmunition for Home Consumption — Using Royal Household Discutts B Neds wou iterate Canada’s Best Flour’ = his ernment which gave away all the | district is strongly in water rights in this district, which | !n order to frighten them into his rendered public ownership of pub- |support. Manson’s argument that have it would be a bad thing to lic utilities impossible until the rights should be re-acquired by|®" PPosition . member “in: the the public, and the present source | house is now being used against our water and power supply, }Manson himself, because the Woodworth pai was purchased people are coming to the con- from a former president of the | pusien that the MeBride gov- conservative Association in Van |oroment 's doomed to defeat and couver during the time that Mr jthat Manson would make a poor opposition member. Manson was mayor of the nitpet Mr. Pattullo said that although for $15,000. Of course a $15,000] graft may be small compared to} he was not yet member for ihe many that have taken place in| “'s strict—though he was getting Victoria, but if you take -the 3 ee 2 Raves ny Pe ae thousands of similar grafts dare’ ACViOSS --FUMt fnS: Fekine ing the past dozen years and add_| Javer the coals.whioh Be had given them together you will realize | the government for the out- lwhy th province with all its ré |rageous roadwork throughout the e ( ‘e y t s .. ldistrict, had resulted in better tremendous rev-| f jwork being jimprovement also had occurred The Lib- is prop- and its sources done and that some from the sale of capital assets, nevertheless, | in the hiring of men, yme ten million dollars ‘eral candidate, now owes sf however, more than it did when the MéBride | : y being given the credit for administration first came into |°"! I § Siven fH this improvement. ) ce, Mr. Manson was having hard Concluding, Mr. Pattullo said, work to find any real argument] the fact is that it 4s time for a against the candidacy of the jchange and the people know it. speaker, but he was not depend- /E iwery day's delay in bringing on ing ane : . ac da_jthe election is another nail in ing upon argument. He is de- the coffin of the government. pending upon the power of the d Public sentiment at this time is too strong either to be bought off and the McBride He endeavors to make every or hoodwinked unsa fe. (AEE eee Es = errr. is made from pure cream lime or phosphate. Mmmm The Housekeeper is Right Sometimes a housekeeper requires a quick leaven- ing agent, and finds she has no baking powder. What does she do? She raises her biscuit |.y a mixture of cream < of tartar and soda, or soda and sour milk. tions quite right, but she knows her food is safe. she ever use a mixture of alum and soda? \ a housekeeper who bought alum and soda to make a h made baking powder? She may not ge! Intuitively she feels ‘Then why use baking powder made from alum or tlhe same mixture that the housekeeper would not dare to 1..ix and use in her food? Alum is alum, whether bought in the drug store cr in baking powder. Ir PRICE: CREAM BAKING POWDER of tartar and contains no alum, There is absolute safety in TOM. Nas there evcr not to ob- they have is going, alas, government livion, because, left to a severe and stinging defeat.” Mr. Pattullo amidst loud and prolongel cheer- ing. H. L. Bella Coola Courier, Mr. Pattullo, told in a humorous strain some of the fearful and wonderful doings of the Tory ma- chine in Bella Goola. He showed too much to remember, but resumed hs seat Harris, late editor of the who followed how one road superintendent figured on the payroll for one the prep Or year; for 4 month @ $155, 243 ( But docs $5.50, and 122 With no work on Sundays, days @ days @ $5.50, this spell required a year of 454 ome it would Le days. He recounted in minute de- tail, referring to the publie ae- counts, instance after instance of the crooked work and_ party favoritism carried out by R. O, Jennings and others at the in- stigation, or with the permission of William Manson. He cited cases where gross incompetence on the part of political bosses had squandered thousands of dollars S one official, disgusted at the work which was bringing the govern- $ ment into disrepute in the dis- its use. trict, protested at Victoria and He described the building of the Bella Coola jail seven feet below (Continued on Page 4) SUUMATUUUNEAAAASAEOAUNNANUONENESUNOGNQUSNOGAOUGOGNU AOUGPEGGQUNOANONNOQGDGGSUNONSQUOUOOECOSEOOOUOGOUUEGOEAOOUUOOOOQOOOSSUONOOOUOONOOUUOOOOUONOQUUOOOTYEOOOOEN Se: —=— — AAU U OU U UGG UUUUOO UO UU OOOO UUOUUOO UO UU U OULU a a ats Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas saan tn 2-Ib. Tins Have attained thelr enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insiste upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda Bisoults. They are made in B. GC. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. FICK HII III HEI III II III IIIS ISI PIII IA II IIIA III AIA AAD A favor | Smell Jams Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to te purest of Cane Sugar. Every step In the producing and manufac- ious Jam contributes to the it will turing of the deiic prosperity of B. C. satisfy the most exacting. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD Vancouver, B. C. Empress Jams e of public money. He showed where} was! promptly fired for his pains, |' Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern :} British Columbia. :: Largest Circula- } THERE § Three quarters tion means the iS} et the local Ad- Best Advertising \ $ done - Medium :: 3 REASON? inthe DailyNews Prince -Rupert’s s Leading Paper! Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ IX