| ‘THE DAIty NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA THE DAILY NEWS = Worth a Guinea a Box Publiched Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per iach rates on application. = [= THE UNION STEAMSHIP C0., OF B.C, LIMITED Salis for GRANBY, NAAS, and PORT SIMPSON, Mondays at 11 am. Salis for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. DAILY EDITION RUMORED CHANGES Rumor is sending Sir Rich- ard McBride back to London, and, though the old dame is proverbialiy untruthful, she is probably pretty near the truth this occasion. It is well known that the rupture be- tween Sir Dick and Mr. Bowser, never existed, on which of course has never been patched up. Mr. Bowser will be premier. The source supplies the information that Thomas Taylor, the minister of publie and Dr. H. E. Young, minister of education, to be squeezed out of the cabinet. Why these gentlemen should be asked to retire not quite clear, as they not been guilty of any greater offences than the rest of their brethren.; Of course the minister of edu-| same works, are 1s have eation was caught with some} coal stains on his fingers re-| cently, but that only went to} show how gifted the gentleman} ' part of which is. The doubtful the despatch that states that Messrs A. C. Flum-, merfelt, Lorne Campbefl and C.| E. Tisdali will be called upon} to fill the vacancies in the cab-| most is inet. This is entirely contrary |} to Bowser’s usual plan of ac- tion. Even with the premier- ship added the Hon. W. J. would feel quite at home with} a few extra cabinet positions tacked on to the three or four} —or is it five—which he holds} already. Cabjnet positions are} no burden to the illustrious | Bill. He thrives on them. If new men are to be intro-| duced into the cabinet, where | does our friend William Man-j son come in? Surely he is en- | titled to and certainly he would make a some consideration. cabinet minister after Bowser’s own heart. We feel certain he would be a good boy and behays himself and do exactly as he PLUM PUDDING Telephone 98. | Contract was told. In fact it would be the next best thing to Bowser holding the portfolio him-el Dame rumor, who started all | this trouble, insists that Wil-| liam Manson sat on the fence in the Bowser-McBride squab- ble as long as he conveniently could, and, when he had to|¥iding Christmas gifts move, came down very gingerly | PLUM PUDDINGS — FOR RUPERT BOYS At the fortnightly meeting of Chapter Hill 60 of the I. O. D. E.| was decided that members should interest themselves in pro- | of the | front. on the McBride side fence and got his feet stuck | for the} Prince Rupert soldiers at the A plum pudding and candy ishower will be held by the girls’ | in the mud and couldn't gat} get back again before he was /chapter in the Board of Trad spotted. It is claimed that|"00™s, Second Ave., on Friday, William got his feet wet and November 12th, from 12 noon un- that the circulation in them til 6 p. m. has not reached normal yet. The girls of the chapter are However, cold feet will be quite fashionable in Victoria soon. The boys at the front must have plum pudding for Christ- anxious that every girl in Prince Rupert should help to fill the box with good cheer for our boys. The I. O. D. E. recommend the follow- ing recipe for plum pudding for the front: 1 1-2 lb. raisins, 1 mas, and the ladies of Chapter sultana raisins, 1 3-4 Ibs. cur- Hill 60 of the I. O. D. E. are rants, 2 lbs. brown sugar, 2 Ibs going to see that they iget it, bread crumbs, 2 Ibs. finely chop- and get it straight from Prince |}2€4 Suet, 1 ID. figs, 6 oz. mized Rupert. Every girl in Prince eand. peel, grated rind of two Rupert must get busy right lemons, 1 oz. nutmeg, 1 oz. cin- away and prepare plum pud- ding, put up in tins containing enough for one soldier. The : | I. O. D. E. are preparing a all ingredients together, put | great Christmas box for the ints aaig DON OF Stone: far Core boys and contributions will be received at the Board of Trade rooms, Second Avenue, on Fri- day first from noon until 6 p.m. Though plum puddings come first on the list there are hosts| _ one ove be cooked in | of other éhings which the boys|“"* Small enough for one per- son. A 12-oz. baking powder tin will be delighted to receive. Besides notepaper, pencils, and playing cards, there is a steady demand for mouth organs, chewing gum, chocolate and all kinds of home-made candies. This will be the first Christmas which Prince Rupert boys have spent in the trenches and the girls are determined that it will be as jolly and home-like as a plentiful supply of Christmas dainties can make it. Now then girls get busy. —_ as S. S. VENTURE SAILS for STEWART, GRANBY, Saturday, A. M. § § CAMOSUN October 2nd 46th, 96th, "November 18th, 27th, ° Ue December 11th, 28th. Sails for MASSETT, PORT Se ee P. M., October 3rd, 17th, 31st, November 14th, 28th, Decem 12th, 26th. Bails for SKIDEGATE, JEDWAY’ IKEDA, Tuesday A. M., October Bth, 10th, Salle for BELLA GOOLA’ ir Rivans 2 INLET’ Phe. 5. South, Thureday P. M. October 7th, 21st, November 4th, 18th, December 2nd, 16th, Z8th. JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent. 623 Second Avenue. Phene 568. SE as — ma FRED ST ; i, : _ : 710 SECOND AVE \ Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery 1 Wire Cabie Stee! Blocks Fishing Taokte tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition i Pumps Hose Paint } Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron Ys “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” == a. FRED STORK’S HARDWARE EMPRES WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR = cee os hours. and the same amount of any othe: | fruit juice will do as well. Ar other tried well ag the abovo. is a good average size, but tin with a good, tizht cover wil! answer the purpose. dings tins in which they are cooked. A great sent. The following are desirable: home-made gum, playing cards, pencils, soap, etc. namon, 8 table-spoons of brandy little bitter almonds, and 16 eggs Stone and cut raisins and mix Brandy is not necessary | recipe would do as} any | The pu must be handed in in the variety of things may be candy, chocolate mouth-organs, notepaper, | tion regarding Xmas gifts phone | | Anyone desiring further informa- | | Red 333. | Conghing scatters germs a7) } —Stop it ° Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucnons membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others. Mathieu's Syrup of Tarand Cod Liver Oil promptly stops coughing, and soon, thanks to its tonie properties, effects @ permanent cure. e wonderful popularity of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and God Liver Oilis specially due.to its great value as a permanent Inng and bron- chial healer. Sold everywhere, «5c large bottles. 4. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop., Sherbrooke, P.Q. BREAD, PIES AND PASTRY ‘ Mies James has opened The WOMAN'S HOME BAKERY On Third Ave. opposite Second St. Try her delicious bread Wed SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY TO EDMONTON. SASKATOON REGINA, WINNIPEG sr PAUL CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA AND UNITED STATES Change in Steamer Sailin WINTER SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE Noy 2nd FROM prince Ru For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle | 8. S. Prince George every Saturday at9a m S. S. Prince Rupert Tuesday at 9 a. m ae “ For Anyox, Thursday Midnight ssi Sas Ee | UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SE LADY RALPH PAGET A S . “Route of innumeres 4 leader of the British Red GO E a via Combine Pleas with TORONTO, HAMILTON, L Bulgarians ONDON OTTAWA, MONTREAL The arrested her at Uskub ss in Serbia. Including New York and Boston Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished ALBERT DAVIDSON, General Agent tt ees tire satisfaction. Built for hard work. Guaranteed. —HEAVY DUTY— FISHERMAN’S ENGINE via Steamer + A beautiful complexion —how to Insure It— Meals and berth included 3_TRAINS WEEKLY 8s ALL POINTS in EASTERN CANADA ana UNITED STaTEs PHONE 2: © Vancouver eng we CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY PRINCESS mAy SOUTHBOUND PERT RVICE Marvels’ Business ee es Sterling Marine Motors CANADIAN PACIFIC a apa eee RAILWAY Motor that wilt give you en- Lowest rates to all Eastern Points On steamer plexi: n L he and vel, For Further information The 1 Appty to Office corner de W. E. Williscroft, Phone PACE sense trician, Phone 383. ? Pere ’ Biue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- i Gerers Sere j 83—Pn } Prince Rupert Dairy and dainty cookies, pies, and all the delicacies mother used to make. : CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK PhonejGreen 2 52 i i | i } ' wore Phone 464 POLLO EL OL POO LIOD | ag : on renown = {| —-—______—|t FROZEN DENTIST con OMcs: Smith Block, Third Avenue 3) Prince Rupert Feed Co. 3 Fe fahren eB ICE H4Y, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS b FINEST FROZEN AND FERTILIZERS JAMES GILMORE Architect | qenee per WE HANDLE Eulbs, and Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Chicken Feed A Specialty. B. C. UNDERTAKERS Mall Orders Promptly Attensted To. I FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- . eee re rennet mnnteinrmennnerny , BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- P. 0. Box 333. 908 Third Ave. N ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND WIGHT § PRINCE RUPERT: 8. C THOR JOHNSO 117 2ND STREET—-PHONE 41 ee ae ; Centra! Hotel PPC POS crore “- ce POPES CPS S OOOO OLE OLE Dr. Prices CREAM BAKING POWDER Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder contains lum. Chemists have show's the: percentage of the chemicals of w alum baking powders are m™ remains in the food in the form Glauber’s salt, hydrate of aluminut and other impurities. Read the label on the can. * ' a baking powder unless the /a! shows cream of tartar. oon aat 1 2 & inife f Reject > 7 S COF F. G. DAWSON The regular use of 2 Cyl.—S 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12-15 SUNDAY, 6 P. @ Lifebr ae ceria ak Horse Power. PRINCESS SOPHIA FOR ALASKA afepuoy Soap msures 4 Cyl—S 1-2 In. by 8 In., 25-35 Saaiee moenay mov a healthy, clean glov Horeo Power. DAY, NOVEMBER 16th ing skin. And bec Be 4. @ MCNAB, Genorai Agent a od your remodeling with a first- an it is healt} y, your a | Gorner Fourth Sree and Third Av i CARTAGE LIMIT t , ed M. Manson, B.A we Ek F ms, 6 | WWELLIAMS & MANSON , SOME em KINCOLITH PACKIIGCO LIMITED } MILL BAY. B. C. ——— Cc rad Aveow LADYSMITH COAL on o-—$3 Has cut the price of Milk ams, B.A, LLB in half - Barvisters, Solicitors, Ete, RA a cae age ee PURE FRESH MILK iii we eal wo oo ag Delivered in city at 10c per I {585 D E N T * ST R quar? and Sc per pint Helgerson Block me PPLE POLE POO PL OO PL OHH eR COONTIOT BAIT HERRING ton. PRINCE RUPERT, © ™