\ Gs a November 13, 1945. “fRUT-ATIES” ——— ee ae — - — SIR SAM WILL LEAD | THE MARCH TO BERLIN THE DAILY NEWS. “AInInISISIOOininioIInIggini nig ni idiniiniiniinisivivii init ee eee ar a AOU OOOO OCCU URON OK CCRC aca Empire in 2-ib. Tins Have attained thelr enviable reputation hy thelr superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda Biscults. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means crispness. ‘ . ¢ : Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured- by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. MARVELLOUS oe eo) tals en t 1 i‘ ruiting meeting held t night q | pger the auspices of the Empjr ; ca | HIT i | Club, General Sir Sam Huches | , |minister of militia, #nounced ‘ ‘ aling Has Relieved . mr Blood with the war that he proposed { | Stomach, Liver, a jtake an active part at the fron} Kuiney and Skin Trou 204) + rant died means | ; + + ané 1a when & big d re } Than Any Other Medicine _— € big driv German territory started. hye | HOUSANDS OWE THEIR |‘erte2. <> te 95 tis pres pur jpians are, to lead the Canad | | PAOD HEALTH TOIT [torsos viir'maren cc men sauna Iwhich would start sooner Made From The Juices of Apples, |was at present dreamed of Oranges, Figs and Prunes Combined ! The meeting was I , ——s With Tonics and Antiseptics. ’ — : ewe , <7 “py tives means health. In siastic one, and it is expected w 4 én people will look back to have a big effect in sti if = f ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and (recruiting in this ity an > Ej ever managed to get |, | ia os = i hroughout Ontario * C3 eS = : t these wonderful tabiets, ia hs = = P uit surces. j ir or Saas ig \ \= TIVES” is excellent for FARMERS DEMA D = Sinue. we - ) a Dyspepsia and Sour N FREE — —remee RS Yi Ei | g Pruit-a-tives’ is the only WHEAT TO THE STATES ; Sy cert y that will correct chronic i pee , a ' Con nd Liver trouble. r Vinnipeg, Nov. 12.—Hon. Rob- cn > ; ROYAL HOUSEROLD: ; es’ is the greatest Kidney 4 oR eS =~ 1] ev seacia apmorneent en Rere world and many people er ogers met the representa- — “ neacegoagememias Sy wit Masesty THE 3 ba to its value in severe cases |tives of the farmers’ organization Se a >. oe iB is S-iatican. Lams ’ ee nae patina ; ism, Sctatica, Lumbago, jot Alberta, Saskatchewan, Mani-| | Prin in the Back, Impure Blood tol } . ay ee ; ‘ : r a and Ontario y, ¢ Fl ~ : Hi Veuralgia, Pimples, Blotches ’ . ee Omey, OL Sue ; oe hie ery aed fs Bini ee Pe Joilvie’s loyal Household \-TIVES” has been one jf Agriculture, and heard their} : ; t successes of the century {plea for the free entrance of Can-| fl a d bd 1B} ( } lea for ‘ t ré of Can- aks! a es ‘ f s are e th in : | oR a ae passin bo 1 jadian wheat into the United 7 S 0 ( the United States. Wc. a | _ box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 2c. At all |>%ates. ae , : " y sent postpaid on receipt of The council passed a resolu-|has this seas cost the grain LAND NOTICE pr t-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. |tion reiterating their demand that|¢ s of the west many mil- z : : | ; SKEENA LAND DISTRICT the government immediately take | lions Another resolution asked DISTRICT OF COAST SUBSCRIBE FOR steps to secure “free access t | the government to establish a TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Jackson and the American markets for our|/rate of ten cents a bushel for] Clas Peterson, of Porcher Island, B. C., eecupation ranchers, intend to apply for THE DAILY NEWS wheat and expressing regret | wheat between Winnipeg and Swe to lease the following described anas that the “delay” in this matter|eastern tidewater over the Nation- Commencing at & post planted at the ; mouth of Humpback Creek, on its east ia Franscortinental Railway, as/ side, thence 80 chains in a northwesterly i direction, following high water mark; - oo #icontrasted with the present rate} thence 1 chain, more or less, in a souah ‘ ; westerly direction to low water mark; of 18 to 18 cents by water andj thence 30 chains, more or tess, in a south e , easterly direction, following low water rail or all rail. mark; thence 1 chain in a northeasterly Ol ir 1] ] On ] Ol 1] ) r = semiosiaec ‘ | direction to point of commencement, and : ti } containing 3 acres, more or less. LAND REGISTRY ACT } ANDREW JACKSON & CLAUS PETERSON | October 18th, 10145. Need You pee PPL DLLILLOLILLO LS TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made to rigister Antonello Angele, of Prince Rupert, B. C., as the owner in 5 ee-simp ) r ’ Sale eds } RECRUITS WANTED FOR 62nd OVERSEAS BATTALION, tne mcalioeho at the chaste aaaeE ahuniore $ to Antonello Angelo, bearing date the 17th ; CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. day Of September, A. D. 10th, me. par ; suance of a Tax Sale held by said Munici pality on or about the 9th day of Septem- RECRUITING OFFICE AT PRCVINCIAL GOVERNMENT ber, 1914, of all and singular certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- OFFICE NOW OPEN. ate, lying, and being in the City of Prince we Rupert in the Province of British Colum- In view of the recruiting which is in progress at present bia, more particularly known and described , As Lot Four (4), Block Forty-five (45)¢ ‘ hroughout the Province, it is apropos to answer a few of Lot Eight (8), Block Forty-seven (47); 2 j . Lot Thirty-fve (35) and Thirty-six (36), the questions whieh are vensidered by those who contem- Block Fifty-one (51). All in Section , 7 a Eight (8), Map 923. plate entering the Service. The following is a list of perti- You and thos claiming through or un- ies ; ie der you, and all persons claiming any in- nent queries, together with he information which each elicits. terest in he sald land by descent stickon tle is not registered under the pro QUESTIONS ANSWERED. a aes IED pet visions of the Land Registry Act are w rg se 9 J » sar required to contest the claim of the tax {.—How long am I to rve? Until the end of the war purchaser within. forty-five days of the j service s 1 ic ip ou her aud six months after if required. eeecesot this notion UCR Paws 5 wise you and each of you will be forever 2.—-What pay shall I receive? Your pay as a private will pmopped one Gemnrred oe ss nee » any ciaim » or 1 respec 0 1e «Sale j be $1.00 per day and 10 cents field allowanee. Besides this land, and I shall re a ng said Anton ello Angelo as owner in fee, 1 Will be clothed, equipped and subsisted by the Govern- Your attention is called to section 86 of the “Land Registry Act’ and amend ment, ments, and especially to the following ex- | 7 ;