ee PM 3 te . mee —SS —— — ———— pe yo, VI. NO. 268. ty PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 45, 1915 PRICE FIVE CENTS as GS F Re tne = ———— — tans —s oe FRE TO COMMAND ALL TROO = = = GRAND DUKE NICHOLAS AND KI [CHE :NER FOR BALKANS-GREAT WORK BY SERBS HEROIC WORK BY 6,000 SERBS ATBABUNA PASS: six Thousand Serbs Drive Back 20,000 Bulgarians at Bayonet | Point—Bread Riot at Dus- seldorf, in Germany. (Special to The Dally News.) | Milan, Nov. an extract from a graphic 45.- The follow- | in of the recent fighting | “The Serbians, | riptic in Babu mbered only six thousand, } Pass: k before twenty thousand to pac the | Adipasa at an feet. a point where iJ narrows near val f drawing the narrow defile, the with the 2,000 Bulgarians they fell bayonet, driv- the beyond Kotziak with losses.”’ Bread Riots. Nov. 45. bread Ar —There have Dus the high pric food. vds { women raided the mar- adam, riots ir of prevailing for flerce been seldorf, as a result Cy kels and stores using stones and potatoes as missiles. The police had dificulty in quelling the riots, being obliged to charge the ert wds. CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR NORWAY AND SWEDEN The Admiral Farragut, with Ey Carlson, A. F. and AJGonsulting Engineer Alison, of Pearson and Ed, Martenson left|{he Pacific Coast Steamshop Com- \ rning to spend Zmas in|ipany, on board, arrived in port : while J. Holten accom-|about 8:15 last night. Mr. Alison panies them on similar mission to]}made an examination of the City Norway They sail from Newlof Seattle as far as possible and York on the Bergensfjord on]was satisfied that the bulkheads November 27th, In‘these troub-|would hold firm and that the ship limes the Secandinavian-|might proceed on her voyage ; liners take the far!north without the slightest dan- rthern route across the Atlantic] ger, However, it has been decided heading well towards Teeland as|to put her in the drydock this they spproach the British Isles,!afternoon in order that a further to keep out of the way]examination of the injuries to her 0! submarines, stem and forward plates may be \ large party of friends was] made. at the train to wish them bon The Admiral Farragut left at al 8:15 this morning for the north oon _iwith the passengers off the Se- attle and the mails, express, and WESTHOLMR OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW “THE RUNAWAY “MATOH"—Ninth Episode of the $800,000 &erlal, “The Diamond from the Sky”’— Exciting and Thrilling. ‘HEART TROUBLE”—Comedy drama 'his is good—don’t miss it. GAUMONT GAZETTE—Showing All the Latest War and World News. “THE QUEST OF THE wipow” Comedy, THE CHAMPION PROCESS SERVER’ Comedy, Feature Postcards Given away To- night Wednesday and Thureday Charles Chaplin In “Ambition.” Prorr ong, Next the Self’s Next 1020f. Vollew od low crowd to “re, There is a reason.. Majestic Theatre jand defile. | CITY OF SEATTLE IS ALLIES ARE ADVANCING ON BALKAN FRONT Serbs Still Holding Babuna Pass —At Veles Bulgarians asked For an Armistice—Bulgar Losses were Heavy. (Special to The Daily Néws.) Saloniki, Nov. 15.—The British continue to advance the the Serbians holding the the Katchanik french whole line. while still and along are Babuna Pass There amongst is great uneasiness the astir owing to the population of Mon- large Bulgarian force on the Perlepe front in the vicinity of Babuna. Heavy Losses. The Serbian Legation at Paris announces that the Bulgarians at Veles suffered such heavy losses at the hands of the ish forces that they requested an armistice in to bury their dead. It is expected that Veles will fall to the French and Brit- ish. It was reported last week from another that Veles had fallen to the Allies.) Franco-Brit- order source TO BE DRYDOCKED perishable freight. PRINCE RUPERT ARRIVES The following were amongst the first-class passengers on the Rupert this morning: Simon See, 8. P. Mr. and Miss Kelm, L. Mr. Cummings, Miss Cummings, Mrs. Wainwright, H. W. Peck, J. Bul- ger, W. Ferchien, 8. A, Colmar, Mrs. Strocbotham, W. Mrs. and Miss Witherspoon, CG, 8, Townsend, J. seem Mrs. Jan- Mrs. Dean, Mr. 8. CG. Gorndon, Manziel, A. P. Greives, Mrs. Mrs. R. L, Miss Dor- and Mrs. Letierman, MacIntosh, othy Kelm, Ives, Kennedy, son, Mrs. F erson. POLICE COURT Pete Larsen Was sentenced to thirty days imprisonment on two charges of theft at the police court this morning. He was found guilty of stealing liquor from the Central Hotel and of reliaving a King George photographed recently KING AND PRINCESS MARY ON HORSEBACK on horseback riding with Princess Mary. British been having a merry time sinking Austrian monitors on the Danube, surprised if and we need not be one of these days we hear of then doing the same to German boats, for if if the boats to spare is quite on the Kaiser has any small gun he may send them Danube from the when we hold the channel, the Straits of Gibraltar, the Mediter- ranean, the Aegean, and the en- trance to the Dardanelles, and when Russia is supreme in the Black Sea? How in face of all that are the German gunboats to round to the Danube? they struggle The fact is could go from meeting a single hostile ship, for, unless they are of heavy draught, they steam right Kurope the Rhine, then down the could across up some canals, Dan- ube. It sounds but it is for it weeks incredible, and more, actually done a few the outbreak of the war, Yarrow built a couple of motor engine river moni- tors for the Roumanian govern- ment, and these craft instead of going out to the east by the ocean quite possible, was before Messrs, small blind man of a valise, route were sent toAntwerp, thence gunners in Serbia have}ascend the Rhine for | hundred } books that} North Sea ports | ) Antwerp to the Black Sea without | through | THE HISTORIC RIVER DANUBE AGAIN FIGURES PROMINENTLY GERMAN GUNBOATS MAY BE TAKEN FROM ANTWERP TO THE DANUBE WITHOUT FACIRG ENEMY CRAFT—DANUBE HAS BEEN THE SCENE OF MANY ENCOUN- TERS IN THE PAST about three then cut away up in the heart of to the bore them down to their miles, across country | Germany Danube, which l stream j destination. this Second only to the It is truly a mighty stream; great Danube. Volga amongst European streams, down southeast to assist the at-|jt touches (with its tributaries tack on Serbia. lin the course of its 1,750 miles But how, it may well be asked.jlength, half the countries of are German boats to reach the | Kurope, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, Roumania, and Russia, all help to swell its mighty | flood, all of these, the exception of Montenegro and Switzerland, which and with send down coursed old the followed actually In the underwent tributaries, are the days, stream itself. before process that by she shrinking the Balkan War, Turkey also con- quota to the river. an international its it | tributed ;Traly stream. is In early days, indeed, it was es- sentially an international stream, for as it is the only great river in Europe flowing from west to jeast, its course naturally became la sort of highway along which successive barbaric hordes from the east penetrated to the centre of Europe. It was up the course of the Danube that the Huns, the Avars, the Slavs, the Magyars, and the Turks all marched in turn when they came out of the east | | | - JOFFRE WILL COMMAND ALL ALLIED TROOPS | @rand Duke Wicholas and Lord | Kitchener Will Operate in The Balkans—Zeppelin Taken by Russians. | | (Special t> The Dally Nowe.) New York, Nov. 15—The Her- | ild announces that it has received from the Russian effect that will be given supreme of all all o- | nformation tonsulate to the Joffre command Gen- eral troops on fronts. Th report also states that the Grand Duke Nicholas are to operate against and Lord