end batty NEWS 'THE Day NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Quaranteed Largest Ciroulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. nates on application, 4Continued From Page One.) eastern Europe. Telephone 98.| whe or some of its tributaries. On the Danube in 1877. In the Russo-Turkish War o 1877-78 the Danube figured pro Contract =— = DAILY EDITION BETTER TERMS The Daily “discover News’ did of the MeBride/ government is far in excess of | expenditure any other province, not except- ing the Roblinized Manitoba, | for the fact has been abundant- | ly clear for several years, in! fact, for the year ending March} 3ist, 1913, at $34.18, which of course was $10.50. The Journal lays all the blame on the Liberals and on| the topography of the province. | It would be interesting to know | if the Tory organ places under | the head of topography the | 35,000 to the Matson press; $80,000 for a few hours the cost worked out} Manitoba, while | Bees, | ranked “work"™ to Bowser’s friend Read; $45,- | 000 graft on the Songhees Re-/| H. Matson;| the cost of getting and keeping | serve deal to J, S, support in every hole and cor- | ner of the province and a host | of other which can be conveniently included as “mis- The latter should | ally come undersome such items cellaneous.” natur head if we} as “vote-ography,” may be permitted to invent term for something which can- not be adequately described i: ordinary language. The Journal innocently water} that the when in power refused to help out British Columbia with any- thing in the Liberal government! of better} Se Monday, Nov. 15, 1945, not} * that the per capita | make entering Berlin, all the little Max Aitken Carrick bringing up the rear with }a cloud of reporters. thinks he would make a splend: , Governor-General jwith a summer residence at Pots- minently; indeed it was one of the T = —— : : campaign. At that time the river It is also interesting to note arnperea formed the boundary between that, though the Borden gov- oJ ; Roumania and Turkey, for the: ernment has been in power for . there was no Bulgaria-—it was four years, nothing has been ; ‘ as a matter of fact, out of this | done to help British Columbia 5 : ‘ fcampaign that modern Bulgaria in its financial plunging. The} ; tt R fa : arose—and as 1e Roumanians News admits that the Eatitier |" , igave the Russian armies permis- government did nothing in the/* ‘ sion to march across their coun- matter, but the Journal must : : try, the line of the Danube was also admit that the Borden ad-| ° naturally the first defence of the ministration has taken four Tork urk. years to accomplish the same result. The Journal says‘Brit- | ish Columbia carries on a great, deal of work as a province that would be to local tile armies as it did when Russian governing bodies in other prov- Turk in that campaign inces,” but this no reason | produced the fighting at why this work be | Plevna and the Shipka Pass, for provided for regularly instead|'f Russia's method of coming to of allowing the province to go ithe assistance of Serbia is over- in the bole. It might | !and via Roumania, her opera- also have said that the McBride | relegated | fought is I whic h should not far so tions will be much the same as in government carries on a great) 1877 7. If so, we may look for a deal of work which no other |Tepetition of those famous artil- province and no local govern- | !ery duels between Widin and ing body should ever be allow- |Kalatat, and Rustchak and Gieur- ed to do. and live. gievo, whilst the famous old as es iTurkish fortified quadrilateral NOTES AND COMMENTS jRustehuk, Silistria (both on the — }Danube), Varna, and Shumla may : > ; i What Sam would|/again come into play. followed by| pz, jplaces where the Russian armies a picture Sir istehuk, which was one of the Hugheses, with and Lieut.-Col. Sir | Jack | crossed the Danube in 1877, was practically wiped out by the Rus- Sian artillery, and Silistria (far- ither down the river), invested by the Russians, was also which was It rumored that Sir Sam is subject to severe bombardments Tt, sessing a huge subterranean ca- for Germany, however, was fortunate in pos- : hrs dam. vern in w hich the citizens took terms. Had the Tory organ in-/| oi. is f th ; | refuge from the fire of the guns duiged in a few moments re] What is Sir Robert Borden go- : S flection, it would not have mens > 5 ; : . ae ould ne . en“ jing to do about the refusal of};:.eering at the expense of the rone etter terms, as @ ex- , ise . Be lee ii + b _©x-|Armand Lavergne to help raise/puplic purse? William Manso! pression mimediately rings | . i ; i ? : ree ne : inés\a Canadian contingent in Quebec? | travels around on government to mind the fact that a Better eS ee ’ i beats and behind egovernmen Terms Commission has been in| vogue for some time ,and that! R. EB. thing on this commission though far Gosner drew down some- $4,000 for last year, like services the commission has so done nothing. sisting Canada to defeat the Ger- mans, hand France. If Lavergne is opposed to aS-|teams when-he is out gunning fo should the publi stand for this’ e:. $ ~ oe |} . FROZEN BAIT }!: Sis Sie $ | ee ‘ AND ; Fi KINCOLITH PACKIIG C0. noe. Ajex M. Manson, B.A W. E. Williams, BA, LLB WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAK Box 1585 Sterling Marine Motors Can be purchased In janis. A Motor that wili give you en- tire satisfaction. Built for Siapeeen Block e Rupert, B.C hard work. Guaranteed. 7 Reo —MEAVY ouTY— JAMES CILMORE FISHERMAN’S ENGINE Architect 2 Cyl—S 1-2 im. by 7 in, 12-15 Horse Power. 2nd Avenue ride Street 4 Cyl—S 1-2 In. By 8 in., 25-35 a ae Huree Power. ER Do your remodeling with a first- eee B. C. UNDERTAKERS For ees een FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND && BSALMWERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- AND WIGHT PHONE 44 Ww. Ec. Williscroft, Phone Biue 508, or D. Brown, Elec- trician, Phone 383. DAY ANTEEO—OPE® 117 2ND STREET lecene ICE NEST FROZEN HERRING $25.00 per ton. For Sale by LIMITED MILL BAY. B. C. further For particulars apply to THOR JOHNSON Central Hotel. Prince Rupert Feed Co. }) HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Bulbs, and Take Orders for Chicken Feed a | Specialty. Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. AND FERTILIZERS WE HANDLE Nursery Stock. ©. Box S33. S08 Thire Are. PRINCE RUPERT, B. Cc. a a it. ad ay : a ! . —— aw ae “f \ ~ t22 3232 - Seiplaase ee <- The Royal Standard Test Here's where we test the choicest samples of Canada’s six million acre wheat crop. We grind them into flour m the Eittle mill you see on the left of the picture. Then comes the supreme test-bread-baking. If the bread is perfect im every way we pronounce the wheat Al and the floar~ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER’S Vv ancouver Milling & Grain Colic ncouver New Westminst® Beneume. Vi torse aerrre bed oe aided S COFFEE F. 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